Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

Why Sean Hannity is a threat to liberals. He's White, married with normal kids, works hard, and conservative.


Damn good woman right there! Spent so much time blowing her old man, she wore the knees out of britches! Well done Sean! Well done indeed!
It was only a matter of time before Joy4all made this thread about Scientific Humanism. :lol:
It's arguably more ethical than the Bible/Jesus (no offense, Christians), and most Americans base their underlying morality on said Bible, so it's hard not to talk about the underlying cause, the underlying source of the core beliefs behind our disagreements. Such as gays, Bible/Jesus are ok with killing them and denying them heaven, but Scientific Humanists believe in basically "love gays", and "gay is ok", and #LoveIsLove. We'd let them into heaven if we were in Jesus' shoes, so we've moved beyond someone even as great as Jesus. These diametrically opposed beliefs lead to diametrically opposed actions.
My god you're full of shit. No, Jesus isn't OK with killing gays, according to the texts. Pus is says the same about adulterers, fornicators, etc. so that's a whole lot of people. And only fundies are that hard core. Most believe in forgiveness. You simply swapped one fundamentalist religion for another.
Can you tell us that, like we Scientific Humanists believe, that the Bible is not up to a high enough ethical level to endorse it to our children where in 1 Cor. 6:9-10 it says that gays can't get into heaven? Can you rise to that level of compassion and love? If so, then you'll have moved to an even higher ethical level than god/Jesus (the entity(s) that determine said criteria for entry into heaven listed in the Bible.) I'm hoping that you can answer "yes", mi amigo.

Have a great rest of your weekend.
You are incredibly arrogant. You can't say anything about your beliefs, they are all what you don't believe and what you oppose. That's just an anti position. I used to be a Christian and studied for 20 plus years. You understanding is on a Sunday school level at best. You're a secular fundamentalist now.
Can we agree that if, repeat if, hypothetically (to get away from "what does it say", and get to "what does Iceweasel believe) god/Jesus does actually send gays to eternal torture, just for being gay, that you believe god/Jesus are unethical and unfair? Can we agree on that, mi amigo?

I'm trying to discern your level of compassion/love here, and get past what the Bible may or may not have said (which could be debated all day.) This is an ethical test for you. I wish you well.

If I'm "arrogant" like you say it's because we've moved beyond, ethically, the person considered by more people than any other in history to be the most loving person of all time (Jesus) - and since we'd let gays into heaven, and god/Jesus/Bible clearly imply that gays get sent to hell, then yes, it's easy to see how we could be "arrogant" - i.e confident in our beliefs since we've moved beyond the "greatest person of all time (Jesus)".

Have a great night.
How many fucking times does something need to be repeated for you? I said i don't believe the stuff. You're proven to be just another fundy of a different stripe.
The Trump rape was a manic depressive mom making stuff up
As far as Jesus
All of it to me is live by the Golden Rule. Mans humanity to man can go a long way
Does the Golden Rule lead one to burn Gandhi in hell because he simply made the honest mistake of picking the "wrong" belief system, even though Gandhi was probably quite ethical?
We don't believe it is, so therefore we'd moved beyond someone even as great as Jesus.
When God gave us free will (the fruit from the Tree of Life) he introduced sin into the world. That is why we don't live in Eden. Go look it up. It is in the Bible.

Lucky for us that God takes responsibility for our sins and forgives us, isn't it?
No, he doesn't "forgive", say, Gandhi, because according to many verses in the Bible even Gandhi is hell-bound, deserving nothing for his bravery on earth but savage torture. We can be more compassionate that that - I know it.
So I gather scientific humanism is just another name for anti-Christian atheism.
It tries to bring forward from the top 10 belief systems the ethical, scientifically-correct things that are "what's best for the world", using reason, and requires a court-room level of evidence (so can't bring forward Jesus' resurrection/magic - but "love your neighbor" is awesome.) So can't approve of the genocide in the "flood" - so therefore also can't bring forward the divine Jesus that approved of said "flood". It also looks at your children (anybody, actually) who might have some great ideas to add to the belief system. Your kids can come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10, right?....such as "gay is ok"....or "love gays so much that you can't buy into a religion that says they get tortured just for being gay.", etc.
Again with the Jesus stuff. You're stuck on stupid.
Iceweasel, are your kids smart enough to come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10?...such as "gay is ok".

I believe in them, I bet they CAN do that. Do I believe in them more than you do?
Stop shooting heroin into your temples.
It's arguably more ethical than the Bible/Jesus (no offense, Christians), and most Americans base their underlying morality on said Bible, so it's hard not to talk about the underlying cause, the underlying source of the core beliefs behind our disagreements. Such as gays, Bible/Jesus are ok with killing them and denying them heaven, but Scientific Humanists believe in basically "love gays", and "gay is ok", and #LoveIsLove. We'd let them into heaven if we were in Jesus' shoes, so we've moved beyond someone even as great as Jesus. These diametrically opposed beliefs lead to diametrically opposed actions.
My god you're full of shit. No, Jesus isn't OK with killing gays, according to the texts. Pus is says the same about adulterers, fornicators, etc. so that's a whole lot of people. And only fundies are that hard core. Most believe in forgiveness. You simply swapped one fundamentalist religion for another.
Can you tell us that, like we Scientific Humanists believe, that the Bible is not up to a high enough ethical level to endorse it to our children where in 1 Cor. 6:9-10 it says that gays can't get into heaven? Can you rise to that level of compassion and love? If so, then you'll have moved to an even higher ethical level than god/Jesus (the entity(s) that determine said criteria for entry into heaven listed in the Bible.) I'm hoping that you can answer "yes", mi amigo.

Have a great rest of your weekend.
You are incredibly arrogant. You can't say anything about your beliefs, they are all what you don't believe and what you oppose. That's just an anti position. I used to be a Christian and studied for 20 plus years. You understanding is on a Sunday school level at best. You're a secular fundamentalist now.
Can we agree that if, repeat if, hypothetically (to get away from "what does it say", and get to "what does Iceweasel believe) god/Jesus does actually send gays to eternal torture, just for being gay, that you believe god/Jesus are unethical and unfair? Can we agree on that, mi amigo?

I'm trying to discern your level of compassion/love here, and get past what the Bible may or may not have said (which could be debated all day.) This is an ethical test for you. I wish you well.

If I'm "arrogant" like you say it's because we've moved beyond, ethically, the person considered by more people than any other in history to be the most loving person of all time (Jesus) - and since we'd let gays into heaven, and god/Jesus/Bible clearly imply that gays get sent to hell, then yes, it's easy to see how we could be "arrogant" - i.e confident in our beliefs since we've moved beyond the "greatest person of all time (Jesus)".

Have a great night.
How many fucking times does something need to be repeated for you? I said i don't believe the stuff. You're proven to be just another fundy of a different stripe.
So you believe that, like the question says, that the Bible is unethical and unfair, like we do?
No, he doesn't "forgive", say, Gandhi, because according to many verses in the Bible even Gandhi is hell-bound, deserving nothing for his bravery on earth but savage torture. We can be more compassionate that that - I know it.
So I gather scientific humanism is just another name for anti-Christian atheism.
It tries to bring forward from the top 10 belief systems the ethical, scientifically-correct things that are "what's best for the world", using reason, and requires a court-room level of evidence (so can't bring forward Jesus' resurrection/magic - but "love your neighbor" is awesome.) So can't approve of the genocide in the "flood" - so therefore also can't bring forward the divine Jesus that approved of said "flood". It also looks at your children (anybody, actually) who might have some great ideas to add to the belief system. Your kids can come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10, right?....such as "gay is ok"....or "love gays so much that you can't buy into a religion that says they get tortured just for being gay.", etc.
Again with the Jesus stuff. You're stuck on stupid.
Iceweasel, are your kids smart enough to come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10?...such as "gay is ok".

I believe in them, I bet they CAN do that. Do I believe in them more than you do?
Stop shooting heroin into your temples.
We'll take that as a "no, they are not". Could I suggest that you believe in your kids as much as I do - I KNOW they can come up with something better than keeping gays out of heaven - such as #LoveIsLove.
My god you're full of shit. No, Jesus isn't OK with killing gays, according to the texts. Pus is says the same about adulterers, fornicators, etc. so that's a whole lot of people. And only fundies are that hard core. Most believe in forgiveness. You simply swapped one fundamentalist religion for another.
Can you tell us that, like we Scientific Humanists believe, that the Bible is not up to a high enough ethical level to endorse it to our children where in 1 Cor. 6:9-10 it says that gays can't get into heaven? Can you rise to that level of compassion and love? If so, then you'll have moved to an even higher ethical level than god/Jesus (the entity(s) that determine said criteria for entry into heaven listed in the Bible.) I'm hoping that you can answer "yes", mi amigo.

Have a great rest of your weekend.
You are incredibly arrogant. You can't say anything about your beliefs, they are all what you don't believe and what you oppose. That's just an anti position. I used to be a Christian and studied for 20 plus years. You understanding is on a Sunday school level at best. You're a secular fundamentalist now.
Can we agree that if, repeat if, hypothetically (to get away from "what does it say", and get to "what does Iceweasel believe) god/Jesus does actually send gays to eternal torture, just for being gay, that you believe god/Jesus are unethical and unfair? Can we agree on that, mi amigo?

I'm trying to discern your level of compassion/love here, and get past what the Bible may or may not have said (which could be debated all day.) This is an ethical test for you. I wish you well.

If I'm "arrogant" like you say it's because we've moved beyond, ethically, the person considered by more people than any other in history to be the most loving person of all time (Jesus) - and since we'd let gays into heaven, and god/Jesus/Bible clearly imply that gays get sent to hell, then yes, it's easy to see how we could be "arrogant" - i.e confident in our beliefs since we've moved beyond the "greatest person of all time (Jesus)".

Have a great night.
How many fucking times does something need to be repeated for you? I said i don't believe the stuff. You're proven to be just another fundy of a different stripe.
So you believe that, like the question says, that the Bible is unethical and unfair, like we do?
Bible believers are all over the map in their interpretations. You picked the extreme hard liner version to attack to promote your own religion.
So I gather scientific humanism is just another name for anti-Christian atheism.
It tries to bring forward from the top 10 belief systems the ethical, scientifically-correct things that are "what's best for the world", using reason, and requires a court-room level of evidence (so can't bring forward Jesus' resurrection/magic - but "love your neighbor" is awesome.) So can't approve of the genocide in the "flood" - so therefore also can't bring forward the divine Jesus that approved of said "flood". It also looks at your children (anybody, actually) who might have some great ideas to add to the belief system. Your kids can come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10, right?....such as "gay is ok"....or "love gays so much that you can't buy into a religion that says they get tortured just for being gay.", etc.
Again with the Jesus stuff. You're stuck on stupid.
Iceweasel, are your kids smart enough to come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10?...such as "gay is ok".

I believe in them, I bet they CAN do that. Do I believe in them more than you do?
Stop shooting heroin into your temples.
We'll take that as a "no, they are not". Could I suggest that you believe in your kids as much as I do - I KNOW they can come up with something better than keeping gays out of heaven - such as #LoveIsLove.

We'll take that as a "no, they are not". Could I suggest that you believe in your kids as much as I do - I KNOW they can come up with something better than keeping gays out of heaven - such as #LoveIsLove.

A queer can get into Heaven the same as any other person. All they have to do is have Faith and accept the Grace of God. It is in the Bible. Go look it up.
Besides nothing, what the hell does homos getting into to heaven or not have to do with the topic?
Can you tell us that, like we Scientific Humanists believe, that the Bible is not up to a high enough ethical level to endorse it to our children where in 1 Cor. 6:9-10 it says that gays can't get into heaven? Can you rise to that level of compassion and love? If so, then you'll have moved to an even higher ethical level than god/Jesus (the entity(s) that determine said criteria for entry into heaven listed in the Bible.) I'm hoping that you can answer "yes", mi amigo.

Have a great rest of your weekend.
You are incredibly arrogant. You can't say anything about your beliefs, they are all what you don't believe and what you oppose. That's just an anti position. I used to be a Christian and studied for 20 plus years. You understanding is on a Sunday school level at best. You're a secular fundamentalist now.
Can we agree that if, repeat if, hypothetically (to get away from "what does it say", and get to "what does Iceweasel believe) god/Jesus does actually send gays to eternal torture, just for being gay, that you believe god/Jesus are unethical and unfair? Can we agree on that, mi amigo?

I'm trying to discern your level of compassion/love here, and get past what the Bible may or may not have said (which could be debated all day.) This is an ethical test for you. I wish you well.

If I'm "arrogant" like you say it's because we've moved beyond, ethically, the person considered by more people than any other in history to be the most loving person of all time (Jesus) - and since we'd let gays into heaven, and god/Jesus/Bible clearly imply that gays get sent to hell, then yes, it's easy to see how we could be "arrogant" - i.e confident in our beliefs since we've moved beyond the "greatest person of all time (Jesus)".

Have a great night.
How many fucking times does something need to be repeated for you? I said i don't believe the stuff. You're proven to be just another fundy of a different stripe.
So you believe that, like the question says, that the Bible is unethical and unfair, like we do?
Bible believers are all over the map in their interpretations. You picked the extreme hard liner version to attack to promote your own religion.
So let's come up with a version that is more clearer, more concise - for example there are more interpretations of the Bible (# of different denominations, 40,000+) than there are even verses in the entire Bible (31,000+-)
It tries to bring forward from the top 10 belief systems the ethical, scientifically-correct things that are "what's best for the world", using reason, and requires a court-room level of evidence (so can't bring forward Jesus' resurrection/magic - but "love your neighbor" is awesome.) So can't approve of the genocide in the "flood" - so therefore also can't bring forward the divine Jesus that approved of said "flood". It also looks at your children (anybody, actually) who might have some great ideas to add to the belief system. Your kids can come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10, right?....such as "gay is ok"....or "love gays so much that you can't buy into a religion that says they get tortured just for being gay.", etc.
Again with the Jesus stuff. You're stuck on stupid.
Iceweasel, are your kids smart enough to come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10?...such as "gay is ok".

I believe in them, I bet they CAN do that. Do I believe in them more than you do?
Stop shooting heroin into your temples.
We'll take that as a "no, they are not". Could I suggest that you believe in your kids as much as I do - I KNOW they can come up with something better than keeping gays out of heaven - such as #LoveIsLove.
Ok, Iceweasel, are YOU smart enough to come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10?...such as "gay is ok"?

You appear to be tacitly defending texts that say gays are such (apparent) scum that they deserve eternal torture.

We'll take that as a "no, they are not". Could I suggest that you believe in your kids as much as I do - I KNOW they can come up with something better than keeping gays out of heaven - such as #LoveIsLove.

A queer can get into Heaven the same as any other person. All they have to do is have Faith and accept the Grace of God. It is in the Bible. Go look it up.
So you're removed 1 Cor. 6:9-10 from your Bible?
You are incredibly arrogant. You can't say anything about your beliefs, they are all what you don't believe and what you oppose. That's just an anti position. I used to be a Christian and studied for 20 plus years. You understanding is on a Sunday school level at best. You're a secular fundamentalist now.
Can we agree that if, repeat if, hypothetically (to get away from "what does it say", and get to "what does Iceweasel believe) god/Jesus does actually send gays to eternal torture, just for being gay, that you believe god/Jesus are unethical and unfair? Can we agree on that, mi amigo?

I'm trying to discern your level of compassion/love here, and get past what the Bible may or may not have said (which could be debated all day.) This is an ethical test for you. I wish you well.

If I'm "arrogant" like you say it's because we've moved beyond, ethically, the person considered by more people than any other in history to be the most loving person of all time (Jesus) - and since we'd let gays into heaven, and god/Jesus/Bible clearly imply that gays get sent to hell, then yes, it's easy to see how we could be "arrogant" - i.e confident in our beliefs since we've moved beyond the "greatest person of all time (Jesus)".

Have a great night.
How many fucking times does something need to be repeated for you? I said i don't believe the stuff. You're proven to be just another fundy of a different stripe.
So you believe that, like the question says, that the Bible is unethical and unfair, like we do?
Bible believers are all over the map in their interpretations. You picked the extreme hard liner version to attack to promote your own religion.
So let's come up with a version that is more clearer, more concise - for example there are more interpretations of the Bible (# of different denominations, 40,000+) than there are even verses in the entire Bible (31,000+-)
More clearer? Yeah, you're a biblical scholar alright.
Again with the Jesus stuff. You're stuck on stupid.
Iceweasel, are your kids smart enough to come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10?...such as "gay is ok".

I believe in them, I bet they CAN do that. Do I believe in them more than you do?
Stop shooting heroin into your temples.
We'll take that as a "no, they are not". Could I suggest that you believe in your kids as much as I do - I KNOW they can come up with something better than keeping gays out of heaven - such as #LoveIsLove.
Ok, Iceweasel, are YOU smart enough to come up with something better than Jesus not allowing gays into heaven per 1 Cor. 6:9-10?...such as "gay is ok"?

You appear to be tacitly defending texts that say gays are such (apparent) scum that they deserve eternal torture.
The only scum here is you for trying to put words in my mouth. Why should I defend something I don't believe? You're out there!
Can we agree that if, repeat if, hypothetically (to get away from "what does it say", and get to "what does Iceweasel believe) god/Jesus does actually send gays to eternal torture, just for being gay, that you believe god/Jesus are unethical and unfair? Can we agree on that, mi amigo?

I'm trying to discern your level of compassion/love here, and get past what the Bible may or may not have said (which could be debated all day.) This is an ethical test for you. I wish you well.

If I'm "arrogant" like you say it's because we've moved beyond, ethically, the person considered by more people than any other in history to be the most loving person of all time (Jesus) - and since we'd let gays into heaven, and god/Jesus/Bible clearly imply that gays get sent to hell, then yes, it's easy to see how we could be "arrogant" - i.e confident in our beliefs since we've moved beyond the "greatest person of all time (Jesus)".

Have a great night.
How many fucking times does something need to be repeated for you? I said i don't believe the stuff. You're proven to be just another fundy of a different stripe.
So you believe that, like the question says, that the Bible is unethical and unfair, like we do?
Bible believers are all over the map in their interpretations. You picked the extreme hard liner version to attack to promote your own religion.
So let's come up with a version that is more clearer, more concise - for example there are more interpretations of the Bible (# of different denominations, 40,000+) than there are even verses in the entire Bible (31,000+-)
More clearer? Yeah, you're a biblical scholar alright.
More gooder! :) No, good catch. Yes, "clearer and more concise", I should have written.

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