Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

You STFU, retarded-ass lefist shill turd. Exactly what facts do you have to present?
The fact that he pre-warned Syria and Russia so they wouldn’t get any bomb on them, dirtying their nice uniforms.
I guess you would have them kill Russians so we can have WWIII...........Stupidity in motion...........
Blowing up Syrian dirt really showed them! Mission accomplished.


View attachment 187973
Show me the dirt .......................
I’d tell you to do your own research but you don’t know how.
You claim to be the me...............

Here's DOD's special site......
Special Report: International Response to Assad Chemical Weapons

STFU Tyrone, this is serious business. STFU before I get your drug supply cut off and you end up in Starke, FL for years, you fucking fuck. There's a time and place for everything. Now is the time for you to STFU.

Can you say "Lake Butler"? You ever heard of Mama Hurt?
Lake Butler Reception center ?... I led the disturbance

STFU Tyrone, this is serious business. STFU before I get your drug supply cut off and you end up in Starke, FL for years, you fucking fuck. There's a time and place for everything. Now is the time for you to STFU.

Can you say "Lake Butler"? You ever heard of Mama Hurt?
Lake Butler Reception center ?... I led the disturbance

Oh? Are the Rottweilers wearing your gold on their teefus?

STFU Tyrone, this is serious business. STFU before I get your drug supply cut off and you end up in Starke, FL for years, you fucking fuck. There's a time and place for everything. Now is the time for you to STFU.

Can you say "Lake Butler"? You ever heard of Mama Hurt?
Lake Butler Reception center ?... I led the disturbance

Oh? Are the Rottweilers wearing your gold on their teefus?
"I am walking here "
Trump exhibited the courage that Obama didn't have.

The difference between Trump that has the courage of conviction and Obama that was a chickenshit.

The difference between Trump and Obama is Trump has no long term plan. Just reaction.
A look at Drudge headlines right now indicates Drudge is turning on Trump. His comparison to Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” is brutal
Many people, including Neal Cavuto on Fox do not understand the meaning of "mission accomplished".

Just because I make it safely to the toilet before shitting my pants, and exclaim, "Mission accomplished!" after seating myself...does not mean that I will never have to shit again.

The mission of disabling Assad's chemical weapon system was accomplished with the attack (that included France, Great Britain and the United States) and the claim of mission accomplished is applicable. That does not mean Assad will forever refrain from developing and using chemical weapons. He is a devious bastard.

Much as I hate to say it, I actually agree - this was one, clearly defined, short term objective and it was completed successfully with out engaging Russia.
Trump exhibited the courage that Obama didn't have.

The difference between Trump that has the courage of conviction and Obama that was a chickenshit.

The difference between Trump and Obama is Trump has no long term plan. Just reaction.
Obama's long term plan was and still is to turn the country into a third world shithole. President Trump's long term plan is to save this nation from insane liberals.
Russian inspectors unable to find any proof of a chemical attack....

It's so funny listening to Russia talk about attacking a sovereign nation just a hand full of years after they invaded and took over Crimea. It's like you wanna tell them, fuck off you Russian bastards.
Oh, okay. Your inability to grasp big words makes it okay for Trump to bomb Syria without Congressional approval.

I seeeee...

Why do you call yourself JGalt...exactly?

Congressional approval is only needed for a formal declaration of war.

This is more like shooting fish in a barrel, which is technically a "sport."
So a guy who calls himself John Galt is cool with bombing a country so long as it isn't done by a black guy who uses big words.

You like things simple.

I seeeee...

The black guy with big words never had enough balls to bomb them. He just drew an imaginary red line and dared them to cross it. Then there were no consequences when they did.

Was that "simple" enough that you could understand it?
And yet pseudocons demanded Obama be impeached if he bombed Syria. That's what started this conversation between you and I. Remember?

All caught up?

Well now, Obama bombing and Trump bombing are two different things. Obama's bombing did nothing. It remains to be seen if Trump's bombing is any more successful.
You mean Trump's TWO bombings.
Since you guys don't mind Trump committing acts of war against other countries without congressional approval, what's to stop him from bombing Mexico for not paying for the wall?

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