Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

Ponder me this.....

If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

Although ballot initiatives such as Proposition 209, are an example of direct democracy, they do not supersede the U.S. Constitution. Many ballot initiatives that have passed with the support of a majority of the electorate have later been overturned by the courts, sometimes the Supreme Court.

Constitutional Limits On Referenda

There was NOTHING to supersede in the first place............

Once again for the 1,000th time in my life - MARRIAGE IS NOT A RIGHT!!!!!

This poppy cock crap where people imply marriage is a right is about as ignorant as championing "separation of church and state" as a part of the First Amendment...

People just make shit up as they go along...
Ponder me this.....

If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

Mr. Nick - you are a young smart man. I can't imagine having been so resolute at your age. :razz:

The general public in California first voted to legalize gay marriage. A special referendum was initiated to overturn the original public vote. Now that special (mormon driven) vote has been overturned.


Try the Christian vote in general - and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that..

States have every right to put referendums on ballots and ask for a direct democratic opinion...

It just so happens the strong majority of minorities are in fact Christian...

Not only that but Muslims to boot..

Democracy won and now our progressive tyrannical court is attempting to undo the will of the people...

That in nature is authoritarian...

Oh and there is absolutely NO amendment that legitimizes gay marriage or even civil unions for that matter.

It was the Mormon money and influence which supported the new referendum. The point is Democracy did win the first time and special interests overturned that popular vote.
Civil Unions were only banned because democrats pushed minorities into voting with their ACORN bullshit....

Yeah those minorities may have voted Obamafuck, however they also voted against civil unions because - as previously stated by me - minorities are for the most part morally conservative...

The social justice freaks are about as morally conservative as any other Christian denomination... We just call them Baptists, and sometimes Catholics...

Of course Muslims..

This is a fantastic example of the democratic party shooting themselves in the foot with their "everyone vote, legal or not" campaign.
Mr. Nick - you are a young smart man. I can't imagine having been so resolute at your age. :razz:

The general public in California first voted to legalize gay marriage. A special referendum was initiated to overturn the original public vote. Now that special (mormon driven) vote has been overturned.


Try the Christian vote in general - and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that..

States have every right to put referendums on ballots and ask for a direct democratic opinion...

It just so happens the strong majority of minorities are in fact Christian...

Not only that but Muslims to boot..

Democracy won and now our progressive tyrannical court is attempting to undo the will of the people...

That in nature is authoritarian...

Oh and there is absolutely NO amendment that legitimizes gay marriage or even civil unions for that matter.

It was the Mormon money and influence which supported the new referendum. The point is Democracy did win the first time and special interests overturned that popular vote.

Mormons had NOTHING to do with it...

The simple fact democrats dragged every minority in the state out their homes to vote for Obama did it..

I'd bet 90% of blacks are anti-gay, 95% of Latinos are anti-gay, 99% of Muslims are anti-gay, 90% of the elderly are anti-gay...

You're talking about races that are strongly faith based races...

When ACORN drags them out of their homes with hopes they will be indoctrinated with socialism hence vote Obama - that doesn't mean they will reject their faith..

That's what happened...
Ponder me this.....

If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

Mr. Nick - you are a young smart man. I can't imagine having been so resolute at your age. :razz:

The general public in California first voted to legalize gay marriage. A special referendum was initiated to overturn the original public vote. Now that special (mormon driven) vote has been overturned.


Try the Christian vote in general - and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that..

States have every right to put referendums on ballots and ask for a direct democratic opinion...

It just so happens the strong majority of minorities are in fact Christian...

Not only that but Muslims to boot..

Democracy won and now our progressive tyrannical court is attempting to undo the will of the people...

That in nature is authoritarian...

Oh and there is absolutely NO amendment that legitimizes gay marriage or even civil unions for that matter.

That is true.

But there is an Amendment that provides for equal distribution of federal and state benefits to ALL American citizens. DOMA and Prop 8 violate that Amendment.

People need to get it through their heads that marriage is and never will be a right or a civil liberty...

You are of course free to have any opinion you desire, that that opinion is not supported by the judicial record however is more applicable to the reality of the situation.

Loving v. Virginia
"These statutes also deprive the Lovings of liberty without due process of law in violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men."

Skinner v. Oklahoma
"But the instant legislation runs afoul of the equal protection clause, though we give Oklahoma that large deference which the rule of the foregoing cases requires. We are dealing here with legislation which involves one of the basic civil rights of man.

Zablocki v. Redhail
"In evaluating 245.10 (1), (4), (5) under the Equal Protection Clause, "we must first determine what burden of justification the classification created thereby must meet, by looking to the nature of the classification and the individual interests affected." Since our past decisions make clear that the right to marry is of fundamental importance, and since the classification at issue here significantly interferes with the exercise of that right, we believe that "critical examination" of the state interests advanced in support of the classification is required."

"If civil marriage were an institution whose only role was to serve the
interests of society, it reasonably could be asserted that the state should have full
authority to decide whether to establish or abolish the institution of marriage (and
any similar institution, such as domestic partnership). In recognizing, however,
that the right to marry is a basic, constitutionally protected civil right..."

Varnum v. Brien
"This case, as with most other civil rights actions before it, implicates
these broad constitutional principles of governing."
"The Iowa General Assembly has recognized the need to address
sexual-orientation-based discrimination by including sexual orientation as a
characteristic protected in the Iowa Civil Rights Act,"

Goodridge v. Department of Public Health
"The history of constitutional law "is the story of the extension of constitutional rights and protections to people once ignored or excluded." United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515, 557 (1996) (construing equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to prohibit categorical exclusion of women from public military institute). This statement is as true in the area of civil marriage as in any other area of civil rights."

I'd bet 90% of blacks are anti-gay, 95% of Latinos are anti-gay, 99% of Muslims are anti-gay, 90% of the elderly are anti-gay...

Of course this is from almost three years ago and the results would be different today, but...

Blacks - 58% Favored | 42% Opposed

Latinos - 59% Favored | 41% Opposed

Muslim - Not tracked

Elderly (65+) - 67% Favored | 33% Opposed​

Your hyperbole is wrong. 8 Report.pdf

Mr. Nick - you are a young smart man. I can't imagine having been so resolute at your age. :razz:

The general public in California first voted to legalize gay marriage. A special referendum was initiated to overturn the original public vote. Now that special (mormon driven) vote has been overturned.


Try the Christian vote in general - and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that..

States have every right to put referendums on ballots and ask for a direct democratic opinion...

It just so happens the strong majority of minorities are in fact Christian...

Not only that but Muslims to boot..

Democracy won and now our progressive tyrannical court is attempting to undo the will of the people...

That in nature is authoritarian...

Oh and there is absolutely NO amendment that legitimizes gay marriage or even civil unions for that matter.

That is true.

But there is an Amendment that provides for equal distribution of federal and state benefits to ALL American citizens. DOMA and Prop 8 violate that Amendment.

That's the funny thing about prop 8...

There is law that backs man-woman not gay...

Not that I agree with that law anyways because a union is a) contract and b) a state issue..
I'd bet 90% of blacks are anti-gay, 95% of Latinos are anti-gay, 99% of Muslims are anti-gay, 90% of the elderly are anti-gay...

Of course this is from almost three years ago and the results would be different today, but...

Blacks - 58% Favored | 42% Opposed

Latinos - 59% Favored | 41% Opposed

Muslim - Not tracked

Elderly (65+) - 67% Favored | 33% Opposed​

Your hyperbole is wrong. 8 Report.pdf


No it's not wrong - not given the notion that 50-60% turnout would be considered successful - even with ACORN almost forcing people to vote..

Not to mention I don't even trust your numbers....

Higher learning centers are brainwashing institutions and the majority are intellectually dishonest...

Their vocal political positions on issues make them moot when it comes to polling or studies...
It's actually even bigger than previously understood. Yesterday, I linked to stories alleging up to 40 percent of the financing for the California proposition to strip gay couples of their right to marry was coming from LDS Church members. Now, the numbers claimed by the opponents of Proposition 8 are even higher - more like a staggering 77 percent:

Californians Against Hate released figures Tuesday showing that $17.67 million was contributed by 59,000 Mormon families since August to groups like Yes on 8. Contributions in support of Prop. 8 total $22.88 million. Additionally, the group reports that Mormons have contributed $6.9 million to pass a a similar law, Proposition 102, in Arizona...

Karger said Californians Against Hate came up with the figures by cross-referencing donor information from the California secretary of state with Brigham Young University alumni lists, church memberships, and other personal documentation that could identify Mormon Church members. He said the surge in support has been an attempt to boost the church's social standing among the greater religious community.

"For whatever reason, they're trying to get some respect from other religions," he told The Advocate Tuesday. "They've always been looked down upon by the Christians, the Catholics, and evangelicals." Success with the marriage amendment would give the church credibility, Karger said.

The Mormon Money Behind Proposition 8 - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic
That's the funny thing about prop 8...

There is law that backs man-woman not gay...

Not that I agree with that law anyways because a union is a) contract and b) a state issue..

Go into a county building, as the clerk for a "union" license and they will look at you very strangely as there are no "Union contracts available to a man and a woman".


People need to get it through their heads that marriage is and never will be a right or a civil liberty...

It absolutely is a civil right as is being proven in Cali right now...

That is one of the dumbest fucking things I have heard...

You may as well say "let the professionals handle it and I will believe them" because you're ignorant to the Constitution...


That's why this country is so fucked in the first place..

Why don't you read the constitution and bring me some evidence that supports civil unions or gay marriage??

IMO, If a state wants civil unions I could give a fuck either or - states have a Tenth Amendment right to self legislate.

The Fourteenth Amendment could justify about anything from communism in the US to an eye-for-an-eye criminal system.

Equal protection my ass...

Protection from what???

Lynch mobs or those with political views???
Last edited:
I'd bet 90% of blacks are anti-gay, 95% of Latinos are anti-gay, 99% of Muslims are anti-gay, 90% of the elderly are anti-gay...

Of course this is from almost three years ago and the results would be different today, but...

Blacks - 58% Favored | 42% Opposed

Latinos - 59% Favored | 41% Opposed

Muslim - Not tracked

Elderly (65+) - 67% Favored | 33% Opposed​

Your hyperbole is wrong. 8 Report.pdf


No it's not wrong - not given the notion that 50-60% turnout would be considered successful - even with ACORN almost forcing people to vote..

Not to mention I don't even trust your numbers....

Higher learning centers are brainwashing institutions and the majority are intellectually dishonest...

Their vocal political positions on issues make them moot when it comes to polling or studies...

"No it's not wrong"?


You cite numbers of 90%, 95%, and 99% and yet Prop 8 passed by only about 2.5%.

Your hyperbole doesn't add up.

Last edited:
That's the funny thing about prop 8...

There is law that backs man-woman not gay...

Not that I agree with that law anyways because a union is a) contract and b) a state issue..

Go into a county building, as the clerk for a "union" license and they will look at you very strangely as there are no "Union contracts available to a man and a woman".



Who fucking cares??

If a state legislates that then it is their business....

If the people democratically voted to prohibit such THEN IT IS ILLEGAL...

That is the beauty of democracy and our Bill of Rights.... If you don't agree with the existing system then go move to fucking North Korea (if you actually could, which you cant) - I'm sure they will be more understanding...
That's the funny thing about prop 8...

There is law that backs man-woman not gay...

Not that I agree with that law anyways because a union is a) contract and b) a state issue..

Go into a county building, as the clerk for a "union" license and they will look at you very strangely as there are no "Union contracts available to a man and a woman".



Who fucking cares??

If a state legislates that then it is their business....

If the people democratically voted to prohibit such THEN IT IS ILLEGAL...

That is the beauty of democracy and our Bill of Rights.... If you don't agree with the existing system then go move to fucking North Korea (if you actually could, which you cant) - I'm sure they will be more understanding...

So you are fine if a State legislates a ban on firearms, you are fine with that?

So you are fine if a State legislates a ban on interracial marriages, you are fine with that?

So you are fine if a State legislates a commerical newspapers and implements a government only newspaper, you are fine with that?

So you are fine if a State eliminates the right of citizens to bring grievance against the government, you are fine with that?


Actually the beauty of our system is that we don't have to just accept the decisions of our masters when they write laws that are against the Constitution, we can challenge them in courts of law.

Of course this is from almost three years ago and the results would be different today, but...

Blacks - 58% Favored | 42% Opposed

Latinos - 59% Favored | 41% Opposed

Muslim - Not tracked

Elderly (65+) - 67% Favored | 33% Opposed​

Your hyperbole is wrong. 8 Report.pdf


No it's not wrong - not given the notion that 50-60% turnout would be considered successful - even with ACORN almost forcing people to vote..

Not to mention I don't even trust your numbers....

Higher learning centers are brainwashing institutions and the majority are intellectually dishonest...

Their vocal political positions on issues make them moot when it comes to polling or studies...

"No it's not wrong"?


You cite numbers of 90%, 95%, and 99% and yet Prop 8 passed by only about 2.5%.

Your hyperbole doesn't add up.


Why don't you cite multiple sources that will back up your claims???

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