Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

Reports are the kid was bullied. My question, who were the bullies ? Indigenous Germans ?

Kids have been bullied as long as there have been kids....schools are nortorious for it...but how many of the bullied then turn around and kill kids because of it...very does happen and bullying is a bad thing but no excuse for murder....and why did he shout allah akbar...could that be a clue?

It has been statistically shown that muslim children are very susceptible to radicalization.

Muslim Statistics
I watched her on BBC and quoted word for word their translation.
Angela Merkel just stated this, first mentioning the Nice attack and the German train attack:
'the motives, the background of this person that came to Germany a year prior to that, he was probably self radicalized in the Islamic sense. We are going to investigate this intensively.'

Please link.
So, no link.

I can't find any parts of your quotes.

There should be a story on what Merkel said somewhere.

There is no link because there is no link. Unless he considers posts on Stormfront and Pamela Geller "sources".
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is - a state of affairs which I alluded to in that earlier post.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
Last edited:

Tired ugly old women should be banned from government....aka hillary, janet reno, lorreta lynch etc. If you insist on having a woman get a good looking one like
Trumps wife or Sarah Palin.

Last edited:
Factions "speculating" that he was neo-nazi. That's just fucking media manipulation to take the heat off their beloved Muslims. Who gives a sh** about their speculation.

Where as the 100 asshats who speculated this was a Muslim terrorist attack.........?

How many stabbings, strangulations, and other weapons are used there?
UK Violent Crime Rate Eight Times Higher Than The US
England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study
Violent crime worse in Britain than in US

No he doesn't. But then they can always be stolen from those people. You don't tend to get mass shootings in the UK like this, they have banned guns all togther. Gee, you think there might be a link?

The English are very,very stupid saturated with political correctness it is absolutely disgusting.

I love how you state with assured certainty whilst just stating your own opinion that in no way reflects the truth. You're a liiar who sounds like he's not lying.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts. Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?

If the mods do that most of the rest of the forum would be a wasteland. But I like the idea. We could name it


Hey Howey, since you obviously don't like the site, you could make a lot of us happy by simply leaving permanently. It would be a win for us both.

Ahhh...did I piss you off, Grand Wizzerd? Was it because I proved you wrong again?

Five Years Ago Today
View attachment 82662

Tired ugly old women should be banned from government....aka hillary, janet reno, lorreta lynch etc. If you insist on having a woman get a good looking one like
Trumps wife or Sarah Palin.

Oh, goodie! A plagairizing whore who's a Russian spy and a loser, quitter mother of a whore who took seven whole years to fuck her way into a Journalism degree!
According to this Muslim that was there, yes.

So do we have proof he shouted "Allah Auchbar" ?

It's troubling he has Iranian roots, that obviously points to a jihadist, lone wolf or not.
Maybe it's not what it first appears however.
Last edited:
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties
View attachment 82662

Tired ugly old women should be banned from government....aka hillary, janet reno, lorreta lynch etc. If you insist on having a woman get a good looking one like
Trumps wife or Sarah Palin.

Oh, goodie! A plagairizing whore who's a Russian spy and a loser, quitter mother of a whore who took seven whole years to fuck her way into a Journalism degree!

obviously someone who only likes old ugly women like hillary. i think most would prefer this................
or this>>you decide
Video of the shooter, new Twitter mirror

Edit: Gunman on the parking deck at the Olympia shopping center

Translation for Edit:

Gunman: Wegen Leuten wie euch wurde ich gemobbt 7 Jahre lang. (Because of people like you I was bullied for 7 years)

Guy: Du Arschloch, du Wixxer (You asshole, you wanker)

Gunman: Und jetzt muss ich ne Waffe kaufen um euch ???umzubringen??? (And now I have to buy a weapon to ???kill you???)

Guy: Dir gehört der Schädel abgeschnitten, du Arschloch (Someone should cut your head off, you asshole)

Guy2: Scheiss Türken (Fucking Turks)

Guy: Scheiss Kanacken (Fucking [don't have a proper translation for that: something like sandn*ggers])

Guy: Er hat eine geladene Waffe (He has a loaded gun) Holt die Bullen! (Bring the cops!) Der Wixxer (This wanker)

Gunman: Ich bin Deutscher (I'm a german)

Guy: Du bist ein Wixxer, bist du (You're a wanker, that's what you are)

Gunman: Hört auf mich zu filmen! (Stop filming me!)

Guy: Was macht dich deutsch? (What makes you german?)

Gunman: Ich bin hier geboren worden. (I was born here)

Guy: Na und? Was machst für einen Scheiß? (So what? What shit are you doing?)

Gunman: Ich bin hier aufgwachsen in der Hartz4-Gegend (I was grown up in the Hartz4-area/Ghetto [Hartz4 = unemployment benefit])

Gunman: Ich war in Behandlung (I was in therapy)

Guy: Ja, Behandlung. Du gehörst in die Psychiatrie du Arschloch. (Yes, therapy. You belong to psychiatry, you asshole.)

Gunman: Ich habe nichts getan. Halten Sie die Schnauze. (I did nothing. Shut the fuck up!)

Guy: Du Wixxer, du (You wanker, you)

shots fired. people screaming

people starts speaking in a foreign language
Factions "speculating" that he was neo-nazi. That's just fucking media manipulation to take the heat off their beloved Muslims. Who gives a sh** about their speculation.

Where as the 100 asshats who speculated this was a Muslim terrorist attack.........?

The English are very,very stupid saturated with political correctness it is absolutely disgusting.

I love how you state with assured certainty whilst just stating your own opinion that in no way reflects the truth. You're a liiar who sounds like he's not lying.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts. Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?

If the mods do that most of the rest of the forum would be a wasteland. But I like the idea. We could name it


Hey Howey, since you obviously don't like the site, you could make a lot of us happy by simply leaving permanently. It would be a win for us both.

Ahhh...did I piss you off, Grand Wizzerd? Was it because I proved you wrong again?

Five Years Ago Today
Back under your rock, Leftist slime...
Why would a Muslim woman implicate what he said?

Munich shooting: Witness claims gunman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' during attack
The investigation is on going. How long do you think it can take?
CNN interview with a Muslim woman claiming he yelled allahu akbar in McDonald's

ISIS has been celebrating the horrific attacks in a series of chilling messages.

In one, members of the death cult state the whole of "Europe is under" their "terrorism" and they hope Allah will bring about more civllian deaths.

However, at this stage police have not commented on the attackers, stating their motives remain unclear.

They did state they ound no direct tie yet to isis in his flat. They also stated they found he had documentation about mass killings. Which mass killings, they never stated.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties
Last edited:
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties
Except that he was an Iranian dual-citizenship type, born in Germany, of Iranian parents... Iran is a country that is 98.4% Muslim...

Except that he shouted Allahu Akbar as he engaged...

Except that he targeted Westerners (Christians) as the victims in his murder-suicide-by-cop spree...

If it looks like a duck (Muslim), and waddles like a duck (Muslim), and quacks like a duck (Muslim), there's an excellent chance that it IS a duck (Muslim do-it-yourself terrorist)...

Close enough for Gubmint work...
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is - a state of affairs which I alluded to in that earlier post.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...

If you keep telling these lies again and again you think they will become truth. This kid wasn't islamic, he was right wing scum.
The level of lies being told. It doesn;t matter if he wasn't ISIS, he was of their "mindset". It doesn't matter that there isn't a shred of evidence, he was slightly brown so that must make him a muslim. There none as blind as those who will not see.
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is - a state of affairs which I alluded to in that earlier post.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...

If you keep telling these lies again and again you think they will become truth. This kid wasn't islamic, he was right wing scum.
He was a White Christian European, of Euro-Caucasian ethnic bloodline descent, who held right-wing views, and went on a murder-suicide spree?
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is - a state of affairs which I alluded to in that earlier post.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...

If you keep telling these lies again and again you think they will become truth. This kid wasn't islamic, he was right wing scum.

Were you bullied in school? You certainly have some queer ideas to say the least. Or you might be a muzzie in the process of being radicalized...ya know if it wuks like a duk?

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