BREAKING: Second Arizona County Refuses to Certify Tainted 2022 Midterm Election

It shows your insincerity and hypocrisy. The only time a SOS being in charge of an election that they are in is when your beloved party does not win, otherwise you do not give a shit.

You are just one more mindless partisan drone
I'm not Republican or Democrat and just stated a fact about the Arizona election. I really trigger you whenever I post.
Hobbs should have recused herself from overseeing election results. It was a conflict of interest and the courts should have removed her from that responsibility.

Why? That's never been done before. So why now?
They did a lot wrong and that is not in dispute:

Arizona Attorney General’s Office Sent a Letter to Maricopa County Regarding 2022 Midterm Election Day Irregularities

The letter is signed by Jennifer Wright, the Assistant Attorney General from the state of Arizona.

In the letter Jennifer Wright explains that the Attorney General’s Elections Integrity Unit has received HUNDREDS of complaints by concerned citizens since pertaining to issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election in Maricopa County. The complaints include first-hand accounts from witnesses raising concerns regarding Maricopa’s lawful compliance with Arizona election code.

The Attorney General’s office also includes how at least 60 voting locations out of 230 in the county had tabulators and printing machines that were not working on Election Day.

The Attorney General’s office demanded that Maricopa County provide a comprehensive list on the equipment failures on Election Day.

The AG’s office admits that the machines were allegedly working the night before the election but that 25-30 percent of the machines were down hours later on Election Day morning.

Instead of tabulating their ballot directly, voters are being told to put their ballot into a box under the tabulator so that their ballot may be tabulated at a later time downtown.

Voters are told to just drop their ballot into the open door seen below.

This is also happening in Queen Creek, Arizona, and Carefree, Arizona.

We are hearing that more than 15 tabulators are down.

The following video came from the Anthem Outlet Mall polling location this morning.

Voters are being told that 25% of ballots are being misread, and they have the option to put their ballot into a separate box to be sent Downtown and be tabulated later. “The choice is to wait…” said the employee.

The AG is asking questions about the problems with printers. The head of the Maricopa County Election Board already addressed those questions in public before the AG asked. So now they'll formally answer again in writing to the AG.

There is no evidence of fraud.

There is no evidence that ballots dropped in the lockbox below the tabulators weren't counted. That was the purpose of "door 3."
Hobbs should have recused herself from overseeing election results. It was a conflict of interest and the courts should have removed her from that responsibility.
Our courts are corrupt so that was never going to happen.
We were definitely better off with Bush than Gore. Since you insist on talking about it, what would Gore's response had been to Afghanistan's harboring of Bin Laden, and Iraq's threats to use WMD's on the U.S.?

You brought it up and then whine when I talk about it, I will never understand this. I suspect Gore would have done the same thing to Afghanistan but would not have invaded Iraq. Iraq's threats were a joke and if they were truly a danger to us then we are in far worse shape than most believe we are.

With no voter ID requirement and unlimited mail-in ballots, that is a free-for-all.

There are voter ID requirements allowing people to vote by mail is not a "free for all".

Does this sound like a free for all..

I went online and requested my mail in ballot using personal information that only I or an ID thief would know. Then my ballot was mailed to my address on record and could not be mailed anywhere else. Once it arrived I filled it out and mailed it back. It has tracking code known only to me and I tracked it from mailbox to post office to elections office to being process to being counted. If there was a problem with the ballot or the signature did not match you got an email and had until election day to fix it or it was not counted.

But Hobbs was still in charge of her own election.

As were all the people I listed above that won elections, and nobody cares about them as they are Repubs
Learn what? You still have no evidence Hobbs or her department did anything wrong. No one cares about your emotions.
there seems to be some issues considering the AG wouldn’t certify the election.
There are voter ID requirements allowing people to vote by mail is not a "free for all".

Does this sound like a free for all..

I went online and requested my mail in ballot using personal information that only I or an ID thief would know. Then my ballot was mailed to my address on record and could not be mailed anywhere else. Once it arrived I filled it out and mailed it back. It has tracking code known only to me and I tracked it from mailbox to post office to elections office to being process to being counted. If there was a problem with the ballot or the signature did not match you got an email and had until election day to fix it or it was not counted.
Yes, it sounds like a free for all. There is no "personal information that only I or an ID thief would know." Unless you are being cute and define anyone who does know your personal information as an ID thief. But that would mean empoyees at the DMV, the post office, your dentist office, and too many others to count.

Anyone could have intercepted your ballot and voted for you. Anyone could request a ballot in the name of a dead person. Anyone can "help" people fill out their ballots at an old folk's home, a rehab clinic or a homeless shelter.

With no transparency in the counting process, your ballot could have been discarded, or altered, or miscounted.
Then wouldn't that result in even fewer votes for Lake?
fewer votes for both. Election will have to be redone due to the SoS not maintaining the voting machines properly and the counts uncertain
Yes, it sounds like a free for all. There is no "personal information that only I or an ID thief would know." Unless you are being cute and define anyone who does know your personal information as an ID thief. But that would mean empoyees at the DMV, the post office, your dentist office, and too many others to count.

Any evidence any of these people have ever stolen someone's ballot?

What is to keep these people from getting a fake ID and voting as you?

Maybe we should require DNA test to vote.

Anyone could have intercepted your ballot and voted for you.

How? Are they going to wait by my mailbox every day till the ballot shows up? And if they do and I do not get it, then I request another one or I vote in person and the first ballot is voided.

Anyone could request a ballot in the name of a dead person.

Anyone can get a fake ID with anyone's name on it and go vote. Guess we are back to DNA test so you can vote.

With no transparency in the counting process, your ballot could have been discarded, or altered, or miscounted.

And the same thing could happen with your ballot you showed you DNA to get so you could vote.
you willing to wager on a redone election?
we will see…personally i think that’s the only way for the public to regain trust in the democratic process after this dem SOS completely undermined it

wouldn’t it be something if she lost because she couldn’t do her SOS job right?

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