BREAKING: Protesters Chaining Themselves To Vehicles SHUT DOWN HIGHWAY's Leading to AZ Trump Rally!

Yet another George Soros/Mediamatters/ sponsored event....the Fabian socialists are relentless POS. The end always justifies the means. I like to think of myself as a very peaceful type and I have a great burden for mankind.....but I have such an utter hatred for the uber left that I would gladly smash their faces in and gut them like I would a hog...they disgust me just that much and there is no reasoning with them. What do you with parasites? You eradicate them because they will not cease and desist on their own. The time is drawing near when it is time to take out the trash. The global elites have not had a more useful pawn than the left...guaran-fucking- tee you on that one.

It's getting time actually to arrest George Soros and MoveOn, I'm not familiar with MediaMatters are they another Soros funded subversive group?
Why? They have nothing to do with this.Those are primarily republican protestors who want establishment candidates to be nominated

MoveOn etc with the Soros money they get and behind the Salt Lake City thing and what happened in Chicago, chances are they're behind this also, how do you know they're really "Republican protesters"?
Why would democrats protest against a mere GOP nominee? Democrats know Hilary would trounce Trump. It is the establishment republican base out there because they don't like Trump and he is bigger threat right now to their political aspirations.
Hahahaha......"Where are the damn cops??" they say.

Hey...remember the 2 year long cop smearing campaign the left and the media have been on? Ruining cops careers and lives for defending themselves? #BlackLivesMatter encouraging murders of cops? Hillary and Bernie smearing cops in every speech? Barack "Police Acted Stupidly" Obama....who started his campaign in the house of a terrorist who bombed police departments???

Yeah....we said cops would say fuck it and let it all go to hell one bit at a time.

Have fun America.

Whoop de doooooo!

Az is mostly a red state, so I take this as a very good sign.
Ahhh yes, another clueless POS that doesn't believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. If people had done this to prevent people from going to a Barrypuppet rally, leftards would be screaming "RACIST" to the hills and back and claiming that Martin Luther King would be spinning in his grave and that Jim Crow laws were on the come back trail. You are fucking phony POS.

People have the right to travel...people that are not even political are sitting in their cars having precious moments of their lives wasted so a few leftwing George Soros sponsored pussies can show their asses to the world...and stupid fucks like you are just fine with it. You are a pussy and if I could see you in person I would say that to your face.

If you want to talk about Christi closing the New Jersey bridge to New York, you should start your own thread.....

Oh, and as for your last sentence, grow up, kid.
The Soros organizations have already admitted to hiring these paid protesters.

he's behind all of it. Trump has him worried shitless

In your sig, it looks like trump is carrying a leaf blower.

first day with you're new eyes??

No, Trump looks good as the monthly gardener setting about his day.


yes the monthly gardener
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STFU, you moron...I bet if I brought 30 people along to shut down I-35 in Dallas to prevent people from going to the Dallas Convention Center to hear that **** Hillary Clinton, leftwingers would be soiling themselves with indignant outrage and the injustice of it all...because to Fabian socialists, the end always justifies the means. Read the manifesto of the Fabian socialists, the communists, the Jesuits and the Illuminati and they absolutely mirror each other. I have been dealing with garbage like you for over 15 years and your lame ass tactics and spew never changes nor does it ever make any sense. You are not going to get the one world U.N communist government that you crave without bodies being stacked up like cord wood. I have sized you up and I am pretty sure that you don't have the stomach for the fight.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
OK nut job, whatever you say. You just exposed me for posting about a FOX 8 News report about what was going on at a traffic jam.

You lack common sense....a common factor when it comes to the blinded by ideology uber left.... I "get ya". As I have said before, you couldn't out debate me on any topic even on your best day because you haven't put in the time to learn how this system really works.

Debates, especially on a message board, need to be based on some kind of standards. In a previous discussion, you listed authors and works you used as sources. I looked up every one of them, read their bio's and several of their book reviews. I found each one to be a dedicated conspiracy theorist. I do not consider conspiracy works to be reliable sources. I prefer academic sources. My test is, could this source be submitted in an academic environment. Could you turn in a college level paper using the source? Without that standard debates can only go around in circles. As a final, you use that "I know more than you" card.

"Debates, especially on a message board, need to be based on some kind of standards"

So you declared yourself "King Turd of Shit Mountain" and decided on what those standards would be? Do tell....excuse me if I refuse to adhere to your "rules".

" In a previous discussion, you listed authors and works you used as sources. I looked up every one of them, read their bio's and several of their book reviews. I found each one to be a dedicated conspiracy theorist"

You mean people that didn't buy the bullshit and did their own investigations through due diligence and refuted the official narrative of "d a gubermint"....right? In 1967 when people started questioning the Warren Report and the laughable "magic bullet theory", the CIA started a program to demonize anyone that had the audacity to question the official narrative. The term was "you are just a conspiracy theorist" was a total psy-op to marginalize anyone that refused to accept the official story. I know that Oswald was a patsy much like Tim McVeigh was and the Egyptian that the FBI set up to make the ANFO bomb for the first WTC bombing in 1993. Google "Operation Gladio" and then tell me that this corporate "gubermint" isn't behind false flag events that they use to manipulate public opinion. Google "Operation Northwoods" and then tell me that your beloved "gubermint" is above board and deals squarely with us...because you will never convince me of that. The Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened. FDR knew in advance that an attack on Pearl Harbor was inevitable a year before it happened because they broke the code in January of 1941. The Lusitania was carrying ammo when it was hit...fact. Wake up, little camper...smell reality. I know more than you. You want academic sources? Antony Sutton did research for the Hoover Institute. Dr John Coleman worked for MI5 and MI6 for twenty years and then spent twenty years of research before he wrote his book the "Committee of 300". I will take his research over a "gubermint" sponsored university thatr was complicit in the MK ULTRA program that was revealed during the Church hearings of 1977......can ya dig it?
Yet another George Soros/Mediamatters/ sponsored event....the Fabian socialists are relentless POS. The end always justifies the means. I like to think of myself as a very peaceful type and I have a great burden for mankind.....but I have such an utter hatred for the uber left that I would gladly smash their faces in and gut them like I would a hog...they disgust me just that much and there is no reasoning with them. What do you with parasites? You eradicate them because they will not cease and desist on their own. The time is drawing near when it is time to take out the trash. The global elites have not had a more useful pawn than the left...guaran-fucking- tee you on that one.

It's getting time actually to arrest George Soros and MoveOn, I'm not familiar with MediaMatters are they another Soros funded subversive group?
Indeed they are.....George Soros funds at least a hundred NGO's all designed to destroy America's sovereignty.
Yet another George Soros/Mediamatters/ sponsored event....the Fabian socialists are relentless POS. The end always justifies the means. I like to think of myself as a very peaceful type and I have a great burden for mankind.....but I have such an utter hatred for the uber left that I would gladly smash their faces in and gut them like I would a hog...they disgust me just that much and there is no reasoning with them. What do you with parasites? You eradicate them because they will not cease and desist on their own. The time is drawing near when it is time to take out the trash. The global elites have not had a more useful pawn than the left...guaran-fucking- tee you on that one.

It's getting time actually to arrest George Soros and MoveOn, I'm not familiar with MediaMatters are they another Soros funded subversive group?
Why? They have nothing to do with this.Those are primarily republican protestors who want establishment candidates to be nominated
No, this is a George Soros sponsored event...learn, grow....evolve....
Az is mostly a red state, so I take this as a very good sign.
Ahhh yes, another clueless POS that doesn't believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. If people had done this to prevent people from going to a Barrypuppet rally, leftards would be screaming "RACIST" to the hills and back and claiming that Martin Luther King would be spinning in his grave and that Jim Crow laws were on the come back trail. You are fucking phony POS.

People have the right to travel...people that are not even political are sitting in their cars having precious moments of their lives wasted so a few leftwing George Soros sponsored pussies can show their asses to the world...and stupid fucks like you are just fine with it. You are a pussy and if I could see you in person I would say that to your face.

If you want to talk about Christi closing the New Jersey bridge to New York, you should start your own thread.....

Oh, and as for your last sentence, grow up, kid.
What makes you think I am a fan of Christi? READ my posts...I believe that I am very upfront about what I write about and know. That fat bastard is a lying sack of shit and part of the establishment that we should ALL despise......wake the fuck up already. BTW, I am "grown up"....still doesn't make you less of a vaginal orfice.....just sayin'.
As soon as you see these animals start swarming a highway....FLOOR IT. Run em the fuck over.

At which point you will get arrested for murder.
No thanks.
It's those protesters are concerned about someone they think of as a racist facist might become president so they commit a misdemeanor.

Buckie wants to commit murder over something as important for our nation? No. Someone is blocking traffic....let's murder them. That's important to Buckie.

Shades of things to come if Trump gets elected….murder for a misdemeanor.
That kind of protest has been used for over a half century in America. The people don't get out of their cars and commit crimes of assault because they are not on a message boarding pretending to be tough guys. It's a reality thing.
It's those protesters are concerned about someone they think of as a racist facist might become president so they commit a misdemeanor.

Buckie wants to commit murder over something as important for our nation? No. Someone is blocking traffic....let's murder them. That's important to Buckie.
STFU, you moron...I bet if I brought 30 people along to shut down I-35 in Dallas to prevent people from going to the Dallas Convention Center to hear that **** Hillary Clinton, leftwingers would be soiling themselves with indignant outrage and the injustice of it all...because to Fabian socialists, the end always justifies the means. Read the manifesto of the Fabian socialists, the communists, the Jesuits and the Illuminati and they absolutely mirror each other. I have been dealing with garbage like you for over 15 years and your lame ass tactics and spew never changes nor does it ever make any sense. You are not going to get the one world U.N communist government that you crave without bodies being stacked up like cord wood. I have sized you up and I am pretty sure that you don't have the stomach for the fight.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
OK nut job, whatever you say. You just exposed me for posting about a FOX 8 News report about what was going on at a traffic jam.

You lack common sense....a common factor when it comes to the blinded by ideology uber left.... I "get ya". As I have said before, you couldn't out debate me on any topic even on your best day because you haven't put in the time to learn how this system really works.

You’re a 9/11 truther.

You lose.
Yet another George Soros/Mediamatters/ sponsored event....the Fabian socialists are relentless POS. The end always justifies the means. I like to think of myself as a very peaceful type and I have a great burden for mankind.....but I have such an utter hatred for the uber left that I would gladly smash their faces in and gut them like I would a hog...they disgust me just that much and there is no reasoning with them. What do you with parasites? You eradicate them because they will not cease and desist on their own. The time is drawing near when it is time to take out the trash. The global elites have not had a more useful pawn than the left...guaran-fucking- tee you on that one.

It's getting time actually to arrest George Soros and MoveOn, I'm not familiar with MediaMatters are they another Soros funded subversive group?
Why? They have nothing to do with this.Those are primarily republican protestors who want establishment candidates to be nominated

MoveOn etc with the Soros money they get and behind the Salt Lake City thing and what happened in Chicago, chances are they're behind this also, how do you know they're really "Republican protesters"?
Why would democrats protest against a mere GOP nominee? Democrats know Hilary would trounce Trump. It is the establishment republican base out there because they don't like Trump and he is bigger threat right now to their political aspirations.

That is the biggest bunch of bullshit ever.......seriously.
STFU, you moron...I bet if I brought 30 people along to shut down I-35 in Dallas to prevent people from going to the Dallas Convention Center to hear that **** Hillary Clinton, leftwingers would be soiling themselves with indignant outrage and the injustice of it all...because to Fabian socialists, the end always justifies the means. Read the manifesto of the Fabian socialists, the communists, the Jesuits and the Illuminati and they absolutely mirror each other. I have been dealing with garbage like you for over 15 years and your lame ass tactics and spew never changes nor does it ever make any sense. You are not going to get the one world U.N communist government that you crave without bodies being stacked up like cord wood. I have sized you up and I am pretty sure that you don't have the stomach for the fight.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
OK nut job, whatever you say. You just exposed me for posting about a FOX 8 News report about what was going on at a traffic jam.

You lack common sense....a common factor when it comes to the blinded by ideology uber left.... I "get ya". As I have said before, you couldn't out debate me on any topic even on your best day because you haven't put in the time to learn how this system really works.

You’re a 9/11 truther.

You lose.
I know more than you and if you believe that three buildings collapsed inside their own parameter at free fall speed after only being hit by two planes? You don't have the sense that God saw fit to give a goat. They never sent a fighter jet to track the planes until an hour and half later and they just happened to be running terrorist drill exercises on that particular day? I bet you are a regular patron of McDonald's and believe that their food is healthy if eaten in strike me as just that fucking stupid and gullible.
Absolutely unaccetpable.
You could have people that are trying to get to hospitals, ambulances and other emergency vehicles need arteries like this to get between places fast.
You do not get to shutdown a major interstate like this. I am beside myself this has not turned violent.

Reading on it now. They've used steel cables to attach themselves to cars they parked on the shoulder so they can't be moved.

Run em the fuck over.

Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses ...I mean hell,they're chained to a car it's not like they can run for the border.
Although a gallon of gas and a road flare would solve the issue as well.
Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses
yep charge up your hovaround, pack plenty of depends and cane


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As soon as you see these animals start swarming a highway....FLOOR IT. Run em the fuck over.

At which point you will get arrested for murder.
No thanks.
It's those protesters are concerned about someone they think of as a racist facist might become president so they commit a misdemeanor.

Buckie wants to commit murder over something as important for our nation? No. Someone is blocking traffic....let's murder them. That's important to Buckie.

Murder is intentional. A traffic accident isnt. Especially with a person illegally standing in the middle of the road. Oops!!
Yes...I can see why you couldn't cut it as a LEO....they probably fired you asap.
Absolutely unaccetpable.
You could have people that are trying to get to hospitals, ambulances and other emergency vehicles need arteries like this to get between places fast.
You do not get to shutdown a major interstate like this. I am beside myself this has not turned violent.

Reading on it now. They've used steel cables to attach themselves to cars they parked on the shoulder so they can't be moved.

Run em the fuck over.

Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses ...I mean hell,they're chained to a car it's not like they can run for the border.
Although a gallon of gas and a road flare would solve the issue as well.
Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses
yep charge up your hovaround, pack plenty of depends and cane


Yeah...but mine has an M45 Quadmount.
As soon as you see these animals start swarming a highway....FLOOR IT. Run em the fuck over.

At which point you will get arrested for murder.
No thanks.
It's those protesters are concerned about someone they think of as a racist facist might become president so they commit a misdemeanor.

Buckie wants to commit murder over something as important for our nation? No. Someone is blocking traffic....let's murder them. That's important to Buckie.

Murder is intentional. A traffic accident isnt. Especially with a person illegally standing in the middle of the road. Oops!!
Yes...I can see why you couldn't cut it as a LEO....they probably fired you asap.
he couldn't even cut it as a mall cop

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