BREAKING!!! Repubs ask cheating congressman to resign!


McAllister is a hypocrite. A destroyer of the institution of marriage and the Republican brand.

This makes it embarrassing for the Republicans, but I agree with Kevin in that I think there are a lot bigger fish to fry. Do all these sideshows just serve to divert attention away from the serious threats (exploding debt) that we are facing (or not facing in order to focus on the sideshows?)?

Yes. For God's sake, let the right wingers get back to the more important topics about Obama's golf games and Michelle's fat ass going on vacations!

LOL - two wrongs .........
No, the hypocritical scum are the ones who think a brief lapse in a coatroom is tantamount to a felony.

Are you really stupid enough to think that kiss was all that happened between those two?


He wore his religion and his family on his sleeve. The guy had barely warmed his Congressional seat when he got right down to humping a staffer!
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As I predicted:
If he were a Democrat, they'd run him for Senate or President

Tu quoque fallacy #1.

Truth hurts.
As I predicted:

Tu quoque fallacy #1.

Truth hurts.

Logical fallacies lose.

No logical fallacy was committed. Except by you.
Why is it Republicans need to resign when they commit some private indiscretion but Democrats get to stay on even after they commit chargeable crimes?
The new rules for public life stipulate that what someone does in his personal life is no one else's business. Didnt you get the memo?
No, the hypocritical scum are the ones who think a brief lapse in a coatroom is tantamount to a felony.

Are you really stupid enough to think that kiss was all that happened between those two?



He was elected on Nov 21, and by December 23 he was tonguing his staffer in his office. Like I said, he had barely warmed his seat. His "family values" had the fragility of a water balloon.

U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister admits to infidelity | Home | The Advocate ? Baton Rouge, LA

A week later, McAllister took his first trip to Washington, D.C., and took the oath on Nov. 21 to replace Rodney Alexander as the congressman representing the state’s largest congressional district, stretching from Monroe to Alexandria and across the Florida parishes to Bogalusa.

A video acquired by The Ouachita Citizen newspaper and released Monday showed McAllister on Dec. 23 embracing and giving an aide — the wife of a longtime friend — a lingering kiss in the dark of his Monroe district office.

That's the kiss of lovers, not a friendly peck on the cheek, rube.

And the staffer has resigned. So I ask again, are you really stupid enough to think that kiss was all that happened between those two? :lol:
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Too bad, so sad :boohoo:

Own Party Asks 'Kissing' Congressman to Resign - NBC News
"Mr. McAllister's extreme hypocrisy is an example of why ordinary people are fed up with politics. A breach of trust of this magnitude can only be rectified by an immediate resignation," said Louisiana GOP Chairman Roger F. Villere, Jr. in a statement. "He has embarrassed our party, our state and the institution of Congress. A video showing him engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of Congress, on public time, in a public office, with one of his employees, was the focus of the national press for days. I call on Mr. McAllister to put the interests of his nation, state and party above his own and step aside."

Something a LIBERAL politician will do.. Because they are all scum
Too bad, so sad :boohoo:

Own Party Asks 'Kissing' Congressman to Resign - NBC News
"Mr. McAllister's extreme hypocrisy is an example of why ordinary people are fed up with politics. A breach of trust of this magnitude can only be rectified by an immediate resignation," said Louisiana GOP Chairman Roger F. Villere, Jr. in a statement. "He has embarrassed our party, our state and the institution of Congress. A video showing him engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of Congress, on public time, in a public office, with one of his employees, was the focus of the national press for days. I call on Mr. McAllister to put the interests of his nation, state and party above his own and step aside."

Something a LIBERAL politician will do.. Because they are all scum

as opposed to rightwingnut scum?

If you were married Rabbi, and that was your wife in the video, would you be like, "They aren't humping each other. Nawwww..."

Dems have a KKK Grand Kleagle, a guy who let his GF drown overnight while he chatted up his lawyers, a POTUS who told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, a Senator who lied about being an American Indian, another Senator who lied about being a Veteran

Yeah, I'm gonna pay real close attention when you guys talk

Yes, I'm serious Son. They like it when you smack 'em on the ass by surprise. Not kidding
Too bad, so sad :boohoo:

Own Party Asks 'Kissing' Congressman to Resign - NBC News
"Mr. McAllister's extreme hypocrisy is an example of why ordinary people are fed up with politics. A breach of trust of this magnitude can only be rectified by an immediate resignation," said Louisiana GOP Chairman Roger F. Villere, Jr. in a statement. "He has embarrassed our party, our state and the institution of Congress. A video showing him engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of Congress, on public time, in a public office, with one of his employees, was the focus of the national press for days. I call on Mr. McAllister to put the interests of his nation, state and party above his own and step aside."

Something a LIBERAL politician will do.. Because they are all scum

Tu quoque #3 with generalization fallacy sauce!
Dems have a KKK Grand Kleagle, a guy who let his GF drown overnight while he chatted up his lawyers, a POTUS who told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, a Senator who lied about being an American Indian, another Senator who lied about being a Veteran

Yeah, I'm gonna pay real close attention when you guys talk

Tu quoque fallacy #4!
No logical fallacy was committed. Except by you.
Why is it Republicans need to resign when they commit some private indiscretion but Democrats get to stay on even after they commit chargeable crimes?
The new rules for public life stipulate that what someone does in his personal life is no one else's business. Didnt you get the memo?

Rabbi, you have long demonstrated you have no clue as to what logical fallacies are. You are great at committing them, though!

Thank for admitting you have decided the GOP should give in to the lower principles of the Democrats rather than be the better principled party. Even worse, you have decided it is okay for a Republican to preach family values and wave the bible about, and then fuck his staffers. All that "family values" shit is just theater for the rubes now.

I seeeeee...

Thank you for providing evidence for what I have long suspected.
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Too bad, so sad :boohoo:

Own Party Asks 'Kissing' Congressman to Resign - NBC News
"Mr. McAllister's extreme hypocrisy is an example of why ordinary people are fed up with politics. A breach of trust of this magnitude can only be rectified by an immediate resignation," said Louisiana GOP Chairman Roger F. Villere, Jr. in a statement. "He has embarrassed our party, our state and the institution of Congress. A video showing him engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of Congress, on public time, in a public office, with one of his employees, was the focus of the national press for days. I call on Mr. McAllister to put the interests of his nation, state and party above his own and step aside."

How many democrats asked Clinton to resign after defiling the oval office ?

this whole thing is nothing but more democrat hypocrisy. But it backfired because the GOP did the right thing, something dems never do.
So what do we have? We have a party that no longer puts solutions on the table, and has instead decided life is easier when you just whine and attack the other guy's proffered solutions. This does not require any intelligence or courage. Who cares if that strategy turns your brains into a pile of mush?

This same party has decided to succumb to the temptations of the flesh and be more like the Democrats, but still robotically wave the Bible about as some sort of homage to its principled past.

One tradition this party has decided to keep, interestingly enough. The very one it should have dumped long ago. It's hatred and bigotry. A contagion carried into the body by the Southern conservatives of yore.
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So fellow Republicans asked him to step they should. And as he should.
I really dont see why you libs are frothing at the mouth about this.
Sounds to me like the Republicans are taking the high road and you libs dont like it.
Whats the matter..? Does it make your party look bad because you wouldnt do the same?
Too bad, so sad :boohoo:

Own Party Asks 'Kissing' Congressman to Resign - NBC News
"Mr. McAllister's extreme hypocrisy is an example of why ordinary people are fed up with politics. A breach of trust of this magnitude can only be rectified by an immediate resignation," said Louisiana GOP Chairman Roger F. Villere, Jr. in a statement. "He has embarrassed our party, our state and the institution of Congress. A video showing him engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of Congress, on public time, in a public office, with one of his employees, was the focus of the national press for days. I call on Mr. McAllister to put the interests of his nation, state and party above his own and step aside."

How many democrats asked Clinton to resign after defiling the oval office ?

this whole thing is nothing but more democrat hypocrisy. But it backfired because the GOP did the right thing, something dems never do.

Tu quoque #5!

Pleny of Democrats demanded Anthony Weiner resign.
So what do we have? We have a party that no longer puts solutions on the table, and has instead decided life is easier when you just whine and attack the other guy's proffered solutions. This does not require any intelligence or courage. Who cares if that strategy turns your brains into a pile of mush?

This same party has decided to succumb to the temptations of the flesh and be more like the Democrats, but still robotically wave the Bible about as some sort of homage to its principled past.

One tradition this party has decided to keep, interestingly enough. The very one it should have dumped long ago. It's hatred and bigotry.

have you listened to Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Biden, Clinton? hatred and bigotry? those people take it to a whole new level.

How about the dem hatred and bigotry aimed at Allen West, Mia Love, and all other black conservatives? Are you fucking crazy?

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