Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

I think it's time we started calling these idiot Liberals running interference for the jihadists what they are. Islamic terrorist cheerleaders and sympathizers.
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is - a state of affairs which I alluded to in that earlier post.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...

If you keep telling these lies again and again you think they will become truth. This kid wasn't islamic, he was right wing scum.
He was a White Christian European, of Euro-Caucasian ethnic bloodline descent, who held right-wing views, and went on a murder-suicide spree?

Nope...his parents were Iranians.
23 JULY 2016 • 4:43PM

The Munich shooter was an 18-year-old Iranian-German "loner" named locally as Ali Sonboly, who reportedly complained of bullying shortly before gunning down his nine victims outside a shopping centre and fleeing the scene to commit suicide.

What we know about him
  • He was a student, born and raised in Munich.
  • He appears to have acted alone.
  • He used a semi-automatic 9mm Glock 17 handgun, which had had its serial number illegally removed.
  • An additional 300 rounds of ammunition were found in his rucksack when his body was found.
  • He had previously received psychiatric treatment, including for depression.
  • A search of his room had unearthed a document about "frenzied attacks" and a book called: "Rampage in Head: Why Students Kill."
  • Munich chief of police Hubertus Andrae said the gunman appeared to be "obsessed with shooting rampages".
  • The gunman appeared to have hacked into a Facebook account to tell people free food was going to be handed out at the McDonald's where his rampage started.

The Munich shooter was an 18-year-old Iranian-German "loner" named locally as Ali Sonboly, who reportedly complained of bullying shortly before gunning down his nine victims outside a shopping centre and fleeing the scene to commit suicide.


so what.? german-iranian . both are aryan

This guy wasn't religious.
Until the end of his life, when he saw fit to cry out Allahu Akbar, as he engaged in battle...

An Inconvenient Truth, I'm sure...

If it looks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, there's a goddamned good chance that it IS a phukking duck (Muslim do-it-yourself lone-wolf) terrorist...

Next contestant, please...
allahu akbar ? it was gossip
based on islam . biggest crime is suicide . you cant kill yourself .you cant shot your head .
based on islam . biggest crime is suicide . you cant kill yourself .you cant shot your head .
You can if you've just taken 9 infidels with you.
based on wahabism sunni .yes .. 7 infidels enough . :biggrin:
but you must do suicide attack . you must use your body for killing infidel
you cant kill them and shot your head 30 min later. its suicide and its biggest crime in islam
I think it's time we started calling these idiot Liberals running interference for the jihadists what they are. Islamic terrorist cheerleaders and sympathizers.

They always rush in to deflect, defend, excuse, twist, do whatever they can to either explain away, or rationalize anytime a Muslim goes on a rampage.

In this case, it may or may not have anything to do with Islam, regardless, liberals always defend their chosen religion.
Is the guy Muslim or not? Was he insane or not?

2 simple questions

If true I wouldn't classify it as Islamic terrorism then. Pretty simple

You do not know shit from Shilow......look here chump>>>>>A religion or political ideology? - Islamic Evil Simplified - Coming to Grips with the Islamic Threat
Suck my hairy left nutsac faggot. I didn't claim to know anything. I asked a question and gave my opinion based on the results. If that's too much for you I suggest you get some counseling for your issues.
The first victim to be named on Saturday was Zabergja Dijamant, a 21-year-old from Kosovo.
Religions in Kosovo
Islam 95.60% Christianity 3.69% other 0.71%
 Three of the dead were from Kosovo, three were Turkish and one was Greek, their respective government officials said.

turk and kozovian are moslem .
i think greek was mistake because greek face is like turks

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