Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

News conference
They are after 3 attackers, so far 5 people have died
call on all emergency services to assist, looking at back up from the region
too early to speak of wounded
priority to get the attackers
no more info on shooters, other than short pistol/gun
please share all you have in video and pictures to get more about the shooters
Who's made THAT claim?

You, dumbass - over and over ad nauseam.
Actually, that is not true. I've been very clear in all my posts in this thread that it is almost all violent terrorists are men....but I have never said that ALL were. Because I know that would not be true. You might want to go back and recheck my posts in that regard. TIA
It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

There are rumours it could be a far right attack. And that could only be expected.

Either way, Jihad or Right Wing, it's a consequence of Merkel's open door policy?
Now 6 confirmed, shows how fluid that is.

Things move so fast, and info is spread around without time for fact checking it's impossible to know what exactly is happening it seems.
6 dead was reported over an hour ago
dude, don't tell me what i already posted.
It was posted well before you lol. You're a bit slow?
Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

this not a game of who posts what first.
Is it sexist to point out a Fact?

First of all it's not a fact - just your sexism, bigotry and stupidity showing itself. Moslem bitches are supporting these terrorists. They're every bit a part of this terrorism. Wise up.
Wait...are you contesting the Fact that almost all violent terrorists are male? Lets see your stats saying otherwise.

If you didn't have such a lesbo hatred towards men, you may have read my comment.
"Such a lesbo hatred towards men" that your excuse to shake off the FACT that almost all violent acts are committed by men?

Your man hating bigotry prevents you from understanding what I'm saying. You're just a stupid broken record spinning iIn it.
I don't understand how my pointing out Facts out there for all to see makes me a "man hating bigot".....Can you explain that?
News conference
They are after 3 attackers, so far 5 people have died
call on all emergency services to assist, looking at back up from the region
too early to speak of wounded
priority to get the attackers
no more info on shooters, other than short pistol/gun
please share all you have in video and pictures to get more about the shooters
share it with the police, not on social media,
Now 6 confirmed, shows how fluid that is.

Things move so fast, and info is spread around without time for fact checking it's impossible to know what exactly is happening it seems.
6 dead was reported over an hour ago
dude, don't tell me what i already posted.
It was posted well before you lol. You're a bit slow?
Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

this not a game of who posts what first.
Are you daft? I was simply telling her the number of 6 was not "new or fluid" it had been reported quite awhile ago. Everything isn't about you lol
The important thing the light of this too make sure that the NRA, Trump supporters, Christians and those who refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings....are seen as the ones responsible for this mass public shooting in the gun free country of Germany...........that is the real goal of dealing with this attack...
Things move so fast, and info is spread around without time for fact checking it's impossible to know what exactly is happening it seems.
6 dead was reported over an hour ago
dude, don't tell me what i already posted.
It was posted well before you lol. You're a bit slow?
Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

this not a game of who posts what first.
Are you daft? I was simply telling her the number of 6 was not "new or fluid" it had been reported quite awhile ago. Everything isn't about you lol
it was fluid because during the official police conference they had to change the number from 5 to 6. you continue to share gossip.
The important thing the light of this too make sure that the NRA, Trump supporters, Christians and those who refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings....are seen as the ones responsible for this mass public shooting in the gun free country of Germany...........that is the real goal of dealing with this attack...

And don't forget the gun-rights groupies....did you leave anything out in politicizing this tragedy?
It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

There are rumours it could be a far right attack. And that could only be expected.

Either way, Jihad or Right Wing, it's a consequence of Merkel's open door policy?
Well, they haven't blown themselves up yet, so maybe far right.
Another thing......if they capture these shooters....they had better make sure that each and everyone of these shooters completely followed all appropriate gun control regulations.........that they underwent German background checks and interviews, that they underwent the mandatory training, got the right permits, and made sure to lock up their illegal guns when they were not using them to murder innocent people....

If they learn anything from anti gunners in the United States....those gun laws I just mentioned are incredibly important in stopping these mass public shootings......

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