Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

Told ya. I told you this was already in the works. Bingo. I pegged it the same day O'Reilly was attacked.
from the pussy grabbing presidunce to fox news ,,all womanizing slimebags
What about CNN's Don Lemon on New Year's Eve saying to his female co-host on air that she's got a 'Nice Rack'?
She might have one ,,,,but as long as he didn't grab them no harm no foul

Same thing I was saying about Trump, as long as he didn't grab them, no harm no foul. That's fair right?

That comment was totally inappropriate. Anyone who would say such a thing on air, is a rude asshole.
If it is just words then it falls under freedom of speech...

We don't have a right to destroy people for saying you're hot, cute, a moron or a fag. period.....This is something females need to understand.
Unfortunately your ilk are making the rules.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


You're sure screwed up. Based on your hatred of Jews I suggest you get over it as Jared Kushner and Steve Mnuchin are going to be running your life, since Donald wants to play more golf and stay down at Mar A Lago.

Conservatives clearly have a right to be wary of Jews.

Jews contributed 1/2 of Hillary's campaign money.

Over 1,500 Jewish Rabbis called on Trump to support Muslim refugees.

Jews dominate the Liberal media, and Liberal Hollywood, as well over Liberal organizations like the SPCL, or ACLU.

Jews have been at the forefront of gun control like Feinstein, Schumer, Lieberman, Bloomberg, among others.

Jews like Schultz, Miller, and Lerner were behind the IRS scandal which targeted Conservative groups.

Jews like Yair Klein, and Ludwig Fainberg supported the drug cartel enemies of America.

Jew Jonathan Pollard spied on America for Israel.

Jews Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg sold American nuclear secrets to the Soviets.

Israel plotted terrorism against the USA in the Lavon Affair, and bombed the U.S.S Liberty.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


You're sure screwed up. Based on your hatred of Jews I suggest you get over it as Jared Kushner and Steve Mnuchin are going to be running your life, since Donald wants to play more golf and stay down at Mar A Lago.

Conservatives clearly have a right to be wary of Jews.

Jews contributed 1/2 of Hillary's campaign money.

Over 1,500 Jewish Rabbis called on Trump to support Muslim refugees.

Jews dominate the Liberal media, and Liberal Hollywood, as well over Liberal organizations like the SPCL, or ACLU.

Jews have been at the forefront of gun control like Feinstein, Schumer, Lieberman, Bloomberg, among others.

Jews like Schultz, Miller, and Lerner were behind the IRS scandal which targeted Conservative groups.
Your posts are pure gold! Keep it up. The Zionist must be exposed.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


You're sure screwed up. Based on your hatred of Jews I suggest you get over it as Jared Kushner and Steve Mnuchin are going to be running your life, since Donald wants to play more golf and stay down at Mar A Lago.

Conservatives clearly have a right to be wary of Jews.

Jews contributed 1/2 of Hillary's campaign money.

Over 1,500 Jewish Rabbis called on Trump to support Muslim refugees.

Jews dominate the Liberal media, and Liberal Hollywood, as well over Liberal organizations like the SPCL, or ACLU.

Jews have been at the forefront of gun control like Feinstein, Schumer, Lieberman, Bloomberg, among others.

Jews like Schultz, Miller, and Lerner were behind the IRS scandal which targeted Conservative groups.
Your posts are pure gold! Keep it up. The Zionist must be exposed.

A lot of Conservatives love Jews, though.

Something to do with reading about Jews in the bible, and hearing about Jews fighting the Muslim terrorists.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


You're sure screwed up. Based on your hatred of Jews I suggest you get over it as Jared Kushner and Steve Mnuchin are going to be running your life, since Donald wants to play more golf and stay down at Mar A Lago.

Conservatives clearly have a right to be wary of Jews.

Jews contributed 1/2 of Hillary's campaign money.

Over 1,500 Jewish Rabbis called on Trump to support Muslim refugees.

Jews dominate the Liberal media, and Liberal Hollywood, as well over Liberal organizations like the SPCL, or ACLU.

Jews have been at the forefront of gun control like Feinstein, Schumer, Lieberman, Bloomberg, among others.

Jews like Schultz, Miller, and Lerner were behind the IRS scandal which targeted Conservative groups.

Jews like Yair Klein, and Ludwig Fainberg supported the drug cartel enemies of America.

Jew Jonathan Pollard spied on America for Israel.

Jews Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg sold American nuclear secrets to the Soviets.

Israel plotted terrorism against the USA in the Lavon Affair, and bombed the U.S.S Liberty.
JESUS was a Jew

So gays should, because they inconvenienced you one time in your life, be denied gay marriage, be denied a place in "heaven", be sent to Jesus' Auschwitz ("hell"), correct?

Please move beyond the teachings of Bible/Jesus and into a more loving state of mind, like Scientific Humanists. The world will be better when you do, mi amigo.

When God gave us free will (the fruit from the Tree of Life) he introduced sin into the world. That is why we don't live in Eden. Go look it up. It is in the Bible.

Lucky for us that God takes responsibility for our sins and forgives us, isn't it?
No, he doesn't "forgive", say, Gandhi, because according to many verses in the Bible even Gandhi is hell-bound, deserving nothing for his bravery on earth but savage torture. We can be more compassionate that that - I know it.
but "love your neighbor" is awesome.) So can't approve of the genocide in the "flood" .

I don't support genocide on anyone.

But, when it comes to genocide, Jews have clearly neglected, or downright disrespected other victims of genocide.

- Jew Abe Foxman cries about Holocaust denial, and Holocaust minimalists, but then denies the Armenian Genocide, and is a Holodomor minimalist.

- Israel refuses to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

- Far more movies on the Jewish Holocaust in Jewish Hollywood, than on other genocides. (Which includes Hollywood films which minimalize, or vilify the other victims of the Holocaust, like Schindler's List directed by Jew Stephen Spielberg, which had no Polish victims of the Holocaust, but instead featured Polish speaking guards at Auschwitz.

- Even though millions of Polish Catholics were killed by Nazi Germany too, there's been quite a few Jews who unrightfully blame Poland for the Holocaust, which includes Howard Stern, DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL, Giles Coren,Stephen Fry, Jan T Gross, and this nut below.

You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


You're sure screwed up. Based on your hatred of Jews I suggest you get over it as Jared Kushner and Steve Mnuchin are going to be running your life, since Donald wants to play more golf and stay down at Mar A Lago.

Conservatives clearly have a right to be wary of Jews.

Jews contributed 1/2 of Hillary's campaign money.

Over 1,500 Jewish Rabbis called on Trump to support Muslim refugees.

Jews dominate the Liberal media, and Liberal Hollywood, as well over Liberal organizations like the SPCL, or ACLU.

Jews have been at the forefront of gun control like Feinstein, Schumer, Lieberman, Bloomberg, among others.

Jews like Schultz, Miller, and Lerner were behind the IRS scandal which targeted Conservative groups.

Jews like Yair Klein, and Ludwig Fainberg supported the drug cartel enemies of America.

Jew Jonathan Pollard spied on America for Israel.

Jews Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg sold American nuclear secrets to the Soviets.

Israel plotted terrorism against the USA in the Lavon Affair, and bombed the U.S.S Liberty.
JESUS was a Jew

The Christian Holy New Testament says Jews snitched on Jesus to get him killed.

While the Jewish Holy Talmud says Jesus is boiling in Hell in a vat of excrement.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


You're sure screwed up. Based on your hatred of Jews I suggest you get over it as Jared Kushner and Steve Mnuchin are going to be running your life, since Donald wants to play more golf and stay down at Mar A Lago.

Conservatives clearly have a right to be wary of Jews.

Jews contributed 1/2 of Hillary's campaign money.

Over 1,500 Jewish Rabbis called on Trump to support Muslim refugees.

Jews dominate the Liberal media, and Liberal Hollywood, as well over Liberal organizations like the SPCL, or ACLU.

Jews have been at the forefront of gun control like Feinstein, Schumer, Lieberman, Bloomberg, among others.

Jews like Schultz, Miller, and Lerner were behind the IRS scandal which targeted Conservative groups.

Jews like Yair Klein, and Ludwig Fainberg supported the drug cartel enemies of America.

Jew Jonathan Pollard spied on America for Israel.

Jews Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg sold American nuclear secrets to the Soviets.

Israel plotted terrorism against the USA in the Lavon Affair, and bombed the U.S.S Liberty.
JESUS was a Jew

The Christian Holy New Testament says Jews snitched on Jesus to get him killed.

While the Jewish Holy Talmud says Jesus is boiling in Hell in a vat of excrement.
jews snitched?? more christian bs

So gays should, because they inconvenienced you one time in your life, be denied gay marriage, be denied a place in "heaven", be sent to Jesus' Auschwitz ("hell"), correct?

Please move beyond the teachings of Bible/Jesus and into a more loving state of mind, like Scientific Humanists. The world will be better when you do, mi amigo.

When God gave us free will (the fruit from the Tree of Life) he introduced sin into the world. That is why we don't live in Eden. Go look it up. It is in the Bible.

Lucky for us that God takes responsibility for our sins and forgives us, isn't it?
No, he doesn't "forgive", say, Gandhi, because according to many verses in the Bible even Gandhi is hell-bound, deserving nothing for his bravery on earth but savage torture. We can be more compassionate that that - I know it.
but "love your neighbor" is awesome.) So can't approve of the genocide in the "flood" .

I don't support genocide on anyone.
Then you condemn the god of the Bible, and Jesus for approving of him, where he commits genocide on (virtually all) humans and even animals in his "flood" Holocaust?
When God gave us free will (the fruit from the Tree of Life) he introduced sin into the world. That is why we don't live in Eden. Go look it up. It is in the Bible.

Lucky for us that God takes responsibility for our sins and forgives us, isn't it?
No, he doesn't "forgive", say, Gandhi, because according to many verses in the Bible even Gandhi is hell-bound, deserving nothing for his bravery on earth but savage torture. We can be more compassionate that that - I know it.
but "love your neighbor" is awesome.) So can't approve of the genocide in the "flood" .

I don't support genocide on anyone.
Then you condemn the god of the Bible, and Jesus for approving of him, where he commits genocide on (virtually all) humans and even animals in his "flood" Holocaust?

I'm Agnostic, or a skeptic of religion.

I actually do lean towards an afterlife, and demonic forces existing from the experiences of many painting such a picture. It's simply hard to ignore.

If I had to say, I'd say the Universe is an organism, which has Godly like powers, where everything alters the Universe.

I guess kind of like Pan-Deism.

But, yes the Abrahamic faiths are clearly very aggressive.

I mean the God of the bible does sound like a jerk, demanding we bow down, and pray to him, while giving us very little evidence of his existence, while wiping out Life in the flood, or destroying Sodom, and Gomorrah.
It probably would have been better if Europe remained Pagan.

The Pagans worshipped the Sun, and the Sun is probably like our God, when you think about it our Solar system was birthed by the Sun, and even our makeup is made of Star dust (Carbon)

Pagans revere Nature, unlike Abrahamic Semites.

The most fun, and interesting parts of our culture come from Paganism, including Christmas Trees, Santa Claus, Halloween, Easter Eggs etc.
It probably would have been better if Europe remained Pagan.

The Pagans worshipped the Sun, and the Sun is probably like our God, when you think about it our Solar system was birthed by the Sun, and even our makeup is made of Star dust (Carbon)

Pagans revere Nature, unlike Abrahamic Semites.

The most fun, and interesting parts of our culture come from Paganism, including Christmas Trees, Santa Claus, Halloween, Easter Eggs etc.
Because sun worshippers were peaceful.
When did you drop out of school?
It probably would have been better if Europe remained Pagan.

The Pagans worshipped the Sun, and the Sun is probably like our God, when you think about it our Solar system was birthed by the Sun, and even our makeup is made of Star dust (Carbon)

Pagans revere Nature, unlike Abrahamic Semites.

The most fun, and interesting parts of our culture come from Paganism, including Christmas Trees, Santa Claus, Halloween, Easter Eggs etc.
Because sun worshippers were peaceful.
When did you drop out of school?

Didn't say that Pagans were particularly peaceful.

It's likely millions of Pagans were killed to make Europe Christian.

Christian persecution of paganism under Theodosius I - Wikipedia

Northern Crusades - Wikipedia
Use your feminine wiles to climb to the top and they when at the top or past the top and past peak appeal; claim how wrong you were done
Lib 101

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