BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

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"Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner".

Not true.

"Stockman Asks For Lerner To Be Arrested".

The truth.
Had any of the flaming libruls in this thread actually read the article they would note that the Congressman is urging the Republican party to set itself apart from the criminally insane leftist Zombie brigade and do the right thing.. Liberals try to create an imaginary boogieman in every single thread.. they all circle the wagons and like good Zombies repeat the same talking points over and over. Note, not one of them have an actual creative thought process.. :)

Irony. You title the thread to make it sound like Lerner was going to be arrested. So you have had it explained to you that is not what is "breaking". All this is is a big PR stunt by some jackass asking the House to pass his resolution to arrest her.

Big difference.

Thanks for finally catching up to everyone else, though!

One more time.. I COPY PASTED it verbatim, to include the BREAKING from the website..
A truthful topic title would have been "Stockman Asks For Lerner To Be Arrested".

Don't even try to compare truths with me.. You won't win.. Your version of the truth could have cost a man his innocent life. Now put your knife back in your pocket and actually try to debate the subject matter.
Had any of the flaming libruls in this thread actually read the article they would note that the Congressman is urging the Republican party to set itself apart from the criminally insane leftist Zombie brigade and do the right thing.. Liberals try to create an imaginary boogieman in every single thread.. they all circle the wagons and like good Zombies repeat the same talking points over and over. Note, not one of them have an actual creative thought process.. :)

Irony. You title the thread to make it sound like Lerner was going to be arrested. So you have had it explained to you that is not what is "breaking". All this is is a big PR stunt by some jackass asking the House to pass his resolution to arrest her.

Big difference.

Thanks for finally catching up to everyone else, though!

One more time.. I COPY PASTED it verbatim, to include the BREAKING from the website..

Yes. You are a well-established unthinking copier-and-paster. You obviously did not read the article before posting.

The rest of us did read it and educated you. That does not make us all liberals. You should not work so hard to link critical thinking to being a liberal thing.
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A truthful topic title would have been "Stockman Asks For Lerner To Be Arrested".

Don't even try to compare truths with me.. You won't win.. Your version of the truth could have cost a man his innocent life. Now put your knife back in your pocket and actually try to debate the subject matter.

You're asking the impossible---they've gone into their "kill the messenger mode".
Irony. You title the thread to make it sound like Lerner was going to be arrested. So you have had it explained to you that is not what is "breaking". All this is is a big PR stunt by some jackass asking the House to pass his resolution to arrest her.

Big difference.

Thanks for finally catching up to everyone else, though!

One more time.. I COPY PASTED it verbatim, to include the BREAKING from the website..

Yes. You are a well-established unthinking copier-and-paster. You obviously did not read the article before posting.

The rest of us did read it and educated you.

As if you are so accomplished at rational thought process calling for the slaughter and death of an innocent man because your dear leader tells you so. People in glass houses Leftist. See the filmmaker of the so called Benghazi video.
One more time.. I COPY PASTED it verbatim, to include the BREAKING from the website..

Yes. You are a well-established unthinking copier-and-paster. You obviously did not read the article before posting.

The rest of us did read it and educated you.

As if you are so accomplished at rational thought process calling for the slaughter and death of an innocent man because your dear leader tells you so. People in glass houses Leftist.

Lerner arrested yet?
A truthful topic title would have been "Stockman Asks For Lerner To Be Arrested".

Don't even try to compare truths with me.. You won't win.. Your version of the truth could have cost a man his innocent life. Now put your knife back in your pocket and actually try to debate the subject matter.

You're asking the impossible---they've gone into their "kill the messenger mode".

It won't work.. and we have November elections. :)
Somebody is definitely abusing their power, but it isn’t President Obama. The Republican majority in the House has regularly abused its investigative and budgetary powers. Now, they are trying to take it to a whole new level by jailing private citizens. The Republican controlled House isn’t just bad for the country. It has become dangerous to liberty.

While Republicans Sue Obama For Abusing Power, They Are Trying To Arrest and Jail Lois Lerner

Wait till November, its going to be payback time for liberals, you think its bad now ...just wait :badgrin:
One more time.. I COPY PASTED it verbatim, to include the BREAKING from the website..

Yes. You are a well-established unthinking copier-and-paster. You obviously did not read the article before posting.

The rest of us did read it and educated you.

As if you are so accomplished at rational thought process calling for the slaughter and death of an innocent man because your dear leader tells you so. People in glass houses Leftist. See the filmmaker of the so called Benghazi video.

^Blatant Deflection Alert!
Wait till November, its going to be payback time for liberals, you think its bad now ...just wait :badgrin:


Even if Liberals truly meant well and were great people, there is no stopping the tsunami that will wipe out the Dems in the Senate. It's mathematically impossible.
So the right wingers ITT want someone executed or rot in prison for overseeing a department that a few rogue agents delayed eventual approval for conservative groups? Isn't that a but much? I mean you have no proof of anything, just speculation that wouldn't hold up at all in a court of law. But yeah let's waste our time and money.

You sound like a corrupt government official's, "Dream Apologist!"
So the right wingers ITT want someone executed or rot in prison for overseeing a department that a few rogue agents delayed eventual approval for conservative groups? Isn't that a but much? I mean you have no proof of anything, just speculation that wouldn't hold up at all in a court of law. But yeah let's waste our time and money.

You're not keeping up with the IRS scandal, are you?

Then you have the balls to say that Conservatives are wasting time and money while the IRS has stalled for months to comply with subpoenas. Hint: The investigation would have been over and tons of money would have been saves if requested material was handed over in a timely fashion. Instead, we are now dealing with "lost" emails and an IRS executive that takes the 5th after making a statement of innocence.

Even you "enlightened" Liberals should be able to see the hypocrisy there.

No vote even scheduled yet:

It's unclear whether House Republican leaders will actually give Stockman's resolution a floor vote. An aide to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) hadn't even heard of the resolution, while an aide to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) declined comment.

maybe Congress will read this board and find out about the (non) story..
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Some of the righties certainly are letting their authoritarian freak flag fly proudly. If it was up to them, there would be a whole system of gulags where all EnemiesOfTheParty could be sent for re-education.
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