Breaking! School Shooting In Maryland At Great Mills High School

Who the hell calls CNN in a situation like that? :lame2:

No, you don't call your mom or dad, you call CNN? Really?

In both cases, these students are only interested in FAME.
Oh yes....students who are shot at and live in a world where there's a school shooting almost weekly now are "only interested in fame".........sure. Go with that. :71:

So kids in school have CNN on their contacts list or something? This makes no sense.

That doesn't strike you as odd, Bodey odee odee? You don't see why someone would question that?
Breaking Update!

Explain why a student at the school during the shooting just happens to have CNNs number on standby and gives them a call while the crisis unfolded?

WTH? CNN Interviews Student Locked in Classroom *During* Great Mills HS Shooting – Asks If He Can Stay on the Phone When Police Order Him Out

LoL!! If he had Fox News on standby you'd have been good with it.

Gateway Pundit?


No, I'd be asking why they called them as well, because I'm not a partisan asshat shill like some people. :rolleyes:
Who the hell calls CNN in a situation like that? :lame2:

No, you don't call your mom or dad, you call CNN? Really?

In both cases, these students are only interested in FAME.
Oh yes....students who are shot at and live in a world where there's a school shooting almost weekly now are "only interested in fame".........sure. Go with that. :71:

So kids in school have CNN on their contacts list or something? This makes no sense.

That doesn't strike you as odd, Bodey odee odee? You don't see why someone would question that?
With today's social media, contacting anyone takes only a IS newsworthy, is it not? Would you be happier if they contacted FAUX?
News media and hateful camera Hoggs rejoice! More blood to dance in, to demand the disarmament of everyone who didn’t do it!

Yes and be sure to blame the NRA even though NRA members don't commit crimes.
How do you know? Do you have access to the NRA membership rolls?

I am a Life Member and attend NRA functions and generally support the fine organization.

Prove to me that criminals are NRA members because all I see are law abiding citizens concerned with their Constitutional Rights and firearms safety. I know you stupid Moon Bats don't give a shit about the Bill of Rights but other Americans do and many of them are the 6 million members of the NRA.

The criminals are these asshole inner city druggies and gang members that shoot up each other every day of the week and commit mot of the gun crimes in the country. You know, the ones that elect Democrats in the big city shitholes of this country.

I'll point out that many of them aren't members of the NRA and still support the 2nd amendment. Much more than the NRA roster.

I suspect for every NRA member that actually pony ups the membership there are 20 adults that support the right to keep and bear arms as envisioned in the Bill of Rights.

We have 300,000,000 firearms in this country and they are not all distributed among the six million NRA members. Although I am doing my part with about 50 of them.
50 isn't enough to cover your fears. You need more.
Yes and be sure to blame the NRA even though NRA members don't commit crimes.


McVeigh member of NRA for nearly 4 years

Adam was a fan too!


Probably so were some of the filthy Government jackbooted thugs that killed Rand Weaver's wife and shot his child at Ruby Ridge and killed the children and the people at Waco.

Is one all you could come up with? Try again stupid Moon Bat.
The cop killers at Waco barbequed themselves and white supremacist Weaver chose to put his wife and child in harms way. They were his human shields.

You are confused Moon Bat. They agreed to surrender but the jackbooted government thugs that you Moon Bats love so much set the place on fire with flammable CS gas, you moron. The government was punishing the citizens in the compound for killing some of their jackbooted thugs attacking the citizens.

However, this thread is not about government oppression and brutality against the citizens of this country. It is about the shooting in Maryland where school security worked. A gun in the school stopped the shooter. Guns in the school is what you dumbss Moon Bats hate. You want the schools to be gun free zones, you dumb fuckers.
Anti-gun nut David Hogg and his lesbian friend are going to have a problem with this shooting since the perpetrator was killed by an armed school guard.

No they aren't - ALL those kids are proponents of more resource officers on campus.
Put that nugget back in yer butt where it belongs.
Simply doubling should be plenty.

Agree in most cases depending on the size of the school. Stoneman Douglas is a pretty big high school at over 3000. They just had one and he was outside the school. Three would be better at least two of which are strategically placed ON CAMPUS and all armed. Say one RO per 1000 kids.
I suspect for every NRA member that actually pony ups the membership there are 20 adults that support the right to keep and bear arms as envisioned in the Bill of Rights.

We have 300,000,000 firearms in this country and they are not all distributed among the six million NRA members. Although I am doing my part with about 50 of them.
50 isn't enough to cover your fears. You need more.

Depends - In the case of a zombie apocalypse, Flash could line up his 50 next to the front door and go from one loaded gun to the next without a reload for quite some time. Can't be too careful - zombies especially love the brains of NRA members - Small, but tender and tasty! :)
The lesson in Maryland today is that a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun. Increased school security is what the NRA has been calling for ever since Sandy Hook but the stupid Liberals want to make all schools "gun free zones". How dumb is that?

In the case of today the officer did his job. However, we can't always be assured that the government will protect us. Just look at what happen in Parkland when the government officer was chickenshit. That is why we all need to take responsibility for our own security and for the security of our children.
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News conference is stating the shooter had been in a relationship with the shooter. The female has life threatening injuries.
News conference is stating the shooter had been in a relationship with the shooter. The female has life threatening injuries. agree male trying to control "his" female and when he can't, he tries to hurt that FBI agent who killed his estranged wife and then suicided.
Anti-gun nut David Hogg and his lesbian friend are going to have a problem with this shooting since the perpetrator was killed by an armed school guard.

No they aren't - ALL those kids are proponents of more resource officers on campus.
Put that nugget back in yer butt where it belongs.
Simply doubling should be plenty.

Agree in most cases depending on the size of the school. Stoneman Douglas is a pretty big high school at over 3000. They just had one and he was outside the school. Three would be better at least two of which are strategically placed ON CAMPUS and all armed. Say one RO per 1000 kids.

Sounds like a plan! :113:

Oh yeah, and that's it! No gun control/snatching for you!
News conference is stating the shooter had been in a relationship with the shooter. The female has life threatening injuries. agree male trying to control "his" female and when he can't, he tries to hurt that FBI agent who killed his estranged wife and then suicided.

But Hillary said men told their wives and girlfriends who to vote for. ???

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