Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

The level of lies being told. It doesn;t matter if he wasn't ISIS, he was of their "mindset". It doesn't matter that there isn't a shred of evidence, he was slightly brown so that must make him a muslim. There none as blind as those who will not see.

Stuff a sock in it Manchester. In post #10 you pointed out how you make a living off "refugee". Of course you want more of it. We're onto you.
View attachment 82662

Tired ugly old women should be banned from government....aka hillary, janet reno, lorreta lynch etc. If you insist on having a woman get a good looking one like
Trumps wife or Sarah Palin.

Oh, goodie! A plagairizing whore who's a Russian spy and a loser, quitter mother of a whore who took seven whole years to fuck her way into a Journalism degree!

obviously someone who only likes old ugly women like hillary. i think most would prefer this................
or this>>you decide
And you prefer this:
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is - a state of affairs which I alluded to in that earlier post.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...

If you keep telling these lies again and again you think they will become truth. This kid wasn't islamic, he was right wing scum.

Read and weep chump>>>

How ISIS Capitalizes on Lone Wolves to Spread Terror 'At No Cost'
The level of lies being told. It doesn;t matter if he wasn't ISIS, he was of their "mindset". It doesn't matter that there isn't a shred of evidence, he was slightly brown so that must make him a muslim. There none as blind as those who will not see.
Don't look now, my foolish little Brit, but vast numbers of people in The West have grown tired of your excuse-making and identity- and motive-masking...

You've gone to the "But that's not typical of Islam" well once too often... several times too often, actually.

People have finally figured out that scores of "atypicals" eventually add up to a "typical"...

Unfortunately for you and yours...

After dozens and scores of such Neanderthal performances by Radical Muslims... that tipping point has been reached, and is well behind us now...

Very few, except the worst and most fanatical idealism-over-survival asylum dwellers, and die-hard LibTards, believe you any longer...

You should have reined-in your people while you still had the chance...

That window of opportunity is just about closed, now...

Welcome to your ( excuse-making identity-and-motive-masking and Muslim ass-kissing ) nightmare... it's a brand new day... enjoy.
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View attachment 82662

Tired ugly old women should be banned from government....aka hillary, janet reno, lorreta lynch etc. If you insist on having a woman get a good looking one like
Trumps wife or Sarah Palin.

Oh, goodie! A plagairizing whore who's a Russian spy and a loser, quitter mother of a whore who took seven whole years to fuck her way into a Journalism degree!

obviously someone who only likes old ugly women like hillary. i think most would prefer this................
or this>>you decide
And you prefer this:

hehheh Looks like terry bradshaw.
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is - a state of affairs which I alluded to in that earlier post.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...

If you keep telling these lies again and again you think they will become truth. This kid wasn't islamic, he was right wing scum.
He was a White Christian European, of Euro-Caucasian ethnic bloodline descent, who held right-wing views, and went on a murder-suicide spree?

Nope...his parents were Iranians.
23 JULY 2016 • 4:43PM

The Munich shooter was an 18-year-old Iranian-German "loner" named locally as Ali Sonboly, who reportedly complained of bullying shortly before gunning down his nine victims outside a shopping centre and fleeing the scene to commit suicide.

What we know about him
  • He was a student, born and raised in Munich.
  • He appears to have acted alone.
  • He used a semi-automatic 9mm Glock 17 handgun, which had had its serial number illegally removed.
  • An additional 300 rounds of ammunition were found in his rucksack when his body was found.
  • He had previously received psychiatric treatment, including for depression.
  • A search of his room had unearthed a document about "frenzied attacks" and a book called: "Rampage in Head: Why Students Kill."
  • Munich chief of police Hubertus Andrae said the gunman appeared to be "obsessed with shooting rampages".
  • The gunman appeared to have hacked into a Facebook account to tell people free food was going to be handed out at the McDonald's where his rampage started.

The Munich shooter was an 18-year-old Iranian-German "loner" named locally as Ali Sonboly, who reportedly complained of bullying shortly before gunning down his nine victims outside a shopping centre and fleeing the scene to commit suicide.

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Leaving this here, FWIW --

Someone who might know about"German / Iranians" :

"Most Iranians in Germany are most likely atheists or agnostics

38% have no designated religion (vs 34% for Germans)

72% never visit religious events

Iraner in Deutschland – Wikipedia (German source)

Also me being German with Iranian parents, as well as a vast network of other Iranians (probably 100+) none which is religious, most of them left because of the Islamic revolution.

>>>> This shooter had Iranian citizenship, AFAIK.

If his father is Iranian he gets the citizenship automatically against his will, Iranian citizenship can also not be renounced (only with permission from the state which they will never grant to you)
Leaving this here, FWIW --

Someone who might know about"German / Iranians" :

"Most Iranians in Germany are most likely atheists or agnostics

38% have no designated religion (vs 34% for Germans)

72% never visit religious events

Iraner in Deutschland – Wikipedia (German source)

Also me being German with Iranian parents, as well as a vast network of other Iranians (probably 100+) none which is religious, most of them left because of the Islamic revolution.

>>>> This shooter had Iranian citizenship, AFAIK.

If his father is Iranian he gets the citizenship automatically against his will, Iranian citizenship can also not be renounced (only with permission from the state which they will never grant to you)
It's not worth much, in our present climate of Islamic terrorist-activism...

Also... it's not the percentages... it's the toxicity of the religious dogma baseline from which they were spawned... always lurking in the background, dormant...
This guy wasn't religious.
Until the end of his life, when he saw fit to cry out Allahu Akbar, as he engaged in battle...

An Inconvenient Truth, I'm sure...

If it looks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, there's a goddamned good chance that it IS a phukking duck (Muslim do-it-yourself lone-wolf) terrorist...

Next contestant, please...
Leaving this here, FWIW --

Someone who might know about"German / Iranians" :

"Most Iranians in Germany are most likely atheists or agnostics

38% have no designated religion (vs 34% for Germans)

72% never visit religious events

Iraner in Deutschland – Wikipedia (German source)

Also me being German with Iranian parents, as well as a vast network of other Iranians (probably 100+) none which is religious, most of them left because of the Islamic revolution.

>>>> This shooter had Iranian citizenship, AFAIK.

If his father is Iranian he gets the citizenship automatically against his will, Iranian citizenship can also not be renounced (only with permission from the state which they will never grant to you)
Leaving this here, FWIW --

Someone who might know about"German / Iranians" :

"Most Iranians in Germany are most likely atheists or agnostics

38% have no designated religion (vs 34% for Germans)

72% never visit religious events

Iraner in Deutschland – Wikipedia (German source)

Also me being German with Iranian parents, as well as a vast network of other Iranians (probably 100+) none which is religious, most of them left because of the Islamic revolution.

>>>> This shooter had Iranian citizenship, AFAIK.

If his father is Iranian he gets the citizenship automatically against his will, Iranian citizenship can also not be renounced (only with permission from the state which they will never grant to you)
Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship. The kid had years to do it .. Cruz was in his forties and running for president.

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