BREAKING : Ryanair sent a Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich to certain death

Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

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Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals. I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.
The proper response is a total airline boycott of Belarus.

What has Belarus to gain from holding Roman Protasevich?

Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.


Belarus needs to be isolated
The people of Belarus fight with their fists against tanks, because an army of crimonal traitors hwo torture and kill their own people protects this god damned asshole Lukashenko. How to help the people of Belarus - and to elim,iante the tyrant Lukashenko and his followers?

As a first restriction aeroplanes from Belarus lost the right to use the air space over Europe.

One can’t reason with a dictator.
And I thought we’d got rid of them in Europe.
What did you think? Lukashenko used the American style, which he had learned from Donlad Trump, isn't it? Torture is a theme in the USA. Or Donald Trump was educated from men like Lukashenko. The difference: Lukashenko really stole the elections in Belarus.
Actually, he learned it from Obama.
What a nonsense. The normal egocentrism of the people of the USA is by the way very annoying.
Ok. He learned it from Austria, who grounded a Bolivian jet in the attempt to arrest Snowden.
What did do Austria? Austria is a neutral state. Why should they care about a political problem of the USA? Edward Snowden is not a criminal. Did Bolivia ask them to do so?
Bolivia asked them not interfere, but France, Spain, Italy and Portugal forced him to land in Austria.

Never heard about. Why should Portugal tell Austria what to do or not to do? What have France, Italy and Spain to do with Edward Snowden? Edward Snowden is a political problem of the USA.
Just read the article from Wikipedia. Obama's administration just asked their allies to close their airspace to the Bolivian jet, and find them Snowden.

It exist many reasons why the USA lost reputation since 9/11. The ugly thing: This will perhaps only change in the moment a new US-American Ford will say "reputation is money".

And when the USA ask, Europeans don't ask "is it legal, or not". They just do what was said.

In case fo Edard Snowden I was also angry about the stupidities the German government said. But do you try to comepare for example Angela Merkel with Lukashenko? Lukashenko is a brutal tyrant. And whatever Putins real problems might be - I'm sure he will not be able to solve this problems with Lukashenko. But I see the problem that Russia needs distance from the USA and the NATO. And I would wish in Russia would exist more freedom - but also more richdom all over the country, more security and harmony - and I am on the other side very astonished how many Russians are independent thinkers. And I heard the Russians reduced the use of alcohol drastically. A good sign. And the difference between Putin and Lukashenko is also clear. The people in Belarus hate Lukashenko - and the Russians still love Putin. With critics - but they love him. But also Russia has to take care to be a power of love and not to be a power of death.

Bolivian diplomatic immunity was violated by Austrian police, searched the jet and only after they made sure that there are no Snowden - they allowed Evo Morales to continue his flight.

If so then Austria has a serios problem with Bolivia now. And if so then it is really astonishing that Austria failed in diplomatic etiquette. Same with France and Spain.
Yes, they had that problems.

Not nice - absolutelly not nice. A shame for Europe. But Lukashenko is nevertheless a murderous tyrant who supresses "his" people and had skyjacked an European aeroplan and had kidnapped two of the passengers. We want our passengers back - safe and sane - and bring them to their destiny.

You continue to mix two different things: inner affairs and international relationships. There are two different questions: "Is he a nice guy?" and "Is he a criminal?".
The grounding of a plane may be "unfriendly", but it is "lawful" because of the first article of Chicago Convention. An arrest of "unrest coordinators" may be "democratic" (when Democrats arrest non-democrats) or "undemocratic" (when somebody else arrest Democrats), but in both cases it is "lawful".

Anyway, when you say, that an ex-militant of Neo-Nazi battalion "Azov" (and a murderer of innocent Russian civilians) is a "good guy" - it's look like European revanchism and resurrection of Nazism - and it is pretty bad from both Russian and American points of view.

What for heavens sake are you babbeling here? Do you use drugs? You seem to adress someone else - not me. I never said anything from all the bullshit, which you say here as "answers". By the way. Who is able to declare Lukashenko to be vogelfrei" (=outlawed) so everyone in the world has the right to kill him without legal consequences? We could make a betting office in this case, could look for candidates and could have a lot of fun. ... Don't tell me now that's not legal. ... If it is legal what Lukashenko was doing, who destroys thousands - perhaps even millions - of lifes, then every reaction on his crimes is impossibly illegal. He is criminal - not the people which he arrests on the unfriendly reason to tyrannize everyone.

So, he's no different from Obama, Joe Biden or Killary.

Who is Killary and do you like to say Donald Trump is totally under control of the Russian oligarchy and other international superrich idiots, who try to be allmighty, slave? ... Do we have here to do with a conspiracy of mindmanipulating idiots and this explains as well the destruction of the republican party in the USA, the Brexit and the tyranny in Belarus? "Divide et impera", "Tyranny forever"? ... Hmmm .... Whatever- Lukashnko has to be brought to the international court - dead or alive. It's impossible to tolerate this tyrant any longer who governs Belarus without legitimation except the legitimitation of criminal violence.

Trump is a leader of the True Americans.

Trump is an idiot and never was a team player. So I would say the team "True Americans" is lost with this leader.

He is pro-American and he is fighting against those Globalists.

Very important. I love eagels and hedgehogs.

"Tyranny" or "democracy", but people of Belorussia can tolerate him

You defend Putin, Lukashenko and Trump against the European Union? Interesting point of view. Putin, Trump, Lukashenko, and Kim Jong-un replace George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt und Abraham Lincoln at Mount Rushmore.

Why can't you? What is more important - why he was pretty tolerable for Europe when he ordered to kill two innocent Americans? What has changed? He arrested your Neo-Nazi agent?

It's by the way a crime in many civilized countries of the world to try to insult victims of a genocide. I expect from you an excuse now immediatelly, because you called me a supporter of Nazis, although the Nazis had murdered about 50% of my family.

Yes. You demand to free a Nazi militant, who had taken part in murders of Russian civilians as a member of the Neo-Nazi battalion. For one, it's look like as "Nazi-supporter behavior" and a spit in faces of those Russian and American soldiers, who gave their lives to save another 50% of your family.
Belarus needs to be isolated
The people of Belarus fight with their fists against tanks, because an army of crimonal traitors hwo torture and kill their own people protects this god damned asshole Lukashenko. How to help the people of Belarus - and to elim,iante the tyrant Lukashenko and his followers?

As a first restriction aeroplanes from Belarus lost the right to use the air space over Europe.

One can’t reason with a dictator.
And I thought we’d got rid of them in Europe.
What did you think? Lukashenko used the American style, which he had learned from Donlad Trump, isn't it? Torture is a theme in the USA. Or Donald Trump was educated from men like Lukashenko. The difference: Lukashenko really stole the elections in Belarus.
Actually, he learned it from Obama.
What a nonsense. The normal egocentrism of the people of the USA is by the way very annoying.
Ok. He learned it from Austria, who grounded a Bolivian jet in the attempt to arrest Snowden.
What did do Austria? Austria is a neutral state. Why should they care about a political problem of the USA? Edward Snowden is not a criminal. Did Bolivia ask them to do so?
Bolivia asked them not interfere, but France, Spain, Italy and Portugal forced him to land in Austria.

Never heard about. Why should Portugal tell Austria what to do or not to do? What have France, Italy and Spain to do with Edward Snowden? Edward Snowden is a political problem of the USA.
Just read the article from Wikipedia. Obama's administration just asked their allies to close their airspace to the Bolivian jet, and find them Snowden.

It exist many reasons why the USA lost reputation since 9/11. The ugly thing: This will perhaps only change in the moment a new US-American Ford will say "reputation is money".

And when the USA ask, Europeans don't ask "is it legal, or not". They just do what was said.

In case fo Edard Snowden I was also angry about the stupidities the German government said. But do you try to comepare for example Angela Merkel with Lukashenko? Lukashenko is a brutal tyrant. And whatever Putins real problems might be - I'm sure he will not be able to solve this problems with Lukashenko. But I see the problem that Russia needs distance from the USA and the NATO. And I would wish in Russia would exist more freedom - but also more richdom all over the country, more security and harmony - and I am on the other side very astonished how many Russians are independent thinkers. And I heard the Russians reduced the use of alcohol drastically. A good sign. And the difference between Putin and Lukashenko is also clear. The people in Belarus hate Lukashenko - and the Russians still love Putin. With critics - but they love him. But also Russia has to take care to be a power of love and not to be a power of death.

Bolivian diplomatic immunity was violated by Austrian police, searched the jet and only after they made sure that there are no Snowden - they allowed Evo Morales to continue his flight.

If so then Austria has a serios problem with Bolivia now. And if so then it is really astonishing that Austria failed in diplomatic etiquette. Same with France and Spain.
Yes, they had that problems.

Not nice - absolutelly not nice. A shame for Europe. But Lukashenko is nevertheless a murderous tyrant who supresses "his" people and had skyjacked an European aeroplan and had kidnapped two of the passengers. We want our passengers back - safe and sane - and bring them to their destiny.

You continue to mix two different things: inner affairs and international relationships. There are two different questions: "Is he a nice guy?" and "Is he a criminal?".
The grounding of a plane may be "unfriendly", but it is "lawful" because of the first article of Chicago Convention. An arrest of "unrest coordinators" may be "democratic" (when Democrats arrest non-democrats) or "undemocratic" (when somebody else arrest Democrats), but in both cases it is "lawful".

Anyway, when you say, that an ex-militant of Neo-Nazi battalion "Azov" (and a murderer of innocent Russian civilians) is a "good guy" - it's look like European revanchism and resurrection of Nazism - and it is pretty bad from both Russian and American points of view.

What for heavens sake are you babbeling here? Do you use drugs? You seem to adress someone else - not me. I never said anything from all the bullshit, which you say here as "answers". By the way. Who is able to declare Lukashenko to be vogelfrei" (=outlawed) so everyone in the world has the right to kill him without legal consequences? We could make a betting office in this case, could look for candidates and could have a lot of fun. ... Don't tell me now that's not legal. ... If it is legal what Lukashenko was doing, who destroys thousands - perhaps even millions - of lifes, then every reaction on his crimes is impossibly illegal. He is criminal - not the people which he arrests on the unfriendly reason to tyrannize everyone.

So, he's no different from Obama, Joe Biden or Killary.

Who is Killary and do you like to say Donald Trump is totally under control of the Russian oligarchy and other international superrich idiots, who try to be allmighty, slave? ... Do we have here to do with a conspiracy of mindmanipulating idiots and this explains as well the destruction of the republican party in the USA, the Brexit and the tyranny in Belarus? "Divide et impera", "Tyranny forever"? ... Hmmm .... Whatever- Lukashnko has to be brought to the international court - dead or alive. It's impossible to tolerate this tyrant any longer who governs Belarus without legitimation except the legitimitation of criminal violence.

Trump is a leader of the True Americans.

Trump is an idiot and never was a team player. So I would say the team "True Americans" is lost with this leader.

He is pro-American and he is fighting against those Globalists.

Very important. I love eagels and hedgehogs.

"Tyranny" or "democracy", but people of Belorussia can tolerate him

You defend Putin, Lukashenko and Trump against the European Union? Interesting point of view. Putin, Trump, Lukashenko, and Kim Jong-un replace George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt und Abraham Lincoln at Mount Rushmore.

Why can't you? What is more important - why he was pretty tolerable for Europe when he ordered to kill two innocent Americans? What has changed? He arrested your Neo-Nazi agent?

It's by the way a crime in many civilized countries of the world to try to insult victims of a genocide. I expect from you an excuse now immediatelly, because you called me a supporter of Nazis, although the Nazis had murdered about 50% of my family.

Yes. You demand to free a Nazi militant, who had taken part in murders of Russian civilians as a member of the Neo-Nazi battalion. For one, it's look like as "Nazi-supporter behavior" and a spit in faces of those Russian and American soldiers, who gave their lives to save another 50% of your family.


today will be 2 000 000 views, your mongol juchi ulus has 0 chance against this European Nation, so leave your wet imperial dreams behind
Belarus needs to be isolated
The people of Belarus fight with their fists against tanks, because an army of crimonal traitors hwo torture and kill their own people protects this god damned asshole Lukashenko. How to help the people of Belarus - and to elim,iante the tyrant Lukashenko and his followers?

As a first restriction aeroplanes from Belarus lost the right to use the air space over Europe.

One can’t reason with a dictator.
And I thought we’d got rid of them in Europe.
What did you think? Lukashenko used the American style, which he had learned from Donlad Trump, isn't it? Torture is a theme in the USA. Or Donald Trump was educated from men like Lukashenko. The difference: Lukashenko really stole the elections in Belarus.
Actually, he learned it from Obama.
What a nonsense. The normal egocentrism of the people of the USA is by the way very annoying.
Ok. He learned it from Austria, who grounded a Bolivian jet in the attempt to arrest Snowden.
What did do Austria? Austria is a neutral state. Why should they care about a political problem of the USA? Edward Snowden is not a criminal. Did Bolivia ask them to do so?
Bolivia asked them not interfere, but France, Spain, Italy and Portugal forced him to land in Austria.

Never heard about. Why should Portugal tell Austria what to do or not to do? What have France, Italy and Spain to do with Edward Snowden? Edward Snowden is a political problem of the USA.
Just read the article from Wikipedia. Obama's administration just asked their allies to close their airspace to the Bolivian jet, and find them Snowden.

It exist many reasons why the USA lost reputation since 9/11. The ugly thing: This will perhaps only change in the moment a new US-American Ford will say "reputation is money".

And when the USA ask, Europeans don't ask "is it legal, or not". They just do what was said.

In case fo Edard Snowden I was also angry about the stupidities the German government said. But do you try to comepare for example Angela Merkel with Lukashenko? Lukashenko is a brutal tyrant. And whatever Putins real problems might be - I'm sure he will not be able to solve this problems with Lukashenko. But I see the problem that Russia needs distance from the USA and the NATO. And I would wish in Russia would exist more freedom - but also more richdom all over the country, more security and harmony - and I am on the other side very astonished how many Russians are independent thinkers. And I heard the Russians reduced the use of alcohol drastically. A good sign. And the difference between Putin and Lukashenko is also clear. The people in Belarus hate Lukashenko - and the Russians still love Putin. With critics - but they love him. But also Russia has to take care to be a power of love and not to be a power of death.

Bolivian diplomatic immunity was violated by Austrian police, searched the jet and only after they made sure that there are no Snowden - they allowed Evo Morales to continue his flight.

If so then Austria has a serios problem with Bolivia now. And if so then it is really astonishing that Austria failed in diplomatic etiquette. Same with France and Spain.
Yes, they had that problems.

Not nice - absolutelly not nice. A shame for Europe. But Lukashenko is nevertheless a murderous tyrant who supresses "his" people and had skyjacked an European aeroplan and had kidnapped two of the passengers. We want our passengers back - safe and sane - and bring them to their destiny.

You continue to mix two different things: inner affairs and international relationships. There are two different questions: "Is he a nice guy?" and "Is he a criminal?".
The grounding of a plane may be "unfriendly", but it is "lawful" because of the first article of Chicago Convention. An arrest of "unrest coordinators" may be "democratic" (when Democrats arrest non-democrats) or "undemocratic" (when somebody else arrest Democrats), but in both cases it is "lawful".

Anyway, when you say, that an ex-militant of Neo-Nazi battalion "Azov" (and a murderer of innocent Russian civilians) is a "good guy" - it's look like European revanchism and resurrection of Nazism - and it is pretty bad from both Russian and American points of view.

What for heavens sake are you babbeling here? Do you use drugs? You seem to adress someone else - not me. I never said anything from all the bullshit, which you say here as "answers". By the way. Who is able to declare Lukashenko to be vogelfrei" (=outlawed) so everyone in the world has the right to kill him without legal consequences? We could make a betting office in this case, could look for candidates and could have a lot of fun. ... Don't tell me now that's not legal. ... If it is legal what Lukashenko was doing, who destroys thousands - perhaps even millions - of lifes, then every reaction on his crimes is impossibly illegal. He is criminal - not the people which he arrests on the unfriendly reason to tyrannize everyone.

So, he's no different from Obama, Joe Biden or Killary.

Who is Killary and do you like to say Donald Trump is totally under control of the Russian oligarchy and other international superrich idiots, who try to be allmighty, slave? ... Do we have here to do with a conspiracy of mindmanipulating idiots and this explains as well the destruction of the republican party in the USA, the Brexit and the tyranny in Belarus? "Divide et impera", "Tyranny forever"? ... Hmmm .... Whatever- Lukashnko has to be brought to the international court - dead or alive. It's impossible to tolerate this tyrant any longer who governs Belarus without legitimation except the legitimitation of criminal violence.

Trump is a leader of the True Americans.

Trump is an idiot and never was a team player. So I would say the team "True Americans" is lost with this leader.

He is pro-American and he is fighting against those Globalists.

Very important. I love eagels and hedgehogs.

"Tyranny" or "democracy", but people of Belorussia can tolerate him

You defend Putin, Lukashenko and Trump against the European Union? Interesting point of view. Putin, Trump, Lukashenko, and Kim Jong-un replace George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt und Abraham Lincoln at Mount Rushmore.

Why can't you? What is more important - why he was pretty tolerable for Europe when he ordered to kill two innocent Americans? What has changed? He arrested your Neo-Nazi agent?

It's by the way a crime in many civilized countries of the world to try to insult victims of a genocide. I expect from you an excuse now immediatelly, because you called me a supporter of Nazis, although the Nazis had murdered about 50% of my family.

Yes. You demand to free a Nazi militant, who had taken part in murders of Russian civilians as a member of the Neo-Nazi battalion. For one, it's look like as "Nazi-supporter behavior" and a spit in faces of those Russian and American soldiers, who gave their lives to save another 50% of your family.


today will be 2 000 000 views, your mongol juchi ulus has 0 chance against this European Nation, so leave your wet imperial dreams behind

Do you really believe, that watching YouTube videos is something important in the real life?
Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon. This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers. We want our passengers back. I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry. I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests. And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible. But this planet is a very little planet and we have many plausible accusations here against Lukashenko because of torture and other violations of the human rights. The best will be Lukashenko travels to a safe place in the world - we can help to find such a place - and will let live the people from Belarus - und our guests - joyful and in peace, because he will have been gone and let everyone live a normal and free life.

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Belarus needs to be isolated
The people of Belarus fight with their fists against tanks, because an army of crimonal traitors hwo torture and kill their own people protects this god damned asshole Lukashenko. How to help the people of Belarus - and to elim,iante the tyrant Lukashenko and his followers?

As a first restriction aeroplanes from Belarus lost the right to use the air space over Europe.

One can’t reason with a dictator.
And I thought we’d got rid of them in Europe.
What did you think? Lukashenko used the American style, which he had learned from Donlad Trump, isn't it? Torture is a theme in the USA. Or Donald Trump was educated from men like Lukashenko. The difference: Lukashenko really stole the elections in Belarus.
Actually, he learned it from Obama.
What a nonsense. The normal egocentrism of the people of the USA is by the way very annoying.
Ok. He learned it from Austria, who grounded a Bolivian jet in the attempt to arrest Snowden.
What did do Austria? Austria is a neutral state. Why should they care about a political problem of the USA? Edward Snowden is not a criminal. Did Bolivia ask them to do so?
Bolivia asked them not interfere, but France, Spain, Italy and Portugal forced him to land in Austria.

Never heard about. Why should Portugal tell Austria what to do or not to do? What have France, Italy and Spain to do with Edward Snowden? Edward Snowden is a political problem of the USA.
Just read the article from Wikipedia. Obama's administration just asked their allies to close their airspace to the Bolivian jet, and find them Snowden.

It exist many reasons why the USA lost reputation since 9/11. The ugly thing: This will perhaps only change in the moment a new US-American Ford will say "reputation is money".

And when the USA ask, Europeans don't ask "is it legal, or not". They just do what was said.

In case fo Edard Snowden I was also angry about the stupidities the German government said. But do you try to comepare for example Angela Merkel with Lukashenko? Lukashenko is a brutal tyrant. And whatever Putins real problems might be - I'm sure he will not be able to solve this problems with Lukashenko. But I see the problem that Russia needs distance from the USA and the NATO. And I would wish in Russia would exist more freedom - but also more richdom all over the country, more security and harmony - and I am on the other side very astonished how many Russians are independent thinkers. And I heard the Russians reduced the use of alcohol drastically. A good sign. And the difference between Putin and Lukashenko is also clear. The people in Belarus hate Lukashenko - and the Russians still love Putin. With critics - but they love him. But also Russia has to take care to be a power of love and not to be a power of death.

Bolivian diplomatic immunity was violated by Austrian police, searched the jet and only after they made sure that there are no Snowden - they allowed Evo Morales to continue his flight.

If so then Austria has a serios problem with Bolivia now. And if so then it is really astonishing that Austria failed in diplomatic etiquette. Same with France and Spain.
Yes, they had that problems.

Not nice - absolutelly not nice. A shame for Europe. But Lukashenko is nevertheless a murderous tyrant who supresses "his" people and had skyjacked an European aeroplan and had kidnapped two of the passengers. We want our passengers back - safe and sane - and bring them to their destiny.

You continue to mix two different things: inner affairs and international relationships. There are two different questions: "Is he a nice guy?" and "Is he a criminal?".
The grounding of a plane may be "unfriendly", but it is "lawful" because of the first article of Chicago Convention. An arrest of "unrest coordinators" may be "democratic" (when Democrats arrest non-democrats) or "undemocratic" (when somebody else arrest Democrats), but in both cases it is "lawful".

Anyway, when you say, that an ex-militant of Neo-Nazi battalion "Azov" (and a murderer of innocent Russian civilians) is a "good guy" - it's look like European revanchism and resurrection of Nazism - and it is pretty bad from both Russian and American points of view.

What for heavens sake are you babbeling here? Do you use drugs? You seem to adress someone else - not me. I never said anything from all the bullshit, which you say here as "answers". By the way. Who is able to declare Lukashenko to be vogelfrei" (=outlawed) so everyone in the world has the right to kill him without legal consequences? We could make a betting office in this case, could look for candidates and could have a lot of fun. ... Don't tell me now that's not legal. ... If it is legal what Lukashenko was doing, who destroys thousands - perhaps even millions - of lifes, then every reaction on his crimes is impossibly illegal. He is criminal - not the people which he arrests on the unfriendly reason to tyrannize everyone.

So, he's no different from Obama, Joe Biden or Killary.

Who is Killary and do you like to say Donald Trump is totally under control of the Russian oligarchy and other international superrich idiots, who try to be allmighty, slave? ... Do we have here to do with a conspiracy of mindmanipulating idiots and this explains as well the destruction of the republican party in the USA, the Brexit and the tyranny in Belarus? "Divide et impera", "Tyranny forever"? ... Hmmm .... Whatever- Lukashnko has to be brought to the international court - dead or alive. It's impossible to tolerate this tyrant any longer who governs Belarus without legitimation except the legitimitation of criminal violence.

Trump is a leader of the True Americans.

Trump is an idiot and never was a team player. So I would say the team "True Americans" is lost with this leader.

He is pro-American and he is fighting against those Globalists.

Very important. I love eagels and hedgehogs.

"Tyranny" or "democracy", but people of Belorussia can tolerate him

You defend Putin, Lukashenko and Trump against the European Union? Interesting point of view. Putin, Trump, Lukashenko, and Kim Jong-un replace George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt und Abraham Lincoln at Mount Rushmore.

Why can't you? What is more important - why he was pretty tolerable for Europe when he ordered to kill two innocent Americans? What has changed? He arrested your Neo-Nazi agent?

It's by the way a crime in many civilized countries of the world to try to insult victims of a genocide. I expect from you an excuse now immediatelly, because you called me a supporter of Nazis, although the Nazis had murdered about 50% of my family.

Yes. You demand to free a Nazi militant, who had taken part in murders of Russian civilians as a member of the Neo-Nazi battalion. For one, it's look like as "Nazi-supporter behavior" and a spit in faces of those Russian and American soldiers, who gave their lives to save another 50% of your family.

If I understand you the right way then you try to continue to hurt a victim of a genocide - me in this case. And by the way: Not only Nazis were dangerous in world war 2. In world war 2 US-Americans tortured a member of my family and Russians also killed members of my family. And you are a shame for all mankind, who is not able to name crimes crimes and criminals criminals. You need to attack victims of a genocide because you think you are strong - and you try to make out of Lukashenko a holy man. This criminal tyrant has not any legitimitation to govern exept brutality. He's a Hitler or Stalin version unknown. I don't like to know more from this tyrant any longer. My home is in the murderous torture prisons of Belarus and not in the palaces there. I'm only able to say: Let my people go!

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Belarus needs to be isolated
The people of Belarus fight with their fists against tanks, because an army of crimonal traitors hwo torture and kill their own people protects this god damned asshole Lukashenko. How to help the people of Belarus - and to elim,iante the tyrant Lukashenko and his followers?

As a first restriction aeroplanes from Belarus lost the right to use the air space over Europe.

One can’t reason with a dictator.
And I thought we’d got rid of them in Europe.
What did you think? Lukashenko used the American style, which he had learned from Donlad Trump, isn't it? Torture is a theme in the USA. Or Donald Trump was educated from men like Lukashenko. The difference: Lukashenko really stole the elections in Belarus.
Actually, he learned it from Obama.
What a nonsense. The normal egocentrism of the people of the USA is by the way very annoying.
Ok. He learned it from Austria, who grounded a Bolivian jet in the attempt to arrest Snowden.
What did do Austria? Austria is a neutral state. Why should they care about a political problem of the USA? Edward Snowden is not a criminal. Did Bolivia ask them to do so?
Bolivia asked them not interfere, but France, Spain, Italy and Portugal forced him to land in Austria.

Never heard about. Why should Portugal tell Austria what to do or not to do? What have France, Italy and Spain to do with Edward Snowden? Edward Snowden is a political problem of the USA.
Just read the article from Wikipedia. Obama's administration just asked their allies to close their airspace to the Bolivian jet, and find them Snowden.

It exist many reasons why the USA lost reputation since 9/11. The ugly thing: This will perhaps only change in the moment a new US-American Ford will say "reputation is money".

And when the USA ask, Europeans don't ask "is it legal, or not". They just do what was said.

In case fo Edard Snowden I was also angry about the stupidities the German government said. But do you try to comepare for example Angela Merkel with Lukashenko? Lukashenko is a brutal tyrant. And whatever Putins real problems might be - I'm sure he will not be able to solve this problems with Lukashenko. But I see the problem that Russia needs distance from the USA and the NATO. And I would wish in Russia would exist more freedom - but also more richdom all over the country, more security and harmony - and I am on the other side very astonished how many Russians are independent thinkers. And I heard the Russians reduced the use of alcohol drastically. A good sign. And the difference between Putin and Lukashenko is also clear. The people in Belarus hate Lukashenko - and the Russians still love Putin. With critics - but they love him. But also Russia has to take care to be a power of love and not to be a power of death.

Bolivian diplomatic immunity was violated by Austrian police, searched the jet and only after they made sure that there are no Snowden - they allowed Evo Morales to continue his flight.

If so then Austria has a serios problem with Bolivia now. And if so then it is really astonishing that Austria failed in diplomatic etiquette. Same with France and Spain.
Yes, they had that problems.

Not nice - absolutelly not nice. A shame for Europe. But Lukashenko is nevertheless a murderous tyrant who supresses "his" people and had skyjacked an European aeroplan and had kidnapped two of the passengers. We want our passengers back - safe and sane - and bring them to their destiny.

You continue to mix two different things: inner affairs and international relationships. There are two different questions: "Is he a nice guy?" and "Is he a criminal?".
The grounding of a plane may be "unfriendly", but it is "lawful" because of the first article of Chicago Convention. An arrest of "unrest coordinators" may be "democratic" (when Democrats arrest non-democrats) or "undemocratic" (when somebody else arrest Democrats), but in both cases it is "lawful".

Anyway, when you say, that an ex-militant of Neo-Nazi battalion "Azov" (and a murderer of innocent Russian civilians) is a "good guy" - it's look like European revanchism and resurrection of Nazism - and it is pretty bad from both Russian and American points of view.

What for heavens sake are you babbeling here? Do you use drugs? You seem to adress someone else - not me. I never said anything from all the bullshit, which you say here as "answers". By the way. Who is able to declare Lukashenko to be vogelfrei" (=outlawed) so everyone in the world has the right to kill him without legal consequences? We could make a betting office in this case, could look for candidates and could have a lot of fun. ... Don't tell me now that's not legal. ... If it is legal what Lukashenko was doing, who destroys thousands - perhaps even millions - of lifes, then every reaction on his crimes is impossibly illegal. He is criminal - not the people which he arrests on the unfriendly reason to tyrannize everyone.

So, he's no different from Obama, Joe Biden or Killary.

Who is Killary and do you like to say Donald Trump is totally under control of the Russian oligarchy and other international superrich idiots, who try to be allmighty, slave? ... Do we have here to do with a conspiracy of mindmanipulating idiots and this explains as well the destruction of the republican party in the USA, the Brexit and the tyranny in Belarus? "Divide et impera", "Tyranny forever"? ... Hmmm .... Whatever- Lukashnko has to be brought to the international court - dead or alive. It's impossible to tolerate this tyrant any longer who governs Belarus without legitimation except the legitimitation of criminal violence.

Trump is a leader of the True Americans.

Trump is an idiot and never was a team player. So I would say the team "True Americans" is lost with this leader.

He is pro-American and he is fighting against those Globalists.

Very important. I love eagels and hedgehogs.

"Tyranny" or "democracy", but people of Belorussia can tolerate him

You defend Putin, Lukashenko and Trump against the European Union? Interesting point of view. Putin, Trump, Lukashenko, and Kim Jong-un replace George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt und Abraham Lincoln at Mount Rushmore.

Why can't you? What is more important - why he was pretty tolerable for Europe when he ordered to kill two innocent Americans? What has changed? He arrested your Neo-Nazi agent?

It's by the way a crime in many civilized countries of the world to try to insult victims of a genocide. I expect from you an excuse now immediatelly, because you called me a supporter of Nazis, although the Nazis had murdered about 50% of my family.

Yes. You demand to free a Nazi militant, who had taken part in murders of Russian civilians as a member of the Neo-Nazi battalion. For one, it's look like as "Nazi-supporter behavior" and a spit in faces of those Russian and American soldiers, who gave their lives to save another 50% of your family.

I understand you the right way then you try to continue to hurt a victim of a genocide - me in this case. And by the way: Not only Nazis were dangerous in world war 2. In world war 2 US-Americans tortured a member of my family and Russians also killed members of my family.

There are good chances, that you'll be an actual (not declared) victim of another genocide, if you continue your irresponsible politic of Neo-Nazi and terrorist support or in the case of another Drang nach Osten (including attempt of limitation of Belorussian sovereignty over its airspace (in violating of Chicago Convention).
Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.
Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.

Aha - you threat to murder me. And you hate all French and Germans. And you think Donald Trump is the guarantee for an alliance between the USA and Russia to help criminals like Lukashenko. You are a fan of autocrats and for kidnapping and torture and against individual freedom. ... Hmmm ... Which color have your hands? Blood-red?

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Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.
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Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.

Aha - you threat to murder me. And you hate all French and Germans. And you think Donald Trump is the guarantee for an alliance between the USA and Russia to help criminals like Lukashenko. You are a fan of autocrats and for kidnapping and torture and against individual freedom. ... Hmmm ... Which color have your hands? Blood-red?

Nobody treat to murder you (may be, except Ukrainian&Baltic Nazies and Muslim Terrorists so welcomed in the EU).
You must remember, that it were your relatives, who allowed Nazies to get the power, and it were Russians and Americans who saved remains of your family (even if there was some "collateral damage" in the process of saving).
You are just repeating your previous mistakes, but, may be, this time, you'll not be so lucky.
Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business. Australia has even less rights to decide what the world can ignore, and what can't.

Arresting of Nazi militants is a good decision for any country, and it increases the world's safety, not decreasing.
Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

You don’t pick up on accents then?

Milley’s message is that planning for conflict against Russia or China is not like these other cases. It is not just that they would be harder and more complex. Rather, they are wars that must not be fought, where the measure of success is not military victory but deterrence and, if war does happen, rapid de-escalation and conflict termination.

In the case of Russia-EU nuclear war the USA strategy will be in the rapid de-escalation and conflict termination, not in fighting for stupid Nazi-lovers.

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