Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.


Gunman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' executed children in Munich McDonald's

Since when does "FUCKING Turks!" translate to Allahu Akbar?
"Muslim extremists employ this phrase before performing acts of terror, leading many to associate “Allahu Akbar” with violence and destruction."

The True Meaning of 'Allahu Akbar'
I am sure if we let the refugees rape enough European women they will settle down....You want to lead negotiations Bodecea? bring up a mostly male problem. It's a male issue.

So it's not your problem, huh.
It's all our problem to fix.

Right, and your problem to create
Why? I'm not in the "most likely to be violent" demographic.
True but you're in the most likely to commit suicide demographic. Basically equally unstable demographic
True but you're in the most likely to commit suicide demographic. Basically equally unstable demographic
Disagreed. I think she's more likely to drive a mate, male or female, to suicide rather than do it to herself. Verbally abusive people are usually narcissistic enough they don't harm themselves.
18 yr old Iranian from Munich
9 killed may they rest in peace

10th is the shooter
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.
You have a major anachronism fallacy in your statement and thinking.

The Europeans have never carried guns at any time in their history.

They were enslaved as subjects by their kings anciently before guns were ever imported into Europe from China during the Medieval Era.

Guns came to America, Canada, and Australia by settlers voyaging here as colonists. They needed special permission from their kings to buy and own guns.

So this situation in Europe which has continued since then as a part of their culture being still disarmed and living that way has NOTHING to do with their own delusional left. They don't really have much of a far right either other than tory or conservative parties which are also anti gun same as their labor or democrat parties.

Grow up, grow a brain, and stop spewing John Birch Society sh!t from your mouth.

It will make you look and sound so much smarter if you do.
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Just heard about this on the news. I worked through the night last night on a project, and slept from dawn until dusk of today.

Looks like the shooters got away this time -- no bombings or blowing up vests.

Germans are completely disarmed, more so even than the French. That's why the shooters got away. Germany is easy meat for terrorists. Easy meat for Putin too.

Time for Germany to get on the stick and get off their cans. They are going to need armed police stations and more of them.

While the Germans have always been a polite compliant society, and not given to discord or unrest, they have not geared up para-militarily for this yet.

Munich shooting: Manhunt after deadly attack at shopping centre - BBC News
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18 year old german iranian
Jeeze then he is just a fokking child.

Normally these sh!theads are always under 25.

But 18 is really young.

Iranian means Shia. I thought it was mostly that the Sunni's from Arabia hated the west, not so much the Shia from Persia? The Shia normally just hate Israel.
True but you're in the most likely to commit suicide demographic. Basically equally unstable demographic
Disagreed. I think she's more likely to drive a mate, male or female, to suicide rather than do it to herself. Verbally abusive people are usually narcissistic enough they don't harm themselves.
Lashing out at others is a common trait among homosexuals struggling with identity issues. Suicide is as well.
18 year old german iranian
Jeeze then he is just a fokking child.

Normally these sh!theads are always under 25.

But 18 is really young.

Iranian means Shia. I thought it was mostly that the Sunni's from Arabia hated the west, not so much the Shia from Persia? The Shia normally just hate Israel.
Iran isn't that fond of America either :rolleyes:
An interesting tidbit from the press conference: a journalist asked a question about a “fake game” on Facebook that may have led people to believe the McDonalds where the attack took place was giving out free meals.

The police chief said they were aware of it but couldn’t say if it was in any way linked.
Like clockwork, liberal PANSIES are saying the worst part of a m uslim terrorist targetting children is the risk of islamophobia!

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