Breaking: Ranch Owner Found Scalias Body With Pillow Covering Head

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You can link to her actual words. What I get from the articles are, no one was available in the remote area. She consulted with police and people on the scene to determine he was dead, doesn't take a doctor to know if someone is dead. Espeically someone dead for awhile. The law allows her to pronounce him dead without being there. There would be no reason to travel to the ranch just to confirm he was dead.

She also stated that he was dead because his heart stopped, that is true of everyone who dies.
Alright I can ALMOST buy that but how can she determine its natural causes without EVER seeing his body? Could be MANY MANY things.

She talked to the police and there was no sign of a struggle. Without an autopsy there is no way to determine foul play. What she did was proper and allowed the body to be moved. The family has decided not to have an autopsy. I believe this is a case closed.

It is not like they need to call in an "expert" to find microscopic particles of grass on a man's shoes after he walked across grass. You know, like they did with Foster.
I see both sides, remote area, family is not interested in an autopsy of a 79 year old. Probably how this is normally handled. On the other hand, someone this important that appeared healthy maybe you err on the side of an autopsy.

Report in the articles I read, he had many chronic conditions.
The medical examiner who declared him dead was OUT OF TOWN and NEVER SAW THE BODY!? Yet she claims he had a heart attack....damn I wish I had her powers!
Truth Comes Out About Woman Who Pronounced Scalia Dead… Something’s Wrong Here

MAYBE the libtards can be a little more respectful and actually give some of their answers instead of thinking a death of a husband,father of 9 and grandfather of 20 some odd kids is funny...I am not holding much hope.
Who benefits the most from Scalia's murder?
and has the power to deny the autopsy?
ABC News reporter Dave Shriver reported last night that the wife of Scalia did in fact request an autopsy but the local judge who declared his cause of death over the phone without ever viewing the body declined her request and sent his body to be embalmed. This stinks to high heaven Frank.
Moving things in the conspiracy forum is just a suddle way of discrediting an issue people want to talk about.
This has given the cons such a case of bloody piles, they look like they have chimpanzee ass.
I think he was murdered.

"He was seated near me and I had a chance to observe him. He was very entertaining. But about 9 p.m. he said, 'it's been a long day and a long week, I want to get some sleep," recalled Houston businessman John Poindexter, who owns the 30,000-acre luxury ranch.

When Poindexter tried to awaken Scalia about 8:30 the next morning, the judge's door was locked and he did not answer. Three hours later, Poindexter returned after an outing, with a friend of Scalia who had come from Washington with him.

"We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled," said Poindexter.

"He was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap," he said.
Scalia,79, did not have a pulse and his body was cold, and after consulting with a doctor at a hospital in Alpine, Poindexter concluded resuscitation would have been futile, He then contacted federal authorities, at first encountering a series of answering services because he was calling on a weekend.​
Cibolo Creek Ranch owner recalls Scalia’s last hours in Texas
Looks like the NWO Globalist Elites finally had enough of Scalia. Tons of major cases to be decided in coming months. Scalia refused to go along with the NWO agenda.

He was truly loyal to our Constitution and to the preservation of our sovereignty. He loved America. And that can get you killed these days. His passing signals the beginning of truly dark times for our nation. It's very sad.
Judge: Here's How Scalia Died

(Newser) – Conspiracy theorists, take a deep breath: A Texas judge has officially deemed Antonin Scalia's death a natural one, WFAA reports. Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara says the Supreme Court justice died of a heart attack. Guevara says she heard about Scalia's death from a sheriff, and was planning to travel to the luxury ranch where Scalia died, when a US Marshal called her. "It's not necessary for you to come, judge. If you’re asking for an autopsy, that’s what we need to clarify," the marshal told her, per Guevara. She goes on: "As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the US Marshal: 'Were there any signs of foul play?' And they said, ‘Absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me."

Scalia's doctor did call her Saturday night, saying Scalia had a shoulder injury and several chronic health issues. Guevara decided the death was natural and no autopsy would be needed, ABC News reports. Meanwhile, Scalia's body was transported overnight by van—with a procession of US Marshals Service vehicles and Texas Dept. of Public Safety troopers—to Sunset Funeral Home in El Paso. The funeral home manager says Scalia's remains were embalmed, a legal requirement before moving a body out of the state. The leading conspiracy theory was that President Obama himself had Scalia murdered, a notion the New Republic puts down to "some paranoid people on Twitter."
It's amazing to me so many Americans truly believe their Government is not capable of killing on this level. They're so childlike and naive. Scalia refused to go along with the NWO Elite agenda. And that very well may be what ended him.
Here come the conspiracy theories :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
How will they tie it to Hillary? I'll need to watch Fox News today to find out.
I know right!

They're laying the foundation for poopooing the inevitable Obama recess appointment before he leaves office.

It'll be Obama and Hillary conspiring to have him killed. just you wait. And all those Fox News Republicans will believe it.
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