BREAKING: Scott Walker Drops Out

Dems will not win this election. Their candidates suck, a mix of the criminal, the insame, and the criminally insane.
No, Cruz will win this.
CRUZ? CRUZ???!!!!! No way. I'll lay down a million internet dollars.
Cruz is winning in the money race. He is setting up grass roots organizations in the states. Trump will destruct shortly as media attention is waning.
We'll see.. Cruz will have to appeal to more then just evangelicals though, and his policies are literally bat shit insane.. He's an authoritarian evangelical nut job.
If you say they are bat shit insane that is a sure sign they are dead on target. After the disaster the Democrats have created in foreign and domestic policy we need a strong leader like Cruz to set things right.
Cruz.. Cruz knows nothing about foreign policy, he knows nothing about the Iran deal:
Ted Cruz's file | PolitiFact Texas

Cruz strikes me more as a political tactician rather than a political strategist. He doesn't think very far ahead. He doesn't have exit strategies and he doesn't establish the base of support he needs to do......well, anything. If you look at the positions he's advocated his record of failure is essentially perfect.

Though he has decent name recognition I guess.
Dems will not win this election. Their candidates suck, a mix of the criminal, the insame, and the criminally insane.
No, Cruz will win this.
CRUZ? CRUZ???!!!!! No way. I'll lay down a million internet dollars.
Cruz is winning in the money race. He is setting up grass roots organizations in the states. Trump will destruct shortly as media attention is waning.
We'll see.. Cruz will have to appeal to more then just evangelicals though, and his policies are literally bat shit insane.. He's an authoritarian evangelical nut job.
If you say they are bat shit insane that is a sure sign they are dead on target. After the disaster the Democrats have created in foreign and domestic policy we need a strong leader like Cruz to set things right.
Cruz.. Cruz knows nothing about foreign policy, he knows nothing about the Iran deal:
Ted Cruz's file | PolitiFact Texas
LOL. Sure Tell yourself that.
The Left is terrified of Cruz.
A shame.

The rare Con that stood up to, fought and won against the left....
I thought huckleberry would bow out before Walker
He attacked workers rights....good by asshole!!!!!
Graham and/or Jindal are next.

probably, then Rand Paul. Trump/Rubio ------------------- 16 years of conservative, intelligent, sane, fiscally respojnsible LEADERSHIP.
LMAO yeah sure....Rubio wants amnesty never gonna happen...
He has tried to pass many things to help the poor and middle class, cons shoot them down.
LOL! Yeah Obama was fighting for the poor. That's why there are so many more of them.
People believe that shit.
I'm not derailing this thread to start this stupid shit again.
Yes, a shame about Walker. But sometimes it just isnt the right time or circumstance.
Trump will dry up and blow away before year end.
One can only hope.. If he doesn't, well, that'll be a good thing, guaranteed dem victory.
Dems will not win this election. Their candidates suck, a mix of the criminal, the insame, and the criminally insane.
No, Cruz will win this.
I hate all the republican candidates but Cruz belongs in a fucking psych ward in a straight jacket. He is absolutely NUTS and fanatically dedicated to Israel first not the US on top of being a Canadian...that SOB near the nukes we have scares the shit out of me.
Dems will not win this election. Their candidates suck, a mix of the criminal, the insame, and the criminally insane.
No, Cruz will win this.
CRUZ? CRUZ???!!!!! No way. I'll lay down a million internet dollars.

Cruz seems unlikely.
I'd say impossible, he is pushing for evangelicals, a dieing part of the base..

There's also very little evidence that Cruz has the kind of support to get the nomination, let alone win the presidency. Often supporters of a particular candidate will confuse what they want to happen with what the evidence actually suggests. And the evidence doesn't suggest a Cruz victory.
It doesn't help that his fellow republicans hate him.

That doesn't help at all. The government shutdown in 2013 was a monumental blunder on Cruz's part. He threatened his fellow republicans with primary opposition paid for by Cruz's benefactors unless they supported the shut down. A senator threatening congressmen didn't go over well. Worse, he had no exit strategy and grossly miscaculated the difficulty of his task.....describing the defunding of Obamacare as 'easy'.

And failed epically, driving the GOP's approval rating to a record low for any party. With fellow republicans calling it the 'dumbest thing I've ever heard of.'. That was basically the last hurrah for the GOP opposition to Obama in congress.

If you're going to force a fight you haven't thought through, threaten your fellow party members and orchestrate a government damn well better win. Cruz didn't.
Dems will not win this election. Their candidates suck, a mix of the criminal, the insame, and the criminally insane.
No, Cruz will win this.
CRUZ? CRUZ???!!!!! No way. I'll lay down a million internet dollars.

Cruz seems unlikely.
I'd say impossible, he is pushing for evangelicals, a dieing part of the base..
The successful candidate unites the fiscally conservative, the socially conservative, and the strong foreign policy parts of the party. Cruz does all that.
Cruz is an idiot. He lies about the Iran deal, he ruins his own party in congress, he worships Kim Davis..
He is one of the leaders of the christer taliban Mullah cruz

CRUZ? CRUZ???!!!!! No way. I'll lay down a million internet dollars.
Cruz is winning in the money race. He is setting up grass roots organizations in the states. Trump will destruct shortly as media attention is waning.
We'll see.. Cruz will have to appeal to more then just evangelicals though, and his policies are literally bat shit insane.. He's an authoritarian evangelical nut job.
If you say they are bat shit insane that is a sure sign they are dead on target. After the disaster the Democrats have created in foreign and domestic policy we need a strong leader like Cruz to set things right.
Cruz.. Cruz knows nothing about foreign policy, he knows nothing about the Iran deal:
Ted Cruz's file | PolitiFact Texas
LOL. Sure Tell yourself that.
The Left is terrified of Cruz.

More accurately, you imagine the left is terrified of Cruz. Because then at least Cruz would be relevant. The left doesn't give a shit about Cruz. As there's no indications he has any significant chance of winning either the nomination or the presidency.

Nor can you present any. You're arguing your emotions. Not the evidence.
I'm not derailing this thread to start this stupid shit again.
Yes, a shame about Walker. But sometimes it just isnt the right time or circumstance.
Trump will dry up and blow away before year end.
One can only hope.. If he doesn't, well, that'll be a good thing, guaranteed dem victory.
Dems will not win this election. Their candidates suck, a mix of the criminal, the insame, and the criminally insane.
No, Cruz will win this.
CRUZ? CRUZ???!!!!! No way. I'll lay down a million internet dollars.
Cruz is winning in the money race. He is setting up grass roots organizations in the states. Trump will destruct shortly as media attention is waning.

I hate to disagree, but when the media slows down on giving Trump all the free air time he will buy some. He does have the means to do so. That does not mean I plan to vote for him.
The culling of the herd. NO big deal.

LOL, Scott Walker was the presumed nominee to a very large group of powerful people. This is just the beginning and it is happening WAY to early in the nomination process. As long a Trump and Fiorina take the spotlight, when they finally fail there won't be anyone left to take the pitch. This is not good news for the Republican party.
When you have 17 it's not to early. I predict at LEAST two more BEFORE Iowa and two or three after.

Really care to embarrass yourself and name some names? You know, take a stand for a change?
Yep, the little union-busting puke bastard bites the dust.

He sure did, and here is what happened.

"Wisconsin Union officials declined to release precise membership data but confirmed in interviews that enrollment is dramatically lower since the new law was signed in 2011.

The state branch of the National Education Association, once 100,000 strong, has seen its membership drop by a third. The American Federation of Teachers, which organized in the college system, saw a 50 percent decline. The 70,000-person membership in the state employees union has fallen by 70 percent."

The working folks finally figured out the Unions were screwing them.
All the rightwinger "Smart People" assured us he was a shoo-in.

My money is on Chris Christie's being the next to go.

I would say soon but not before Iowa.

He's one of the three that could compete with HRC all other thing being equal. He and Bush are wholesalers; the hug a widow, kiss a baby stuff is cringeworthy for them but give them a camera, some backlighting and a teleprompter and they are incredibly convincing and effective (to those who can be convinced anyway).

Christie is an odd fit for Iowa and NH because of that. The 3rd contest is SC. Not a good fit for him either. I'm picturing him standing in puddles of sweat giving a speech. So I think he is not winning the first 3 big contests. Usually that spells trouble.

The third is Rubio but not for his talent; electoral math favors him to a degree. Piercing the Clinton firewall across the upper mid-west is going to be a chore. Educated voters are going to look at him and probably giggle. It's clear he's not ready for prime time. But he may be half way there because he could carry FL and it's . IF he doesn't win SC, he's through but if he does, it sets up nicely for him. He better do well in the first two contests to set up SC. Of course, FL comes after Super Tuesday. Winning SC 11 days before gives him a good spring board for Super Tuesday which features NC, VA, AL, GA. He won't win all of them. But he will likely win some of them. More importantly is that you'll see pragmatic candidates drop out after Super Tuesday. Rubio will get their donors in many cases.
This really is going to get interesting. Kochs are going to be in a whole lotta hurt backing Carly now. I thought they would have been more politically astute than this.

Now that we have her outed as a McCain clone she's going down big time.

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