Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

Oh Jesus really? Shit, we rack up more bodies than that in schools shooting ourselves here.

So you consider this an acceptable loss?

I consider some of you too silly to take seriously, that's all.

No, you were making a stupid comment and got called on it.

No, you're just too damn silly to take seriously and you have no capacity to call anyone on anything hon, you're on a fuggin chat board, jeez. Have a nice weekend.

...and the stupid just keeps rolling out of your head....

You're not helping me take you seriously love.
No matter if this is a Moslem or non Moslem shooting, it must be condemned as an evil act and it will by all members here if it's the latter and probably won't if it's the former.

I agree. Whoever the perps are, they are scum, and probably are not mentally ill either.

One certainly has to be mentally ill to become or remain a Moslem.

Mental illness and Islam is a deadly combination.

Unfortunately, every society has mentally ill people.

As a result, this sort of thing will never end so long as there is Islam
Why is it taking so long to get information?

is that a serious question? lol

Are you a moron?lol
no, and i do not consider this a long time to get ACCURATE information. you are looking for infotainment.

Yes you are, it was a rhetorical question. You krauts really need to step your game up. Here in the U.S. we get information with the quickness.
yeah, and then you invade iraq.despite the krauts warning you.
Why is it taking so long to get information?

is that a serious question? lol

Are you a moron?lol
no, and i do not consider this a long time to get ACCURATE information. you are looking for infotainment.

Yes you are, it was a rhetorical question. You krauts really need to step your game up. Here in the U.S. we get information with the quickness.
yeah, and then you invade iraq.despite the krauts warning you.

Nobody is perfect you guys know all about that. Although there is much we can learn from you how to lose wars.
Polizei München



We found a man, who killed him himself. We assume, that he was the only shooter. #gunfire #munich
I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.


Gunman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' executed children in Munich McDonald's

Since when does "FUCKING Turks!" translate to Allahu Akbar?
I am sure if we let the refugees rape enough European women they will settle down....You want to lead negotiations Bodecea? bring up a mostly male problem. It's a male issue.

So it's not your problem, huh.
It's all our problem to fix.

Right, and your problem to create
Why? I'm not in the "most likely to be violent" demographic.

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