Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

Munich officials: Gunman was obsessed with mass killings but had no ties to ISIS

Later on Saturday afternoon, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said the killer’s motives were still being investigated but there were not believed to be links to international terrorist groups.

Mazière said instead that the killer had been “bullied by peers” and that violent video games had likely played a role in inspiring the attack.

And here's the million dollar question which Donald Trump has utterly failed to answer:

“How is it possible for society to prevent these attacks?” he asked, without providing an answer.

The killer’s full name has not been disclosed. But a spokesman for the Munich prosecutor’s office said he was an 18-year-old dual Iranian-German national who was born and raised in Munich and was associated with two first names: David and Ali. He did not have a criminal record, but “may have had a mental disorder,” according to Thomas Steinkraus-Koch, Munich’s prosecutor.

Maizière said the use of David as a first name may suggest the killer had converted to Christianity from Islam. But his parents said he was not a practicing member of any religion.

Friday's attack played out on the fifth anniversary of a Norwegian massacre by right-wing extremist Anders Breivik that claimed the lives of 77 people. Andrä said the anniversary "played a role" in the timing of Friday's attack, given the killer's apparent obsession with mass murder.

You all remember that Norwegian massacre, right? Carried out by a Nazi.
In a furious exchange with the man who was filming him as he paced the top floor of an empty parking deck, the killer also insisted "I am German!" after the man wielding his cellphone to record the video called him a derogatory term for a foreigner.
That others want to try to discount this for what it is? What does it gain by doing such?
To deny whether someone was self radicalized or directly involved in isis does not matter one iota. They still have been influenced by them.
The press wants to run with he may have been thinking of the neo nazi case because police stated "he had documentation of frenzied attacks, and that is what police are concerned with". and motive for the attack appears unclear.

Unless Germany considers neo nazi attacks to be frenzied attacks...
Munich officials: Gunman was obsessed with mass killings but had no ties to ISIS

Later on Saturday afternoon, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said the killer’s motives were still being investigated but there were not believed to be links to international terrorist groups.

Mazière said instead that the killer had been “bullied by peers” and that violent video games had likely played a role in inspiring the attack.

And here's the million dollar question which Donald Trump has utterly failed to answer:

“How is it possible for society to prevent these attacks?” he asked, without providing an answer.

The killer’s full name has not been disclosed. But a spokesman for the Munich prosecutor’s office said he was an 18-year-old dual Iranian-German national who was born and raised in Munich and was associated with two first names: David and Ali. He did not have a criminal record, but “may have had a mental disorder,” according to Thomas Steinkraus-Koch, Munich’s prosecutor.

Maizière said the use of David as a first name may suggest the killer had converted to Christianity from Islam. But his parents said he was not a practicing member of any religion.

Friday's attack played out on the fifth anniversary of a Norwegian massacre by right-wing extremist Anders Breivik that claimed the lives of 77 people. Andrä said the anniversary "played a role" in the timing of Friday's attack, given the killer's apparent obsession with mass murder.

You all remember that Norwegian massacre, right? Carried out by a Nazi.
Thank you for that.

Link: Munich officials: Gunman was obsessed with mass killings but had no ties to ISIS
That others want to try to discount this for what it is? What does it gain by doing such?
To deny whether someone was self radicalized or directly involved in isis does not matter one iota. They still have been influenced by them.
The press wants to run with he may have been thinking of the neo nazi case because police stated "he had documentation of frenzied attacks, and that is what police are concerned with". and motive for the attack appears unclear.

Unless Germany considers neo nazi attacks to be frenzied attacks...
You finally figure it out you got Merkel's statement wrong?

Just as I said --or you going to be a wank and hold onto your falsehood?
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.
Don't get ahead of yourself, the guy is a Muslim and witnesses said they heard him yelling "Allahuakbar" while aiming at kids.
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.

One of the first witnesses himself is Muslim, he confirmed the attacker was Muslim.

"That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom... And he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run." Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or God is great. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."

But hey, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it's another disgruntled queer boy who's mad he can't use the woman's bathroom.
Every time one of these attacks occur, delusional leftists keep praying, "please don't let it be a Muslim again". It's truly pathetic.
The guy was irainian, of course he was an islamic terrorist. This new trend of liberals trying to spearate islamic terrorism from these acts is very disturbing. We saw it in orlando, Nice, and we're seeing it in germany.
So when is germany going to ban axes for the earlier attack this week, and deal with their muslim problem?

I do have to laugh at how the liberal trash in the US like obama and his democratic friends decry guns there after every shooting in the US - but France and Germany with their highly restrictive gun policies are still experiencing mass shootings. Guess the gun laws don't really matter, eh leftist fucking idiots?
Germany has a far lower homicide rate than the US, especially gun homicides.

Their gun homicide rate per 100,000 is 1.01. Compare that to the US, which is 10.54.

Their overall homicide rate is 0.81. Compare to the US, which is 4.7.

You are retards are wrong on every point. It wasn't a Syrian refugee. Gun bans do lower the homicide rate.
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.
Don't get ahead of yourself, the guy is a Muslim and witnesses said they heard him yelling "Allahuakbar" while aiming at kids.
To repeat:

"There was a single Allahu Ackbar, and that was in the video where one guy shoots after leaving McDonalds, and the Allahu Ackbar came from one of the guys fleeing and not the shooter, and you can hear that the guys fleeing and filming the video don't seem to be native Germans.

Allahu Ackbar is not always negative, it is the equivalent to "oh my god", like "oh my god why is this happening" or "oh my god this is horrible". This seems to be case here."
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.

One of the first witnesses himself is Muslim, he confirmed the attacker was Muslim.

"That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom... And he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run." Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or God is great. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."

But hey, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it's another disgruntled queer boy who's mad he can't use the woman's bathroom.
Every time one of these attacks occur, delusional leftists keep praying, "please don't let it be a Muslim again". It's truly pathetic.
Quite the opposite. You pants shitting cowards pray and hope it is a Muslim. You get very excited when it is. In fact, you don't even wait for the facts and ASSUME it is.

Dumb fuck was claiming it was a Syria refugee above. How much you want to bet he won't come back and apologize?

You know, you pants shitting tards use the exact same TardLogic™ as the people who want to ban guns.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban guns!

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


You want to punish all the law abiding gun owners Muslims because of the actions of a few.

It cracks me up you virulently oppose vetting people who want to own a gun, but want someone of the wrong religion to be. Even though way, way, way, way, way more, TENS OF THOUSAND MORE EVERY YEAR, are killed by guns in America than are killed by terrorists.
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From the source where the translation of the killer was provided:

"The very first sources I found genuinely talking about "He yelled Allahu Akbar" and "He was a right-wing extremist" were CNN and Fox respectively.

Within hours quotes of the single witness that was "found" by CNN in a bit of a dubious way were plastered literally everywhere as proof of Islamist terror. It feels kind of crazy how that spread in retrospect.

The other thing that went viral on reddit super fast was the livethread "report" about him living in Germany since two years, when the official report was living in Munich since at least two years which now sounds more like "born & raised in the area".
When you turn away Syrian refugees who are fleeing terrorism, you are a pants shitting coward, period.

You assholes are right down there with the Americans who are burning in hell for turning away the Jews trying to flee Hitler.

ISIS has killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined. To conflate the refugees with the terrorists for the sole reason of their religion is about as cowardly and bigoted and stupid as it gets.

It's also self-defeating. The refugees are excellent sources of intelligence, and some of them might even help us infiltrate domestic cells of terrorists.

I guess the mass/frenzied (depending on interpretation) killings perpetrated by those ISIS inspired don't count. They stated they found no direct tie to isis in his flat. I didn't realize that means he couldn't be self radicalized.
I didn't realize that a nazi was of Iranian descent, either.
Germany's new breed of neo-Nazis pose a threat - BBC News
"Weapons training is carried out in secret. In the Arab world, for example, with freedom movements there. The right-wing scene sees itself as a freedom movement."

There is a growing collection of secretive far-right groups in Germany which call themselves the "Free Forces".

Intelligence services say this is the fastest-spreading section of Germany's far-right movement.

They say the cliche of the neo-Nazi being a boot-wearing, young, unemployed male skinhead is out of date. Nowadays you cannot always tell who is a neo-Nazi and who is not.

The Free Forces are attracting a new crowd, including students and middle-class professionals. Germans speak of a new generation of Kravattennazis, literally "Tie Nazis", as opposed to the traditional Stiefelnazis, or "Boot Nazis".

They use modern forms of protest and are harnessing social media.

Flash protests

Take The Immortals, for example - anti-globalisation, anti-capitalist and anti-democratic, they warn of the impending extinction of the German people and call for a Germany for the Germans.

Munich officials: Gunman was obsessed with mass killings but had no ties to ISIS

Later on Saturday afternoon, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said the killer’s motives were still being investigated but there were not believed to be links to international terrorist groups.

Mazière said instead that the killer had been “bullied by peers” and that violent video games had likely played a role in inspiring the attack.

And here's the million dollar question which Donald Trump has utterly failed to answer:

“How is it possible for society to prevent these attacks?” he asked, without providing an answer.

The killer’s full name has not been disclosed. But a spokesman for the Munich prosecutor’s office said he was an 18-year-old dual Iranian-German national who was born and raised in Munich and was associated with two first names: David and Ali. He did not have a criminal record, but “may have had a mental disorder,” according to Thomas Steinkraus-Koch, Munich’s prosecutor.

Maizière said the use of David as a first name may suggest the killer had converted to Christianity from Islam. But his parents said he was not a practicing member of any religion.

Friday's attack played out on the fifth anniversary of a Norwegian massacre by right-wing extremist Anders Breivik that claimed the lives of 77 people. Andrä said the anniversary "played a role" in the timing of Friday's attack, given the killer's apparent obsession with mass murder.

You all remember that Norwegian massacre, right? Carried out by a Nazi.
Thank you for that.

Link: Munich officials: Gunman was obsessed with mass killings but had no ties to ISIS
Germany has a far lower homicide rate than the US, especially gun homicides.

Didn't claim otherwise, the US is a more violent society. That said, there are entire areas in germany which are quite crime-ridden and violent:

No-Go Zones: German Police Admit To Losing Control Of Immigrant 'Problem Neighbourhoods'

You are retards are wrong on every point. It wasn't a Syrian refugee.

Wrong idiot asshole - it was a MUSLIM, which was all I claimed. Learn how to read, fucking moron.

Gun bans do lower the homicide rate.

No they don't, and don't lie on public forums.
When you turn away Syrian refugees who are fleeing terrorism, you are a pants shitting coward, period.

If there is a less intelligent poster on this forum, I've yet to see them.

You assholes are right down there with the Americans who are burning in hell for turning away the Jews trying to flee Hitler.

Shit for brains, jews had zero countries in 1940 - muslims today have FIFTY-SEVEN. But its funny how far left dung like you will rail against and attack Israel for defending itself.

ISIS has killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined. To conflate the refugees with the terrorists for the sole reason of their religion is about as cowardly and bigoted and stupid as it gets.

Jackass, bashar assad has killed FAR MORE people than ISIS has, but turds like you aren't demanding a war to remove him, as he should be.
Germany has a far lower homicide rate than the US, especially gun homicides.

Didn't claim otherwise, the US is a more violent society.

You're saying Americans are more violent than GERMANS!?! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

That said, there are entire areas in germany which are quite crime-ridden and violent:

No-Go Zones: German Police Admit To Losing Control Of Immigrant 'Problem Neighbourhoods'

Oh my God. You're are one of those retards. "No Go Zones" are manufactured bullshit. What a fucking rube you are!

You are retards are wrong on every point. It wasn't a Syrian refugee.

Wrong idiot asshole - it was a MUSLIM, which was all I claimed. Learn how to read, fucking moron.

See the entire exchange in post 165. Dipshit assumed it was a Syrian refugee.

And it has not been established the shooter was a Muslim. His parents said he did not practice any religion.

Gun bans do lower the homicide rate.

No they don't, and don't lie on public forums.
Yes, they do. You look like a retard for denying it.
So when is germany going to ban axes for the earlier attack this week, and deal with their muslim problem?

I do have to laugh at how the liberal trash in the US like obama and his democratic friends decry guns there after every shooting in the US - but France and Germany with their highly restrictive gun policies are still experiencing mass shootings. Guess the gun laws don't really matter, eh leftist fucking idiots?
Germany has a far lower homicide rate than the US, especially gun homicides.

Their gun homicide rate per 100,000 is 1.01. Compare that to the US, which is 10.54.

Their overall homicide rate is 0.81. Compare to the US, which is 4.7.

You are retards are wrong on every point. It wasn't a Syrian refugee. Gun bans do lower the homicide rate.

Over half of all homicides in America are comitted by Negroes....kinda skewers the comparison eh? How many Negroes does Germany have?
Munich gunman raised locally, no ties to Islamic State

A German-Iranian teenager who killed nine people and then himself in Munich had undergone psychiatric treatment and was in all probability a lone gunman who had no Islamist militant ties, police said on Saturday.

The 18-year-old, who was born and raised locally, opened fire near a busy shopping mall on Friday, triggering a lockdown in the Bavarian capital in the third act of violence against civilians in Western Europe - and the second in southern Germany - in eight days.

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