Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

history has proven bombing usually does not get the job done
...really the only time it ''worked'' was the Balkans 1999 and that was a couple of months of bombing Vietnam it just brought NV to negotiate the US to get out of Nam--did not win the war at all
..even after the A-bombs, Japanese still did not want to surrender

Did Germany or Italy WANT to surrender? The purpose of a war is to so thoroughly destroy your enemy that they are forced to surrender whether they want to or not.

Had the military bee fighting the Vietnam War, we would have won. Instead, the politicians were in charge. Not unlike the eight years of the failed Obama administration.
So you admit, it's war we are at?

Unconstitutional, undeclared war.


You're cute, but not that cute.

Putting words in my mouth is childish. Grow up.

Feel free to phrase the illegal war crime any way you like, be my guest.

You are the one that is pussy footing around.

In one sentence, you criticize those who are making limited engagements, and in the next, you don't want to actually declare war.

Please, do make up your mind.


I got you huh?

That's your best reply?

I haven’t heard anyone refer to them as wmds. Probably they don’t want to point out how similar this is to the Iraq war.

So far bush and trump heaped praise on Putin. Republicans are bad judges of character.

So Putin is ok with Syria doing something so horrible that it crosses scumbag trumps red line? Maybe obama was right to ignore russia. Trump made them relevant.

How do you expect to maintain even the slightest scintilla of credibility with a statement such as this: "I haven’t heard anyone refer to them as wmds. Probably they don’t want to point out how similar this is to the Iraq war." Are you seriously stating that you never heard chemical weapons described as WMD's? As for Iraq, where do you think those weapons came from when Saddam Hussein had so long to ship his out of his country?

As for Russia, they became relevant in the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama. Remember the ridicule President Obama directed at Mitt Romney when Romney stated that Russia was our biggest threat at the time? Turns out, Mitt Romney was right and President Obama, wrong...again!
Obama completely marginalized Russia. They were irrelevant. Trump brought them back.

There was nothing America could do about Crimea when bush invaded Iraq.

The part that pisses me off is Congress would have voted no if obama went for approval. Trump didn’t even ask but if he did they’d vote yes for him
Are you kidding? Russia was laughing at Obama and salivating over how easily he and Hillary could be duped into approving the sale of our uranium rights. Your idiocy is transparent.
Politico rates that mostly false, but I’ll admit the connections are obvious.

But don’t think trump doesn’t play the same game. He has lots of shady russia connections.

They also said that uranium deal was no big deal but I don’t like selling russia any percentage of any uranium company. They said we were trying to get them on board with Iran. And 7 different agencies approved the deal. Still I agree I don’t like it either
Politico is a liberal biased "fact checker'....just as are many others including Snopes.

All of the agencies approving the deal were under the influence of Obama or Hillary.

Here's a hint:
Never Trust Liberal 'Fact Checkers'
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Well, he gave Assad and Putin plenty of time to get their airplanes and heavy military equipment out of harms way. Such a buffoon.
There is no place that is out of harms way if the US decides to attack.

Trump always tells them where we are going to hit, and gives them plenty of time to get their people and equipment out. Not much damaged needed for a simple "wag the dog" operation.
He brought Britain and France with him this time, they likely hit real targets this time!

Three locations after several days to evacuate what was there. Looks more like a photo-op than anything else.
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Well, he gave Assad and Putin plenty of time to get their airplanes and heavy military equipment out of harms way. Such a buffoon.
There is no place that is out of harms way if the US decides to attack.

Trump always tells them where we are going to hit, and gives them plenty of time to get their people and equipment out. Not much damaged needed for a simple "wag the dog" operation.
He brought Britain and France with him this time, they likely hit real targets this time!

Three locations after several days to evacuate what was there. Looks more like a photo-op than anything else.
The chemical weapons facilities were destroyed. Mission Accomplished! Checkmate!
Well, he gave Assad and Putin plenty of time to get their airplanes and heavy military equipment out of harms way. Such a buffoon.
There is no place that is out of harms way if the US decides to attack.

Trump always tells them where we are going to hit, and gives them plenty of time to get their people and equipment out. Not much damaged needed for a simple "wag the dog" operation.
He brought Britain and France with him this time, they likely hit real targets this time!

Three locations after several days to evacuate what was there. Looks more like a photo-op than anything else.
The chemical weapons facilities were destroyed. Mission Accomplished! Checkmate!

The building they called a research facility was destroyed, and that was a good thing. The other two buildings were nothing but warehouses, and there were several days to move their contents to other warehouses. I'm not sure how that could help attain our goals, as if we actually had any goals in this attack.
So, Trump has already announced to Syria and Russia that this was a "one-time shot". Gee, so much for the element of surprise.
No dumbass, a one time shot unless Assad gases his people again.
He never gassed them a first time.

You have been duped by globalist media.

Hell, Trump calls it fake news, yet you gobble that shit up when it suits you.


Intel says Assad did it.
What "Intel?"

There is none. It's just propaganda. And you are gobbling it up.

The only evidence is a VIDEO. It might have been staged, or they might have used gas on their own people, we really don't know. Even the NYT uses words like, "suspected, if, allegedly," etc. It was a propaganda effort. Critical thinking, and critical reading skills are necessary.

U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack
U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack

Dozens Suffocate in Syria as Government Is Accused of Chemical Attack
Dozens Suffocate in Syria as Government Is Accused of Chemical Attack

How about some truth?

Trump Attacks Syria With Chemical Experts on the Way
Trump Attacks Syria With Chemical Experts on the Way

"OPCW Team Was on the Way

A team of experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was on its way to Syria after accepting an invitation from the Syrian government to study soil and other samples in Duma, the Damascus suburb where the alleged attack took place.

It’s not clear whether the U.S.-led operation would complicate their mission as the team was due to arrive later on Saturday. It is also not certain whether the timing of the U.S.-led attack was intended to prevent the team from gathering evidence.

Trump had threatened earlier in the week, in perhaps his strangest Tweet yet, to send “smart” and “clean” missile strikes into Syria to attack “Animal Assad.” He also blamed Russia for supporting Assad, which may have been intended to get critics, who accuse him of being a Putin puppet, off his back. Indeed this latest display of American militarism may also be driven by Trump’s anti-Russian critics.

Trump had backed off his threat when it was revealed that his aides had not yet agreed to the attack.

In April 2017 the U.S. fired 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase that Washington believed was used to carry out a chemical attack. U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis later said the U.S. did not have concrete evidence that Syria was responsible.

No Proof Made Public

Likewise no public proof has been offered that Syria was behind the alleged chemical attack last weekend in Duma, where as many as 70 people may have been killed.

The gas allegedly used in the Duma attack is chlorine. In 2016 Syria was certified by the OPCW to have given up its entire chemical weapons arsenal in a deal with the United States and Russia. The chemicals were destroyed on a U.S. Navy ship.

Chlorine, however, is not on the OPCW list of banned chemicals, and is not considered a chemical weapon, though it can be used as one. U.S. officials know this but say incorrectly in any case that Russia had failed to give up the stocks that were on the OPCW banned list. The military strikes were as usual egged on by influential U.S. pundits, some masquerading as reporters. Christiane Amanpour said on CNN after the attack was launched that Russia had stopped President Obama from attacking Syria by agreeing to eliminate its chemical weapons.

“The allies have been forced into this,” Amanpour said, adding that they had no choice. “Russia promised that they would remove Syrian chemical weapons but they have chlorine,” she said, clearly uniformed that it was a joint-U.S.-Russia operation and the chlorine is not classified as a chemical weapon.

Consortium News this week published two pieces calling on Trump to obtain evidence of Syria’s guilt and legal authorization before launching an act of war. The U.S. has neither demonstrated that it is acting in self-defense nor did it get U.N. Security Council approval, making tonight’s actions clearly illegal. Nor has Trump received authorization from Congress, making it illegal under U.S. law. Dunford told the Pentagon briefing that Trump acted legally because U.S. interests were involved."
On Thursday, talks between Assad forces and the leader of the rebels at Douma broke down. On Friday an offensive was launched to take Douma by Assad forces and failed. On Saturday they launched a gas attack, estimated to be the fiftieth such attack launched by Assad forces. In war as in most human activity, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
Didn't vote for Trump and never will. I think he is compete asshole and a terrible president BUT, I agree with him on his action to attack Syria. American can't sit on it's ass and watch helpless kids being gassed and do nothing.

I just hope our people are safe and don't accidental hit the Russians.

. . . and yet, what if it was the rebels that did it b/c they were desperate that they were losing?
Why wold the rebels attack their own people. The best they could hope for would be a surgical attack by the US. Even in the unlikely event that Assad forces were not involved in the attack, taking out Assad's chemical and biological research labs and storage facility is not a bad thing.
Dragonlady is a neocon? :p

This is troubling if The Donald is doing the bidding of The Swamp in terms of foreign policy. Does he have evidence Assad did the ridiculous chlorine bomb, or was that perpetrated by folks (neocon sympathizers) who want the USA there, long term?
Anyone that thinks a chemical attack in Syria would draw the US into a major engagement in Syria just doesn't understand US politics. When Obama was president he asked for support from congress to strike back in response to a Syria's chemical attack that killed 1500. The result was no such support materialized. Did Trump last April commit more US forces to Syria? Nope. The latest chemical attack by Assad resulted only in a surgical strike. The US is not going to get pulled into another protracted ground war in the Middle East over chemical weapons.
I keep seeing this, but there is no basis for the claim except in far left religious dogma.
First, I don't know why everything has to be partisan with folks around here.

If you disagree with someone's position on an issue, that doesn't necessarily mean, they are at an opposite side of the political spectrum than you are.

Second, the administration and it's generals seem to have put out some murky information on what they told the Russians.

It seems they notified them it was coming, but then they deny they told them when and where? :dunno:

I doubt any of that. I think they are just playing CYA. I am pretty sure it was coordinated with the Russians, and the Russians have previously stated they would not tolerate chemical weapon use by anyone.

"Dunford added that the U.S. had used a pre-existing “deconfliction” line of communication with Moscow, adding: “We did not do any coordination with the Russians on the strike, nor did we pre-notify them.”
Trump strikes Syria

So they talked about this with them, Putin knew it was coming, but they didn't pre-notify them? I really don't know what that is supposed to mean, if "deconfliction" doesn't mean, "this is where our forces will be, just so we don't accidentally engage one another. . . "

I don't know how that isn't a "pre-notification." For those of you who want to know how the Syrians were so effective in shooting down ordinance? There ya go.

Once again disinformation is the way of the far left in this matter.

Everyone knew something was going to happen.

The only notification was about use of air space, nothing else was discussed in advanced with Russia!

More proof, the entire thing was staged;

Pro-Assad official says targeted bases were evacuated on Russian warning
Pro-Assad official says targeted bases were evacuated on Russian warning

Yes the Assad regime is something that should be trusted!


Trust has nothing to do with it.

We do not own the entire planet.

Without proof and a UN mandate from the Security council, any action is a war-crime and a war of aggression.
A UN mandate to launch any attack against Syria would be vetoed by Russia.

Military decisions are not and can not be based on the legal premise of guilt beyond a shadow of doubt. Military decisions are based on a high probably the accuracy of the intelligence. If you wait till their is no shadow doubt, the window of opportunity will have closed.
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I haven’t heard anyone refer to them as wmds. Probably they don’t want to point out how similar this is to the Iraq war.

So far bush and trump heaped praise on Putin. Republicans are bad judges of character.

So Putin is ok with Syria doing something so horrible that it crosses scumbag trumps red line? Maybe obama was right to ignore russia. Trump made them relevant.

How do you expect to maintain even the slightest scintilla of credibility with a statement such as this: "I haven’t heard anyone refer to them as wmds. Probably they don’t want to point out how similar this is to the Iraq war." Are you seriously stating that you never heard chemical weapons described as WMD's? As for Iraq, where do you think those weapons came from when Saddam Hussein had so long to ship his out of his country?

As for Russia, they became relevant in the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama. Remember the ridicule President Obama directed at Mitt Romney when Romney stated that Russia was our biggest threat at the time? Turns out, Mitt Romney was right and President Obama, wrong...again!
Obama completely marginalized Russia. They were irrelevant. Trump brought them back.

There was nothing America could do about Crimea when bush invaded Iraq.

The part that pisses me off is Congress would have voted no if obama went for approval. Trump didn’t even ask but if he did they’d vote yes for him
Are you kidding? Russia was laughing at Obama and salivating over how easily he and Hillary could be duped into approving the sale of our uranium rights. Your idiocy is transparent.
Politico rates that mostly false, but I’ll admit the connections are obvious.

But don’t think trump doesn’t play the same game. He has lots of shady russia connections.

They also said that uranium deal was no big deal but I don’t like selling russia any percentage of any uranium company. They said we were trying to get them on board with Iran. And 7 different agencies approved the deal. Still I agree I don’t like it either
Politico is a liberal biased "fact checker'....just as are many others including Snopes.

All of the agencies approving the deal were under the influence of Obama or Hillary.

Here's a hint:
Never Trust Liberal 'Fact Checkers'

Got it. If it ain't fox, you don't believe it.
Trump is sounding like a medicated robot. Funny...

No....It was a great speech. He laid out why, told Russia that they should not support gassing people, said he'd rather work with Russia and Iran but basically Assad using gas warfare, even after the first time we thumped him, is totally unacceptable. Bombs are falling on Damascus as I type this. This is how a President of We The People conducts himself. This is strength and resolve. Look at it this way, if we let Assad keep getting away with gassing his own people, how long will it be until gas warfare is ubiquitous. You do realize that this type of weaponry was BANNED after WWI? How long will it be until some rogue nation gasses NY? Or LA?

Last week, Don ordered everyone to come home.

This week, he contradicts his own longstanding position on that matter AND the matter of not telegraphing our moves in advance by giving Assad and Putin enough time to clear out from the 5-6 targets of our bombing campaign on Friday night.

That is not strength and resolve; that is weakness and timidity in action.

A President of "We The People" would have sought an authorization of force from congress, period.

Amazing how Trumpers are completely willing to abandon any sense of judgment or principle. Whatever Trump does, they defend it, even when he pulls a complete 180 in just a week.
Trump is sounding like a medicated robot. Funny...

No....It was a great speech. He laid out why, told Russia that they should not support gassing people, said he'd rather work with Russia and Iran but basically Assad using gas warfare, even after the first time we thumped him, is totally unacceptable. Bombs are falling on Damascus as I type this. This is how a President of We The People conducts himself. This is strength and resolve. Look at it this way, if we let Assad keep getting away with gassing his own people, how long will it be until gas warfare is ubiquitous. You do realize that this type of weaponry was BANNED after WWI? How long will it be until some rogue nation gasses NY? Or LA?

Last week, Don ordered everyone to come home.

This week, he contradicts his own longstanding position on that matter AND the matter of not telegraphing our moves in advance by giving Assad and Putin enough time to clear out from the 5-6 targets of our bombing campaign on Friday night.

That is not strength and resolve; that is weakness and timidity in action.

A President of "We The People" would have sought an authorization of force from congress, period.

Amazing how Trumpers are completely willing to abandon any sense of judgment or principle. Whatever Trump does, they defend it, even when he pulls a complete 180 in just a week.

Trump walks on water....MSM reports "Trump can't swim" Fuck off.
Dragonlady is a neocon? :p

This is troubling if The Donald is doing the bidding of The Swamp in terms of foreign policy. Does he have evidence Assad did the ridiculous chlorine bomb, or was that perpetrated by folks (neocon sympathizers) who want the USA there, long term?
Anyone that thinks a chemical attack in Syria would draw the US into a major engagement in Syria just doesn't understand US politics. When Obama was president he asked for support from congress to strike back in response to a Syria's chemical attack that killed 1500. The result was no such support materialized. Did Trump last April commit more US forces to Syria? Nope. The latest chemical attack by Assad resulted only in a surgical strike. The US is not going to get pulled into another protracted ground war in the Middle East over chemical weapons.
In 2003 the USG used a questionable pretext to attack another nation and seemingly no lessons have been learned by the American people.

Anyone who doesn't understand that the USG just did the same thing in Syria doesn't understand US politics. You can say that it was just a limited engagement but you can't claim ignorance of what follows with the knowledge that the USG openly stated that they are "locked and loaded" and reserve the right to do it again at its discretion.

Regime change in Syria has been an openly expressed desire of the USG for many years, the public record is replete with the expression of this desire.
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Anyone who votes gop is a greedy ignorant ass

I'm not sure how "greedy" plays into it. Liberals love to gloat about how most Trump supporters are working class people who will lose perks under his administration. Which is it?

Pointing out a fact is not necessarily gloating.

Fair enough, but it does undermine the rest of the narrative. Trump isn't supported by the rich elite. They're content with the Democrats.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Trump supporter. I think he's an existential threat to our nation. But Democrats are still kidding themselves about why they lost. They really need to wake up. What tilted things to Trump was the defection of redneck Democrats. You need to make nice with your country cousins, or you'll lose again.

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