BREAKING!!! Repubs ask cheating congressman to resign!

The Republican brand isn't even a shadow of its former self.

How many democrats asked Clinton to resign after defiling the oval office ?

this whole thing is nothing but more democrat hypocrisy. But it backfired because the GOP did the right thing, something dems never do.

Tu quoque #5!

Pleny of Democrats demanded Anthony Weiner resign.

I asked you about Clinton, not Weiner. try to respond to the question asked.
The Republican brand isn't even a shadow of its former self.

but the dem party is: its KKK heritage is alive and well. "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

You poor slob. It is precisely those Southern conservatives I was talking about who have carried their contagion into the PRESENT DAY Republican Party.
Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist laying out the GOP plan going forward.
He did not mind exploiting his family for his "family values" ads:




The people of Louisiana need to do a gut check. Is this kind of hypocritical scum what they want to speak as their voice? They need to think hard about what it means to represent the people. Does this guy represent what they stand for?

Their decision will tell us a lot about Louisiana Republicans and what their real values are.


democrats do this shit as well, but because they support buttfucking between two dudes, its ok
The Republican brand isn't even a shadow of its former self.

but the dem party is: its KKK heritage is alive and well. "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

You poor slob. It is precisely those Southern conservatives I was talking about who have carried their contagion into the PRESENT DAY Republican Party.

LBJ was not a conservative, and Texas is not a southern state. Got anything else?
It's telling that retards have go back more than 50 years to find "proof" about present day Democrats. :lol:

They drank a lot of piss on that one.

You see, the old Southern Democrats which the rubes are talking about were conservatives. Klansmen were ultra-conservative.


They were HUGE on states rights, remember? And they HATED Marxism and commies with a passion. They also demanded low taxes. And, of course, they were big time bible thumpers.

Does any of this sound like people you know today?


And those same people we all know are the ones claiming the modern day descendents of those Southern conservatives are still true to their KKK roots! Do you get how hilarious this admission is? :lol:

But they don't need to tell us that. We can plainly see it. The anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black rhetoric.

Alive and well, all right!
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Her: You did NOT show her the Hot Dog prank! Nuhh Uhh...Howd you get the mustard off your dick?
So what do we have? We have a party that no longer puts solutions on the table, and has instead decided life is easier when you just whine and attack the other guy's proffered solutions. This does not require any intelligence or courage. Who cares if that strategy turns your brains into a pile of mush?

This same party has decided to succumb to the temptations of the flesh and be more like the Democrats, but still robotically wave the Bible about as some sort of homage to its principled past.

One tradition this party has decided to keep, interestingly enough. The very one it should have dumped long ago. It's hatred and bigotry. A contagion carried into the body by the Southern conservatives of yore.

reading your posts were ok until this pile of shit. There is far more hate by the commie left and racism is the same thing to the lef that you say family values are to the republicans.
Ill ask you if it was conservatives inthe south with all the hate

then when was the lat ti e a democrat was kore conservative than a republican, hint waaaaaay before the 60s

second why were the local and statewide elected politicians always controlled by democrats until the 90s/2000s?

i love thqt bullshit. I hate liberals, commies and othe fucktards like them, not blacks, women as they claim
Sadly, the anti big government principles of the old GOP are gone. The anti big spending principles of the old GOP are gone. And we see in this topic that the biblical principles of the old GOP are gone.

The bible is now just an instrument of convenience when it suits. It gets you elected by the rubes so you can hump staffers, and it keeps the homos in their place.

How sad that all the true Republican principles withered once the bigots were allowed to infect and rule the roost.
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Of course DC is shocked that the GOP has the gall to hold members to certain standards.

It's such a foreign concept to him.
A guy like McAllister serves as a measurement to indicate the health of the Republican Party.

A litmus test, if you like.

You people failed.

For quite a while now, these measurements have been indicating the Republican Party is very, very sick.

When you toss out tu quoque fallacies to create a lot of smoke to protect McAllister (that IS what you are doing), you are putting leeches on the bleeding body.

There should have been unequivocal condemnation. No more, no less. Pointing out the mote in the other fella's eye does not remove the beam from your own.

McAllister should already have been plucked out.
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It's telling that retards have go back more than 50 years to find "proof" about present day Democrats. :lol:

They drank a lot of piss on that one.

You see, the old Southern Democrats which the rubes are talking about were conservatives. Klansmen were ultra-conservative.


They were HUGE on states rights, remember? And they HATED Marxism and commies with a passion. They also demanded low taxes. And, of course, they were big time bible thumpers.

Does any of this sound like people you know today?


And those same people we all know are the ones claiming the modern day descendents of those Southern conservatives are still true to their KKK roots! Do you get how hilarious this admission is? :lol:

But they don't need to tell us that. We can plainly see it. The anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black rhetoric.

Alive and well, all right!

rEpublicans had conservatives all the way back to lincoln. Taft in 1912 was considered rwally coservative. FDR was liberal, kennedy was liberal, stephenson was liberal, al smith was liberal.....and these are democrats before the supposed switch

and bull connor, when did he become a republican...........oh never

dont rewrite history
[MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] - you seem particularly worked up over this. Is it because you want the GOP to be more like something you can support?
Too bad, so sad :boohoo:

Own Party Asks 'Kissing' Congressman to Resign - NBC News
"Mr. McAllister's extreme hypocrisy is an example of why ordinary people are fed up with politics. A breach of trust of this magnitude can only be rectified by an immediate resignation," said Louisiana GOP Chairman Roger F. Villere, Jr. in a statement. "He has embarrassed our party, our state and the institution of Congress. A video showing him engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of Congress, on public time, in a public office, with one of his employees, was the focus of the national press for days. I call on Mr. McAllister to put the interests of his nation, state and party above his own and step aside."

If he was one of their's, the Democrats would give him a medal.
A guy like McAllister serves as a measurement to indicate the health of the Republican Party.

A litmus test, if you like.

You people failed.

For quite a while now, these measurements have been indicating the Republican Party is very, very sick.

When you toss out tu quoque fallacies to create a lot of smoke to protect McAllister (that IS what you are doing), you are putting leeches on the bleeding body.

There should have been unequivocal condemnation. No more, no less. Pointing out the mote in the other fella's eye does not remove the beam from your own.

McAllister should already have been plucked out.

yeah, i didnt defend him. Why dont you look at the hypocrisy of democrats. I mean they use their families too. I mean clinton and obama used their children to shield them from criticism, and i dont think either one has advocated adultry, yet clinton did comit it and nothing fro you, nadda
nad dont get me started on rich democrats and people like leeland ye and rosie odonnell on blatant hypocrisy
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