Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

I didn't get the bbc interpretation wrong. And never did I state they stated ISIS had a direct link. Reread what I stated they said.
That others want to try to discount this for what it is? What does it gain by doing such?
To deny whether someone was self radicalized or directly involved in isis does not matter one iota. They still have been influenced by them.
The press wants to run with he may have been thinking of the neo nazi case because police stated "he had documentation of frenzied attacks, and that is what police are concerned with". and motive for the attack appears unclear.

Unless Germany considers neo nazi attacks to be frenzied attacks...
You finally figure it out you got Merkel's statement wrong?

Just as I said --or you going to be a wank and hold onto your falsehood?
f You assholes are right down there with the Americans who are burning in hell for turning away the Jews trying to flee Hitler.

Shit for brains, jews had zero countries in 1940 - muslims today have FIFTY-SEVEN. But its funny how far left dung like you will rail against and attack Israel for defending itself.

There you go making assumptions again, dipshit. Find a post where I have EVER railed against Israel.


ISIS has killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined. To conflate the refugees with the terrorists for the sole reason of their religion is about as cowardly and bigoted and stupid as it gets.

Jackass, bashar assad has killed FAR MORE people than ISIS has, but turds like you aren't demanding a war to remove him, as he should be.

There you go again! Making assumptions. Goddam, you are making a total fool of yourself.

I've been kicking the cowardly chickenshits for years for not stating in plain language what should be done about ISIS or Assad. "Boots on the ground", yes or no? When asked that question, they dodge and weave and prevaricate.

They sit and wait to see what Obama says he is going to do first, and then they oppose it. This way, if his plan fails, they get to crow about it. If he succeeds, they give Obama no credit. How many topics have you guys started giving credit to Obama for ISIS losing half its territory in the past year?

It just doesn't get more cowardly than that. But that's the typical pattern of a pants shitting coward curled up in the fetal position on the floor, afraid of the Muslim in their closet.

You cowardly fucks are afraid of REFUGEES. And you are conflating them with the terrorists. Burn in hell with the terrorists you piece of shit.
Kid seems to have been a lone nut. Bullied at school, had a pic of Anders Brevik as his whatsapp profile photo and no links to IS.

Lots of racists who screamed about deportations, decried doom and talked bullshit about "no go areas" and enclaves all look to have been wrong. Again.

"Again" ? Lol !! Look pal, I know you want to protect your precious Islamists, but the vast majority of the time TODAY these kind of acts in Europe are carried out by Muslims.
Yes, they do. You look like a retard for denying it.

You're too stupid to even begin to converse with, now ignored. My last point to a low IQ asshole like you, those gun bans worked REAL WELL in Chicago and DC, didn't they moron? Bubye.
Yeah, run and hide. That's what pants shitters do.

It's a fact that countries which ban guns experience lower homicide rates. Facts are your enemy, retard.

A gun ban in a city isn't going to work if there isn't a national ban.

And now you dumb fucks are going to assume I am in favor of gun bans. I'm not. I'm pro gun, but I also believe in FACTS. If you deny gun bans lower the homicide rate, then you are a retard.

If you banned all cars, the number of accidental deaths would plunge. If you banned all swimming pools, the number of drownings would plummet.

Just plain common sense, retards. Stop denying reality. You look really stupid, and you hurt the cause.
Exact same TardLogic™.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban guns!

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


You want to punish all the law abiding gun owners Muslims because of the actions of a few.
I didn't get the bbc interpretation wrong. And never did I state they stated ISIS had a direct link. Reread what I stated they said.
That others want to try to discount this for what it is? What does it gain by doing such?
To deny whether someone was self radicalized or directly involved in isis does not matter one iota. They still have been influenced by them.
The press wants to run with he may have been thinking of the neo nazi case because police stated "he had documentation of frenzied attacks, and that is what police are concerned with". and motive for the attack appears unclear.

Unless Germany considers neo nazi attacks to be frenzied attacks...
You finally figure it out you got Merkel's statement wrong?

Just as I said --or you going to be a wank and hold onto your falsehood?

Yeah, you did,fuckface.

You thought Merkel was talking about this killer wen she mentioned radicalized Islamic.

You're wrong. Own up.
It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

Pity it wasn't Muslims, just a right wing nut job.
How does it feel to be a dick?
They need to get it right. No direct ties have they found. How many times have we heard that story. Yet self radicalization has been inspired by isis. And doesn't lessen the horror in any way. It is still isis/radical Islam at the helm, whether through a local connection or the internet.
If this guy of Iranian descent was a neo-nazi, which traditionally is those of white descent-unless their common hatred of Jews is at the helm- I will eat my words.

It does appear, according to the Jerusalem Post, the Islamists and German neo-nazis have been teaming up against Jews.

According to the Rundschau, student organization Left-SDS, Islamists and some members of the Neo-Nazi group National Socialists Rhein-Main attended the anti-Israel protest. Flags from Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Hamas were on display at the protest. Banners compared Prime Minister Netanyahu with Adolf Hitler.
The JPost
Munich gunman raised locally, no ties to Islamic State

radicalization n-Iranian teenager who killed nine people and then himself in Munich had undergone psychiatric treatment and was in all probability a lone gunman who had no Islamist militant ties, police said on Saturday.

The 18-year-old, who was born and raised locally, opened fire near a busy shopping mall on Friday, triggering a lockdown in the Bavarian capital in the third act of violence against civilians in Western Europe - and the second in southern Germany - in eight days.
See my post 749.
I didn't get the bbc interpretation wrong. And never did I state they stated ISIS had a direct link. Reread what I stated they said.
That others want to try to discount this for what it is? What does it gain by doing such?
To deny whether someone was self radicalized or directly involved in isis does not matter one iota. They still have been influenced by them.
The press wants to run with he may have been thinking of the neo nazi case because police stated "he had documentation of frenzied attacks, and that is what police are concerned with". and motive for the attack appears unclear.

Unless Germany considers neo nazi attacks to be frenzied attacks...
You finally figure it out you got Merkel's statement wrong?

Just as I said --or you going to be a wank and hold onto your falsehood?

Yeah, you did,fuckface.

You thought Merkel was talking about this killer wen she mentioned radicalized Islamic.

You're wrong. Own up.
When you turn away Syrian refugees who are fleeing terrorism, you are a pants shitting coward, period.

You assholes are right down there with the Americans who are burning in hell for turning away the Jews trying to flee Hitler.

ISIS has killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined. To conflate the refugees with the terrorists for the sole reason of their religion is about as cowardly and bigoted and stupid as it gets.

It's also self-defeating. The refugees are excellent sources of intelligence, and some of them might even help us infiltrate domestic cells of terrorists.


How many Syrian refugees did you take into your own home?
So do we have proof he shouted "Allah Auchbar" ?

It's troubling he has Iranian roots, that obviously points to a jihadist, lone wolf or not.
Maybe it's not what it first appears however.
Factions "speculating" that he was neo-nazi. That's just fucking media manipulation to take the heat off their beloved Muslims. Who gives a sh** about their speculation.

Where as the 100 asshats who speculated this was a Muslim terrorist attack.........?

How many stabbings, strangulations, and other weapons are used there?
UK Violent Crime Rate Eight Times Higher Than The US
England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study
Violent crime worse in Britain than in US

Firearms are not banned in Germany. Or in France for that matter.

True, they're restricted to anyone but trustworthy and adequate people. Does shooter fits into those categories?

No he doesn't. But then they can always be stolen from those people. You don't tend to get mass shootings in the UK like this, they have banned guns all togther. Gee, you think there might be a link?

The English are very,very stupid saturated with political correctness it is absolutely disgusting.

I love how you state with assured certainty whilst just stating your own opinion that in no way reflects the truth. You're a liiar who sounds like he's not lying.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts. Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?

If the mods do that most of the rest of the forum would be a wasteland. But I like the idea. We could name it

This is what I responded to,

"He was an Iranian shouting Allahu Akbar, moron."

^ you fucking idiot.

Okay, listen dipshit.

Me: He was an Iranian shouting Allahu Akbar, moron.

You: No.m Moron. "Based on the searches, there are no indications whatsoever that there is a connection to Islamic State" or to the issue of refugees, he told a news conference. The investigations had also given no reason to believe he had not acted alone, Andrae said, adding that the killer was born and brought up in the Munich area and had spent time in psychiatric care."

...Exactly why were you calling me a moron? Did I say anything that was incorrect? No.
The Allahu Akbar, part.

From the source that gave the translation:

"There was a single Allahu Ackbar, and that was in the video where one guy shoots after leaving McDonalds, and the Allahu Ackbar came from one of the guys fleeing and not the shooter, and you can hear that the guys fleeing and filming the video don't seem to be native Germans.

Allahu Ackbar is not always negative, it is the equivalent to "oh my god", like "oh my god why is this happening" or "oh my god this is horrible". This seems to be case here."

You can't explain that to tightie righties. As soon as they hear the words, they pee their pants and go hide behind Momma Trump's skirt, shivering with fear.
These killers never have terrorist connections. It's like American gang bangers. The innocent little dears are never in gangs. Same absurd crap and everyone is expected to swallow it.

Thats all they have....their they run with it the best they can...unfortunately for them people are waking up....their tired old rhetoric cannot stand up against the fact that all these perps are muslims.

They try and make an excuse for them...oh they have pschiatric problems, oh they have no ISIS i.d. card, oh they were born here, oh it was the gun that made them do it. etc.etc.

Bottom line: of course islamic jihadists have persona problems i.e. batshit crazy following a religion founded by a psychotic pedophile what do you expect? Do you think anyone could be sane that beheads children? That buries women up to their necks and stone them to death, that hangs homersexuals or push them off the roofs of high buildings, etc.etc. and so on and so forth.
Factions "speculating" that he was neo-nazi. That's just fucking media manipulation to take the heat off their beloved Muslims. Who gives a sh** about their speculation.

Where as the 100 asshats who speculated this was a Muslim terrorist attack.........?

How many stabbings, strangulations, and other weapons are used there?
UK Violent Crime Rate Eight Times Higher Than The US
England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study
Violent crime worse in Britain than in US

True, they're restricted to anyone but trustworthy and adequate people. Does shooter fits into those categories?

No he doesn't. But then they can always be stolen from those people. You don't tend to get mass shootings in the UK like this, they have banned guns all togther. Gee, you think there might be a link?

The English are very,very stupid saturated with political correctness it is absolutely disgusting.

I love how you state with assured certainty whilst just stating your own opinion that in no way reflects the truth. You're a liiar who sounds like he's not lying.

Islam is the last of world's large scale extant Warrior Religions...

Its bigamist, mysoginistic, pedophile Founder had blood soaked hands and a power-crazed, bloodthirsty mind, and a huge chip on his shoulder...

These deficiencies of personality, character and mental health permeate this dangerous cult's earliest dogma, scripture and commentaries...

This primitive cult spawned countless military adventures and conquests and it has been a cancerous tumor on the face of the world for the past 1300 years...

Modern Western Liberals and Internationalists who sympathize-with and defend this abomination are too stupid to realize the long-term multi-generational danger...

Their judgment in such matters is substantively impaired and not to be trusted...

Excellent. Got fuck all to do with the subject of this thread though, it was a right wing kid who went nuts. Maybe mods could move your little rant to the racism thread?

If the mods do that most of the rest of the forum would be a wasteland. But I like the idea. We could name it


Hey Howey, since you obviously don't like the site, you could make a lot of us happy by simply leaving permanently. It would be a win for us both.

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