BREAKING: Shooting at Joel Osteen's megachurch

Dumb fuck.....she was a left wing, democrat party, pro-hamas idiot.
The articles don't say anything about her being a Democrat or pro-Hamas. Being for the freedom of Palestine, does not make you in favor of Hamas terrorism.

She was a definite nut, who probably got what she deserved. I wonder if she was a member of the NRA?

This is just another reason why we need to ban assault rifles.
Bullshit. Churches have proudly excluded gays, and not that long ago, many didn't allow blacks in their services. Several so called Christian ministers have claimed not supporting trump is the same as devil worship. Christianity has very little to do with Jesus' teachings in many cases.
Churches have excluded gays or been less receptive because homosexuality is against biblical teachings both old and New Testament. It’s not a personal thing, it’s considered a sin. My church rejects homosexuality as a sin but doesn’t reject the homosexual. We all have sin’s. That said you won’t see any form of sin being elevated into acceptance this includes homosexuality,adultery,coveting lying, cursing,greed,murder,dishonoring your parents etc. Bible says it’s wrong, it’s wrong, end of story.

Now why churches differ that’s a whole different ball of wax. You do have some Christian churches that accept gays. It depends on several things. How closely they follow the Bible. Whether they feel the scripture is the unerring word of God or God inspired. Unerring is a very literal interpretation because God wrote it and doesn’t make mistakes whereas God inspired allows for fallible human mistakes or opinion to get into the scriptures on what was received.

Actually most Christian churches are a combination of the two. Women are supposed to cover their heads but rarely do. Women aren’t supposed to speak in church but often do. 🤷‍♀️

It also depends on interpretation of what’s being read. I.E. Men should not dress as women and women should not dress as men. Some churches take this to mean women wear dresses and men pants. That overly simple interpretation doesn’t work. In some cultures both men and women wear pants, skirts or robes. IMHO It means you should be able to tell men apart from women. I should be identifiable as a woman at all times. I wear flannel shirts but with pin-tucking, feminine cut or colors no straight man would ever wear. You can tell I’m female.

The facets on all religion can be tricky even if they have the same foundation. The key is to read the Bible, know what’s in it and stay in tune to the Holy Spirit. Listen to others but think for yourself because on judgement day you stand alone. Only you answer for yourself, your pastor won’t be beside you. Your pastor is human and can be sincere but he can also be sincerely wrong. Personally I don’t recall any of my pastor ever preaching politics as gospel. I’ve heard them express opinion privately but not from the pulpit like not voting for Trump is like voting for the devil. C’mon now🙄. Trumps no saint for sure but in the end it’s always voting for the lesser of two evils.
This is a tragedy for the child, and the woman will be punished for what she did......a left wing, hamas supporter who tried to murder desperately need to distract from that story....

The shooter is dead. She was a transexual.
Osteen is a creep. And a scam artist, and a general scumbag.
Not for me to say technically that’s Gods job, only God knows the heart. My areas of concern with him could be his human failings which is something that we all have. 🤷‍♀️That said there’s been some red flags for me personally that I would tend to agree with you. It looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck so it’s probably a duck and I steer clear.

The smile on his face as he was talking about yesterday it was creepy. I’m going to chalk that up to a bad facelift; maybe he’s like Joan Rivers and can’t frown. He’s my age, early 60’s so there’s no way that smooth face is natural. It made him look insincere. My prayers for all involved especially the child. SMH.

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