BREAKING : Ryanair sent a Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich to certain death

Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

You don’t pick up on accents then?
It's not about accents, it's about geopolitical strategy.
Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

You don’t pick up on accents then?
It's not about accents, it's about geopolitical strategy.

If this is the way this thread is going, I’m out.
Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.

Aha - you threat to murder me. And you hate all French and Germans. And you think Donald Trump is the guarantee for an alliance between the USA and Russia to help criminals like Lukashenko. You are a fan of autocrats and for kidnapping and torture and against individual freedom. ... Hmmm ... Which color have your hands? Blood-red?

Nobody treat to murder you

You did do so. I know the language of tyrants very well.

(may be, except Ukrainian&Baltic Nazies and Muslim Terrorists so welcomed in the EU).
You must remember, that it were your relatives,

Aha - you are an anti-Semite too

who allowed Nazies to get the power, and it were Russians and Americans who saved remains of your family (even if there was some "collateral damage" in the process of saving). ...

Do you have something what you could call a brain? I'm a German. The allies murdered in masses innocent Germans during world war 2.
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Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

Everything what happens in the world is always everyones business.

Australia has even less rights to decide what the world can ignore, and what can't.

Arresting of Nazi militants is a good decision for any country, and it increases the world's safety, not decreasing.

Nazis existed 70 years ago, Nazi: You are supporting autocrats, who are damned dangerous for the whole planet.
Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

Everything what happens in the world is always everyones business.
It's globalistic point of view. Anyway, if your statement is true - the passangers of the Irish jet is a legal business of Belorussian KGB, too.
Australia has even less rights to decide what the world can ignore, and what can't.

Arresting of Nazi militants is a good decision for any country, and it increases the world's safety, not decreasing.

Nazis existed 70 years ago, Nazi: You are supporting autocrats, who are damned dangerous for the whole planet.
Nazi exist now as well. Some people call them Neo-Nazi, but in fact they are not much different from the original ones.
Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.

Aha - you threat to murder me. And you hate all French and Germans. And you think Donald Trump is the guarantee for an alliance between the USA and Russia to help criminals like Lukashenko. You are a fan of autocrats and for kidnapping and torture and against individual freedom. ... Hmmm ... Which color have your hands? Blood-red?

Nobody treat to murder you

You did do so. I know the language of tyrants very well.

(may be, except Ukrainian&Baltic Nazies and Muslim Terrorists so welcomed in the EU).
You must remember, that it were your relatives,

Aha - you are an anti-Semite too

who allowed Nazies to get the power, and it were Russians and Americans who saved remains of your family (even if there was some "collateral damage" in the process of saving). ...

Do you have something what you could call a brain? I'm a German. The allies murdered in masses innocent Germans during world war 2.

And it was blessing, because we saved them from the fate worse than dead, from becoming real monsters.
Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

Everything what happens in the world is always everyones business.
It's globalistic point of view. Anyway, if your statement is true - the passangers of the Irish jet

Ireland is Europe. Europe is Ireland.

us a legal business of Belorussian KGB, too.

The Belarussian "KGB" is the tyrant Lukashenko who has not any right to govern Belarus.

Australia has even less rights to decide what the world can ignore, and what can't.

Arresting of Nazi militants is a good decision for any country, and it increases the world's safety, not decreasing.

Nazis existed 70 years ago, Nazi: You are supporting autocrats, who are damned dangerous for the whole planet.
Nazi exist now as well.
Such cliches like you exist today.
Some people call them Neo-Nazi, but in fact they are not much different from the original ones.
In fact they - together with Neo-Soviets - are thousands time more dangerous than the real Nazis and Soviets had been, because the Nazis and the Soviets 100 years ago had not really been able to know what will happen. Many people in the past tried to go a new way - but this ways definetelly failed. Who plays today stupid neo-games in this context plays a game from intrigant idiots for ignorance - as you are doing - while the left and right jawbone of the devil (Hitler and Stalin) laugh loudly and madly in their infernal spheres.

Lukashenko is a criminal tyrant. Belarus has to be a free and proud nation, which has to try to do the best what it is able to do for the own citizens - and not for their tyrants. The tyrant of Belarus, Lukashenko, tries to strengthen the hoplessness of his people. This is a tragedy. And a big tragedy is also the result of many little tragedies as you are. If you are really a citizen of the USA then you are a shame for the German (=United) States of America, Russian.

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Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.

Aha - you threat to murder me. And you hate all French and Germans. And you think Donald Trump is the guarantee for an alliance between the USA and Russia to help criminals like Lukashenko. You are a fan of autocrats and for kidnapping and torture and against individual freedom. ... Hmmm ... Which color have your hands? Blood-red?

Nobody treat to murder you

You did do so. I know the language of tyrants very well.

(may be, except Ukrainian&Baltic Nazies and Muslim Terrorists so welcomed in the EU).
You must remember, that it were your relatives,

Aha - you are an anti-Semite too

who allowed Nazies to get the power, and it were Russians and Americans who saved remains of your family (even if there was some "collateral damage" in the process of saving). ...

Do you have something what you could call a brain? I'm a German. The allies murdered in masses innocent Germans during world war 2.

And it was blessing, because we saved them from the fate worse than dead, from becoming real monsters.

You are more than only a complete soulless criminal idiot, who has not any idea about anything what's moral and reality by calling mass-murder a blessing. The senseless murder of German civilists from the alllies during world war 2 made the war longer - not shorter - and because of this much more people had to die.
Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.

Aha - you threat to murder me. And you hate all French and Germans. And you think Donald Trump is the guarantee for an alliance between the USA and Russia to help criminals like Lukashenko. You are a fan of autocrats and for kidnapping and torture and against individual freedom. ... Hmmm ... Which color have your hands? Blood-red?

Nobody treat to murder you

You did do so. I know the language of tyrants very well.

(may be, except Ukrainian&Baltic Nazies and Muslim Terrorists so welcomed in the EU).
You must remember, that it were your relatives,

Aha - you are an anti-Semite too

who allowed Nazies to get the power, and it were Russians and Americans who saved remains of your family (even if there was some "collateral damage" in the process of saving). ...

Do you have something what you could call a brain? I'm a German. The allies murdered in masses innocent Germans during world war 2.

And it was blessing, because we saved them from the fate worse than dead, from becoming real monsters.

You are more than only a complete soulless criminal idiot, who has not any idea about anything what's moral and reality by calling mass-murder a blessing. The senseless murder of German civilists from the alllies during world war 2 made the war longer - not shorter - and because of this much more people had to die.

Better dead than Nazi, wasn't it? What would you prefer - to die from an American bomb, to die in a German extermination camp, or to live as a Nazi-supporter?
Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

Everything what happens in the world is always everyones business.
It's globalistic point of view. Anyway, if your statement is true - the passangers of the Irish jet

Ireland is Europe. Europe is Ireland.
So what? Belorussia is Europe, too.

us a legal business of Belorussian KGB, too.

The Belarussian "KGB" is the tyrant Lukashenko who has not any right to govern Belarus.
He was elected by Belorussian people.
Australia has even less rights to decide what the world can ignore, and what can't.

Arresting of Nazi militants is a good decision for any country, and it increases the world's safety, not decreasing.

Nazis existed 70 years ago, Nazi: You are supporting autocrats, who are damned dangerous for the whole planet.
Nazi exist now as well.
Such cliches like you exist today.
Some people call them Neo-Nazi, but in fact they are not much different from the original ones.
In fact they - together with Neo-Soviets - are thousands time more dangerous than the real Nazis and Soviets had been, because the Nazis and the Soviets 100 years ago had not really been able to know what will happen. Many people in the past tried to go a new way - but this ways definetelly failed. Who plays today stupid neo-games in this context plays a game from intrigant idiots for ignorance - as you are doing - while the left and right jawbone of the devil (Hitler and Stalin) laugh loudly and madly in their infernal spheres.

Lukashenko is a criminal tyrant. Belarus has to be a free and proud nation, which has to try to do the best what it is able to do for the own citizens - and not for their tyrants. The tyrant of Belarus, Lukashenko, tries to strengthen the hoplessness of his people. This is a tragedy. And a big tragedy is also the result of many little tragedies as you are. If you are really a citizen of the USA then you are a shame for the German (=United) States of America, Russian.

A part of Belorussian society supports Lukashenko. Another part is tring to overthrow him. First part is obviously stronger and more numerous than later. Nothing is different from another European States.
Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.

Aha - you threat to murder me. And you hate all French and Germans. And you think Donald Trump is the guarantee for an alliance between the USA and Russia to help criminals like Lukashenko. You are a fan of autocrats and for kidnapping and torture and against individual freedom. ... Hmmm ... Which color have your hands? Blood-red?

Nobody treat to murder you

You did do so. I know the language of tyrants very well.

(may be, except Ukrainian&Baltic Nazies and Muslim Terrorists so welcomed in the EU).
You must remember, that it were your relatives,

Aha - you are an anti-Semite too

who allowed Nazies to get the power, and it were Russians and Americans who saved remains of your family (even if there was some "collateral damage" in the process of saving). ...

Do you have something what you could call a brain? I'm a German. The allies murdered in masses innocent Germans during world war 2.

And it was blessing, because we saved them from the fate worse than dead, from becoming real monsters.

You are more than only a complete soulless criminal idiot, who has not any idea about anything what's moral and reality by calling mass-murder a blessing. The senseless murder of German civilists from the alllies during world war 2 made the war longer - not shorter - and because of this much more people had to die.

Better dead than Nazi, wasn't it?

Stupid sentence. Sure it is honorfol for everyone to fall by fighting againsts a traitor and tyrant like Lukashenko or Kim Jong-Un - but that's far from the realities of life.IN established dictatorships are much too many people under arms who are well payed from the taxes of the people and who are members of so called (self-defined) "elites" - without being able to be really noble. Instead to be loyal to truth and to their sisters and brothers they prefer to be loyal to a kind of pharaonic leader. This absurde phenomenon existst also in the USA for the person Donald Trump for example. Donald Trump replaces loyalite to the USA with loyalite to his own person. And you serve the lies of this man and the lies of other autocrats and tyrants. You and the "normal" ignorance, intrigance, arrogance and aggressions are the problem.

What would you prefer - to die from an American bomb, to die in a German extermination camp, or to live as a Nazi-supporter?

You are the structural Nazi. I do not support you. And in the German SS had been by the way temporarilly about 1/3rd of people who had not been citizens of Germany - and perhaps much more had not been native Germans at all. The anti-Germanism in the lands of the Slaws was also always combined with anti-Semitism in the lands of the Slaws. As well under the Czars and under the Soviets. The Soviets fought for a strict atheism.

And you will not believe, if I tell you, what this extremelly stupid and violent man - Lukashenko - had done a short time ago. He had skyjacked an European aeroplane and had kidnapped two of our guests and had thrown them into one of his torture prisons. We want them back.

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Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

Everything what happens in the world is always everyones business.
It's globalistic point of view. Anyway, if your statement is true - the passangers of the Irish jet

Ireland is Europe. Europe is Ireland.
So what? Belorussia is Europe, too.


us a legal business of Belorussian KGB, too.

The Belarussian "KGB" is the tyrant Lukashenko who has not any right to govern Belarus.
He was elected by Belorussian people.

Don't try to tell me total bullshit.

Australia has even less rights to decide what the world can ignore, and what can't.

Arresting of Nazi militants is a good decision for any country, and it increases the world's safety, not decreasing.

Nazis existed 70 years ago, Nazi: You are supporting autocrats, who are damned dangerous for the whole planet.
Nazi exist now as well.
Such cliches like you exist today.
Some people call them Neo-Nazi, but in fact they are not much different from the original ones.
In fact they - together with Neo-Soviets - are thousands time more dangerous than the real Nazis and Soviets had been, because the Nazis and the Soviets 100 years ago had not really been able to know what will happen. Many people in the past tried to go a new way - but this ways definetelly failed. Who plays today stupid neo-games in this context plays a game from intrigant idiots for ignorance - as you are doing - while the left and right jawbone of the devil (Hitler and Stalin) laugh loudly and madly in their infernal spheres.

Lukashenko is a criminal tyrant. Belarus has to be a free and proud nation, which has to try to do the best what it is able to do for the own citizens - and not for their tyrants. The tyrant of Belarus, Lukashenko, tries to strengthen the hoplessness of his people. This is a tragedy. And a big tragedy is also the result of many little tragedies as you are. If you are really a citizen of the USA then you are a shame for the German (=United) States of America, Russian.

A part of Belorussian society supports Lukashenko.

Do you think I will tell you now who not supports Lukashenko?

Another part is tring to overthrow him. First part is obviously stronger

Because this few people are well payed, strong armed and without scruple.

and more numerous than later. Nothing is different from another European States.

Why think all tyrants political propaganda has to be as stupid as possible? Because they are only able to imagine everyone is as stupid as they are on their own?

Ceterum censeo tyrannis imbris Lukashenko delendam esse.

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First. You may demand whatever you want, but the basic principles of the post-war international relationships are state sovereignty and equality of states. If you don't like it, if you want to interfere with others states internal businesses - it means (earlier or later) war.
Second. If you want a war against Russia because of some ridiculous excuse, without proper preparation and without American permission - you are stupid suiciders. American citizens shouldn't die to protect such fools.
Third. You may like or dislike Trump, Biden, Putin, Lukashenko, Xi, Erdogan but you have to respect choice of American, Russian, Chinese or Turkish peoples. If you, Europeans, obsessed with the stupid messianic ideas, continue your Drang nach Osten - this time you may not survive at all.
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Looks like, that those freaking Brits really decided to play "The Windsors: Last Blood" scenario.
They have no right to decide what the world can ignore, and what - can not.

Have no idea what you are ranting about.
Sky News is a British company, you must know. And their informational politic is controlled by the Brits. And yes, it is nothing of Australia business.

You don’t pick up on accents then?
It's not about accents, it's about geopolitical strategy.

If this is the way this thread is going, I’m out.

Roman Protasevich: The Belarus journalist whose defiance has enraged a dictator.

But a political leader who is fully in control does not need to hijack an aircraft to kidnap a young blogger.

Do you think that Obama was fully in control, when he demanded to ground the plane of Evo Morales and search it?

I’d like to stay on topic, and not make comparisons.
Ok. There are no political leaders who are "fully in control", at least because there are criminals in every society.
Angela Merkel for example is absolutelly not a criminal. And in general it is normal that the leader of a country is not a criminal. I'm quite sure for example that Jacinda Ardern is also not a criminal, although I know nearly nothing about her and she is a leading politician on the other side of the planet.

I didn't said, that Putin, Merkel or Ardern are criminals.

And I didn't say Putin is not a criminal. I hope so.

I said, that neither Lukashenko, nor Biden, nor Putin, nor Merkel are "fully in control". There are criminals in every society, because, (thank you, Lord!) there are no "total control" anywhere. Therefore, states need to fight criminals, and, sometimes, even arrest them, even if it causes inconveniences to other people. Roman is a criminal, he was Neo-Nazi militant. To protect lawful citizens, Belorussian militia and KGB have to arrest him. As well, police and secret services of other countries arrest or kill enemies of their own states.

We deveoped by the way a tank which is so damned perfect that it is totally useless. I hope we don't have to find out we can use it to shoot the criminal tyrant Lukashenko to the moon.

You previos attempt to shoot "criminal tyrant Stalin" was failed. Tanks are nice things, but the war between the EU and Russia is a "regional war", and a "regional war" according official Russian military doctrine is a nuclear war. Which means, that the active phase of the war will be started by the sudden Russian nuclear strike against French nuclear bases, and other EU members military bases and industrial targets. And even the most pro-European American politicians will hardly find a reason to protect such "independent" fools.

This criminal damned asshole forced a civil aeroplane of Europe with a Mig 29 to turn back although it was only 30 km far from the air space over Europe where it liked to land only 40 km later. Instead of this it was skyjacked and had to land 180 km far in Minsk where the tyrant Lukashenko kidnapped two passengers.
He arrested criminals in the Belorussian airspace. It is pretty legal. Their air - their laws.

We want our passengers back.
Those are not "your passengers". Those are citizens of Belorussia and Russia. One of them is a Nazi militant and a terrorist, another is de-anonimizer of the Belorussian servicemen.

I'm personally a traditionalist and a violation of hospitality makes me very angry.
You are not a "traditionalist" - you are a Nazi-supporter. Misuse of the "free passage right" is not a good thing, too.

I hate it very much that we were not able to protect our guests.
The best way to "protect your guests" is not allow them to kill Russian civilians. If you use your "guests" to murder Russians - be ready to face consequences.

And specially we Germans have by the way a very heavy defect in our character. History calls this "furor Germanicus" = "rage of the Germans" ... we are unbelievable nice, patient and friendly people - don't laugh! - but if we are angry, then we are angy - and then it is a good idea to be as far from us as possible.
You, Krauts (even allied with the Frog-eaters) do not have enough of nukes to treat Russia or the USA. So, you'd better to put your "tongue of rage" deeper into your "asshole of cautios" or you'll see that the planet is too little for your very existence.

Aha - you threat to murder me. And you hate all French and Germans. And you think Donald Trump is the guarantee for an alliance between the USA and Russia to help criminals like Lukashenko. You are a fan of autocrats and for kidnapping and torture and against individual freedom. ... Hmmm ... Which color have your hands? Blood-red?

Nobody treat to murder you

You did do so. I know the language of tyrants very well.

(may be, except Ukrainian&Baltic Nazies and Muslim Terrorists so welcomed in the EU).
You must remember, that it were your relatives,

Aha - you are an anti-Semite too

who allowed Nazies to get the power, and it were Russians and Americans who saved remains of your family (even if there was some "collateral damage" in the process of saving). ...

Do you have something what you could call a brain? I'm a German. The allies murdered in masses innocent Germans during world war 2.

If we want to keep "the rules-based world" we should not violate those rules or use double standards.
There are rules, and there are reasons for those rules.

The first rule of the civilian aviation is quite simple: "Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above it's territory".

If the EU (or any other state) don't like this rule - they may suggest to cancel this Convention, and to write another, starting, for example, with the words: "All air on the Earth belongs to the EU, and only the EU will decide who may ground airplanes, and who - may not." Sure, I very doubt that anybody will sign such a document.
If we want to keep "the rules-based world" we should not violate those rules or use double standards.
There are rules, and there are reasons for those rules. View attachment 495698

The first rule of the civilian aviation is quite simple: "Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above it's territory".

If the EU (or any other state) don't like this rule - they may suggest to cancel this Convention, and to write another, starting, for example, with the words: "All air on the Earth belongs to the EU, and only the EU will decide who may ground airplanes, and who - may not." Sure, I very doubt that anybody will sign such a document.
It is amusing to see how people are becoming experts overnight in some convention they have never heard of before and reading only one chapter of it afterwards.

I am ready to repeat it for you once again - the issue is not about landing tha plane per se. The issue is the reason why this plane was landed.
First. You may demand whatever you want, but the basic principles of the post-war international relationships are state sovereignty and equality of states.

The tyrant Lukashenko governs Belarus without any legitimitation. And imagine: This damned arrogant ugly asshole was not shy to skyjack with a Mig 29 a civil aeroplane of Europe and to kidnap two of our passengers. He had thrown them in his modernized torture chambers. We want them back.

If you don't like it,

I have not any problem with the law of nations nor with the god given human rights. Lukashenko has a problem beause he not respects the rights of other people.

if you want to interfere with others states internal businesses - it means (earlier or later) war.

What a nonsense. To eliminate every influence of a cockroach, who skyjacks aeroplanes and kidnaps passengers is not war - it's pest control. No one likes to fight against the people of Belarus - we like to see them happy.

Second. If you want a war against Russia

Lukashenko always fought for the hate on Russians. So what do you really say here? That you are an idiot, Russian?

because of some ridiculous excuse, without proper preparation and without American permission - you are stupid suiciders.

¿USA? Prefers the USA a special way how to eliminate Lukashenko? But you are right: Kamikaze methods are also a possible way, how suicide bombers show very well.

American citizens shouldn't die to protect such fools.

Whom? Germans?

Third. You may like or dislike Trump, Biden, Putin, Lukashenko, Xi, Erdogan

Why is Mr. president Biden in this list of you?

but you have to respect choice of American, Russian, Chinese or Turkish peoples.

I don't respect tyrants nor supporters of tyrants.

If you, Europeans, obsessed with the stupid messianic ideas, continue your Drang nach Osten - this time you may not survive at all.

I don't have any idea what could be the German slogan "Drang nach Osten" because such a political German slogan never existed as far as I know. The Nazis slogan was to fight for "Lebensraum im Osten". This problem is solved: We will die out. What doesn't mean that we could not send a cruise missile directly into the belly button of Lukashenko and send the particles of his body all over the planet. Unfortunatelly live many innocent people all around him - and we don't like to poison them with the residues of this form of waste management.
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If we want to keep "the rules-based world" we should not violate those rules or use double standards.
There are rules, and there are reasons for those rules. View attachment 495698

The first rule of the civilian aviation is quite simple: "Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above it's territory".

If the EU (or any other state) don't like this rule - they may suggest to cancel this Convention, and to write another, starting, for example, with the words: "All air on the Earth belongs to the EU, and only the EU will decide who may ground airplanes, and who - may not." Sure, I very doubt that anybody will sign such a document.
It is amusing to see how people are becoming experts overnight in some convention they have never heard of before and reading only one chapter of it afterwards.

I am ready to repeat it for you once again - the issue is not about landing tha plane per se. The issue is the reason why this plane was landed.
What part of the sentence "Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above it's territory" is unclear?

Ukraine has right to ground a Belorussian jet to arrest an anti-Maidan activist (or anybody else), Belorussia has right to ground an Irish jet to arrest a pro-Maidan activist (or anybody else). It is their land and air, and there are their laws.
You may like or hate their laws, you may like or hate their KGB, but Belorussian sovereignty over their airspace is complete and exclusive.
Does not matter how many Belorussian really voted for Lukashenko, does not matter was Protasevich "fighter for freedom" or "Nazi-militant", "traitor" or "real patriot", the right of Belorussian state to "keep order", arrest or even execute him - is absolute. That's what we call "state sovereignty". It is "inner affair" of Belorussia.
If we want to keep "the rules-based world" we should not violate those rules or use double standards.
There are rules, and there are reasons for those rules. View attachment 495698

The first rule of the civilian aviation is quite simple: "Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above it's territory".

If the EU (or any other state) don't like this rule - they may suggest to cancel this Convention, and to write another, starting, for example, with the words: "All air on the Earth belongs to the EU, and only the EU will decide who may ground airplanes, and who - may not." Sure, I very doubt that anybody will sign such a document.
It is amusing to see how people are becoming experts overnight in some convention they have never heard of before and reading only one chapter of it afterwards.

I am ready to repeat it for you once again - the issue is not about landing tha plane per se. The issue is the reason why this plane was landed.
What part of the sentence "Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above it's territory" is unclear?

Ukraine has right to ground a Belorussian jet to arrest an anti-Maidan activist (or anybody else), Belorussia has right to ground an Irish jet to arrest a pro-Maidan activist (or anybody else). It is their land and air, and there are their laws.
You may like or hate their laws, you may like or hate their KGB, but Belorussian sovereignty over their airspace is complete and exclusive.
Does not matter how many Belorussian really voted for Lukashenko, does not matter was Protasevich "fighter for freedom" or "Nazi-militant", "traitor" or "real patriot", the right of Belorussian state to "keep order", arrest or even execute him - is absolute. That's what we call "state sovereignty". It is "inner affair" of Belorussia.
And what is unclear that Lukashenko is blamed not for landing the plane, but for arresting of his political opponent?
If we want to keep "the rules-based world" we should not violate those rules or use double standards.
There are rules, and there are reasons for those rules. View attachment 495698

The first rule of the civilian aviation is quite simple: "Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above it's territory".

If the EU (or any other state) don't like this rule - they may suggest to cancel this Convention, and to write another, starting, for example, with the words: "All air on the Earth belongs to the EU, and only the EU will decide who may ground airplanes, and who - may not." Sure, I very doubt that anybody will sign such a document.
It is amusing to see how people are becoming experts overnight in some convention they have never heard of before and reading only one chapter of it afterwards.

I am ready to repeat it for you once again - the issue is not about landing tha plane per se. The issue is the reason why this plane was landed.
What part of the sentence "Every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above it's territory" is unclear?

Ukraine has right to ground a Belorussian jet to arrest an anti-Maidan activist (or anybody else), Belorussia has right to ground an Irish jet to arrest a pro-Maidan activist (or anybody else). It is their land and air, and there are their laws.
You may like or hate their laws, you may like or hate their KGB, but Belorussian sovereignty over their airspace is complete and exclusive.
Does not matter how many Belorussian really voted for Lukashenko, does not matter was Protasevich "fighter for freedom" or "Nazi-militant", "traitor" or "real patriot", the right of Belorussian state to "keep order", arrest or even execute him - is absolute. That's what we call "state sovereignty". It is "inner affair" of Belorussia.
And what is unclear that Lukashenko is blamed not for landing the plane, but for arresting of his political opponent?
Everybody arrest their political opponents. It's inner affair of any state. And yes, he was arrested not for being his "political opponent" per se, but for calling for unrests, coordination of illegal meetings, and his girlfriend was arrested for the deanomization of policemen.
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