BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing


Flynn has agreed to fully cooperate with the Mueller investigation. I suspect they are still following leads they've received from Flynn and are still assessing the sentencing recommendations.
Wrong. Using information passed to the FBI from the CIA from Australian intelligence. let me get this are NOW arguing that Mueller did not use a false report containing Russian Propaganda from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians as the basis for the FISA warrants....

...that Mueller used a report from the Aussies about an overheard conversation between a drunk, self-important, un-paid Trump campaign volunteer and an Aussie rep that supposedly occurred in the bathroom of a British Pub...


The FISA warrant was issued long before Mueller was appointed, retard.
Wrong. Using information passed to the FBI from the CIA from Australian intelligence. let me get this are NOW arguing that Mueller did not use a false report containing Russian Propaganda from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians as the basis for the FISA warrants....
...that Mueller used a report from the Aussies about an overheard conversation between a drunk, self-important, un-paid Trump campaign volunteer and an Aussie rep that supposedly occurred in the bathroom of a British Pub...

Nothing anyone did to put you guys under surveillance was illegal or based on impropriety.

The actions you've undertaken here show that you are actively assisting in the collaboration and campaign of disinformation. You would be wise to cease and desist that shit, before the investigators end up looking down the line at everyone who was involved in pushing the false propaganda and messages on the internet, employing Russian Active Measures.

Your name will be known. Your employer will be known. Your life will be known because you won't be able to hide behind the internet anymore.

Then the fun is really gonna start because we have a long tradition in this country of purging collaborators and traitors.
Eat shit, collaborator.
Says the snowflake who swears up and down that the Obama administration - proven to have illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices - did not illegally spy on an opposing political party's Presidential candidate during an election...WHILE protecting a proven felon / criminal stay out of jail and run for President as the Democratic party's candidate....


This is comedy GOLD!

No one illegally spied on anyone.

Your post is going to be used to identify you as a collaborator who helped Trump conspire with Russia to steal our election.

Then you'll be unmasked, with no place on the internet to hide.

People will know your name. They will know your address. They will know your employer. They will know who you are.

Then the fun is really gonna start.

Americans don't like collaborators. There's a special place in hell reserved for them. That's where you'll end up, once you shuffle off this mortal coil.

Says the guy who supports Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, and Obama - who evidence shows hid evidence of Russian crimes in 2009 while helping the Russians acquire 25% of the US supply of Uranium and how they hid evidence of Russian crimes / hacking / paying liberal groups to spread racial violence, doing nothing to stop it, because Barry wanted Vlad's permission to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria.......


Continuing to post this type of false bullshit only implicates you in the matter of the cover-up. If you think that you're safe because you use a fake name on an internet message board, you're wrong. Nothing you write here is privileged or anonymous. Nothing you write here will disappear. When the investigators get down to even the lowliest of troglodytes, it's posts like yours that will be used to argue your participation in the treason.

Consider this a warning you should heed. Consider different life choices.
We're gonna have to do here what they did to the Vichy in France after the allies liberated it.

That's what you're in store for. We let you "No true Scotsman" your way from Bush. That ain't happening again
Little early for the sauce derpy....:alcoholic:

do you always accuse other people of your own failures?
Why should a judge allow him to change his plea?
It's not up to the judge he wasn't in the room when Flynn made it...
A judge has to sign off on any guilty plea, because he/she must make on the record findings of whether the plea is voluntary (e.g. Flynn is competent, the State has sufficient proof that if a jury believed it, a conviction could legally occur, Flynn was advised of his min/max sentences, and his defense counsel's performance was adequate). Sentencing can be delayed more or less indefinitely if part of the plea deal is he cooperates.
Yeah, but so did Abedin and Mills...and they were never charged / convicted... :p

Apparently not.
Does everything you've been fooled about automatically get dumped into the conspiracy soup?
oh, but they did. it's on record dude.

Yes, on the echo chamber greatest hits.
doesn't matter where it's at, it's on record.

Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?
Apparently not.
Does everything you've been fooled about automatically get dumped into the conspiracy soup?
oh, but they did. it's on record dude.

Yes, on the echo chamber greatest hits.
doesn't matter where it's at, it's on record.

Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

We will. Your punch bowl will be overflowing.
Drink up.
We're gonna have to do here what they did to the Vichy in France after the allies liberated it.

That's what you're in store for. We let you "No true Scotsman" your way from Bush. That ain't happening again
Little early for the sauce derpy....:alcoholic:

do you always accuse other people of your own failures?
Why should a judge allow him to change his plea?
It's not up to the judge he wasn't in the room when Flynn made it...
A judge has to sign off on any guilty plea, because he/she must make on the record findings of whether the plea is voluntary (e.g. Flynn is competent, the State has sufficient proof that if a jury believed it, a conviction could legally occur, Flynn was advised of his min/max sentences, and his defense counsel's performance was adequate). Sentencing can be delayed more or less indefinitely if part of the plea deal is he cooperates.

Oh, it was obviously in front of a judge.

"In court Friday morning, Flynn's only comments were to answer yes and no to questions from the judge. He told the judge he has not been coerced to plead guilty or been promised a specific sentence. Flynn faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison, according to federal sentencing guidelines, though the judge Friday morning stressed he could impose a harsher or lighter sentence."

Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI, is cooperating with Mueller - CNNPolitics

But these hapless fools lie to themselves as easy as breathing. They're in simple denial. And have been convinced by the right wing echo chamber that if the pretend hard enough, reality changes. can't fix stupid.
Apparently not.
Does everything you've been fooled about automatically get dumped into the conspiracy soup?
oh, but they did. it's on record dude.

Yes, on the echo chamber greatest hits.
doesn't matter where it's at, it's on record.

Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
We're gonna have to do here what they did to the Vichy in France after the allies liberated it.

That's what you're in store for. We let you "No true Scotsman" your way from Bush. That ain't happening again
Little early for the sauce derpy....:alcoholic:

do you always accuse other people of your own failures?
Why should a judge allow him to change his plea?
It's not up to the judge he wasn't in the room when Flynn made it...
A judge has to sign off on any guilty plea, because he/she must make on the record findings of whether the plea is voluntary (e.g. Flynn is competent, the State has sufficient proof that if a jury believed it, a conviction could legally occur, Flynn was advised of his min/max sentences, and his defense counsel's performance was adequate). Sentencing can be delayed more or less indefinitely if part of the plea deal is he cooperates.

Oh, it was obviously in front of a judge.

"In court Friday morning, Flynn's only comments were to answer yes and no to questions from the judge. He told the judge he has not been coerced to plead guilty or been promised a specific sentence. Flynn faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison, according to federal sentencing guidelines, though the judge Friday morning stressed he could impose a harsher or lighter sentence."

Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI, is cooperating with Mueller - CNNPolitics

But these hapless fools lie to themselves as easy as breathing. They're in simple denial. And have been convinced by the right wing echo chamber that if the pretend hard enough, reality changes. can't fix stupid.
Of course it was. They don't make this up as they go along. LOL.

The gop isn't going to remove Trump, but possibly a majority will see the election was illegally conducted.
Is Flynn's case in the sentencing phase or not?
Not until he appears in a courtroom represented by his attorney...

at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him.

there may be a delay in sentencing pending a sentencing report of some type and depending on how cooperative Flynn is with the prosecution.

but that's all she wrote.


dum dum.
He's reading a conspiracy website. That's the only rational explanation. Or he may be hearing voices ... but.

No he, like Sleazy 65 or whatever it calls itself, wash and rinse in conspiracy sites. And total RWNJ sites, how else can you explain this lunacy.
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oh, but they did. it's on record dude.

Yes, on the echo chamber greatest hits.
doesn't matter where it's at, it's on record.

Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
Yes, on the echo chamber greatest hits.
doesn't matter where it's at, it's on record.

Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
Yes, on the echo chamber greatest hits.
doesn't matter where it's at, it's on record.

Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it

When you *imagine* the indictments are thrown out? there any argument that you have that doesn't begin with 'Once Upon A Time'?
Yeah, I know. But they can only lie to suspects, or witnesses. They can't lie to the Court. Duh....
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.

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