Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

Social media is a huge problem in situations like these - huge :(
Free states are always more susceptible to evil doers than police states.

More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.

One of the first witnesses himself is Muslim, he confirmed the attacker was Muslim.

"That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom... And he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run." Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or God is great. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."

But hey, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it's another disgruntled queer boy who's mad he can't use the woman's bathroom.
No matter if this is a Moslem or non Moslem shooting, it must be condemned as an evil act and it will by all members here if it's the latter and probably won't if it's the former.

I agree. Whoever the perps are, they are scum, and probably are not mentally ill either.

One certainly has to be mentally ill to become or remain a Moslem.
All the info presented indicates it was one or more Muslim terrorists. Bizarre that FOX and other MSM is suggesting it is a "right wing" white person when there is zero evidence of that. The "I'm German" comment was a response because someone called him a darkie, which apparently he was. The Muslim Terrorist shot at white people. That is what Muslim Terrorists do.
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.

Well, not enough info at this point to make a solid call...but peeps cannot be blamed for blaming muslims even before it becomes clear....muslim leaders of isis have established a pattern, their homeboys constantly plead for muslims to comitt this kind of mayhem and then rejoice when someone no one...I repeat no one can be blamed for thinking that muslims have also done this one.
Exactly. Even Isis thought it must be Islamic terrorism.
Yet another Muslim hate crime. Don't be alarmed. We don't want a BACKLASH. But let's play up a few white cop/black suspect shootings though. Backlashes are OK if you are a liberal with an agenda. Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Muslim violence down play or ignore. Cop violence, exaggerate and play up. Let's not send out mixed signals and confuse the hell out of people.
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.
Better to blow off steam in a post than to blow off steam by killing people. The guy has a right and he did it in an acceptable manner.:slap:
The German Police are holding another press conference in 45 mins.

Germans like the rest of Europe are not allowed to say the words Islamic terrorism .....we'll see what rubbish they come up with!

Isn't that incredible??

What will they say when ISIS claims responsibility later?
Polizei München



We will stream this press conference live online. Please wait for a further link. #gunfire #munich

View conversation · Polizei München



We are planning a press conference at approx. 02.00 am for journalists. #gunfire #munich

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And bbc said it was just reported they are treating it as a major terror attack.
And sadly, we'll likely never know what motivated these Lone Wolves.
Why is it taking so long to get information?
And sadly, we'll likely never know what motivated these Lone Wolves.

We know.

They want to achieve their religious aims.

World caliphate, Allah, conversion of the infidel....all that.

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