BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...
Using an unsubstantiated report


Using information passed to the FBI from the CIA from Australian intelligence.

It doesn't matter anymore...the shit's hitting the fan now. Hope Hicks rolled on Trump. That's why Flynn's sentencing was delayed. What she must have told Mueller is that Trump and Uday worked together to coordinate that meeting with the Russians.

It's all coming apart at the seams for you, and you will be identified as a collaborator who helped to spread disinformation and lies to manipulate and influence the American people.

Then you'll be unmasked.

Then the fun is really gonna start.
Is Flynn's case in the sentencing phase or not?
Not until he appears in a courtroom represented by his attorney...

at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him.

there may be a delay in sentencing pending a sentencing report of some type and depending on how cooperative Flynn is with the prosecution.

but that's all she wrote.


dum dum.
He's reading a conspiracy website. That's the only rational explanation. Or he may be hearing voices ... but.

it's horrifying. *Shakes head*
Moron.... there is no trial when one pleads guilty. All that remains is sentencing. That’s just one of the advantages of pleading guilty.

You’re a fucking idiot. See how nice I am? I gave you an excuse to bitch about name calling since you ant defend the nonsense you’re spewing.
Yes there don't know what you are talking about...I know you would like to see Flynn get locked up but he must be granted the opportunity of a court of law with his attorney present...he can also pull his admission back in court did you know that? No you didn't...
You are insanely retarded. He cannot “pull his admission back.” He pled quilty as part of a deal where he was offered certain benefits in exchange for that plea. The best he can do is submit a motion to the court to have his plea withdrawn — but then the judge decides that matter.
Eat shit, collaborator.
Says the snowflake who swears up and down that the Obama administration - proven to have illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices - did not illegally spy on an opposing political party's Presidential candidate during an election...WHILE protecting a proven felon / criminal stay out of jail and run for President as the Democratic party's candidate....


This is comedy GOLD!

No one illegally spied on anyone.

Your post is going to be used to identify you as a collaborator who helped Trump conspire with Russia to steal our election.

Then you'll be unmasked, with no place on the internet to hide.

People will know your name. They will know your address. They will know your employer. They will know who you are.

Then the fun is really gonna start.

Americans don't like collaborators. There's a special place in hell reserved for them. That's where you'll end up, once you shuffle off this mortal coil.
Don't get mad. Just be a man and show us when and how the unmasking was illegal.

"...unmasking must have a national security rationale.Unmasking the name or names of Americans for political purposes would be highly improper, Leaking those names to the media would be a crime, according to legal experts."

The Obama administration unmasked Trump associates and many Americans. Their identities were leaked to the media.

As usual, the Obama administration committed crimes, and cockroaches attempt to argue in their defense to the death.

The Obama administration unmasked Trump associates and many Americans. Their identities were leaked to the media.

Not by the administration, liar.

Prove it!
I already did f*-wad! Go back and look at the links I posted. One is Susan Rice, who initially LIED about having anything to do with the unmasking, explain WHY she did what she did.

You continue to prove you are a useless POS who lies, get's caught, and spins his ass off to avoid having to admit he was proven wrong.

I just wanted to prove one more time what a lying ass you are. Have a nice life....'Ignore' on...

Nothing the FBI did by putting Lewandowski under surveillance was illegal or obtained illegally.

You're going down, and it's posts like yours that will be used to identify the collaborators for when you're unmasked.

That's when the real fun is gonna start.
Using an unsubstantiated report - from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians - to get FISA warrants to spy on the opposing political party's Presidential candidate during an election ....

Yeah, that's all on the up-and-up.

Brain-dead zombie.... what does that have to do with Flynn?? There was no FISA warrant issued on Flynn. Like all the other rightards here, you are conflating Flynn with Page.
Don't get mad. Just be a man and show us when and how the unmasking was illegal.

"...unmasking must have a national security rationale.Unmasking the name or names of Americans for political purposes would be highly improper, Leaking those names to the media would be a crime, according to legal experts."

The Obama administration unmasked Trump associates and many Americans. Their identities were leaked to the media.

As usual, the Obama administration committed crimes, and cockroaches attempt to argue in their defense to the death.

The Obama administration unmasked Trump associates and many Americans. Their identities were leaked to the media.

Not by the administration, liar.

Prove it!
I already did f*-wad! Go back and look at the links I posted. One is Susan Rice, who initially LIED about having anything to do with the unmasking, explain WHY she did what she did.

You continue to prove you are a useless POS who lies, get's caught, and spins his ass off to avoid having to admit he was proven wrong.

I just wanted to prove one more time what a lying ass you are. Have a nice life....'Ignore' on...

Nothing the FBI did by putting Lewandowski under surveillance was illegal or obtained illegally.

You're going down, and it's posts like yours that will be used to identify the collaborators for when you're unmasked.

That's when the real fun is gonna start.
Using an unsubstantiated report - from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians - to get FISA warrants to spy on the opposing political party's Presidential candidate during an election ....

Yeah, that's all on the up-and-up.

What a pity you can’t prove any of that.

Wrong. Using information passed to the FBI from the CIA from Australian intelligence. let me get this are NOW arguing that Mueller did not use a false report containing Russian Propaganda from a foreign spy through a company working for the Russians as the basis for the FISA warrants....

...that Mueller used a report from the Aussies about an overheard conversation between a drunk, self-important, un-paid Trump campaign volunteer and an Aussie rep that supposedly occurred in the bathroom of a British Pub...

You are insanely retarded. He cannot “pull his admission back.”
I provided a link proving it Faun a few pages back...that's your problem you think you know it all but you don't read...
Eat shit, collaborator.
Says the snowflake who swears up and down that the Obama administration - proven to have illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices - did not illegally spy on an opposing political party's Presidential candidate during an election...WHILE protecting a proven felon / criminal stay out of jail and run for President as the Democratic party's candidate....


This is comedy GOLD!

No one illegally spied on anyone.

Your post is going to be used to identify you as a collaborator who helped Trump conspire with Russia to steal our election.

Then you'll be unmasked, with no place on the internet to hide.

People will know your name. They will know your address. They will know your employer. They will know who you are.

Then the fun is really gonna start.

Americans don't like collaborators. There's a special place in hell reserved for them. That's where you'll end up, once you shuffle off this mortal coil.

Says the guy who supports Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, and Obama - who evidence shows hid evidence of Russian crimes in 2009 while helping the Russians acquire 25% of the US supply of Uranium and how they hid evidence of Russian crimes / hacking / paying liberal groups to spread racial violence, doing nothing to stop it, because Barry wanted Vlad's permission to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria.......

He’s still in first grade.

.....for the 8th time.

Talk to me butthead...why are you talking to only the like minded? does it make you feel better to have company as wrong as you?
Jillian and Faun are the meanest girls on this board hands down....:4_13_65:
I would try and explain again but I would be wasting my time just wait until the whole thing ends and you will see that I was right again...
at which time Flynn will be allocuted by the judge and the judge will sentence him
Not if he changes his plea...then there will be a trial date happens all the time with grand jury's...

The role of a GJ is to look at the evidence and determine if it is adequate for an indictment. They don't hear pleas or conduct trial proceedings.

Flynn plead guilty to a federal charge in a federal court. The same court that will sentence him. The GJ has absolutely nothing to do with it.

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