BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

Moron... here is Flynn’ admission of guilt, filed with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia...

See the Charges: U.S. v. Michael T. Flynn
Yes he has been charged but to be sentenced he must appear in a court of law...what is so hard to understand about that? You all want him to go to jail right now without appearing in court that is not how it works here...Wishing it does not make it happen...
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
Really? where is he waiting? A plea of guilt in a grand jury means zip zero nada until he stands before a judge...Grand jury's do not have a sitting judge...a courtroom is where he will face punishment if convicted...
The plea could have been coerced and a court room is where that will be weeded out...coercion comes in all forms like if he felt his son for example was next in line to be brought up to a GJ he may have felt coerced...
If the judge agrees he can withdraw his plea...then it's up to Mueller if he wants to proceed or not...Grand juries can not send you to prison take your property or anything else like that...

Flynn will prediction...
Moron... here is Flynn’ admission of guilt, filed with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia...

See the Charges: U.S. v. Michael T. Flynn
Yes he has been charged but to be sentenced he must appear in a court of law...what is so hard to understand about that? You all want him to go to jail right now without appearing in court that is not how it works here...Wishing it does not make it happen...

Suddenly you get up to speed?
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
Really? where is he waiting? A plea of guilt in a grand jury means zip zero nada until he stands before a judge...Grand jury's do not have a sitting judge...a courtroom is where he will face punishment if convicted...
The plea could have been coerced and a court room is where that will be weeded out...coercion comes in all forms like if he felt his son for example was next in line to be brought up to a GJ he may have felt coerced...
If the judge agrees he can withdraw his plea...then it's up to Mueller if he wants to proceed or not...Grand juries can not send you to prison take your property or anything else like that...

Flynn will prediction...
A plea of guilt in a grand jury means zip zero nada until he stands before a judge.

He didn't plea to a GJ. No one pleas to a GJ, ya ignorant wretch.

He plead guilty in federal court to a federal judge.
Moron... here is Flynn’ admission of guilt, filed with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia...

See the Charges: U.S. v. Michael T. Flynn
Yes he has been charged but to be sentenced he must appear in a court of law...what is so hard to understand about that? You all want him to go to jail right now without appearing in court that is not how it works here...Wishing it does not make it happen...

Suddenly you get up to speed?
You just haven't been reading my post before you go off half cocked...
Moron... here is Flynn’ admission of guilt, filed with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia...

See the Charges: U.S. v. Michael T. Flynn
Yes he has been charged but to be sentenced he must appear in a court of law...what is so hard to understand about that? You all want him to go to jail right now without appearing in court that is not how it works here...Wishing it does not make it happen...

Suddenly you get up to speed?
You just haven't been reading my post before you go off half cocked...

I spoke too soon. You screwed the pooch again in your last post. Lol.
Breaking News Reminder!

It was Strzok that interviewed Flynn without councel to assist him.

The judge that took the plea recused himself and if text messages show Flynn was set up could that be the reason for delay

Flynn's attorneys are stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained. Everything they found with that information is now illegally obtained. They also denied his right to counsel.

Lots of awe shits are coming out...

I haven't heard he was denied
A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
If you actually read back, which you didn’t, you’d see that I already addressed the VERY limited circumstances under which a plea can be withdrawn or vacated.

This isn’t one of those VERYimited circumstances.

I do find it amusing that you decided to stop contrary with me but not the dolt who is arguing that Flynn still has to go before a grand jury, get indicted and have a jury trial.

WTF?!?! Who peed in your cheerios? I have not been contrary to you. I DID read back. You are lying (or being contrary) by saying I did not. You are reading hostility that is not there.

I just logged in and answered my alerts (where you showed up). I have not begun reading this thread where I left off yet. I'm sure I'll reply to others as time permits.
If you weren’t being contrary then it was odd to lecture me on something I already stated.

I didn't lecture. I clarified. I even apologized for not being more clear. You are reading something in my posts that I am not transmitting, or at least not intentionally. I thought we were having a normal conversation until you accused me of not reading and being contrary. We don't even disagree on vacated pleas and have no history that I recall, so not sure why this turned sour.
Flynn wasn't under arrest when he was interviewed by the FBI. He wasn't a suspect, either. The only crime he's being charged with resulted directly from that interview, and obviously wasn't at play, at the time.

You don't get Mirandized if you're not under arrest.

He obviously WAS a suspect since he'd probably been the subject of a wiretap....Strzok didn't go there to talk fishing lures. And a case could be made that Flynn was a victim of a custodial interrogation if he didn't think he could end the interview.

You'd have a hard time convincing me that a man like Flynn was unaware of his rights.
Miranda is irrelevant.

Torquemada questioned Flynn based on fabricated evidence. Any result is fruit of the poisonous tree.

The concept that the utterly disreputable FBI can prosecute people for lying to them, as they flagrantly lie to the nation is an outrage.

Both things can be true. The FBI sat him down under false pretenses when he didn't have an attorney present. A good defense attorney would portray that as a trap and not ethical. A judge may see those circumstances as tawdry and toss it.

I'm not sure tawdry will do it. There's got to be an underlying denial of a civil right. Pleas can be vacated for denial of counsel but when the suspect is unaware of his right to counsel and when. I bet Flynn knows he has a right to counsel at any time. I bet he could recite his rights.

I don't think THIS plea will be vacated. If all the hype is true, someone will be reprimanded likely, but I don't see it saving Flynn.
None of us know the specifics. Some of us have been speculating that there might not have been a warrant for Flynn - which would not preclude evidence gathered during the surveillance of someone one that Flynn was incidentally caught up in.
It is my understanding that the U.S. Person cannot be unmasked without court approval, so Flynn's communications would be ill-gotten without a warrant or other court order (not sure how the unmasking works). That's the argument is that Flynn was illegally unmasked and that information used to get him to plead guilty.

Again, WILD speculation. I don't know jack shit.

I thought that as well but can't find it so must have been wrong. I was able to verify an American can be charged via a foreigner's warrant if it is a "special need," and general things like public safety are considered special needs. So, I still don't see his plea being vacated.
Holy Crap!

Ignore the abuse of the FISA system. Ignore the 4th Amendment and illegal search and seizure..

The left is gone over the hill on an egg beater.... They are long gone...
Moron... here is Flynn’ admission of guilt, filed with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia...

See the Charges: U.S. v. Michael T. Flynn
Yes he has been charged but to be sentenced he must appear in a court of law...what is so hard to understand about that? You all want him to go to jail right now without appearing in court that is not how it works here...Wishing it does not make it happen...

Moron.... he had his day in court. That’s when he pled guilty. Seriously, how can you be this fucking retarded??
The Summary of Evidence is the next shoe that drops in Mueller's unravelling witch hunt

... and coincidentally Mueller quickly / suddenly calls for this delay...

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