BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
Really? where is he waiting? A plea of guilt in a grand jury means zip zero nada until he stands before a judge...Grand jury's do not have a sitting judge...a courtroom is where he will face punishment if convicted...
The plea could have been coerced and a court room is where that will be weeded out...coercion comes in all forms like if he felt his son for example was next in line to be brought up to a GJ he may have felt coerced...
If the judge agrees he can withdraw his plea...then it's up to Mueller if he wants to proceed or not...Grand juries can not send you to prison take your property or anything else like that...

Flynn will prediction...

What a determined imbecile you are, eh? Flynn, facing prison by his admission, said his guilty plea was not coerced; yet here you are, ignorantly claiming he was.
The Summary of Evidence is the next shoe that drops in Mueller's unravelling witch hunt

... and coincidentally Mueller quickly / suddenly calls for this delay...
Why am I still waiting for you to explain what is in Nunes’ memo which you think will aid Flynn??
What a determined imbecile you are, eh? Flynn, facing prison by his admission, said his guilty plea was not coerced; yet here you are, ignorantly claiming he was.
Things change...the memo will change everything...
Due to the status of the Special Counsel’s investigation, the parties do not believe that this matter is ready to be scheduled for a sentencing hearing at this time,” the document, signed by Mueller and Flynn attorneys Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony, said. "

'The STATUS of the investigation'?

Sounds like the collapsing investigation, the inability to even prove a crime was committed warranting the investigation, having to fire exposed criminal biased members of his team, the compete questioning of his team's credibility, and mow the up-coming release of the Summary of Evidence...may have a good bit to do with Mueller's call for a delay...
at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

I thought he already stood in front of a judge in a courtroom and pled guilty, no? If so, he won't be asked if he wants to change his plea. It will be a sentencing.
I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
If you actually read back, which you didn’t, you’d see that I already addressed the VERY limited circumstances under which a plea can be withdrawn or vacated.

This isn’t one of those VERYimited circumstances.

I do find it amusing that you decided to stop contrary with me but not the dolt who is arguing that Flynn still has to go before a grand jury, get indicted and have a jury trial.

WTF?!?! Who peed in your cheerios? I have not been contrary to you. I DID read back. You are lying (or being contrary) by saying I did not. You are reading hostility that is not there.

I just logged in and answered my alerts (where you showed up). I have not begun reading this thread where I left off yet. I'm sure I'll reply to others as time permits.

Frankly I read your response and thought it misleading until I understood the context. And you're certainly right that there are clearly established standards for accepting a plea, and if they aren't met, the plea should be allowed to be withdrawn, or any conviction overturned because the plea was not knowing and informed, and as you said, that's not the case with Flynn.

I also think Flynn and Page are being interchanged, but am only going by memory. Flynn's plea would not be vacated because Page "was not knowing or informed," which is what I think is being confused. I haven't had time to check back to be sure my memory is correct, though.
yeah, there's nothing involuntary with Flynn's plea. Page hasn't pled to anything has he? I don't think he's even been charged. Rather I think the Trump spinners (and there are those among the anti-Trumpers too) are trying to say there was something improper in tapping Page's phones. But there wasn't because Page was identified as a "Russian asset" years before he joined Trump. The real question is WTF was Trump thinking getting near that guy. LOL

And if the FBI had additional unconfirmed or unverified reports of Page doing "bad stuff' that's a valid reason for a warrant extension. The question for a FISA judge is whether the FBI has some logical reason to think the new info is true. If it's tied to what they had before, it's part of a pattern. And Steele himself is not someone with a deep pattern of lying.

Bolding is mine: That is so true!

So, what you're saying is that you have no actual basis for those beliefs, but you think you will at some point in the future?

Why should I believe you now?
Thanks for the input, Baghdad Bob.
I have plenty of basis......the fact that the FBI is trying to edit and redact the findings before it's released raises a big red flag.
That tells any rational person that they are worried about what it reveals. They are in panic mode right now.

The fact that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was escorted out of the building by security because they felt that he was a risk to the investigation.

"McCabe is escorted out by security after being forced out of the FBI. I'm sorry, but if McCabe has done half of what we think he has done he deserved every last bit of embarrassment he felt leaving the FBI."

No...McCabe wasn't escorted out by security. That photo is from this January 2nd article: Irregularities found in FBI's handling of Clinton case | Daily Mail Online

Where did you get that claim from?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And these are the same imbeciles telling us Nunes' memo is going to take down the Democrat party, the DOJ, the FBI, Mueller, Obama and Hillary; when as you just showed, they fall over and over and over again from the lies they are spoon fed.

Conservatism is truly a cult for the mindless.

It well might, Fawn.

You moron Stalinists ended your midterm chances last night.

Had it been a bipartisan effort by impartial folks, maybe it could do the damage you hope and pray for. But given it was coordinated by Nunes, who was already caught once collaborating with the very White House he was supposed to be investigating, that's highly doubtful.

As far as the mid-terms, who wins remains to be seen.

Ending your filthy Stalinist party was a bipartisan effort?

Well, I suppose so - but in the end you committed suicide.

Illegal aliens murder young girls, Trump honors the victims family and you Stalinist boo them.

Trump announces the lowest unemployment in history, you Maoist pigs scowl in hatred,

Trump mentions that we have a national anthem to show pride in our service men and women, you of the Khmer Rouge shake with visible rage.

The decent folk chant "USA, USA," and you vile scum storm out in a rage.

You're done, not just for the midterms, but for decades.

The GOP will gain a super majority in November and you traitorous fucks will be forced from the national stage for generations. Hopefully forever.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

What happens if the guilty plea is not accepted by the judge because of some misconduct by the FBI brought out in the FISA memo?

It was already accepted.

What "misconduct" do you believe occurred?

Illegal FISA warrant.

Judges can change their mind if there is new evidence.
What illegal FISA warrant in regards to Flynn?

The one that had the Obama administration tapping the phones of incoming cabinet members of the new administration.

FBI agents’ concerns became more pronounced when a highly-classified piece of evidence — an intercepted conversation between Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak — suddenly leaked to the news media and prompted Flynn’s resignation as Trump’s top security adviser.

“The Flynn leaks were nothing short of political,” one FBI employee said, noting the specific contents of the conversation were known by only a handful of government officials when they leaked. “The leaks appeared to be targeted to take Flynn out.”}

Report: FBI May Have Launched Russia Probe To 'Retaliate' Against Mike Flynn

The Obama administration through McCabe illegally targeted Flynn.

{Some lawmakers said the abuses are so bad they echo actions of the Soviet KGB, with the added warning that changes could come to the FBI as a consequence. They have repeated the notion that they were not allowed to review it prior to the House Intelligence Committee’s vote to make it public earlier this week. Again, the FBI has read the memo; FBI Director Wray reviewed it on Sunday. They have all the documents—and if they were so worried about national security, why were portions leaked to The New York Times a day after Wray looked at it? President Trump wants the memo released. After the House Intelligence Committee vote on January 29, Trump has five days to decide whether to block its release or not. }

FBI to Trump White House: Please Block The FISA Memo That Could Expose Us For Spying On You


Did you forget what claim you were trying to back up?

I don't see anything about "FALSIFIED and FABRICATED" evidence in there. Maybe you posted the wrong link?


{Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.}

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

You mindless hacks are FUNNY when you're in full meltdown panic mode.... :rofl:
SO what? The dossier was not the primary information provided to the judge for the extension approval of the surveillance.... there was 120 plus pages of information provided by the justice dept to the FISA judge showing that the surveillance the previous 90 days provided important information for the counter intelligence investigation and for the request to have it continue was critical....the FISA judge and his staff then had to spend the time to read and analyze the 120 pages of info to decide if t was legal to go forward with the extension of the surveillance....

The Dossier was just a preliminary field investigative report, and did need to be verified.....and yes Steele knew that.... he never said it was 100% accurate, he thought it COULD BE close to that, but inevitably, some info turns out to be wrong in field reports, it ALL needed to be verified by the FBI....

and since the FBI has had the dossier/field report, they HAVE verified several parts of the dossier.....

whatever bit of the dossier submitted in the FISA extension request, would NOT have been the primary information used by the FISA judge, it could simply be supplemental information.....

A 4 page cherry picked, partisan instead of bipartisan memo isn't gonna tell an accurate story of a 120 page story....


Well let's see your evidence?


Your coup has failed and you are all melting down.

This is far worse than Watergate, I have a feeling you Stalinist scum will finally be held to answer for your crimes. :dunno:

you can stick with that "story'', even after the egg gets thrown in your face.... no problem with me.... :rolleyes:

So, no evidence huh?

The committee’s chairman, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), expressed alarm at the ever-expanding investigation, saying, “We are now beginning to understand the magnitude of this insider bias on Mueller’s team.” As previously reported, there were nine Democrat donors on the team of 15, and one member had even worked for Hillary Clinton.

According to Goodlatte, this bias was on display in investigator Andrew Weissmann’s stated “awe” of fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for disobeying President Trump, and investigator Jeannie Rhee’s representation of the irretrievably corrupt Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

“Aren’t DoJ attorneys advised to avoid even the ‘appearance of impropriety’?” Goodlatte asked, saying the “potential bias” of certain career Justice Department officials and lawyers on Mueller’s team was “deeply troubling.” “DoJ investigations must not be tainted by individuals imposing their own political prejudices.”

Committee members learned that Peter Strzok, the principal investigator in the Hillary Clinton email scandal, was exchanging pro-Clinton and anti-Trump messages throughout his extramarital affair with lawyer Lisa Page, who was working at the time for FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. McCabe served as acting director of the FBI from May 9 when President Trump fired then-director James Comey until Aug. 2 when new director Christopher Wray took over. While serving as acting FBI director, McCabe was involved in the email investigation.

McCabe’s wife, Jill McCabe, was a Democratic candidate in 2015 for District 13 of the Virginia State Senate. Her campaign received nearly $675,000 in donations from the Virginia Democratic Party and Common Good VA, a political action committee of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), a slippery longtime Clinton flunky. Mr. McCabe failed to recuse himself from the Clinton email probe until Nov. 1, 2016, which was four days after Comey, then the FBI director, announced the agency had reopened the investigation into the emails after finding new data on computer hard drives belonging to former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), the now-imprisoned sex-offender husband of Hillary’s top lieutenant, Huma Abedin. It was also eight days after the ties between Mrs. McCabe and McAuliffe became public knowledge.

Disturbingly, Strzok, who was later removed from the investigation by Mueller and demoted by the FBI for his texting misconduct, apparently relied on the discredited “piss-gate” dossier from opposition research firm Fusion GPS which was working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Among the dossier’s ridiculous claims was that President Trump hired prostitutes in Moscow to urinate on a hotel bed. The fanciful file was assembled by former British spy Christopher Steele based on information provided by Russian government operatives. The FBI reportedly paid for the dossier and may even have used it to obtain warrants to snoop on Trump associates from the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Fusion GPS has acknowledged in court documents that it paid a senior Justice Department official’s wife to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, the Daily Caller reports. The company stated it hired Nellie H. Ohr as a subcontractor to assist with “research and analysis of Mr. Trump.” Ohr is married to Bruce G. Ohr, who was associate deputy attorney general until his recent mysterious demotion at the Justice Department.

Wherever there is trouble, look for Strzok’s fingerprints. Strzok talked then-FBI Director James Comey into calling Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information “extremely careless” instead of “grossly negligent.” He also interviewed then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn before the Trump administration canned him.

At an oversight hearing last week, Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) said the watering down of the language about Clinton was done “so she could escape prosecution and thus stay in the race against Donald Trump.”

Text messages between Strzok and his mistress that were released by the congressional committee show the two Hillary supporters tag-teaming then-candidate Trump as early as 2015.}

FBI Plot Against Trump

You traitors are fucked, and you know it.
at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

I thought he already stood in front of a judge in a courtroom and pled guilty, no? If so, he won't be asked if he wants to change his plea. It will be a sentencing.
He did. Judge Rudolph Contreras, in fact. Rambunctious is just among the most ignorant of all the posters on this forum who thinks Flynn hasn't had his day in court yet.
Say fake lawyer, if the basis for the witch hunt is the fabricated Steel Dossier
Yet the dossier says Russia was interfering in the US election, as verified by US intel agencies. How is that fabricated?

the dossier was fabricated

paid by the witch Clinton was designed to sink Trump, proving that the Kremlin wanted Bill's wife as President.....'cause they had a history of being able to bribe her.

We have been saying for a decade that the election of Putin was rigged. The Kremlin wants to expose American elections as equally corrupt,

Sadly they have done exactly that. The Obama regime engaged in the most horrific election tampering in American history, Tammany Hall never shit on free elections the way Obama, the FBI and DOJ have done.This is right out of a Banana Republic.

I am horrified that this could go on in America.
at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

I thought he already stood in front of a judge in a courtroom and pled guilty, no? If so, he won't be asked if he wants to change his plea. It will be a sentencing.
He did. Judge Rudolph Contreras, in fact. Rambunctious is just among the most ignorant of all the posters on this forum who thinks Flynn hasn't had his day in court yet.

He’s not the only one. It’s beyond belief.
at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

I thought he already stood in front of a judge in a courtroom and pled guilty, no? If so, he won't be asked if he wants to change his plea. It will be a sentencing.
He did. Judge Rudolph Contreras, in fact. Rambunctious is just among the most ignorant of all the posters on this forum who thinks Flynn hasn't had his day in court yet.

He’s not the only one. It’s beyond belief.

You should take an introduction to law class, fakelawyer.

A coerced confession based on fabricated evidence?

Look, you Stalinists have a long history of beating "confessions" out of your victims, but the normals are woke and we are restoring law to this land, driving you thugs out.
at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

I thought he already stood in front of a judge in a courtroom and pled guilty, no? If so, he won't be asked if he wants to change his plea. It will be a sentencing.
He did. Judge Rudolph Contreras, in fact. Rambunctious is just among the most ignorant of all the posters on this forum who thinks Flynn hasn't had his day in court yet.
Flynn will walk...Your dreams of a Trump impeachment are all going up in smoke...the charges are trumped up always have been from day one...have a nice day chickadee...I must have left a mark since I'm obviously living rent free in your head... :21:
at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

I thought he already stood in front of a judge in a courtroom and pled guilty, no? If so, he won't be asked if he wants to change his plea. It will be a sentencing.
He did. Judge Rudolph Contreras, in fact. Rambunctious is just among the most ignorant of all the posters on this forum who thinks Flynn hasn't had his day in court yet.
Flynn will walk...Your dreams of a Trump impeachment are all going up in smoke...the charges are trumped up always have been from day one...have a nice day chickadee...I must have left a mark since I'm obviously living rent free in your head... :21:

Fawn, like all the Communists, is melting down. Not only is the witch hunt over, there is a real possibility that McCabe, Comey, and a whole host of other crooks are one the way to prison.
at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

I thought he already stood in front of a judge in a courtroom and pled guilty, no? If so, he won't be asked if he wants to change his plea. It will be a sentencing.
He did. Judge Rudolph Contreras, in fact. Rambunctious is just among the most ignorant of all the posters on this forum who thinks Flynn hasn't had his day in court yet.
Flynn will walk...Your dreams of a Trump impeachment are all going up in smoke...the charges are trumped up always have been from day one...have a nice day chickadee...I must have left a mark since I'm obviously living rent free in your head... :21:
You remain insane. I never called for trump's impeachment and the only way Flynn walks is if Trump pardons him. On the merits of the case, Flynn is going to prison.

And I note, not one of you yahoos has been able to explain what in Nunes' memo helps Flynn. Merely crying, "Flynn walks," doesn't even come close to addressing that question.

But then again, I'm saying that to the forum idiot who thinks Flynn didn't enter a guilty plea to a court, though Judge Contreras accepted his plea... and get this .... in court.

at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

I thought he already stood in front of a judge in a courtroom and pled guilty, no? If so, he won't be asked if he wants to change his plea. It will be a sentencing.
He did. Judge Rudolph Contreras, in fact. Rambunctious is just among the most ignorant of all the posters on this forum who thinks Flynn hasn't had his day in court yet.
Flynn will walk...Your dreams of a Trump impeachment are all going up in smoke...the charges are trumped up always have been from day one...have a nice day chickadee...I must have left a mark since I'm obviously living rent free in your head... :21:

Fawn, like all the Communists, is melting down. Not only is the witch hunt over, there is a real possibility that McCabe, Comey, and a whole host of other crooks are one the way to prison.
Great, then you can answer the question no one else can ... what in Nunes' memo helps Flynn...?

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