[BREAKING] Shots Fired on Capitol Hill

Has anyone noted the fact that those police officers are working without pay?

As for the shooting, its a damn shame that baby didn't have a handgun shoved down his/her diaper.
That's not a nice thing to say. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Luddly.

The person most likely to get killed by playing with a gun is a small child who has access to a gun, or someone he is playing with or being cared for by.

Not to worry. Some people just have to say more than they think. :rolleyes:

Luddly views any and all children as just a missed opportunity for an abortion.
The women was obviously deranged, but to kill her sure looks like excessive force.

Where is the outrage for this outrageous over reaction by the police? I guess if the killer were a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, there would be outrage. CRAZY!!!

The police state rolls on...and many Americans are oblivious of the danger.

I'm not sure this was an overreaction.

You don't know if she had a bomb in her car, you don't know if she had a gun. All you know is that she seemed pretty intent on doing some damage, and not caring who she took out in the process.

Of course, there should be a review of this incident, but frankly, this looks like a righteous shoot to me.

My question is, why didn't this woman get the medical attention she needed a long time ago?
I don't know, Joe. Her picture on facebook I posted earlier looks like a beauty queen, and her stated occupation in the article was dental assistant.

Using a car as a weapon is a bad idea if you have a history of mental illness. Cops can't see mental illness and would be amiss if they allowed anyone to kill a fellow police officer with a weapon as big as a car.

The entire situation sucks, and the perpetrator is gone now. I recommend that we let her rest in peace and allow the family to mourn her passing without further ado. Maybe more information will come out that makes me change my mind. Maybe she did LSD some time in the past and had a flashback due to stress. All I know is it's against the law to use your vehicle to run over somebody else in the heat of passion.
It's the Republicans fault because they have cut funding for mental healthcare.

This would have never happened in a fantasy utopia Dimocrat world.
The women was obviously deranged, but to kill her sure looks like excessive force.

Where is the outrage for this outrageous over reaction by the police? I guess if the killer were a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, there would be outrage. CRAZY!!!

The police state rolls on...and many Americans are oblivious of the danger.

I'm not sure this was an overreaction.

You don't know if she had a bomb in her car, you don't know if she had a gun. All you know is that she seemed pretty intent on doing some damage, and not caring who she took out in the process.

Of course, there should be a review of this incident, but frankly, this looks like a righteous shoot to me.

My question is, why didn't this woman get the medical attention she needed a long time ago?
I don't know, Joe. Her picture on facebook I posted earlier looks like a beauty queen, and her stated occupation in the article was dental assistant.

Using a car as a weapon is a bad idea if you have a history of mental illness. Cops can't see mental illness and would be amiss if they allowed anyone to kill a fellow police officer with a weapon as big as a car.

The entire situation sucks, and the perpetrator is gone now. I recommend that we let her rest in peace and allow the family to mourn her passing without further ado. Maybe more information will come out that makes me change my mind. Maybe she did LSD some time in the past and had a flashback due to stress. All I know is it's against the law to use your vehicle to run over somebody else in the heat of passion.

Hind sight is 20/20 but it sure seemed to me they had half a dozen cars and could've easily pinned her car against those pillars if they had so desired. Seems to me they were more interested in jumping out of the car with guns drawn than disabling her car. Or maybe she deserved to be killed on the spot based on something that happened earlier. If this was england she'd be alive today.
So has Al and Jess showed up yet ?

After all we have a case here of white cops gunning down an unarmed person of color.
I've seen video from 2 cameras of this so called stop.

They fired 5 or 6 shots as she pulled away from that stop.

Any Police force that has the policy of shooting at tires is a dangerous police force.

Police NEVER shoot 5 or 6 shots. If their were 5 cops, each with a Glock with a 14 round magazine, then they fired 70 rounds into her.

Police might shoot 70 rounds, but if they're anything like most cops there aren't going to be anywhere close to 70 entry wounds.
Since when does ramming cop cars warrant the death penalty?

The Left cries when a heinous convicted murderer is put to death by the State. Why no tears for this crazy woman and she was not a convicted murderer? Maybe because she wasn't, the Left is not concerned.

The hypocrisy of the Left is limitless.

apparently you have not followed the story line

which is the cops that saved us from this horribly dangerous person

are not getting paid

(well at least not until payday)
I've seen video from 2 cameras of this so called stop.

They fired 5 or 6 shots as she pulled away from that stop.

Any Police force that has the policy of shooting at tires is a dangerous police force.

Police NEVER shoot 5 or 6 shots. If their were 5 cops, each with a Glock with a 14 round magazine, then they fired 70 rounds into her.

Police might shoot 70 rounds, but if they're anything like most cops there aren't going to be anywhere close to 70 entry wounds.

at her anyway

how many rounds did the cops shoot at that pair of old ladies

delivering papers they mistook for the renegade cop

250 rounds

not one hit
Better pipe down up there...if the leftists get wind of an unbelievably tiny minority of car owners using their automobiles to attempt to kill or maim, they'll demand universal background checks to buy one.

Don't give them any ideas. They already want us all on bicycles & trains.
I get on cops for using excessive force all the time. This sounds like it was warranted. It's a shame that the woman was most likely suffering some type of mental breakdown, but I can understand the police taking the action they did after she took off after being surrounded.

It's kind of sad people are looking to find some kind of political advantage in this tragedy.

Translation, JoeB couldn't blame this on crazy people with guns because the only shots fired came from the cops, so he is going to pretend he never does anything like milk tragedy to score political points.
The women was obviously deranged, but to kill her sure looks like excessive force.

Where is the outrage for this outrageous over reaction by the police? I guess if the killer were a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, there would be outrage. CRAZY!!!

The police state rolls on...and many Americans are oblivious of the danger.

I'm not sure this was an overreaction.

You don't know if she had a bomb in her car, you don't know if she had a gun. All you know is that she seemed pretty intent on doing some damage, and not caring who she took out in the process.

Of course, there should be a review of this incident, but frankly, this looks like a righteous shoot to me.

My question is, why didn't this woman get the medical attention she needed a long time ago?

We also know there was a child in the car, and that the only people who ever fired were the cops. We also know that the only cops injured were injured by running into security barriers.
When the cops get sued for killing this poor black woman, will they use the stand your ground defense? It's time for Rev Al to enter the picture.

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