Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

Anyone who votes gop is a greedy ignorant ass

I'm not sure how "greedy" plays into it. Liberals love to gloat about how most Trump supporters are working class people who will lose perks under his administration. Which is it?

Pointing out a fact is not necessarily gloating.

Fair enough, but it does undermine the rest of the narrative. Trump isn't supported by the rich elite. They're content with the Democrats.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Trump supporter. I think he's an existential threat to our nation. But Democrats are still kidding themselves about why they lost. They really need to wake up. What tilted things to Trump was the defection of redneck Democrats. You need to make nice with your country cousins, or you'll lose again.[/QUOTE]

Nothing tilted to trump. He won with 3 million less votes.
Anyone who votes gop is a greedy ignorant ass

I'm not sure how "greedy" plays into it. Liberals love to gloat about how most Trump supporters are working class people who will lose perks under his administration. Which is it?

Pointing out a fact is not necessarily gloating.

Fair enough, but it does undermine the rest of the narrative. Trump isn't supported by the rich elite. They're content with the Democrats.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Trump supporter. I think he's an existential threat to our nation. But Democrats are still kidding themselves about why they lost. They really need to wake up. What tilted things to Trump was the defection of redneck Democrats. You need to make nice with your country cousins, or you'll lose again.
Is Hillary President??

Full text: Trump’s remarks on Syria


“Donald Bush,” tweeted Mike Cernovich, a conservative author and once a staunch supporter of Trump.

“Congratulations to the Trump administration for adopting the same failed foreign policy and ignoring of the constitution as the last two administrations,” tweeted Doug Stafford, a strategist for Sen. Rand Paul’s RANDPAC.

Conservative author Ann Coulter retweeted a series of people questioning military action in Syria — as well as past tweets from Trump himself. Before his presidential bid, Trump argued former President Barack Obama would be foolish to take any action in Syria.

Coulter also quoted a news story about former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe promising he could beat Trump if he ran against him and tweeted, “You might – if you promised no more “stupid wars.”"

Trump has veered back and forth on U.S. activity in the country, insisting recently that he wanted the U.S. out of Syria as soon as possible.

The president’s tone changed earlier this week, after reports emerged that Assad’s regime used chemical weapons in an attack over the weekend. He promised a U.S. response.

For Trump supporters, the president’s decision to make good on that promise was cause for despair and disappointment.

“After Trump’s first year we have: 1.3 trillion omnibus, no wall, war in Syria. Is Clinton secretly President?” wrote Lucian B. Wintrich, the D.C. bureau chief and White House correspondent for Gateway Pundit
What a joke. Trumpy warns Syria and Russia so they can move their soldiers and equipment of value out of the way.

What a weak loser Trumpy is.

Don't allow your irrational hate for Trump to hamper your ability to think logically. Don't be a hateful TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) victim. Just calm down, take a deep breathe, and think more before you type.
Shut the fuck up, retard. When you have any facts on your side let someone know.

You STFU, retarded-ass lefist shill turd. Exactly what facts do you have to present?
The fact that he pre-warned Syria and Russia so they wouldn’t get any bomb on them, dirtying their nice uniforms.

I think they were very concerned and careful about killing Russians there. Probably what the 'heads-up' was about.
"The Syrian raid was so perfectly carried out, with such precision, that the only way the Fake News Media could demean was by my use of the term “Mission Accomplished.” I knew they would seize on this but felt it is such a great Military term, it should be brought back. Use often!" - President Trump
"The Syrian raid was so perfectly carried out, with such precision, that the only way the Fake News Media could demean was by my use of the term “Mission Accomplished.” I knew they would seize on this but felt it is such a great Military term, it should be brought back. Use often!" - President Trump
chemicals are said to be hidden in 50 warehouses and 250 planes unharmed
"More legally questionable and reckless military interventions are not what British people want from their government"
"i didn't know what it was when the first big bomb came.

i made my dolls talk in a funny voice, which is what i was doing when suddenly there was a BOOM! It was the loudest noise i had ever heard in my life, a noise so big you could feel it in your body, not just hear it. the sound and the surprise made my body feel like jelly.

i felt like my insides were shaking and i cried" - 7 year old Syrian refugee Bana Alabed
First, I don't know why everything has to be partisan with folks around here.

If you disagree with someone's position on an issue, that doesn't necessarily mean, they are at an opposite side of the political spectrum than you are.

Second, the administration and it's generals seem to have put out some murky information on what they told the Russians.

It seems they notified them it was coming, but then they deny they told them when and where? :dunno:

I doubt any of that. I think they are just playing CYA. I am pretty sure it was coordinated with the Russians, and the Russians have previously stated they would not tolerate chemical weapon use by anyone.

"Dunford added that the U.S. had used a pre-existing “deconfliction” line of communication with Moscow, adding: “We did not do any coordination with the Russians on the strike, nor did we pre-notify them.”
Trump strikes Syria

So they talked about this with them, Putin knew it was coming, but they didn't pre-notify them? I really don't know what that is supposed to mean, if "deconfliction" doesn't mean, "this is where our forces will be, just so we don't accidentally engage one another. . . "

I don't know how that isn't a "pre-notification." For those of you who want to know how the Syrians were so effective in shooting down ordinance? There ya go.

Once again disinformation is the way of the far left in this matter.

Everyone knew something was going to happen.

The only notification was about use of air space, nothing else was discussed in advanced with Russia!

More proof, the entire thing was staged;

Pro-Assad official says targeted bases were evacuated on Russian warning
Pro-Assad official says targeted bases were evacuated on Russian warning

Yes the Assad regime is something that should be trusted!


Trust has nothing to do with it.

We do not own the entire planet.

Without proof and a UN mandate from the Security council, any action is a war-crime and a war of aggression.
A UN mandate to launch any attack against Syria would be vetoed by Russia.

Military decisions are not and can not be based on the legal premise of guilt beyond a shadow of doubt. Military decisions are based on a high probably the accuracy of the intelligence. If you wait till their is no shadow doubt, the window of opportunity will have closed.

In the situation we are talking about, the world must have a consensus that a war crime has been committed, otherwise, this event is being used a transparent pretext to further the interests of a global interest group, IOW, the commission of one war crime, does not justify the commission of another war crime.
"when we went into the building, there were soldiers from the regime inside. they were in Grandpa's apartment like it was theirs. they held guns that were bigger than me. they were angry and started yelling. one man had ugly yellow teeth, and spit came out of his mouth when he talked. he said that one of us must have told the rebels that his friend lived in the building" - Bana Alabed
"Syrian-Americans who oppose Bashar al-Assad say the missile strikes aren’t enough to bring democracy in Syria"

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