Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

By tomorrow I guess we'll have another gay, bisexual, male prostitute, gender confused, irreligious schizo who'd just recently stopped taking his medication. So no worries :)

Whatever we do, we must not assign any culpability to Islam. That would be racist, xenophobic, and (gasp) intolerant!!

Maybe if you waited until the facts were out it wouldn't be racist. the thing is you clowns FUCKING love a terrorist attack so you can harp on about muslims.

Sure we do.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...
Why would a Muslim woman implicate what he said?

Munich shooting: Witness claims gunman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' during attack
The investigation is on going. How long do you think it can take?
CNN interview with a Muslim woman claiming he yelled allahu akbar in McDonald's

ISIS has been celebrating the horrific attacks in a series of chilling messages.

In one, members of the death cult state the whole of "Europe is under" their "terrorism" and they hope Allah will bring about more civllian deaths.

However, at this stage police have not commented on the attackers, stating their motives remain unclear.

They did state they ound no direct tie yet to isis in his flat. They also stated they found he had documentation about mass killings. Which mass killings, they never stated.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties

A. Maybe the Russian woman misunderstood him?


B. Nowhere has it been disclosed he is Muslim. You do know there's Christians in Iran, right?
Why would a Muslim woman implicate what he said?

Munich shooting: Witness claims gunman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' during attack
The investigation is on going. How long do you think it can take?
CNN interview with a Muslim woman claiming he yelled allahu akbar in McDonald's

ISIS has been celebrating the horrific attacks in a series of chilling messages.

In one, members of the death cult state the whole of "Europe is under" their "terrorism" and they hope Allah will bring about more civllian deaths.

However, at this stage police have not commented on the attackers, stating their motives remain unclear.

They did state they ound no direct tie yet to isis in his flat. They also stated they found he had documentation about mass killings. Which mass killings, they never stated.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties

ISIS celebrates everything. Doesn't mean they're behind it. Means they want you scared of them. It's working. Pussy.
Last edited:
Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is - a state of affairs which I alluded to in that earlier post.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...

If you keep telling these lies again and again you think they will become truth. This kid wasn't islamic, he was right wing scum.

I don't know about this kid, but "right wing scum" as you call them are indigenous people trying to save their culture and country from the outside invaders.
Much like the indigenous peoples tried to do on my continent years ago.

American indians?????
By tomorrow I guess we'll have another gay, bisexual, male prostitute, gender confused, irreligious schizo who'd just recently stopped taking his medication. So no worries :)

Whatever we do, we must not assign any culpability to Islam. That would be racist, xenophobic, and (gasp) intolerant!!

Maybe if you waited until the facts were out it wouldn't be racist. the thing is you clowns FUCKING love a terrorist attack so you can harp on about muslims.

What an absolute ridiculous comment.

So you are saying we enjoy being killed in the most brutal fashion and we should thank the terrorists for committing these atrocities against us... just so that we can then say....we don't like the Muslims because they are killing us??

What an idiot.
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.

One of the first witnesses himself is Muslim, he confirmed the attacker was Muslim.

"That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom... And he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run." Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or God is great. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."

But hey, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it's another disgruntled queer boy who's mad he can't use the woman's bathroom.
Every time one of these attacks occur, delusional leftists keep praying, "please don't let it be a Muslim again". It's truly pathetic.

It's pathetic indeed.

Blame it on Anders Breivik .....blame it on "mental illness" (that's a favorite), blame it on the Christians and the Jews blame it on everybody ... but don't blame on the real culprit which is radical Islam.
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.

One of the first witnesses himself is Muslim, he confirmed the attacker was Muslim.

"That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom... And he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run." Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or God is great. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."

But hey, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it's another disgruntled queer boy who's mad he can't use the woman's bathroom.
Every time one of these attacks occur, delusional leftists keep praying, "please don't let it be a Muslim again". It's truly pathetic.

It's pathetic indeed.

Blame it on Anders Breivik .....blame it on "mental illness" (that's a favorite), blame it on the Christians and the Jews blame it on everybody ... but don't blame on the real culprit which is radical Islam.

The phrase "Radical Islam" is redundant. Islam itself is radical. It has never gone through a reformation. They are stuck in the 7th century.
Why would a Muslim woman implicate what he said?

Munich shooting: Witness claims gunman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' during attack
The investigation is on going. How long do you think it can take?
CNN interview with a Muslim woman claiming he yelled allahu akbar in McDonald's

ISIS has been celebrating the horrific attacks in a series of chilling messages.

In one, members of the death cult state the whole of "Europe is under" their "terrorism" and they hope Allah will bring about more civllian deaths.

However, at this stage police have not commented on the attackers, stating their motives remain unclear.

They did state they ound no direct tie yet to isis in his flat. They also stated they found he had documentation about mass killings. Which mass killings, they never stated.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties

ISIS celebrates everything. Doesn't mean they're behind it. Means they want you scared of them. It's working. Pussy.

What a hero you are!

If you are about to be picked up and thrown off the roof you wouldn't be scared!

Why would a Muslim woman implicate what he said?

Munich shooting: Witness claims gunman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' during attack
The investigation is on going. How long do you think it can take?
CNN interview with a Muslim woman claiming he yelled allahu akbar in McDonald's

ISIS has been celebrating the horrific attacks in a series of chilling messages.

In one, members of the death cult state the whole of "Europe is under" their "terrorism" and they hope Allah will bring about more civllian deaths.

However, at this stage police have not commented on the attackers, stating their motives remain unclear.

They did state they ound no direct tie yet to isis in his flat. They also stated they found he had documentation about mass killings. Which mass killings, they never stated.

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts...

It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

...Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?
Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties

ISIS celebrates everything. Doesn't mean they're behind it. Means they want you scared of them. It's working. Pussy.

What a hero you are!

If you are about to be picked up and thrown off the roof you wouldn't be scared!

Why would he be scared? Muslims are peaceful and tolerant!

Why would a Muslim woman implicate what he said?

Munich shooting: Witness claims gunman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' during attack
The investigation is on going. How long do you think it can take?
CNN interview with a Muslim woman claiming he yelled allahu akbar in McDonald's

ISIS has been celebrating the horrific attacks in a series of chilling messages.

In one, members of the death cult state the whole of "Europe is under" their "terrorism" and they hope Allah will bring about more civllian deaths.

However, at this stage police have not commented on the attackers, stating their motives remain unclear.

They did state they ound no direct tie yet to isis in his flat. They also stated they found he had documentation about mass killings. Which mass killings, they never stated.


It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties

ISIS celebrates everything. Doesn't mean they're behind it. Means they want you scared of them. It's working. Pussy.

What a hero you are!

If you are about to be picked up and thrown off the roof you wouldn't be scared!

Why would he be scared? Muslims are peaceful and tolerant!


;) :laugh:
Is this what you seek Howie?


Allahu Ahkbar!!

Why would a Muslim woman implicate what he said?

Munich shooting: Witness claims gunman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' during attack
The investigation is on going. How long do you think it can take?
CNN interview with a Muslim woman claiming he yelled allahu akbar in McDonald's

ISIS has been celebrating the horrific attacks in a series of chilling messages.

In one, members of the death cult state the whole of "Europe is under" their "terrorism" and they hope Allah will bring about more civllian deaths.

However, at this stage police have not commented on the attackers, stating their motives remain unclear.

They did state they ound no direct tie yet to isis in his flat. They also stated they found he had documentation about mass killings. Which mass killings, they never stated.


It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties

ISIS celebrates everything. Doesn't mean they're behind it. Means they want you scared of them. It's working. Pussy.

What a hero you are!

If you are about to be picked up and thrown off the roof you wouldn't be scared!

Why would he be scared? Muslims are peaceful and tolerant!


Because Momma Trump told him to be????
More shootings in a country that bans guns! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by the delusional left.

I'm not going to read all fifty pages of posts, but I have a question.

It took the second post of this topic for someone to automatically assume this was ISIS.

How many more pages did it take for our racist xenophobes to realize the shooter is a right wing nutcase like them?

Hell. He was probably wearing a "Make Germany Great Again" Tshirt.

One of the first witnesses himself is Muslim, he confirmed the attacker was Muslim.

"That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom... And he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run." Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or God is great. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."

But hey, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it's another disgruntled queer boy who's mad he can't use the woman's bathroom.
Every time one of these attacks occur, delusional leftists keep praying, "please don't let it be a Muslim again". It's truly pathetic.

It's pathetic indeed.

Blame it on Anders Breivik .....blame it on "mental illness" (that's a favorite), blame it on the Christians and the Jews blame it on everybody ... but don't blame on the real culprit which is radical Islam.

Lets see...who to believe -- German police -- or some anonymouse internet airhead/

Hmmmm/ That's a tough one.

"Munich police chief Hubertus Andrae told a press conference Saturday that there were "no indications whatsoever" that Sonboly had any links to the Islamic State group or that the killings were motivated by politics.

Andrae did acknowledge that Sonboly had extensively researched the theme of rampages and may have read about the lethal killing spree by white supremacist Anders Behring Breivik, saying there was an "obvious link" between Breivik's crimes and Friday's shooting."

Munich attacker was shy video game fan
So once again... If Euro cucks banned guns, then how come all those people got shot?
Firearms are not banned in Germany. Or in France for that matter.

Fully automatic weapons are completely illegal in France.....didn't stop them......

The gun control laws in Germany are everything anti gunners want for the United STates........including self defense not being a reason to own a gun.....

and he got the gun.........

Gun control laws work work on people who obey the law.......not on criminals and terrorists...
what is known about the terrorist and his firearm thanks

He had a pistol and said he bought it.

so as it turns out

in one of the most strict gun control nations on the planet

the guy gets an illegally obtained firearm

in Germany one needs to have a license to have a pistol

he held no such license and two the serial numbers are scratched off

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