BREAKING: Shooting at Madden football event in Jacksonville

Untrue. The UK has seen a 22% increase in knife crime and 11% rise in gun crime during 2017, even though firearms are impossible for most people to obtain.

Surge in knife and gun crime in England and Wales

The 11% increase is after an already 23% increase across England and Wales the year before ,and a 43% increase in London all by island that banned and confiscated guns has increasing gun crime.....we, on the other hand ...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
it's just a plain, undeniable fact that the UK murder rate is much, much lower than the US
You do realize the vast majority violent criminal behavior in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas by repeat offenders… in The rest of America violent crime is almost nonexistent...
Progressivism is the incubator for a violent criminal behavior
fine fine fine
the UK's murder rate is about FOUR times less

So how many times less are you able to defend your life and the lives of your family members against murder, should you live in the UK?
I lived in a ''not good'' hood/etc ..I never needed a pistol
, however, I would like to get one for self defense
...anyway--France, Germany, and the UK have far lower murder rates--this is just the facts/truths'll have to give stats on murder rates/self defense uses---necessary self defense uses/etc per country--can you provide those?
Those are our kids being gunned down.........again.

How is it that people have jokes upon learning this?

We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
Those are our kids being gunned down.........again.

How is it that people have jokes upon learning this?

We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

That's the same asscrack that came to this board bawling his eyes out because his BANK wouldn't let him in there with guns.
Bollox.!! For real ?
The 11% increase is after an already 23% increase across England and Wales the year before ,and a 43% increase in London all by island that banned and confiscated guns has increasing gun crime.....we, on the other hand ...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
it's just a plain, undeniable fact that the UK murder rate is much, much lower than the US
You do realize the vast majority violent criminal behavior in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas by repeat offenders… in The rest of America violent crime is almost nonexistent...
Progressivism is the incubator for a violent criminal behavior
fine fine fine
the UK's murder rate is about FOUR times less

So how many times less are you able to defend your life and the lives of your family members against murder, should you live in the UK?
I lived in a ''not good'' hood/etc ..I never needed a pistol
, however, I would like to get one for self defense
...anyway--France, Germany, and the UK have far lower murder rates--this is just the facts/truths'll have to give stats on murder rates/self defense uses---necessary self defense uses/etc per country--can you provide those?

And, of course, you still won't admit that their low murder rate existed before they banned guns, and hasn't changed except to go up after they banned guns....... showing that their gun control laws have nothing to do with their murder rate, it is their culture, so far, that has kept it low.

And yet, they are right about where we were in the 1950s as violent crime was about to explode in the 1960s..... and their people will have no way to stop those crimes.
Those are our kids being gunned down.........again.

How is it that people have jokes upon learning this?

We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.
People kill people not firearms, even grade schoolers know that… I guess you have not gotten to that point yet... :itsok:
They gotta do something to get peoples attention off the embarrassing actions by liberals surrounding McCain's death.

Congrats on being the first one to turn the tragedy into a political talking point!

Do you get a prize for beating all your other brainless, heartless sheep to the punch?
Says a progressive, Hypocrisy suits you well
Still no news on how it happened.....gang violence?

The only rumor I've heard so far is that someone got pissed because someone else was cheating. Just a rumor though, and the shooter supposedly deaded himself...

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

Ten bucks says the shooter wasn't white, a conservative, a Republican, or an NRA member.
Last edited:
Still no news on how it happened.....gang violence?

The only rumor I've heard so far is that someone got pissed because someone else was cheating. Just a rumor though, and the shooter is supposedly deaded.

Notice that the race of the shooter isn't out yet...... and the weapon type isn't out yet....
Those are our kids being gunned down.........again.

How is it that people have jokes upon learning this?

We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
You lead the world in mass shootings.
Where were the "good guys" today ?
Still no news on how it happened.....gang violence?

The only rumor I've heard so far is that someone got pissed because someone else was cheating. Just a rumor though, and the shooter is supposedly deaded.

So.... if that is the case, it likely isn't an actual mass public shooting..... but a hot head trying to shoot someone for cheating?
Still no news on how it happened.....gang violence?

The only rumor I've heard so far is that someone got pissed because someone else was cheating. Just a rumor though, and the shooter is supposedly deaded.

Notice that the race of the shooter isn't out yet...... and the weapon type isn't out yet....
Both of which only matters to progressives…
Those are our kids being gunned down.........again.

How is it that people have jokes upon learning this?

We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
You lead the world in mass shootings.
Where were the "good guys" today ?

Actually, no we don't. And again, this place is a gun free zone....a democrat created gun free this shouldn't have happened there, right?
Those are our kids being gunned down.........again.

How is it that people have jokes upon learning this?

We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
You lead the world in mass shootings.
Where were the "good guys" today ?
We have much bigger fish to fry, firearm violence is a non-issue in this country...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
You lead the world in mass shootings.
Where were the "good guys" today ?

Actually, no we don't. And again, this place is a gun free zone....a democrat created gun free this shouldn't have happened there, right?
So where were the good guys ?
Those are our kids being gunned down.........again.

How is it that people have jokes upon learning this?

We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
You lead the world in mass shootings.
Where were the "good guys" today ?

Britain averages about 1 mass public shooting every 10 years.... you have almost had 3, all stopped by dumb luck, and not your gun control laws..... so dumb luck is the only thing you have.... and you still have a year or two left for the next one to happen.
We don't know what "this" is yet. This could just as easily be a gang shooting, it was a video game event.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
You lead the world in mass shootings.
Where were the "good guys" today ?

Actually, no we don't. And again, this place is a gun free zone....a democrat created gun free this shouldn't have happened there, right?
Yep, Progressive controlled area. And anyway he should just shut the fuck up because he does not even live here what happens here is none of his fucking business but he’s a cowardly control freak… You know a globalist... a fucking ****.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
You lead the world in mass shootings.
Where were the "good guys" today ?

Actually, no we don't. And again, this place is a gun free zone....a democrat created gun free this shouldn't have happened there, right?
So where were the good guys ?

The good guys had to leave their guns at home, so they had to wait for the police to get there...... just like all the other mass public shootings where people like you took guns away from the very people who could stop these shootings.
Yep, for some reason progressives don’t want to blame the violent behavior on video games and movies from the Hollywood types… Why is that?
Because they have these games and movies all over the world and there is no problem. The difference is that every nut job in the US is entitled to carry a killing machine. That is why your cynical deflection is a load of shit.

No..... we have very few mass public shootings for a country of our size and diversity of population.....lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass public shooters do.

Meanwhile, while the women of your country are easily raped....our people use their legal guns to stop 2.4 million criminals a year......
You lead the world in mass shootings.
Where were the "good guys" today ?

Actually, no we don't. And again, this place is a gun free zone....a democrat created gun free this shouldn't have happened there, right?
So where were the good guys ?
In rural America, Where violent criminal activity is almost nonexistent

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