BREAKING!!! Repubs ask cheating congressman to resign!

It's telling that retards have go back more than 50 years to find "proof" about present day Democrats. :lol:

They drank a lot of piss on that one.

You see, the old Southern Democrats which the rubes are talking about were conservatives. Klansmen were ultra-conservative.


They were HUGE on states rights, remember? And they HATED Marxism and commies with a passion. They also demanded low taxes. And, of course, they were big time bible thumpers.

Does any of this sound like people you know today?


And those same people we all know are the ones claiming the modern day descendents of those Southern conservatives are still true to their KKK roots! Do you get how hilarious this admission is? :lol:

But they don't need to tell us that. We can plainly see it. The anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black rhetoric.

Alive and well, all right!

rEpublicans had conservatives all the way back to lincoln. Taft in 1912 was considered rwally coservative. FDR was liberal, kennedy was liberal, stephenson was liberal, al smith was liberal.....and these are democrats before the supposed switch

and bull connor, when did he become a republican...........oh never

dont rewrite history

And don't forget the one who set the standard for Liberals, Woodrow Wilson!
It's telling that retards have go back more than 50 years to find "proof" about present day Democrats. :lol:

They drank a lot of piss on that one.

You see, the old Southern Democrats which the rubes are talking about were conservatives. Klansmen were ultra-conservative.


They were HUGE on states rights, remember? And they HATED Marxism and commies with a passion. They also demanded low taxes. And, of course, they were big time bible thumpers.

Does any of this sound like people you know today?


And those same people we all know are the ones claiming the modern day descendents of those Southern conservatives are still true to their KKK roots! Do you get how hilarious this admission is? :lol:

But they don't need to tell us that. We can plainly see it. The anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black rhetoric.

Alive and well, all right!

rEpublicans had conservatives all the way back to lincoln. Taft in 1912 was considered rwally coservative. FDR was liberal, kennedy was liberal, stephenson was liberal, al smith was liberal.....and these are democrats before the supposed switch

and bull connor, when did he become a republican...........oh never

dont rewrite history

and don't re-write history to try to pretend that segregationist Democrats in the south didn't FLOCK to the welcoming arms of the Republican Party. Not all - some (like Robert Byrd) had built a lot of position and power in the Democratic Party and he stuck with the Dems.

So not all racists belong to one party - but the GOP put out the welcome mat in the 60s and the 70s and up through the 80s at least.
So what do we have? We have a party that no longer puts solutions on the table, and has instead decided life is easier when you just whine and attack the other guy's proffered solutions. This does not require any intelligence or courage. Who cares if that strategy turns your brains into a pile of mush?

This same party has decided to succumb to the temptations of the flesh and be more like the Democrats, but still robotically wave the Bible about as some sort of homage to its principled past.

One tradition this party has decided to keep, interestingly enough. The very one it should have dumped long ago. It's hatred and bigotry. A contagion carried into the body by the Southern conservatives of yore.

You lying son of a bitch!! There are over 200 bills sitting on Harry Reid's desk that involve solutions, but you say the Republicans offer no solutions? Oh, and that doesn't include the repeal Obamacare bills, which he won't allow a vote on either.
[MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] - you seem particularly worked up over this. Is it because you want the GOP to be more like something you can support?

So ive seen you say youre also a former republican, i love these discusions

so what do they need to do to get your support?
[MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] - you seem particularly worked up over this. Is it because you want the GOP to be more like something you can support?

So ive seen you say youre also a former republican, i love these discusions

so what do they need to do to get your support?

Just trash the social agenda and attack the debt like marines landing on Iwo Jima
Dems have a KKK Grand Kleagle, a guy who let his GF drown overnight while he chatted up his lawyers, a POTUS who told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, a Senator who lied about being an American Indian, another Senator who lied about being a Veteran

Yeah, I'm gonna pay real close attention when you guys talk

It's telling that retards have go back more than 50 years to find "proof" about present day Democrats. :lol:

They drank a lot of piss on that one.

You see, the old Southern Democrats which the rubes are talking about were conservatives. Klansmen were ultra-conservative.


They were HUGE on states rights, remember? And they HATED Marxism and commies with a passion. They also demanded low taxes. And, of course, they were big time bible thumpers.

Does any of this sound like people you know today?


And those same people we all know are the ones claiming the modern day descendents of those Southern conservatives are still true to their KKK roots! Do you get how hilarious this admission is? :lol:

But they don't need to tell us that. We can plainly see it. The anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black rhetoric.

Alive and well, all right!

rEpublicans had conservatives all the way back to lincoln. Taft in 1912 was considered rwally coservative. FDR was liberal, kennedy was liberal, stephenson was liberal, al smith was liberal.....and these are democrats before the supposed switch

and bull connor, when did he become a republican...........oh never

dont rewrite history

and don't re-write history to try to pretend that segregationist Democrats in the south didn't FLOCK to the welcoming arms of the Republican Party. Not all - some (like Robert Byrd) had built a lot of position and power in the Democratic Party and he stuck with the Dems.

So not all racists belong to one party - but the GOP put out the welcome mat in the 60s and the 70s and up through the 80s at least.


tell me if they flocked to the republican party, how come they kept voting for al gore, jim sasser and had democrat controlled house and senaate until the 2000s

do some research and not repeat left wing bullshit

again name a presidential election where the democrat was more conservative than the republican
John d rockerfeller was a very rich, bible thumping, conservative republican in the 1880s. Ohand he was pro civil rights.....h,mmm,,, pro civil rights conservatives....what a concept. Conservative republicans in the 1880s....hmm even in lincoln did they mention that faction
rEpublicans had conservatives all the way back to lincoln. Taft in 1912 was considered rwally coservative. FDR was liberal, kennedy was liberal, stephenson was liberal, al smith was liberal.....and these are democrats before the supposed switch

and bull connor, when did he become a republican...........oh never

dont rewrite history

and don't re-write history to try to pretend that segregationist Democrats in the south didn't FLOCK to the welcoming arms of the Republican Party. Not all - some (like Robert Byrd) had built a lot of position and power in the Democratic Party and he stuck with the Dems.

So not all racists belong to one party - but the GOP put out the welcome mat in the 60s and the 70s and up through the 80s at least.


tell me if they flocked to the republican party, how come they kept voting for al gore, jim sasser and had democrat controlled house and senaate until the 2000s

do some research and not repeat left wing bullshit

again name a presidential election where the democrat was more conservative than the republican

Dude, don't try to play that. I lived in Tennessee from 1961 until 2003. I saw it all with my own eyes. You can try to re-write history all you want. And some dupes may even buy into it. Not me - I was there.

Nice try though - maybe you can get some nibbles somewhere else.
I wonder if the Democratic Party and those on this board will do the same the next time on of there's gets caught cheating?
^ Democrats never claimed the mantle of family values. You people did that. :thup:

Glad to help :lol:
^ Democrats never claimed the mantle of family values. You people did that. :thup:

Glad to help :lol:

So that makes the behavior acceptable? Liberal rationalizing at its best so as long as Republican who cheats does not talk about family values you would have no problem with them on that?
^ Democrats never claimed the mantle of family values. You people did that. :thup:

Glad to help :lol:

So that makes the behavior acceptable? Liberal rationalizing at its best so as long as Republican who cheats does not talk about family values you would have no problem with them on that?


I couldn't care less about this sort of behavior so long as it's off hours. Unless of course, the person in question is pointing at others and trying to forces value upon people that that person doesn't follow.

Then it's a laugh riot.

I hope he stays.

Seriously. And runs again.
[MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] - you seem particularly worked up over this. Is it because you want the GOP to be more like something you can support?

So ive seen you say youre also a former republican, i love these discusions

so what do they need to do to get your support?

Just trash the social agenda and attack the debt like marines landing on Iwo Jima

So was there a point to this question?

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