Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

If they let them get married, will they finally shut the fuck up and stop the freaking half naked parades?


Not a snowball's chance in hell. It's the best party of the year.

Yeah. Gays want to take it city wide not just in that closed off area.

Too bad the religious right in the SF city council passed that nasty and ugly discrininatory ordinance about forcing nude gays to use a towel when they use restaurant seating. A little shit never hurt anyone.

That's your problem... you think too small.

We want to take it worldwide!

Newsflash! It wasn't the religious right in SF that passed the ordinance. It was a UNANIMOUS decision by 11 Supervisors and the majority of the city agreed. Get your gay facts straight.
Orders are orders. I get ordered by my clients to do many things that I may not like.
I can quit and they can quit.
No one forced the fire fighters. They could have quit.

What are you, some kind of Libertarian?
If they let them get married, will they finally shut the fuck up and stop the freaking half naked parades?


That's not a point of complaint. If you don't like it don't go. More to the point is will they stop forcing straight men, husbands and fathers to get half naked and participate in a gay parade against their will. That's what happened to several firefighters in San Diego. They were threatened with disciplinary action if they refused to shake their booty for the pleasure of gay men.

Here we have a prime example of if one repeats a lie often enough, someone somewhere will start believing it.
You missed the part where the firefighters were threatened when they refused to attend and ALL the reports where they make their wishes known that they didn't want to particpate.

I expect that from you.

Hey I know gays take their kids to gay pride parades. Gays take their kids to the Folsom street event in San Francisco too. It's part of raising a truly depraved kid!

Yes I've seen gay pride events and left very soon. You have to like looking at naked dick with glitter on it.

Here you go. What gays think is fun for the kiddies.


You DO know that the Folsom Street Fair is not a gay event, right?
It pays to review before you post.

It pays to reveiw before you lie.

Nope. Nothing in there about being forced to strip half naked and shake their booties. Strike one.

Nope. Nothing in there about being forced to strip half naked and shake their booties. Strike two.

Nope. Nothing in there about being forced to strip half naked and shake their booties. Strike three!

I understand how emotionally traumatizing it would be for a firefighter to be forced to go to a parade and everything, but there is no need to toss our salads and make shit up about having to strip and dance.

What their boss did was wrong. Completely wrong. But you had to make it into a whole new level of terrorizing out of whole cloth. Destroys your credibility.

They got $34,300 each from the city for that little exercise. San Diego wanted to play, then they had to pay. And aplogize. Not so bad. Although it woudn't happen today because we are MUCH more further along the way to decay.

LEt's not forget they also got paid to be there that day....not too bad for whiners. Can you imagine if women sued for being called such things as they walked by a construction site? And we all cried in court talking about what we were called as we passed by construction sites? Once again showing which gender is made of sterner stuff.
I still don't know what public nudity has to do with Marriage Rights and Benefits and equal protection under the law.


If you are in a same-sex marriage in one of the states where same-sex marriage is allowed (Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and D.C.), or if you are in a domestic partnership or civil union in any of the states that offer those relationship options, none of the benefits of marriage under federal law will apply to you, because the federal government does not recognize these same-sex relationships. For example, you may not file joint federal income tax returns with your partner, even if your state allows you to file taxes jointly. And other federal benefits, such as Social Security death benefits and COBRA continuation insurance coverage, may not apply.
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In America, minorities are heard. You'll appreciate it one day when you're in one.

Yes, thank you.
I grew up in the deep south in the late 50s through the 60s.
I saw what my "fellow" man did to blacks then and it is tatooed and burned into my soul forever. Thank God my family taught us to stand up for folks and I am damn proud of my parents for taking the lead in a time back then when it was not the easy thing to do. Most of my kind looked the other way. Not us.
You never forget such things and I know that is the main reason I stand up for everyone now.

Gay marriage has nothing to do with Jim Crow, segregation or civil rights.

Only the congenitally gullible are falling for that con. Blacks, especially, are not falling for it.

I am not trying to con anyone here and am telling you the truth. You got a lot of damn nerve telling me I am a con man for seeing black kids treated with no respect by grown white adults. Is that a con?
That is what I saw and I also the same folks back then, THE EXACT SAME FOLKS, persecute the hell out of gays in the same manner.
I am not comparing what each individual went through, I am telling you how I feel.
I am telling what I FEEL. How can you every question what someone FEELS? I am not claiming anything other than WHAT HAPPENED TO ME AND WHAT I SAW.
Everytime I see ANYONE persecuted, condemned for who they are in any way no matter what I FEEL for them because of what I saw in the late 50s and early 60s in the rural south.
Gays have it a hell of a lot easier than what most black folks went through but we had a very violent beating here in Atlanta a few days ago with a gay man being beaten badly.
But what does that have to do with HOW I FEEL?
I give everyone respect because I grew up in it.
Don't you know? Gays are the modern day *******. Not treated near as bad as blacks were, but still treated poorly just the same.
I have no problem with gay marriage, but the people of California voted not to have it in their state. If judges are just going to overturn the will of the people then why vote at all?

I'm not for gay marriage, but I'm also against referendums. I don't support mob rule.

edit: referendums are a leftist thing.

You understand the Constitution and I salute you.
Ponder me this.....

If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..
Ponder me this.....

If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

[ame=]Animal House - Fat, drunk and stupid - YouTube[/ame]
Ponder me this.....

If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

Mr. Nick - you are a young smart man. I can't imagine having been so resolute at your age. :razz:

The general public in California first voted to legalize gay marriage. A special referendum was initiated to overturn the original public vote. Now that special (mormon driven) vote has been overturned.
Ponder me this.....

If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

Although ballot initiatives such as Proposition 209, are an example of direct democracy, they do not supersede the U.S. Constitution. Many ballot initiatives that have passed with the support of a majority of the electorate have later been overturned by the courts, sometimes the Supreme Court.
Ponder me this.....


If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Because courts don't rule on laws before they are passed.

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

You realize that Same-sex Civil Marriage supporters are not the ones that put Prop 8?

Maybe not.

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

Sounds like you have a serious issue with the Constitution and the protections it provides to citizens.

And no I'm not a democrat.

The general public in California first voted to legalize gay marriage.

Actually they didn't vote to legalize gay marriage. They did vote to approve a Constitution that provided for Due Process and Equal Protection that the California Supreme Court used in the evaluation of California laws which violated Due Process and Equal Protection resulting in the discriminatory laws being overturned facilitating legal Same-sex Civil Marriages to begin in June 2008.

Ponder me this.....

If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

Mr. Nick - you are a young smart man. I can't imagine having been so resolute at your age. :razz:

The general public in California first voted to legalize gay marriage. A special referendum was initiated to overturn the original public vote. Now that special (mormon driven) vote has been overturned.


Try the Christian vote in general - and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that..

States have every right to put referendums on ballots and ask for a direct democratic opinion...

It just so happens the strong majority of minorities are in fact Christian...

Not only that but Muslims to boot..

Democracy won and now our progressive tyrannical court is attempting to undo the will of the people...

That in nature is authoritarian...

Oh and there is absolutely NO amendment that legitimizes gay marriage or even civil unions for that matter.
Ponder me this.....


If prop 8 was so fucking illegal then what the fuck was it doing on the ballot in the first place??

Because courts don't rule on laws before they are passed.

Let me guess gays were sooooo fucking sure that the majority would support them that prop8 was a shoe in???

You realize that Same-sex Civil Marriage supporters are not the ones that put Prop 8?

Maybe not.

Now that the general public in California voiced their opinions and sided the other way - its boo hoo?????

Of course when democracy doesn't favor democrats - run to the fucking progressive courts and they will circumvent democracy for you...

They did this same shit with Bush, they did it again in Wisconsin, then Indiana and now prop 8..

Sounds like you have a serious issue with the Constitution and the protections it provides to citizens.

And no I'm not a democrat.



People need to get it through their heads that marriage is and never will be a right or a civil liberty...

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