BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

Yeah, I know. But they can only lie to suspects, or witnesses. They can't lie to the Court. Duh....
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
Flynn wasn’t denied counsel.

Flynn wasn’t coerced.

There is no indication that there is any si h claim.

So while I appreciate your attempt to at least present an actual legal argument unlike the dolts, I don’t see the argument being relevant.

And there is no indication that Flynn is trying to go back on his plea deal.
Yeah, I know. But they can only lie to suspects, or witnesses. They can't lie to the Court. Duh....
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
Flynn wasn’t denied counsel.

Flynn wasn’t coerced.

There is no indication that there is any si h claim.

So while I appreciate your attempt to at least present an actual legal argument unlike the dolts, I don’t see the argument being relevant.

And there is no indication that Flynn is trying to go back on his plea deal.

Yeah, kudos for an actual legal argument with actual supporting evidence. I think we all agree that its unlikely its relevant to Flynn's case.
Yeah, I know. But they can only lie to suspects, or witnesses. They can't lie to the Court. Duh....
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
Flynn wasn’t denied counsel.

Flynn wasn’t coerced.

There is no indication that there is any si h claim.

So while I appreciate your attempt to at least present an actual legal argument unlike the dolts, I don’t see the argument being relevant.

And there is no indication that Flynn is trying to go back on his plea deal.

I was responding to a particular post that stated pleas cannot be vacated due to waiving any and all appeals. That is all. The only Flynn-specific thing I said was that I didn't think his would be vacated. Apologies if I wasn't clear.
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
Flynn wasn’t denied counsel.

Flynn wasn’t coerced.

There is no indication that there is any si h claim.

So while I appreciate your attempt to at least present an actual legal argument unlike the dolts, I don’t see the argument being relevant.

And there is no indication that Flynn is trying to go back on his plea deal.

I was responding to a particular post that stated pleas cannot be vacated due to waiving any and all appeals. That is all. The only Flynn-specific thing I said was that I didn't think his would be vacated. Apologies if I wasn't clear.

It seems we're all in agreement. And again, nicely supported argument.
doesn't matter where it's at, it's on record.

Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
What indictment

Yeah, I know. But they can only lie to suspects, or witnesses. They can't lie to the Court. Duh....
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
If you actually read back, which you didn’t, you’d see that I already addressed the VERY limited circumstances under which a plea can be withdrawn or vacated.

This isn’t one of those VERY limited circumstances.

I do find it amusing that you decided to be contrary with me but not the dolt who is arguing that Flynn still has to go before a grand jury, get indicted and have a jury trial.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get ready to leave work and go er my nails done.

Have a good night.
Last edited:
A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
Flynn wasn’t denied counsel.

Flynn wasn’t coerced.

There is no indication that there is any si h claim.

So while I appreciate your attempt to at least present an actual legal argument unlike the dolts, I don’t see the argument being relevant.

And there is no indication that Flynn is trying to go back on his plea deal.

I was responding to a particular post that stated pleas cannot be vacated due to waiving any and all appeals. That is all. The only Flynn-specific thing I said was that I didn't think his would be vacated. Apologies if I wasn't clear.

It seems we're all in agreement. And again, nicely supported argument.

Until JC stumbled in. LOL
Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
What indictment


You said his indictment would be overturned. He's already been found guilty. There is no 'indictment' to overturn.

You're thoroughly confused.
Yeah, I know. But they can only lie to suspects, or witnesses. They can't lie to the Court. Duh....
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
If you actually read back, which you didn’t, you’d see that I already addressed the VERY limited circumstances under which a plea can be withdrawn or vacated.

This isn’t one of those VERYimited circumstances.

I do find it amusing that you decided to stop contrary with me but not the dolt who is arguing that Flynn still has to go before a grand jury, get indicted and have a jury trial.

WTF?!?! Who peed in your cheerios? I have not been contrary to you. I DID read back. You are lying (or being contrary) by saying I did not. You are reading hostility that is not there.

I just logged in and answered my alerts (where you showed up). I have not begun reading this thread where I left off yet. I'm sure I'll reply to others as time permits.
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
If you actually read back, which you didn’t, you’d see that I already addressed the VERY limited circumstances under which a plea can be withdrawn or vacated.

This isn’t one of those VERYimited circumstances.

I do find it amusing that you decided to stop contrary with me but not the dolt who is arguing that Flynn still has to go before a grand jury, get indicted and have a jury trial.

WTF?!?! Who peed in your cheerios? I have not been contrary to you. I DID read back. You are lying (or being contrary) by saying I did not. You are reading hostility that is not there.

I just logged in and answered my alerts (where you showed up). I have not begun reading this thread where I left off yet. I'm sure I'll reply to others as time permits.

Frankly I read your response and thought it misleading until I understood the context. And you're certainly right that there are clearly established standards for accepting a plea, and if they aren't met, the plea should be allowed to be withdrawn, or any conviction overturned because the plea was not knowing and informed, and as you said, that's not the case with Flynn.
A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
If you actually read back, which you didn’t, you’d see that I already addressed the VERY limited circumstances under which a plea can be withdrawn or vacated.

This isn’t one of those VERYimited circumstances.

I do find it amusing that you decided to stop contrary with me but not the dolt who is arguing that Flynn still has to go before a grand jury, get indicted and have a jury trial.

WTF?!?! Who peed in your cheerios? I have not been contrary to you. I DID read back. You are lying (or being contrary) by saying I did not. You are reading hostility that is not there.

I just logged in and answered my alerts (where you showed up). I have not begun reading this thread where I left off yet. I'm sure I'll reply to others as time permits.

Frankly I read your response and thought it misleading until I understood the context. And you're certainly right that there are clearly established standards for accepting a plea, and if they aren't met, the plea should be allowed to be withdrawn, or any conviction overturned because the plea was not knowing and informed, and as you said, that's not the case with Flynn.

I also think Flynn and Page are being interchanged, but am only going by memory. Flynn's plea would not be vacated because Page "was not knowing or informed," which is what I think is being confused. I haven't had time to check back to be sure my memory is correct, though.
doesn't matter where it's at, it's on record.

Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
The ‘tards are thoroughly confused.

But their confusion is uniformly spread among them; leaving one to wonder from where do they get their information??
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
What indictment


You said his indictment would be overturned. He's already been found guilty. There is no 'indictment' to overturn.

You're thoroughly confused.
well sure there is. why else would he plead guilty if he wasn't charged?
Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
What indictment


You said his indictment would be overturned. He's already been found guilty. There is no 'indictment' to overturn.

You're thoroughly confused.
well sure there is. why else would he plead guilty if he wasn't charged?

You're missing the whole 'plead guilty' part.

Your argument is like talking about using a condom to prevent pregnancy.....when the kid in question is already born and on their way to graduate school.
post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
If you actually read back, which you didn’t, you’d see that I already addressed the VERY limited circumstances under which a plea can be withdrawn or vacated.

This isn’t one of those VERYimited circumstances.

I do find it amusing that you decided to stop contrary with me but not the dolt who is arguing that Flynn still has to go before a grand jury, get indicted and have a jury trial.

WTF?!?! Who peed in your cheerios? I have not been contrary to you. I DID read back. You are lying (or being contrary) by saying I did not. You are reading hostility that is not there.

I just logged in and answered my alerts (where you showed up). I have not begun reading this thread where I left off yet. I'm sure I'll reply to others as time permits.

Frankly I read your response and thought it misleading until I understood the context. And you're certainly right that there are clearly established standards for accepting a plea, and if they aren't met, the plea should be allowed to be withdrawn, or any conviction overturned because the plea was not knowing and informed, and as you said, that's not the case with Flynn.

I also think Flynn and Page are being interchanged, but am only going by memory. Flynn's plea would not be vacated because Page "was not knowing or informed," which is what I think is being confused. I haven't had time to check back to be sure my memory is correct, though.
yeah, there's nothing involuntary with Flynn's plea. Page hasn't pled to anything has he? I don't think he's even been charged. Rather I think the Trump spinners (and there are those among the anti-Trumpers too) are trying to say there was something improper in tapping Page's phones. But there wasn't because Page was identified as a "Russian asset" years before he joined Trump. The real question is WTF was Trump thinking getting near that guy. LOL

And if the FBI had additional unconfirmed or unverified reports of Page doing "bad stuff' that's a valid reason for a warrant extension. The question for a FISA judge is whether the FBI has some logical reason to think the new info is true. If it's tied to what they had before, it's part of a pattern. And Steele himself is not someone with a deep pattern of lying.
Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
The ‘tards are thoroughly confused.

But their confusion is uniformly spread among them; leaving one to wonder from where do they get their information??

I think RW media has so many confused theories and narratives that when combined with an already poor understanding of the world, results in a unique form of mental incapacity. Its scientific name is 'tardissonance cognitia' and is known commonly as 'trailer plaque' or 'wet jaundice'.
Reality matters. Not the latest turds in the conspiracy punch bowl. Can I get you a refill?
it truly does, and we'll be finding out that reality shortly. eh?

Is this where you start talking talking about imaginary and non-existent appeals?
not this time, but it's still available if they need it. but once the indictment is thrown out, they won't have to worry about it
What indictment? Flynn plead guilty. He's convicted and awaiting sentencing.
What indictment


Again. He already made a plea deal. Are you still confused?
Flynn and his lawyer told the court they waived any and all appeals.

A guilty plea can still be vacated, even then. I doubt this one will be vacated; however, waiving any and all appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated. I've seen them vacated for denial of counsel and coersion before.

post sentence it can't be vacated. or 99% can't be. pre-sentence it can generally only be vacated if the judge doesn't accept the plea.

what coercion? you're guilty. we have evidence. you will go to jail for the rest of your treasonous life if you don't roll on the big guys. they aren't worth it.

now let's talk.

that isn't coercion.

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to coercion. First hit on google: Fourth Circuit Vacates Guilty Plea Due to District Court Coercion

"On April 28, 2015, the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in the criminal case United States v. Braxton. The Circuit Court held that Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(c)(1) explicitly prohibits district courts from participating in discussions about plea agreements in any way. Because the United States District Court for the District of Maryland impermissibly made repeated comments about the benefits of accepting a guilty plea to Braxton just before he elected to plead guilty, the Fourth Circuit vacated the proceedings and remanded for further proceedings."

I stated guilty pleas have been vacated due to denial of counsel. 9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel

"9th Circuit: Guilty plea convictions vacated for constructive denial of right to counsel
The Ninth Circuit vacated Ms. Velazquez’s convictions. The court first held that the appeal waiver did not bar the appeal, because the constructive denial of Ms. Velazquez’s right to counsel rendered the waiver unenforceable. The court then found that all of the elements of a constructive denial were present. "

I stated I don't think THIS one will be vacated. I was only commenting that waiving appeals does not mean a guilty plea can't be vacated.
If you actually read back, which you didn’t, you’d see that I already addressed the VERY limited circumstances under which a plea can be withdrawn or vacated.

This isn’t one of those VERYimited circumstances.

I do find it amusing that you decided to stop contrary with me but not the dolt who is arguing that Flynn still has to go before a grand jury, get indicted and have a jury trial.

WTF?!?! Who peed in your cheerios? I have not been contrary to you. I DID read back. You are lying (or being contrary) by saying I did not. You are reading hostility that is not there.

I just logged in and answered my alerts (where you showed up). I have not begun reading this thread where I left off yet. I'm sure I'll reply to others as time permits.
If you weren’t being contrary then it was odd to lecture me on something I already stated.
Say fake lawyer, if the basis for the witch hunt is the fabricated Steel Dossier
Yet the dossier says Russia was interfering in the US election, as verified by US intel agencies. How is that fabricated?

the dossier was fabricated

paid by the witch Clinton was designed to sink Trump, proving that the Kremlin wanted Bill's wife as President.....'cause they had a history of being able to bribe her.
Say fake lawyer, if the basis for the witch hunt is the fabricated Steel Dossier
Yet the dossier says Russia was interfering in the US election, as verified by US intel agencies. How is that fabricated?

the dossier was fabricated

paid by the witch Clinton was designed to sink Trump, proving that the Kremlin wanted Bill's wife as President.....'cause they had a history of being able to bribe her.

Exactly right! :thup:

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