[BREAKING] Shots Fired on Capitol Hill

I suspect Obama will chose a moronic response to this as Democrats in this thread have clearly demonstrated..sheesh
I get on cops for using excessive force all the time. This sounds like it was warranted. It's a shame that the woman was most likely suffering some type of mental breakdown, but I can understand the police taking the action they did after she took off after being surrounded.

She was also just another victim of Obamacare it seems.
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Democrats are sure reveling in the death of a black women..Gads.
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I get on cops for using excessive force all the time. This sounds like it was warranted. It's a shame that the woman was most likely suffering some type of mental breakdown, but I can understand the police taking the action they did after she took off after being surrounded.

It's kind of sad people are looking to find some kind of political advantage in this tragedy.
The women was obviously deranged, but to kill her sure looks like excessive force.

Where is the outrage for this outrageous over reaction by the police? I guess if the killer were a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, there would be outrage. CRAZY!!!

The police state rolls on...and many Americans are oblivious of the danger.
The women was obviously deranged, but to kill her sure looks like excessive force.

Where is the outrage for this outrageous over reaction by the police? I guess if the killer were a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, there would be outrage. CRAZY!!!

The police state rolls on...and many Americans are oblivious of the danger.

I'm not sure this was an overreaction.

You don't know if she had a bomb in her car, you don't know if she had a gun. All you know is that she seemed pretty intent on doing some damage, and not caring who she took out in the process.

Of course, there should be a review of this incident, but frankly, this looks like a righteous shoot to me.

My question is, why didn't this woman get the medical attention she needed a long time ago?
The women was obviously deranged, but to kill her sure looks like excessive force.

Where is the outrage for this outrageous over reaction by the police? I guess if the killer were a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, there would be outrage. CRAZY!!!

The police state rolls on...and many Americans are oblivious of the danger.

I'm not sure this was an overreaction.

You don't know if she had a bomb in her car, you don't know if she had a gun. All you know is that she seemed pretty intent on doing some damage, and not caring who she took out in the process.

Of course, there should be a review of this incident, but frankly, this looks like a righteous shoot to me.

My question is, why didn't this woman get the medical attention she needed a long time ago?

Ha ha!!
All the liberal fanatics reporting a shooter!!
Blaming the Tea party and the NRA!!!
Dopy liberals strike again!!
It was some dumbass single mother taking her bastard for a tour of DC, no gun!!!
Pissed because she couldn't get everything she wanted!!
It's the governments job to give her everything she wants isn't it?
Post-natal depression drives woman to suicidal behavior in Capitol shooting case...
Police suspect dental hygienist Miriam Carey was behind the wheel of Capitol chase
October 3,`13 ~ She had a toddler with her, confounding everyone who watched the car crash through barriers and lead police through the heart of high-security Washington.
Law enforcement officials said the black Infiniti was registered to a 34-year-old mother named Miriam Carey, a dental hygienist from Stamford, Conn. They think it was Carey, with her 1-year-old daughter sitting behind her, who flattened barricades outside the White House, struck officers and then set off at high speed down Pennsylvania Avenue. D.C. police confirmed that the driver was shot and killed after careening around the Capitol grounds and crashing at Second Street NE. There was no sign that she was armed, police said.

Video images showed a young child, her hair in braids, being carried by an officer to the back of a patrol car. The initial portrait of Carey that emerged suggested a person unlikely to be found in the center of such violence. Carey, according to public documents, friends and family members, had finished college and established a work history as a dental hygienist.


Capitol locked down after shots fired: Legislators and other employees told to shelter in place after “two very rapid fire bursts” heard to the north of the Capitol.

Her sister, Amy Carey, a Brooklyn nurse, was incredulous when she was reached Thursday afternoon and told what had happened. “That’s impossible. She works, she holds a job,” said Amy Carey, who confirmed that her Stamford-based sister drove a black car. “She wouldn’t be in D.C. She was just in Connecticut two days ago, I spoke to her. . . . I don’t know what’s happening. I can’t answer any more.” About 11 p.m. Thursday, at least a dozen local police cars, fire trucks and ambulances lined a street in Stamford outside the apartment complex where Miriam Carey reportedly lived. Sections of the complex were cordoned off with yellow crime tape.

Eric Sanders, an attorney for the Carey family, said outside the Brooklyn home of another sister, Valarie Carey, that the family was struggling to absorb the news. He said he would release an official statement Friday. We have to mend the family first and find out what happened in D.C.,” Sanders said. People who knew Carey described her as friendly and dedicated. Angela Windley, 33, befriended Carey while both attended Hostos Community College in the Bronx and graduated with an associate’s degree in dental hygiene. Officials at Brooklyn College confirmed that a student named Miriam Carey graduated in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in health and nutrition science.


See also:

Mother: Daughter in Capitol chase was depressed
4 Oct.`13 — The mother of a Connecticut woman who was shot to death by police after trying to breach a barrier at the White House said her daughter was suffering from post-partum depression.
Authorities said the woman set off a high-speed car chase that put the Capitol on lockdown Thursday and caused a fresh panic in a city where a gunman killed 12 people two weeks ago. Two law enforcement officials identified the driver as 34-year-old Miriam Carey, of Stamford, Conn. She was traveling with a 1-year-old girl who avoided serious injury and was taken into protective custody. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation.

Carey's mother, Idella Carey, told ABC News Thursday night that her daughter began suffering from post-partum depression after giving birth to her daughter, Erica, last August. "A few months later, she got sick," she said. "She was depressed. ... She was hospitalized." Idella Carey said her daughter had "no history of violence" and she didn't know why she was in Washington on Thursday. She said she thought Carey was taking Erica to a doctor's appointment in Connecticut.

ABC News reported that Miriam Carey was a dental hygienist. Her boss, Dr. Steven Oken, described Carey as a person who was "always happy." "I would never in a million years believe that she would do something like this," he said. "It's the furthest thing from anything I would think she would do, especially with her child in the car. I am floored that it would be her."

Mother: Daughter in Capitol chase was depressed
I get on cops for using excessive force all the time. This sounds like it was warranted. It's a shame that the woman was most likely suffering some type of mental breakdown, but I can understand the police taking the action they did after she took off after being surrounded.

It's kind of sad people are looking to find some kind of political advantage in this tragedy.

Like the fanatics saying she was shooting and had links to the GOP?
All the Obamacult now believe that is a fact now.
Whatever facts come out after the initial reports won't matter.
This was the tea party and NRA trying to assassinate the president!
Was she a threat when they police were shooting at her?

If yes, then fair shoot; if no, then bad shoot.

Pretty simple, really.
This seems to always be the description of some crazed lunatic... "Dr. Brian L. Evans, a periodontist in Hamden, Conn., for whom Ms. Carey had worked until about a year ago, said that he believed that she had suffered a significant head injury sometime during the year she was employed by him.

He described Ms. Carey as having “a bit of a temper,” but “nothing unusual, nothing that would ever lead us to think she would ever do anything like this.”


Well, you can't lock someone up because they have a short fuse. If you could, half the posters on here would be gone. You also can't lock someone up for what they might do, either. We live in a system that does not allow that kind of 'justice.' I don't know why she did what she did, or actually IF she did anything other than get the cops after her for a traffic violation. I had a nutcase friend who decided to take off when the police tried to stop her for speeding, and she actually lost him. It kind of sounds like a routine thing that escalated. What is clear to me, though, is the barricade she hit was clearly hit accidentally in her effort to get away from the cops. She tried to turn there and couldn't. But as Ollie pointed out, it looks more like the capitol building than the White House. In DC, the monuments aren't that far apart if you are in a car. I recall seeing them at night and there is one spot from where you can see 4, one in each of the 4 directions. The WH and capitol face one another, if I am not mistaken.
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I wonder how long it will be before this woman's family and CNN are going to start about it. In the distance I hear echoes of Trayvon, Trayvon, Trayvon............
I want to know WHY the cops didn't shoot her tires out before she could flee the scene in her car??? Were they afraid of being called "racists?"

It looks like they could have stopped her without killing her.

When I was in DC, my friend told me that if you are driving right next to the presidential limo on the interstate and you don't drop back they will just shoot you.

And this is something that you believed?

How about you go try it and get back to us on that one.
The women was obviously deranged, but to kill her sure looks like excessive force.

Where is the outrage for this outrageous over reaction by the police? I guess if the killer were a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, there would be outrage. CRAZY!!!

The police state rolls on...and many Americans are oblivious of the danger.

She was stopped and blocked in. I guess they had no way of knowing if she was armed or not but if they didn't see a gun they couldn't taze her?

If anything this woman proves it's not gun control we need, or car control for that matter, it's better mental health care. All the crazies of the last year and a half have one thing in common, they were mentally off and obviously didn't get proper care and everybody around them knew it. You can ban guns,cars,kitchen knifes ect until we all have nothing left or you can deal with the 800 lb gorilla in the room and make sure people like this don't fall through the cracks. How many more people have to die before we do something?
I wonder how long it will be before this woman's family and CNN are going to start about it. In the distance I hear echoes of Trayvon, Trayvon, Trayvon............

What does the killing of this mother have to do with the killing of little Trayvon?
I'm pretty sure that that's it.

It's the old "barricade"...from back when they blocked off 15th, 16th, 17th Streets and Pennsylvania Ave to through traffic.

The point of the vid is that is NOT where she was shot AND she was being chased before ramming the barricade. The WH has that iron fence around it as well. I don't think it is the front, though. I'm trying to place that little monument she circles around.

In the video, that's the SECOND barricade she rammed...that one takes you onto the grounds of the Capital building...the chase had been on for some time at that point.

That's the James Garfield Memorial she whips around there.

That's what I thought......
The police don't know if anyone speeding has a gun or a bomb in the car. They can't shoot people just because. Initially it was reported as an exchange of gunfire. That didn't even happen. There was no reason to shoot this woman. She had three children in the car with her. This woman was shot because of where she was.

Why Did Capitol Hill Police Open Fire? « CBS DC

Miller says once the car crashed into the barriers outside the White House, training instincts would kick in for officers and Secret Service agents.

Because the White House and Capitol building are sensitive locations, their training and reactions would be heightened.

They would have to assume it was a terror attack and consider the possibility that it might be a car bomb.

Afterwards, police described what happened as an isolated event and said they saw no indications of terrorism.


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