Breaking: Roy Moore Releases Witness Testimony Proving Allred And Accuser Nelson Lied

He didn't, he just liked to say that he did. Roy had a big mouth when hunting teen pussy.

He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.
No one cares about the yearbook. Moore already admitted to chasing teen pussy. That was all that was needed to sink him.

And Fox says:
View attachment 161882
Goodbye, Mall-rat Roy.

Lying will not help you, Comrade.
Mall-rat Roy already admitting to being scum isn't a lie. Hannity sank him with his own words.


So post a transcript of this "admission," Herr Goebbels?
He didn't, he just liked to say that he did. Roy had a big mouth when hunting teen pussy.

He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.

So the 2 signatures look the same 77 and 99 ..What are you trying to say?

Do you think Delbra Adams witnessed Moore signing the yearbook? (Remember, she had not yet met Moore.)

How did her customary initials of witness get affixed to the yearbook, Comrade?

Allred hired a talented forger, but the forger fucked up.

I saw that allegation on Brietbart yesterday ( she hired a forger... I couldn't find it on any other news sources except for the RW news.

BUT my question is that the 1977 and the 1999 D.A signatures look the same to me..

He didn't, he just liked to say that he did. Roy had a big mouth when hunting teen pussy.

He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.
No one cares about the yearbook. Moore already admitted to chasing teen pussy. That was all that was needed to sink him.

And Fox says:
View attachment 161882
Goodbye, Mall-rat Roy.

Lying will not help you, Comrade.
Mall-rat Roy already admitting to being scum isn't a lie. Hannity sank him with his own words.


So post a transcript of this "admission," Herr Goebbels?
"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response." (Meaning yes, I did)

Roy Moore on whether he dated teenage girls: "Not generally, no"

The above is real, not satire but it would be fantastic satire if is was. He walked right into a buzz saw and never saw it coming.
He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.
No one cares about the yearbook. Moore already admitted to chasing teen pussy. That was all that was needed to sink him.

And Fox says:
View attachment 161882
Goodbye, Mall-rat Roy.

Lying will not help you, Comrade.
Mall-rat Roy already admitting to being scum isn't a lie. Hannity sank him with his own words.


So post a transcript of this "admission," Herr Goebbels?
"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response." (Meaning yes, I did)

Roy Moore on whether he dated teenage girls: "Not generally, no"

The above is real, not satire but it would be fantastic satire if is was. He walked right into a buzz saw and never saw it coming.

BTW Welcome DoubleDareMe!

He didn't, he just liked to say that he did. Roy had a big mouth when hunting teen pussy.

He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.
No one cares about the yearbook. Moore already admitted to chasing teen pussy. That was all that was needed to sink him.

And Fox says:
View attachment 161882
Goodbye, Mall-rat Roy.

Lying will not help you, Comrade.
Mall-rat Roy already admitting to being scum isn't a lie. Hannity sank him with his own words.

BTW, why do you keep calling him Mall-rat Roy when that entire story was completely debunked?
The story of him chasing teenage pussy at the mall and the high school has been anything but debunked. He was scum after teenage pussy. It explains his marriage to a "woman" 14 years younger (38 to 24) perfectly.
Last edited:
He didn't, he just liked to say that he did. Roy had a big mouth when hunting teen pussy.

He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.

So the 2 signatures look the same 77 and 99 ..What are you trying to say?

Do you think Delbra Adams witnessed Moore signing the yearbook? (Remember, she had not yet met Moore.)

How did her customary initials of witness get affixed to the yearbook, Comrade?

Allred hired a talented forger, but the forger fucked up.

I saw that allegation on Brietbart yesterday ( she hired a forger... I couldn't find it on any other news sources except for the RW news.

BUT my question is that the 1977 and the 1999 D.A signatures look the same to me..


Again Comrade, Adams had not joined up with Moore in 1977. Further, why would she affix her witness to him signing a yearbook?

Allred's forger simply fucked up. The forger thought Moore signed things with his title. But Moore was never district attorney... EVER.

And Moore never signed anything D.A. - EVER. The ONLY time /D.A. was on documents was when his clerk Adams witnessed legal documents.

The yearbook is a forgery - fact.
He didn't, he just liked to say that he did. Roy had a big mouth when hunting teen pussy.

He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.

So the 2 signatures look the same 77 and 99 ..What are you trying to say?

Do you think Delbra Adams witnessed Moore signing the yearbook? (Remember, she had not yet met Moore.)

How did her customary initials of witness get affixed to the yearbook, Comrade?

Allred hired a talented forger, but the forger fucked up.

I saw that allegation on Brietbart yesterday ( she hired a forger... I couldn't find it on any other news sources except for the RW news.

BUT my question is that the 1977 and the 1999 D.A signatures look the same to me..


Again Comrade, Adams had not joined up with Moore in 1977. Further, why would she affix her witness to him signing a yearbook?

Allred's forger simply fucked up. The forger thought Moore signed things with his title. But Moore was never district attorney... EVER.

And Moore never signed anything D.A. - EVER. The ONLY time /D.A. was on documents was when his clerk Adams witnessed legal documents.

The yearbook is a forgery - fact.
Doesn't matter a damn if it is. What he has already admitted to sank him like a stone (with all decent people but not your kind).
One boy she dated at that time absolutely does not believe Beverly. I want to know the name of the young man who was late picking her up. He was witness to her condition after this alleged assault.
He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.

So the 2 signatures look the same 77 and 99 ..What are you trying to say?

Do you think Delbra Adams witnessed Moore signing the yearbook? (Remember, she had not yet met Moore.)

How did her customary initials of witness get affixed to the yearbook, Comrade?

Allred hired a talented forger, but the forger fucked up.

I saw that allegation on Brietbart yesterday ( she hired a forger... I couldn't find it on any other news sources except for the RW news.

BUT my question is that the 1977 and the 1999 D.A signatures look the same to me..


Again Comrade, Adams had not joined up with Moore in 1977. Further, why would she affix her witness to him signing a yearbook?

Allred's forger simply fucked up. The forger thought Moore signed things with his title. But Moore was never district attorney... EVER.

And Moore never signed anything D.A. - EVER. The ONLY time /D.A. was on documents was when his clerk Adams witnessed legal documents.

The yearbook is a forgery - fact.
Doesn't matter a damn if it is. What he has already admitted to sank him like a stone (with all decent people but not your kind).
View attachment 161884

If this were the 13th, you Communists would be in good shape.

Today is the 21st, and most of the accusers have been exposed as frauds.

Leigh Corfman got the shaft out of all of this. Her story is the only one still credible, but now she is tainted by the blatant and obvious frauds that followed.
So the 2 signatures look the same 77 and 99 ..What are you trying to say?

Do you think Delbra Adams witnessed Moore signing the yearbook? (Remember, she had not yet met Moore.)

How did her customary initials of witness get affixed to the yearbook, Comrade?

Allred hired a talented forger, but the forger fucked up.

I saw that allegation on Brietbart yesterday ( she hired a forger... I couldn't find it on any other news sources except for the RW news.

BUT my question is that the 1977 and the 1999 D.A signatures look the same to me..


Again Comrade, Adams had not joined up with Moore in 1977. Further, why would she affix her witness to him signing a yearbook?

Allred's forger simply fucked up. The forger thought Moore signed things with his title. But Moore was never district attorney... EVER.

And Moore never signed anything D.A. - EVER. The ONLY time /D.A. was on documents was when his clerk Adams witnessed legal documents.

The yearbook is a forgery - fact.
Doesn't matter a damn if it is. What he has already admitted to sank him like a stone (with all decent people but not your kind).
View attachment 161884

If this were the 13th, you Communists would be in good shape.

Today is the 21st, and most of the accusers have been exposed as frauds.

Leigh Corfman got the shaft out of all of this. Her story is the only one still credible, but now she is tainted by the blatant and obvious frauds that followed.
Whatever propaganda you are reading, don't bother. Those are just more lies you live by.
One boy she dated at that time absolutely does not believe Beverly. I want to know the name of the young man who was late picking her up. He was witness to her condition after this alleged assault.
Not much use in believing dicks when dicks were doing the molestation, Stockholm Syndrome. I know, you are required to defend men no matter what. That's what they groomed you for, that and servicing them. Their "happy ending" gave your life meaning.
So the 2 signatures look the same 77 and 99 ..What are you trying to say?

Do you think Delbra Adams witnessed Moore signing the yearbook? (Remember, she had not yet met Moore.)

How did her customary initials of witness get affixed to the yearbook, Comrade?

Allred hired a talented forger, but the forger fucked up.

I saw that allegation on Brietbart yesterday ( she hired a forger... I couldn't find it on any other news sources except for the RW news.

BUT my question is that the 1977 and the 1999 D.A signatures look the same to me..


Again Comrade, Adams had not joined up with Moore in 1977. Further, why would she affix her witness to him signing a yearbook?

Allred's forger simply fucked up. The forger thought Moore signed things with his title. But Moore was never district attorney... EVER.

And Moore never signed anything D.A. - EVER. The ONLY time /D.A. was on documents was when his clerk Adams witnessed legal documents.

The yearbook is a forgery - fact.
Doesn't matter a damn if it is. What he has already admitted to sank him like a stone (with all decent people but not your kind).
View attachment 161884

If this were the 13th, you Communists would be in good shape.

Today is the 21st, and most of the accusers have been exposed as frauds.

Leigh Corfman got the shaft out of all of this. Her story is the only one still credible, but now she is tainted by the blatant and obvious frauds that followed.

Actually her story is coming apart at the seams as well. More than this at the link:

"In yet another detail called into question at today’s press conference, DuPre referred to the exact spot mentioned in the Post story as the alleged meeting place for Corfman’s claimed encounters with Moore.

The Post cited Corfman as saying that Moore, according to the newspaper’s characterization, “picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden.”

The Post mentions the specific intersection where Corfman says that Moore picked her up around the corner from her mother’s house. The Post reports, “She says she talked to Moore on her phone in her bedroom, and they made plans for him to pick her up at Alcott Road and Riley Street, around the corner from her house.”

DuPre said that intersection was almost a mile away from her mother’s house at the time and would have been across a major thoroughfare.

Court Documents Raise Significant Questions About Leigh Corfman’s Accusations Against Roy Moore - Breitbart

Failing to remember the layout and hours from a restaurants that you visited 40 years ago isn’t proof anyone lied. I don’t remember the layout of my favourite restaurant from 40 years ago and we went there often.

And staff don’t remember a guy in a suit from 40 years ago. Oh my!

You reek of desperation. There are more than a dozen witnesses corroborating these women’s stories. Your candidate is scum.

the accuser is the one who doesn't remember the layout, and she worked there. She didn't just visit the place. When you work somewhere, you remember how it's laid out.
One boy she dated at that time absolutely does not believe Beverly. I want to know the name of the young man who was late picking her up. He was witness to her condition after this alleged assault.
Not much use in believing dicks when dicks were doing the molestation, Stockholm Syndrome. I know, you are required to defend men no matter what. That's what they groomed you for, that and servicing them. Their "happy ending" gave your life meaning.

So men always lie? Is that really what you're saying?

Stand for decency by voting for a pro-abortion Demoncrat?

I am a pro life democrat who did my internship many years ago in a home for drug addicted pregnant women and got them off the streets..The program educated them, counseled them and they had babies born healthy instead of being a crack baby..

Have you ever see a crack baby Hawk?

What has the Republicans done except for hy=jacking how important the fetus is yet don't to a damn thing for the fetus or the baby once it is born..

What have you done for those babies and fetuses Hawk? Except to be the moral police.


Ah, the old “Republicans don’t care about kids” lie. That justifies the murder of them?
He didn't, he just liked to say that he did. Roy had a big mouth when hunting teen pussy.

He never in his life signed anything "Roy Moore, D.A."

So one wonders Herr Goebbels, how it is that the initials of his ASSISTANT who affixed them to legal documents ended up in the yearbook?


Particularly since she didn't sign on with more until two years after the yearbook was supposed to be signed?

Oh the answer is simple, the yearbook is a forgery. The forger didn't grasp that the D.A. was the initials of Delbra Adams who always appended them to legal documents. The criminal Gloria hired fucked up, he thought it was a title. This fuckup is one for which that pile of shit Allred should be criminally prosecuted for.

Look, you still think you can effect the election, because you are stupid and arrogant, as Stalinists tend to be. You can't - once this came out the religious right in Alabama who had been abandoning Moore flocked right back to him, because you fuckwad scumbag Communists went and reminded them of the alternative. You reminded them of just what filth you really are.

That you and other Maoist sit and spew bitter hatred at Moore in the DailyuKOS hate rooms means not a fucking thing. You hate filled vermin are just jerking each other off.
No one cares about the yearbook. Moore already admitted to chasing teen pussy. That was all that was needed to sink him.

And Fox says:
View attachment 161882
Goodbye, Mall-rat Roy.

Lying will not help you, Comrade.
Mall-rat Roy already admitting to being scum isn't a lie. Hannity sank him with his own words.

BTW, why do you keep calling him Mall-rat Roy when that entire story was completely debunked?
Who debunked that mall story? Infowars?
You lie like you breathe..

Stand for decency by voting for a pro-abortion Demoncrat?

I am a pro life democrat who did my internship many years ago in a home for drug addicted pregnant women and got them off the streets..The program educated them, counseled them and they had babies born healthy instead of being a crack baby..

Have you ever see a crack baby Hawk?

What has the Republicans done except for hy=jacking how important the fetus is yet don't to a damn thing for the fetus or the baby once it is born..

What have you done for those babies and fetuses Hawk? Except to be the moral police.


Ah, the old “Republicans don’t care about kids” lie. That justifies the murder of them?
Of course they don’t care about kids. They’re getting rid of CHIP and were more than willing to dump tens of millions off health insurance if not for a few brave republicans that stood their ground from this insanity..
One boy she dated at that time absolutely does not believe Beverly. I want to know the name of the young man who was late picking her up. He was witness to her condition after this alleged assault.
Not much use in believing dicks when dicks were doing the molestation, Stockholm Syndrome. I know, you are required to defend men no matter what. That's what they groomed you for, that and servicing them. Their "happy ending" gave your life meaning.

So men always lie? Is that really what you're saying?
No but we know from experience you always lie.... and pimp for child molesters.
One boy she dated at that time absolutely does not believe Beverly. I want to know the name of the young man who was late picking her up. He was witness to her condition after this alleged assault.
Not much use in believing dicks when dicks were doing the molestation, Stockholm Syndrome. I know, you are required to defend men no matter what. That's what they groomed you for, that and servicing them. Their "happy ending" gave your life meaning.

So men always lie? Is that really what you're saying?
No but we know from experience you always lie.... and pimp for child molesters.

We know from reading your posts that you are severely emotionally disturbed. That's why you resort to nothing but vicious personal attacks when you are losing.

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