Breaking! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tops Biden In New Favorability Poll

This isn't good news for Biden.

Hell, even I kinda like some of what I hear from RFK! But no matter, it is a moot point if Biden simply refuses to recognize or debate him and the DNC closes the door in his face just as they did to Sanders in 2016 so that Hillary would get the nod.

The Biden Administration s a thug operation, a coup, they have 75% of the GOP scared of them, that is why Biden snickers, and I put almost nothing past them. The Bidenistas (which is to say a continuation of the federal Obamanites) are just one step removed from seizing total power and flushing the Constitution down the drain becoming a total police state.

We are seeing Barry's "fundamental change" in action, now, and the idiot drones of the left are so stupid, they are celebrating it not realizing they will be the first to be eaten.
I think you may be right.....but then there is this....

But you see, in a way, they were actually right. They may have dropped their guard and been fooled in 2016, but they kept their promise and literally BLOCKED his administration from operating, then literally railroaded him OUT of office ASAP, and it would shock me if somehow, by whatever it takes, even if they have to hire someone to assassinate him, to KEEP him from ever returning to office because Trump scares the living BEJESUS out of them! He is an existential threat to their power.

So, we are in Phase 1: First they will try to make it ILLEGAL for Trump to run again by criminalizing him through the courts.
If that fails then comes Phase 2: they will FRAME Trump for a federal crime to lock him in a jail criminalizing him through the prisons.
Finally, if all else fails, they will try to assassinate him. Expect that to happen at the last minute just weeks before the election.
If I were Trump, I'd be very careful, not trust no one, and keep armed guards with machine guns around himself 24/7.

People make the mistake of thinking that Biden or Obumma executed a political coup when in fact, the coup against our government taking them over away from the American people happened many years ago, and they have only been incrementally revealing their takeover very gradually, incrementally step by step like boiling a frog so that people will accept it and not notice so much that we now live in a banana republic third world authoritaucrasy run by foreign interests.

Remember, we are dealing with people who brag about being able to abuse the justice system to indict a ham sandwich, and when bored, send the CIA over anywhere in the world to kill people they don't like including other American citizens.
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But you see, in a way, they were actually right. They may have dropped their guard and been fooled in 2016, but they kept their promise and literally BLOCKED his administration from operating, then literally railroaded him OUT of office ASAP, and it would shock me if somehow, by whatever it takes, even if they have to hire someone to assassinate him, to KEEP him from ever returning to office because Trump scares the living BEJESUS out of them! He is an existential threat to their power.

So, we are in Phase 1: First they will try to make it ILLEGAL for Trump to run again by criminalizing him through the courts.
If that fails then comes Phase 2: they will FRAME Trump for a federal crime to lock him in a jail criminalizing him through the prisons.
Finally, if all else fails, they will try to assassinate him. Expect that to happen at the last minute just weeks before the election.
If I were Trump, I'd be very careful, not trust no one, and keep armed guards with machine guns around himself 24/7.

People make the mistake of thinking that Biden or Obumma executed a political coup when in fact, the coup against our government taking them over away from the American people happened many years ago, and they have only been incrementally revealing their takeover very gradually, incrementally step by step like boiling a frog so that people will accept it and not notice so much that we now live in a banana republic third world authoritaucrasy run by foreign interests.

Remember, we are dealing with people who brag about being able to abuse the justice system to indict a ham sandwich, and when bored, send the CIA over anywhere in the world to kill people they don't like including other American citizens.
That's the most honest to God straight forward truthful post I've seen. Thank you!
That's the most honest to God straight forward truthful post I've seen. Thank you!

The part I left out is that if it comes down to their last resort of the courts and prisons not stopping Trump that they decide to execute Phase Three and literally take him out, they will stage it to appear (a la Lee Harvey Oswald, or use the MSM to claim) that the assassin was a bereaved ex-Trump/MAGA supporter gone rogue so disillusioned he was with the Donald and had to be stopped at any cost (the justification the left used to explain their steal of the 2020 election as per the Time Magazine 2/3/21 article by Molly Ball: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election ), proving Trump WAS this existential threat and that MAGA is this dangerous cult needing further police action!

You see, the CIA has killed American presidents before. :smoke:
But you see, in a way, they were actually right. They may have dropped their guard and been fooled in 2016, but they kept their promise and literally BLOCKED his administration from operating, then literally railroaded him OUT of office ASAP, and it would shock me if somehow, by whatever it takes, even if they have to hire someone to assassinate him, to KEEP him from ever returning to office because Trump scares the living BEJESUS out of them! He is an existential threat to their power.

So, we are in Phase 1: First they will try to make it ILLEGAL for Trump to run again by criminalizing him through the courts.
If that fails then comes Phase 2: they will FRAME Trump for a federal crime to lock him in a jail criminalizing him through the prisons.
Finally, if all else fails, they will try to assassinate him. Expect that to happen at the last minute just weeks before the election.
If I were Trump, I'd be very careful, not trust no one, and keep armed guards with machine guns around himself 24/7.

People make the mistake of thinking that Biden or Obumma executed a political coup when in fact, the coup against our government taking them over away from the American people happened many years ago, and they have only been incrementally revealing their takeover very gradually, incrementally step by step like boiling a frog so that people will accept it and not notice so much that we now live in a banana republic third world authoritaucrasy run by foreign interests.

Remember, we are dealing with people who brag about being able to abuse the justice system to indict a ham sandwich, and when bored, send the CIA over anywhere in the world to kill people they don't like including other American citizens.

You and the rest of the Orange Cult whore for a criminal who endangered national security and our troops abroad.

But keep pretending you're a patriot!

Every single registered voter in the country, whatever the number... 180M....

Could come out and vote for (Name is irrelevant). If the cleptocrats want the potato, 361M ballots will be "collected" and the potato will have the extra million "legit" votes according to every media outlet that doesn't want to be terrorized and sued into poverty.

Voting is irrelevant, but I will still do so, just because I want the numbers to become so absurd even bed wetters can't pretend to be that ignorant.

The Kennedys' Mafia Is Far Stronger Than Biden's

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