BREAKING: Protesters Chaining Themselves To Vehicles SHUT DOWN HIGHWAY's Leading to AZ Trump Rally!

Absolutely unaccetpable.
You could have people that are trying to get to hospitals, ambulances and other emergency vehicles need arteries like this to get between places fast.
You do not get to shutdown a major interstate like this. I am beside myself this has not turned violent.

Reading on it now. They've used steel cables to attach themselves to cars they parked on the shoulder so they can't be moved.

Run em the fuck over.

Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses ...I mean hell,they're chained to a car it's not like they can run for the border.
Although a gallon of gas and a road flare would solve the issue as well.
Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses
yep charge up your hovaround, pack plenty of depends and cane


Yeah...but mine has an M45 Quadmount.
Don't forget to clutch your bible
Absolutely unaccetpable.
You could have people that are trying to get to hospitals, ambulances and other emergency vehicles need arteries like this to get between places fast.
You do not get to shutdown a major interstate like this. I am beside myself this has not turned violent.

Reading on it now. They've used steel cables to attach themselves to cars they parked on the shoulder so they can't be moved.

Run em the fuck over.

Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses ...I mean hell,they're chained to a car it's not like they can run for the border.
Although a gallon of gas and a road flare would solve the issue as well.
Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses
yep charge up your hovaround, pack plenty of depends and cane


Yeah...but mine has an M45 Quadmount.
Don't forget to clutch your bible

Dont have one.
And besides that'd fuck up my aim.
Az is mostly a red state, so I take this as a very good sign.
Ahhh yes, another clueless POS that doesn't believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. If people had done this to prevent people from going to a Barrypuppet rally, leftards would be screaming "RACIST" to the hills and back and claiming that Martin Luther King would be spinning in his grave and that Jim Crow laws were on the come back trail. You are fucking phony POS.

People have the right to travel...people that are not even political are sitting in their cars having precious moments of their lives wasted so a few leftwing George Soros sponsored pussies can show their asses to the world...and stupid fucks like you are just fine with it. You are a pussy and if I could see you in person I would say that to your face.

If you want to talk about Christi closing the New Jersey bridge to New York, you should start your own thread.....

Oh, and as for your last sentence, grow up, kid.
What makes you think I am a fan of Christi? READ my posts...I believe that I am very upfront about what I write about and know. That fat bastard is a lying sack of shit and part of the establishment that we should ALL despise......wake the fuck up already. BTW, I am "grown up"....still doesn't make you less of a vaginal orfice.....just sayin'.

Dale, you are a profane, immature kid, with an attitude, and a tinfoil hat. You are also on "ignore". I don't waste time with children. I will check back after you have had a chance to grow up. I figure, maybe, 5 years.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
OK nut job, whatever you say. You just exposed me for posting about a FOX 8 News report about what was going on at a traffic jam.

You lack common sense....a common factor when it comes to the blinded by ideology uber left.... I "get ya". As I have said before, you couldn't out debate me on any topic even on your best day because you haven't put in the time to learn how this system really works.

You’re a 9/11 truther.

You lose.
I know more than you and if you believe that three buildings collapsed inside their own parameter at free fall speed after only being hit by two planes? You don't have the sense that God saw fit to give a goat. They never sent a fighter jet to track the planes until an hour and half later and they just happened to be running terrorist drill exercises on that particular day? I bet you are a regular patron of McDonald's and believe that their food is healthy if eaten in strike me as just that fucking stupid and gullible.
Dude, they run terrorist drill exercises every day.
Maybe these kids can cut the electricity to his microphone. Or scatter people with a pack of rabid dogs. Or call in a bomb threat.

Anything to stop those they oppose from expressing their opinion in public.

They are the Occupy Movement. They will throw shit at police, rape innocents, and kill. But, Nancy Pelosi will tell you, "We have to listen to them".
Maybe these kids can cut the electricity to his microphone. Or scatter people with a pack of rabid dogs. Or call in a bomb threat.

Anything to stop those they oppose from expressing their opinion in public.

They are the Occupy Movement. They will throw shit at police, rape innocents, and kill. But, Nancy Pelosi will tell you, "We have to listen to them".

The Soros organizations have already admitted to hiring these paid protesters.

he's behind all of it. Trump has him worried shitless

In your sig, it looks like trump is carrying a leaf blower.

first day with you're new eyes??

No, Trump looks good as the monthly gardener setting about his day.


yes the monthly gardener

You seem to be having a Viagra moment. Pray to Jesus until it passes.
Crap like THIS is why Americans need firearms. This would've been over in 5 minutes if the guy who got out of the first vehicle stopped by these asshole protesters stepped out with an AR-15 and unloaded on these morons.
Crap like THIS is why Americans need firearms. This would've been over in 5 minutes if the guy who got out of the first vehicle stopped by these asshole protesters stepped out with an AR-15 and unloaded on these morons.

Internet tough guy alert.

We've seen your brand of 'action'. It's called terrorism. See videos of Paris where someone with an automatic weapon decided they are the law.
Last edited:
he's behind all of it. Trump has him worried shitless

In your sig, it looks like trump is carrying a leaf blower.

first day with you're new eyes??

No, Trump looks good as the monthly gardener setting about his day.


yes the monthly gardener

You seem to be having a Viagra moment. Pray to Jesus until it passes.

not according to my wife. do you have a wife or a boyfriend??
In your sig, it looks like trump is carrying a leaf blower.

first day with you're new eyes??

No, Trump looks good as the monthly gardener setting about his day.


yes the monthly gardener

You seem to be having a Viagra moment. Pray to Jesus until it passes.

not according to my wife. do you have a wife or a boyfriend??

I date your wife, on occasion. She hasn't told you? She's always saying "little hands on a man, you know it's true!" You have something in common with trump.
Az is mostly a red state, so I take this as a very good sign.
Ahhh yes, another clueless POS that doesn't believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. If people had done this to prevent people from going to a Barrypuppet rally, leftards would be screaming "RACIST" to the hills and back and claiming that Martin Luther King would be spinning in his grave and that Jim Crow laws were on the come back trail. You are fucking phony POS.

People have the right to travel...people that are not even political are sitting in their cars having precious moments of their lives wasted so a few leftwing George Soros sponsored pussies can show their asses to the world...and stupid fucks like you are just fine with it. You are a pussy and if I could see you in person I would say that to your face.

If you want to talk about Christi closing the New Jersey bridge to New York, you should start your own thread.....

Oh, and as for your last sentence, grow up, kid.
What makes you think I am a fan of Christi? READ my posts...I believe that I am very upfront about what I write about and know. That fat bastard is a lying sack of shit and part of the establishment that we should ALL despise......wake the fuck up already. BTW, I am "grown up"....still doesn't make you less of a vaginal orfice.....just sayin'.

Dale, you are a profane, immature kid, with an attitude, and a tinfoil hat. You are also on "ignore". I don't waste time with children. I will check back after you have had a chance to grow up. I figure, maybe, 5 years.
No, what I am is someone that is actually awake as to what is REALLY going on. You, on the other hand, are nothing but a flaming, partisan ass wipe that has his head up his ass. Ignore me? Totally "A OK" with brought nothing to the table anyway. You can throw a rock in any direction and hit a clueless moron just like you.
first day with you're new eyes??

No, Trump looks good as the monthly gardener setting about his day.


yes the monthly gardener

You seem to be having a Viagra moment. Pray to Jesus until it passes.

not according to my wife. do you have a wife or a boyfriend??

I date your wife, on occasion. She hasn't told you? She's always saying "little hands on a man, you know it's true!" You have something in common with trump.

don't think so since you suck dicks
No, Trump looks good as the monthly gardener setting about his day.


yes the monthly gardener

You seem to be having a Viagra moment. Pray to Jesus until it passes.

not according to my wife. do you have a wife or a boyfriend??

I date your wife, on occasion. She hasn't told you? She's always saying "little hands on a man, you know it's true!" You have something in common with trump.

don't think so since you suck dicks

You really have this on your mind a lot don't you.

To each his own bud, whatever floats your boat.
maybe next week they will chain themselves to cactus, and forgetting that the scorpions there are really pissed off this time of year
I love how you are saying this again and again. Pretty much shows what you are.

Hmmm. Could just be having a little fun. Why are you homos always so damn serious? Don't worry. We aren't gonna let these Muslims toss you off tall buildings we'll protect ya.
So when are you coming out of the closet, rump ranger oinky McBacon?
We've seen your brand of 'action'. It's called terrorism. See videos of Paris where someone with an automatic weapon decided they are the law.

The TERRORISTS are the mofos blocking the highway. The guy coming outta the car with the AR or S&W is an American Patriot.

yes the monthly gardener

You seem to be having a Viagra moment. Pray to Jesus until it passes.

not according to my wife. do you have a wife or a boyfriend??

I date your wife, on occasion. She hasn't told you? She's always saying "little hands on a man, you know it's true!" You have something in common with trump.

don't think so since you suck dicks

You really have this on your mind a lot don't you.

To each his own bud, whatever floats your boat.

my wife wants your boyfriends name and address. so we can send him a sympathy card.

yes the monthly gardener

You seem to be having a Viagra moment. Pray to Jesus until it passes.

not according to my wife. do you have a wife or a boyfriend??

I date your wife, on occasion. She hasn't told you? She's always saying "little hands on a man, you know it's true!" You have something in common with trump.

don't think so since you suck dicks

You really have this on your mind a lot don't you.

To each his own bud, whatever floats your boat.

why are flying the coward flag ???

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