Breaking: Ranch Owner Found Scalias Body With Pillow Covering Head

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Judge: Here's How Scalia Died

(Newser) – Conspiracy theorists, take a deep breath: A Texas judge has officially deemed Antonin Scalia's death a natural one, WFAA reports. Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara says the Supreme Court justice died of a heart attack. Guevara says she heard about Scalia's death from a sheriff, and was planning to travel to the luxury ranch where Scalia died, when a US Marshal called her. "It's not necessary for you to come, judge. If you’re asking for an autopsy, that’s what we need to clarify," the marshal told her, per Guevara. She goes on: "As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the US Marshal: 'Were there any signs of foul play?' And they said, ‘Absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me."

Scalia's doctor did call her Saturday night, saying Scalia had a shoulder injury and several chronic health issues. Guevara decided the death was natural and no autopsy would be needed, ABC News reports. Meanwhile, Scalia's body was transported overnight by van—with a procession of US Marshals Service vehicles and Texas Dept. of Public Safety troopers—to Sunset Funeral Home in El Paso. The funeral home manager says Scalia's remains were embalmed, a legal requirement before moving a body out of the state. The leading conspiracy theory was that President Obama himself had Scalia murdered, a notion the New Republic puts down to "some paranoid people on Twitter."
Simple, the local Sheriff and Marshal lied to the judge and she took their word as the gospel. Again, why did he have a pillow over his face with his arms by his side with hands folded?
Looks like the NWO Globalist Elites finally had enough of Scalia. Tons of major cases to be decided in coming months. Scalia refused to go along with the NWO agenda.

He was truly loyal to our Constitution and to the preservation of our sovereignty. He loved America. And that can get you killed these days. His passing signals the beginning of truly dark times for our nation. It's very sad.

I don't know about that.
He ruled that corporations were people. However, not one person connected with any of the banks that were convicted of billions of dollars of fraud went to jail, because the corporation committed the fraud. This is even though, someone devised the fraud scheme. When individual people commit fraud, they go to jail.
Breaking news. It wasn't a pillow on his face , it was a chicken parm sandwich !

But was there buckshot?


i heard a guy who looked like bill clinton was seen driving away.....hey i can play this game too.........

And several more anti American traitors think the death/suspicious death of a sitting SC justice is a fucking joke. Just place them on ignore and move amount of common sense is going to break through their dense brains.

Ackchooly it's the OP who's a fucking joke. Are you like, new here?
Looks like the NWO Globalist Elites finally had enough of Scalia. Tons of major cases to be decided in coming months. Scalia refused to go along with the NWO agenda.

He was truly loyal to our Constitution and to the preservation of our sovereignty. He loved America. And that can get you killed these days. His passing signals the beginning of truly dark times for our nation. It's very sad.

I don't know about that.
He ruled that corporations were people. However, not one person connected with any of the banks that were convicted of billions of dollars of fraud went to jail, because the corporation committed the fraud. This is even though, someone devised the fraud scheme. When individual people commit fraud, they go to jail.

Scalia loved America. And that's a big no-no for the NWO Globalist Elites. Individual Nation-State sovereignty must be eliminated. The American Constitution has to go.

The U.S. is their final obstacle. But too many Americans still love their country and respect their Constitution. That's a big problem for the NWO folks. So they're working very hard to erode that sentiment. Scalia represented everything they oppose. I'm not surprised it ended this way.
Who benefits the most from Scalia's murder?
and has the power to deny the autopsy?
ABC News reporter Dave Shriver reported last night that the wife of Scalia did in fact request an autopsy but the local judge who declared his cause of death over the phone without ever viewing the body declined her request and sent his body to be embalmed. This stinks to high heaven Frank.

Obama is looking to start a real civil war
Breaking news. It wasn't a pillow on his face , it was a chicken parm sandwich !
Grow up and act mature. Don't taint this thread with your immaturity.

How is it possible to taint a rediclous thread that claims Scalia was assasinated ? This thread is ripe for ridicule !

Why is it so hard for you to believe? Do you really believe your Government is incapable of such brutal acts? Guess what? Your Government can eliminate all evidence of you ever even existing.

Your Government has that much power and tools at its disposal. Anyone can be 'Heart Attacked' or 'Suicided' at any moment. No one would know any different. It can be done, and is done. Believe it.
Breaking news. It wasn't a pillow on his face , it was a chicken parm sandwich !
Grow up and act mature. Don't taint this thread with your immaturity.

How is it possible to taint a rediclous thread that claims Scalia was assasinated ? This thread is ripe for ridicule !

Why is it so hard for you to believe? Do you really believe your Government is incapable of such brutal acts? Guess what? Your Government can eliminate all evidence of you ever even existing.

Your Government has that much power and tools at its disposal. Anyone can be 'Heart Attacked' or 'Suicided' at any moment. No one would know any different. It can be done, and is done. Believe it.

It's "our government ".

And just cause some old guy in bad shape drops dead doesn't mean it's a set up .
Breaking news. It wasn't a pillow on his face , it was a chicken parm sandwich !
Grow up and act mature. Don't taint this thread with your immaturity.

How is it possible to taint a rediclous thread that claims Scalia was assasinated ? This thread is ripe for ridicule !

Why is it so hard for you to believe? Do you really believe your Government is incapable of such brutal acts? Guess what? Your Government can eliminate all evidence of you ever even existing.

Your Government has that much power and tools at its disposal. Anyone can be 'Heart Attacked' or 'Suicided' at any moment. No one would know any different. It can be done, and is done. Believe it.

It's "our government ".

And just cause some old guy in bad shape drops dead doesn't mean it's a set up .
" Our goverment" has killed political targets before. Do you deny this?
I think he was murdered.

"He was seated near me and I had a chance to observe him. He was very entertaining. But about 9 p.m. he said, 'it's been a long day and a long week, I want to get some sleep," recalled Houston businessman John Poindexter, who owns the 30,000-acre luxury ranch.

When Poindexter tried to awaken Scalia about 8:30 the next morning, the judge's door was locked and he did not answer. Three hours later, Poindexter returned after an outing, with a friend of Scalia who had come from Washington with him.

"We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled," said Poindexter.

"He was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap," he said.
Scalia,79, did not have a pulse and his body was cold, and after consulting with a doctor at a hospital in Alpine, Poindexter concluded resuscitation would have been futile, He then contacted federal authorities, at first encountering a series of answering services because he was calling on a weekend.​
Cibolo Creek Ranch owner recalls Scalia’s last hours in Texas

This is from a legitimate news source.

Texas Ranch Owner Describes Justice Scalia's Last Night

Then, Saturday, Poindexter and another friend found Scalia in his room in his bed, "totally peaceful."

Scalia was "stone cold" and had no pulse, Poindexter said.

His hands were on his chest and he seemed "relaxed," Poindexter said
The announcement that is was due to natural causes was quicker than the White House announcing that Akmed Muhammid capping a bunch of people wasn't an act of terrorism:

February 15, 2016
We must have an immediate Scalia autopsy
By James Lewis
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia has died, deeply mourned by his friends and admirers, while liberals are happily celebrating his demise (in their usual indecent fashion). La Raza, radical environmentalists and the affirmative action establishment are celebrating today.

Scalia’s sudden death leaves a 4-4 split on the Court, neutralizing the power of the Court until a 9th Justice is confirmed. But Obama might try to make a recess appointment, thereby sabotaging the Senate’s Advice and Consent role. He has already done that with the fraud-filled Iranian nuclear surrender “treaty.” This President has open contempt for the US Constitution, and Scalia was a passionate constitutionalist.

The battle lines for a successor were drawn within 24 hours of Scalia’s death. No post-mortem was conducted in Texas, which is itself a major reason for concern — and one that is easy to solve by insisting on an extremely thorough study of his remains by highly reputable pathologists.

There are very few indispensable people in this world, but Justice Anthony Scalia came as close as anyone. His sudden death creates an opportunity to change the balance on the Court for years to come, a major long-term aspiration of the hard Left. Scalia was beloved by American conservatives and ferociously hated by the Left, not excluding the highest levels of the Democratic Party.

That is why it is crucial to have a Joint Committee of Congress to put any reasonable doubts to rest.

We are living in extremely dangerous time, both domestically and in foreign affairs. Domestically we are more divided today than we have been since Vietnam. The Party Line media have gone out of their way to divide the country by race, gender, and sexual preference. Those divisive tactics have enraged some people on both sides to the point of threatening violence.

American politics works peacefully only with some degree of basic trust, even among political opponents. Healthy politics allows for heated debate without shredding that trust.

Obama has left no doubt that he is determined to change the balance on the Court for many years to come. On the GOP side Donald Trump instantly recommended “delay, delay, delay” on any successor.

Justice Scalia’s sudden passing may have been due to natural causes. But for the first time since the assassinations of JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. many Americans are sincerely wondering what might have happened. They are not just on the paranoid fringe.

President Obama is constantly claiming unconstitutional powers, something that Justice Scalia opposed with all the intellectual force at his command. Meanwhile the Supreme Court itself has come under serious criticism ever since Chief Justice Roberts issued self-contradictory opinions favoring ObamaCare. Hillary Clinton is being credibly accused of national security felonies as Secretary of State, and the DOJ and FBI are said to be at odds on indicting Hillary. If she becomes President there is likely to be a bloodbath in the permanent government in DC. A Perfect Storm is rising in American politics.

As we can tell from the jubilation on the Left, Justice Scalia had hateful enemies, and he must have received death threats, which the FBI must now re-examine. The American public must also know on whose authority an obviously necessary post-mortem examination was avoided. The best way to restore public trust is to appoint a bi-partisan Congressional committee to oversee a medical pathology team.

In the seven years of Obama Washington DC has become a city of fear. No one was afraid to smear and assault George W. Bush during his presidency. But Obama has been nearly immune — and it’s not just his magical charm. Obama and Jarrett use ruthless tactics to frighten the politicians in DC. Some Democratic City Machines, including Chicago, have a long history of gang collusion. Saul Alinsky advocated a Left-Syndicate alliance in Chicago, and Alinsky wrote the political agitation manual for Obama and Hillary.

None of this comes close to proving that Justice Scalia died from anything other than natural causes. We simply do not know at this point. But we can know the answer by conducting the appropriate post-mortem examination.

It is only reasonable to insist on that.

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia has died, deeply mourned by his friends and admirers, while liberals are happily celebrating his demise (in their usual indecent fashion). La Raza, radical environmentalists and the affirmative action establishment are celebrating today.

Scalia’s sudden death leaves a 4-4 split on the Court, neutralizing the power of the Court until a 9th Justice is confirmed. But Obama might try to make a recess appointment, thereby sabotaging the Senate’s Advice and Consent role. He has already done that with the fraud-filled Iranian nuclear surrender “treaty.” This President has open contempt for the US Constitution, and Scalia was a passionate constitutionalist.

The battle lines for a successor were drawn within 24 hours of Scalia’s death. No post-mortem was conducted in Texas, which is itself a major reason for concern — and one that is easy to solve by insisting on an extremely thorough study of his remains by highly reputable pathologists.

There are very few indispensable people in this world, but Justice Anthony Scalia came as close as anyone. His sudden death creates an opportunity to change the balance on the Court for years to come, a major long-term aspiration of the hard Left. Scalia was beloved by American conservatives and ferociously hated by the Left, not excluding the highest levels of the Democratic Party.

That is why it is crucial to have a Joint Committee of Congress to put any reasonable doubts to rest.

We are living in extremely dangerous time, both domestically and in foreign affairs. Domestically we are more divided today than we have been since Vietnam. The Party Line media have gone out of their way to divide the country by race, gender, and sexual preference. Those divisive tactics have enraged some people on both sides to the point of threatening violence.

American politics works peacefully only with some degree of basic trust, even among political opponents. Healthy politics allows for heated debate without shredding that trust.

Obama has left no doubt that he is determined to change the balance on the Court for many years to come. On the GOP side Donald Trump instantly recommended “delay, delay, delay” on any successor.

Justice Scalia’s sudden passing may have been due to natural causes. But for the first time since the assassinations of JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. many Americans are sincerely wondering what might have happened. They are not just on the paranoid fringe.

Read more: Blog: We must have an immediate Scalia autopsy
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Breaking news. It wasn't a pillow on his face , it was a chicken parm sandwich !
Grow up and act mature. Don't taint this thread with your immaturity.

How is it possible to taint a rediclous thread that claims Scalia was assasinated ? This thread is ripe for ridicule !

Why is it so hard for you to believe? Do you really believe your Government is incapable of such brutal acts? Guess what? Your Government can eliminate all evidence of you ever even existing.

Your Government has that much power and tools at its disposal. Anyone can be 'Heart Attacked' or 'Suicided' at any moment. No one would know any different. It can be done, and is done. Believe it.

It's "our government ".

And just cause some old guy in bad shape drops dead doesn't mean it's a set up .
" Our goverment" has killed political targets before. Do you deny this?

Like recently ? Or are you talking 50-60s.

This is comical . If black lives matter groups claim local police are covering up illegal activity you won't believe it . But murder if a high level fed , you eat it up.
I think he was murdered.

"He was seated near me and I had a chance to observe him. He was very entertaining. But about 9 p.m. he said, 'it's been a long day and a long week, I want to get some sleep," recalled Houston businessman John Poindexter, who owns the 30,000-acre luxury ranch.

When Poindexter tried to awaken Scalia about 8:30 the next morning, the judge's door was locked and he did not answer. Three hours later, Poindexter returned after an outing, with a friend of Scalia who had come from Washington with him.

"We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled," said Poindexter.

"He was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap," he said.
Scalia,79, did not have a pulse and his body was cold, and after consulting with a doctor at a hospital in Alpine, Poindexter concluded resuscitation would have been futile, He then contacted federal authorities, at first encountering a series of answering services because he was calling on a weekend.​
Cibolo Creek Ranch owner recalls Scalia’s last hours in Texas

This is from a legitimate news source.

Texas Ranch Owner Describes Justice Scalia's Last Night

Then, Saturday, Poindexter and another friend found Scalia in his room in his bed, "totally peaceful."

Scalia was "stone cold" and had no pulse, Poindexter said.

His hands were on his chest and he seemed "relaxed," Poindexter said
Nobody dies with their hands on their chest peacefully. That only happens in the movies.
Who benefits the most from Scalia's murder?
and has the power to deny the autopsy?
ABC News reporter Dave Shriver reported last night that the wife of Scalia did in fact request an autopsy but the local judge who declared his cause of death over the phone without ever viewing the body declined her request and sent his body to be embalmed. This stinks to high heaven Frank.

Obama is looking to start a real civil war
project much?
February 15, 2016
My eerie Scalia premonition
By Jack Cashill
In the year 2000, my one and only novel was published, the then futuristic 2006: The Chautauqua Rising. Set, as the reader might surmise, in 2006, this political action thriller tells the tale of a grassroots insurrection in Western New York that in many ways anticipated the Tea Party insurgency of 2009-10. As an aside, those thinking of writing a book should be sure to give it a title that people can pronounce. I learned this the hard way. The county in question is pronounced sha-TAWK-wa.

The proximate cause of the “rising” is a school shooting. The original reports at the scene suggest that the shooters were of Mideast origin. Within hours, however, the story changed, and the media began to insist that the shooters were home-grown American extremists. Knowing the likely consequences, our protagonists “watched in awe and horror, marveling at the ability of some unseen hand to shape the news to its own design like a vase on a pottery wheel.”

What left our protagonists vulnerable was a recent change in the composition of the Supreme Court, one that gave progressives a free hand to interpret the law any way they saw fit. “We are reaching, I fear, a turning point in American history,” wrote one conservative editorialist. “Since the untimely and inexplicable death of Antonin Scalia and the ascension to Chief Justice of Laurence Tribe, the forces of federal and judicial usurpation have gone virtually unchecked.”

In the book, Scalia dies unexpectedly in his sleep. “After a hasty investigation,” I wrote, “the DC police ruled the death carbon monoxide poisoning.” Of course, the whole thing smelled. “Not everyone bought the explanation,” I continued. “Talk radio jocks began to demand a fuller investigation. As usual, the outcry was quickly dismissed as right wing conspiracy blather.”

Less than 12 hours after the real Scalia news broke, I was reading articles headlined “Alex Jones: ‘My gut tells me Antonin Scalia was murdered.’” Hours before that, however, theNew Republic had run a story mockingly headlined, “The leading conspiracy theory about Antonin Scalia’s death: Obama did it.” Indeed, there were more – and earlier – mainstream stories dismissing conspiracy theories than there were conspiracy theories to dismiss.

In my experience, Occam’s Razor – the simplest explanation is the best – explains most political phenomena. Most, but not all. My next book details the most successful political conspiracy of our time, and it is no longer just a theory. TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy will be out in time for the twentieth anniversary this July. Hillary fans, fasten your seat belts.

In the year 2000, my one and only novel was published, the then futuristic 2006: The Chautauqua Rising. Set, as the reader might surmise, in 2006, this political action thriller tells the tale of a grassroots insurrection in Western New York that in many ways anticipated the Tea Party insurgency of 2009-10. As an aside, those thinking of writing a book should be sure to give it a title that people can pronounce. I learned this the hard way. The county in question is pronounced sha-TAWK-wa.

The proximate cause of the “rising” is a school shooting. The original reports at the scene suggest that the shooters were of Mideast origin. Within hours, however, the story changed, and the media began to insist that the shooters were home-grown American extremists. Knowing the likely consequences, our protagonists “watched in awe and horror, marveling at the ability of some unseen hand to shape the news to its own design like a vase on a pottery wheel.”

What left our protagonists vulnerable was a recent change in the composition of the Supreme Court, one that gave progressives a free hand to interpret the law any way they saw fit. “We are reaching, I fear, a turning point in American history,” wrote one conservative editorialist. “Since the untimely and inexplicable death of Antonin Scalia and the ascension to Chief Justice of Laurence Tribe, the forces of federal and judicial usurpation have gone virtually unchecked.”

In the book, Scalia dies unexpectedly in his sleep. “After a hasty investigation,” I wrote, “the DC police ruled the death carbon monoxide poisoning.” Of course, the whole thing smelled. “Not everyone bought the explanation,” I continued. “Talk radio jocks began to demand a fuller investigation. As usual, the outcry was quickly dismissed as right wing conspiracy blather.”

Less than 12 hours after the real Scalia news broke, I was reading articles headlined “Alex Jones: ‘My gut tells me Antonin Scalia was murdered.’” Hours before that, however, theNew Republic had run a story mockingly headlined, “The leading conspiracy theory about Antonin Scalia’s death: Obama did it.” Indeed, there were more – and earlier – mainstream stories dismissing conspiracy theories than there were conspiracy theories to dismiss.

In my experience, Occam’s Razor – the simplest explanation is the best – explains most political phenomena. Most, but not all. My next book details the most successful political conspiracy of our time, and it is no longer just a theory. TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy will be out in time for the twentieth anniversary this July. Hillary fans, fasten your seat belts.

Read more: Blog: My eerie Scalia premonition
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Grow up and act mature. Don't taint this thread with your immaturity.

How is it possible to taint a rediclous thread that claims Scalia was assasinated ? This thread is ripe for ridicule !

Why is it so hard for you to believe? Do you really believe your Government is incapable of such brutal acts? Guess what? Your Government can eliminate all evidence of you ever even existing.

Your Government has that much power and tools at its disposal. Anyone can be 'Heart Attacked' or 'Suicided' at any moment. No one would know any different. It can be done, and is done. Believe it.

It's "our government ".

And just cause some old guy in bad shape drops dead doesn't mean it's a set up .
" Our goverment" has killed political targets before. Do you deny this?

Like recently ? Or are you talking 50-60s.

This is comical . If black lives matter groups claim local police are covering up illegal activity you won't believe it . But murder if a high level fed , you eat it up.

People get 'Heart Attacked' and 'Suicided' all the time. Just because the Government/Corporate Media doesn't report on it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. You can bet it is happening. Your Government is capable of anything.
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