BREAKING: Shooting at Joel Osteen's megachurch


BREAKING: Joel Osteen church shooter identified as Genesse Moreno, also went by Jeffrey​

So....another left wing, democrat party, transgender....who now adds pro-hamas terrorist to the mix.......and anti-christian bigot as well.....

And possible illegal alien to boot...

Genesse Moreno went by Jeffrey Escalante Moreno, among other aliases, and was from El Salvador. The child Moreno brought to the church was shot and injured. The child remains in critical condition in a local hospital. A 57-year-old man was also shot in the leg and taken to a hospital for treatment.

BREAKING: Joel Osteen church shooter identified as Genesse Moreno, also went by Jeffrey​

Reports indicated that the shooter was female, but it has since been revealed that Moreno was male. Moreno was shot and killed by off duty officers, and the weapon was emblazoned with the slogan "Free Palestine."..
Macho is thinking about homo stuff again
A left wing, democrat party, transgender, pro-hamas terrorist, anti-christian bigot.......the first 4 identifiers mean this story goes away in 3...........2..........1......

Soooo, how about that Super Bowl...
A left wing, democrat party, transgender, pro-hamas terrorist, anti-christian bigot.......the first 4 identifiers mean this story goes away in 3...........2..........1......

Soooo, how about that Super Bowl...
Bullshit. She gave Olsteen lots of "seed money" and finally figured it out. She wanted to kill Olsteen or at least his wife.
Bullshit. She gave Olsteen lots of "seed money" and finally figured it out. She wanted to kill Olsteen or at least his wife.


Left wing, democrat party, transgender, hamas terrorist........and anti-Christian bigot.....
They are lucky to have hired those cops.......too bad not everyone can afford off duty police they have to protect themselves on their own, with their own legal guns.....
Too bad we don't have a system where a mentally ill person with a criminal record can't get a gun.

Building your whole society around that is crazy.
Connecticut happens to have pretty strengent requirements to own a gun. Many states have no such requirements. In Texas, the buyer doesn't have to supply any identification, and there are no federal laws matching Connecticut
But again that is the states fault. However as we saw with Maine, even if there is a law that could have prevented a shooting, some states don’t enforce the laws they have. We are a little too strict, then again we’re strict on everything. Here you actually have to present ID to vote.

We do enforce the law. Our laws restrict a lot but we also also still have a lot of gun violence. A guy got shot up over the weekend near my sisters house. I guarantee you the gun was illegal. Happens all the time. 🤷‍♀️ Gun laws prevent nothing especially if the legal system is a revolving door. It would be more productive if the kids that are doing the shooting were put away in jail for a good long time instead of being released. It would do more good to hold parents more accountable for their children. It’s a society problem not a gun problem. Our society sucks and produces criminals.
Except it was never disproven, was it?

DGU's are rare. only 200 cases of justified homicide by civilians according the the FBI.

Compared to 19,000 gun homicides and 25,000 gun suicides a year, most of them occurring in the home.

if anything, Kellerman was underestimating the problem.

DGU's are common. You assholes lie about them and only count those where someone dies.

The reality is merely showing a weapon frequently prevents the attack happening.

You liars hide that fact.
🙄 how about actually attacking the issue and getting idiot control? Guns don’t sprout legs and walk, they need a human. What will probably come out because it always does is

1 everybody knew the shooter was bat crap crazy.

2 everyone knew the shooter had anger management issues.

These are mental health issues that tend to go untreated because the United States mental healthcare system is underfunded and overwhelmed.

Now what makes this unique is it’s a woman with a child. I’m curious to see the motive on this one but sane women don’t put children in harms way because mama bear instinct is strong, so I’ll go out on a limb and say she was nutty as a fruitcake.

Oh and Osteen couldn’t stop smiling even when talking about something as serious as this. Has the dude had a facelift? I’m sure he was upset but he looked less than sincere because he couldn’t stop smiling. Doctors stop pulling these faces so tight, it’s creepy!

Osteen is a creep. And a scam artist, and a general scumbag.
Pro Arab Bern Voter Tranny / Person Shooter

Yup. The shooter had a "free palestine" sticker on the rifle.

I haven't been able to confirm if the shooter was a trannie or not. No idea who's child it was.

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