[BREAKING] Shots Fired on Capitol Hill

Hmmm.....ramming your car into the police outside the White House might do that

I think that's what turned the thing into a big thing.
Trying to kill cops tends to get a bullet or two heading in your general direction.
This seems to always be the description of some crazed lunatic... "Dr. Brian L. Evans, a periodontist in Hamden, Conn., for whom Ms. Carey had worked until about a year ago, said that he believed that she had suffered a significant head injury sometime during the year she was employed by him.

He described Ms. Carey as having “a bit of a temper,” but “nothing unusual, nothing that would ever lead us to think she would ever do anything like this.”


Well, you can't lock someone up because they have a short fuse. If you could, half the posters on here would be gone. You also can't lock someone up for what they might do, either. We live in a system that does not allow that kind of 'justice.' I don't know why she did what she did, or actually IF she did anything other than get the cops after her for a traffic violation. I had a nutcase friend who decided to take off when the police tried to stop her for speeding, and she actually lost him. It kind of sounds like a routine thing that escalated. What is clear to me, though, is the barricade she hit was clearly hit accidentally in her effort to get away from the cops. She tried to turn there and couldn't. But as Ollie pointed out, it looks more like the capitol building than the White House. In DC, the monuments aren't that far apart if you are in a car. I recall seeing them at night and there is one spot from where you can see 4, one in each of the 4 directions. The WH and capitol face one another, if I am not mistaken.

We have not seen the video (I'm sure that white house security got one) of where she ran into the barrier at the whitehouse. What we see is after she left the whitehouse where she actually hit a secret service agent with her car. That is where her car legally and for all practical purposes became a weapon. The video we see is several blocks later near the capitol and is the second barrier she hits. We have no clue yet why she crashed into the White House barrier which is what started the whole thing.
This seems to always be the description of some crazed lunatic... "Dr. Brian L. Evans, a periodontist in Hamden, Conn., for whom Ms. Carey had worked until about a year ago, said that he believed that she had suffered a significant head injury sometime during the year she was employed by him.

He described Ms. Carey as having “a bit of a temper,” but “nothing unusual, nothing that would ever lead us to think she would ever do anything like this.”


Someone torched an 8 story dorm when my daughter was in school at Murray State. The previous year a student had gotten a head injury and began acting strangely. She called me about it and I told her, that yes, a head injury can cause that kind of change. The next year when the fire happened she wasn't living in that dorm, thank God, but had moved out to be an RA in another one. After all the investigating was done, he turned out to be the arsonist. He poured gas in the stairwells and set it on fire, so the students could not use them. And of course, the elevators are captured during a fire. So they were jumping out of the windows. My daughter saw all that and I think she suffers some effects of it to this day.

An injury to the head can cause schizophrenia.
I'm glad your daughter is safe and wasn't in the building but sad that she wven had to witness that.

Yesterdays instance is just another case of a mentally ill person falling through the cracks. It's being reported that the family knew she was off. I wonder if Obama will call for car control now instead of dealing with the fact that our mental health system sucks.
Anyone else here surprised that Rev AL Sharpton hasn't reared his ugly head yet? I'm sure this was racist somehow.
She had three children in the car with her.
Now she had three kids?

I know you've got a long history of compulsive lying on these forums to where you'll say anything that pops into your head if it helps make your argument, is this one of those "Katz-facts" or is it reality?

I've not seen it reported as more than one toddler.
She was stopped and blocked in. I guess they had no way of knowing if she was armed or not but if they didn't see a gun they couldn't taze her?
Video shows her appearing to be stopped and blocked in, she then rams her way out with officers running to get out of the way.

Someone who just demonstrated they'll try to ram thru containment one can only assume she'd try it again. Tazers don't go thru glass.
WOW Sunshine brings up Trayvon. I ask why, and she neggs me for it. Fresh off the Banned list and she's back to trolling and negging for jollies.
I wonder how long it will be before this woman's family and CNN are going to start about it. In the distance I hear echoes of Trayvon, Trayvon, Trayvon............

What does the killing of this mother have to do with the killing of little Trayvon?

Little trayvon?
He was what?
6' and 170lbs.
Ok, little.
My toddler is minute then, my 5 month old minuscule?

Zimmerman would be tiny George?
I wonder how long it will be before this woman's family and CNN are going to start about it. In the distance I hear echoes of Trayvon, Trayvon, Trayvon............

What does the killing of this mother have to do with the killing of little Trayvon?

Little trayvon?
He was what?
6' and 170lbs.
Ok, little.
My toddler is minute then, my 5 month old minuscule?

Zimmerman would be tiny George?

My 16year old is 6' - 225 and all muscle :) Still call him my little guy. As to that wanna be... heh doesn't matter how big he is, guy is 0 out of 10 fighter, it's not the size of the dog that counts, its the heart, desire, and character that count.
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I've seen video from 2 cameras of this so called stop.

They fired 5 or 6 shots as she pulled away from that stop.

Any Police force that has the policy of shooting at tires is a dangerous police force.

Police NEVER shoot 5 or 6 shots. If their were 5 cops, each with a Glock with a 14 round magazine, then they fired 70 rounds into her.
I've seen video from 2 cameras of this so called stop.

They fired 5 or 6 shots as she pulled away from that stop.

Any Police force that has the policy of shooting at tires is a dangerous police force.

Police NEVER shoot 5 or 6 shots. If their were 5 cops, each with a Glock with a 14 round magazine, then they fired 70 rounds into her.

Look, when i watch a video, and it has a sound track, I can count the shots. At that instance, at that barricade there were 5 or 6 shots. Now how many were fired later at another place where no video of it has yet surfaced, we can't guess........
expect the kooks to find a way to blame Obama

The story is likely already written!!!:D:D

Another conspiracy theory to cling to for the righties!

Expect the kooks to blame republicans or even better...BUSH!!

Don't be silly SuMar. This was a typical false flag operation By Mossad. There is clear undeniable proof: NO JEWS WERE KILLED.

I mean it is not as though American cops are easilly panic-stricken, trigger happy and none too bright, is it?
Since when does ramming cop cars warrant the death penalty?

The Left cries when a heinous convicted murderer is put to death by the State. Why no tears for this crazy woman and she was not a convicted murderer? Maybe because she wasn't, the Left is not concerned.

The hypocrisy of the Left is limitless.
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