BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

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If she goes to prison, and she is facing charges that will put her away for a long time. She will sing like a canary, and heads will roll all the way to Obama.
GOP Congressman: ?We Just Filed a Resolution Directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner for Contempt? |

“It’s time to for House to stop tacitly endorsing this administration’s illegal activity by refusing to hold him accountable,” Stockman said. “I expect Democrats to defend and even praise criminal activity. The question is whether Republican leadership will join them in mocking the House and breaking the law.”

Polish the Guillotine.

a proposed resolution? :eek:

Again with Allen West dweeeb site info. This idea that anyone is going to be arrested is as crazy as Allen West saying he had a security clearance higher than the Commander in Chief :cuckoo:
So the right wingers ITT want someone executed or rot in prison for overseeing a department that a few rogue agents delayed eventual approval for conservative groups? Isn't that a but much? I mean you have no proof of anything, just speculation that wouldn't hold up at all in a court of law. But yeah let's waste our time and money.

Dude, that whole "rogue agent" thing was laughed out of the discussion months ago! There was a coordinated effort to target conservative groups coming out of Lois Lerner's office in Washington. Don't embarrass yourself...
This is what Congress does instead of doing its job?

Now you all know why the immigration mess is so bad. The Republican House is screwin' around trying to make points with the conservative base even as the business of the nation/gov't doesn't get done. Hell it doesn't even get addressed. Stay tuned for another meaningless vote on Obamacare.
LGS scores again----she has the entire goon squad gathered to shoot the messenger. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yes. LadyGunt wanted to embarrass herself and make herself look like a stupid drunk all at the same time. And she succeeded! She wins again! Hooray!!

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Somebody is definitely abusing their power, but it isn’t President Obama. The Republican majority in the House has regularly abused its investigative and budgetary powers. Now, they are trying to take it to a whole new level by jailing private citizens. The Republican controlled House isn’t just bad for the country. It has become dangerous to liberty.

While Republicans Sue Obama For Abusing Power, They Are Trying To Arrest and Jail Lois Lerner

Wait till November, its going to be payback time for liberals, you think its bad now ...just wait :badgrin:

Yeah the Dems need to frighten the minority voters, the women voters, the young voters into voting so they will have a chance to take the House back. Oh wait a minute, the GOP is doing that for them. Never mind.
Some of the righties certainly are letting their authoritarian freak flag fly proudly. If it was up to them, there would be a whole system of gulags where all EnemiesOfTheParty could be sent for re-education.

So let me see if I've got this straight, Mamooth...being concerned that the IRS is being used by those in power to target their political opposition and wanting to hold those responsible for doing so accountable, is the equivalent of sending them to a gulag for re-education?

This isn't about party politics...this is about an attack on the very laws that our country is based on.
GOP Congressman: ?We Just Filed a Resolution Directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner for Contempt? |

“It’s time to for House to stop tacitly endorsing this administration’s illegal activity by refusing to hold him accountable,” Stockman said. “I expect Democrats to defend and even praise criminal activity. The question is whether Republican leadership will join them in mocking the House and breaking the law.”

Polish the Guillotine.

Polish the...oh, how cruel!

Just dust off Old Sparky. It was good enough for some really sleazy criminals, so it'll be a comfortable seat for her.
GOP Congressman: ?We Just Filed a Resolution Directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner for Contempt? |

“It’s time to for House to stop tacitly endorsing this administration’s illegal activity by refusing to hold him accountable,” Stockman said. “I expect Democrats to defend and even praise criminal activity. The question is whether Republican leadership will join them in mocking the House and breaking the law.”

Polish the Guillotine.

a proposed resolution? :eek:

Again with Allen West dweeeb site info. This idea that anyone is going to be arrested is as crazy as Allen West saying he had a security clearance higher than the Commander in Chief :cuckoo:

West reported the story as breaking news ... I posted the link from Stockmans website. West PLAGIARIZED the story... he didn't break anything.
Should some call Stockman and give him directions -- is he lost or what?

This was a "Breaking" story this morning -- and still no arrest????
Should some call Stockman and give him directions -- is he lost or what?

This was a "Breaking" story this morning -- and still no arrest????

I was just going to check in to see if there'd been an arrest....guess not yet, eh?
Should some call Stockman and give him directions -- is he lost or what?

This was a "Breaking" story this morning -- and still no arrest????
Actually, it was "Breaking" yesterday -- LGS was just slow in "breaking" it here,

and Stockman is just slow in actually...well, Stockman is just slow. Period.
Some of the righties certainly are letting their authoritarian freak flag fly proudly. If it was up to them, there would be a whole system of gulags where all EnemiesOfTheParty could be sent for re-education.

That is, and has always been, the M.O. of the democrat party, champ. Clean up your own house.
Should some call Stockman and give him directions -- is he lost or what?

This was a "Breaking" story this morning -- and still no arrest????
Actually, it was "Breaking" yesterday -- LGS was just slow in "breaking" it here,

and Stockman is just slow in actually...well, Stockman is just slow. Period.
Stockman is probably crazier, or dumber (or both) than West. He's a male version of Michele Bachmann along with Louis Gohmert. They all appeal to the same lunatic fringe element of the GOP.
LGS scores again----she has the entire goon squad gathered to shoot the messenger. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yes. LadyGunt wanted to embarrass herself and make herself look like a stupid drunk all at the same time. And she succeeded! She wins again! Hooray!!

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She's first across the finish line once again in what's usually a one woman race.
LGS scores again----she has the entire goon squad gathered to shoot the messenger. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yes. LadyGunt wanted to embarrass herself and make herself look like a stupid drunk all at the same time. And she succeeded! She wins again! Hooray!!

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She's first across the finish line once again in what's usually a one woman race.

***duplicate post.
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