[BREAKING] Shots Fired on Capitol Hill

The police don't know if anyone speeding has a gun or a bomb in the car. They can't shoot people just because. Initially it was reported as an exchange of gunfire. That didn't even happen. There was no reason to shoot this woman. She had three children in the car with her. This woman was shot because of where she was.

Why Did Capitol Hill Police Open Fire? « CBS DC

Miller says once the car crashed into the barriers outside the White House, training instincts would kick in for officers and Secret Service agents.

Because the White House and Capitol building are sensitive locations, their training and reactions would be heightened.

They would have to assume it was a terror attack and consider the possibility that it might be a car bomb.

Afterwards, police described what happened as an isolated event and said they saw no indications of terrorism.

I don't remember much gun safety training from my days in the Navy, but one thing I distinctly remember is to never shoot at something you think might explode, which leads me to wonder why anyone would be trained to shoot at a car bomb.
psycho drove from Connecticut to DC because she believed Obama was talking to her.

she then tries to kill police with her car.

good riddance to bad rubbish.
I get on cops for using excessive force all the time. This sounds like it was warranted. It's a shame that the woman was most likely suffering some type of mental breakdown, but I can understand the police taking the action they did after she took off after being surrounded.

It's kind of sad people are looking to find some kind of political advantage in this tragedy.

Translation, JoeB couldn't blame this on crazy people with guns because the only shots fired came from the cops, so he is going to pretend he never does anything like milk tragedy to score political points.

Well, talking about guns during a SHOOTING is a pretty obvious political point.

You know, because there were like, guns involved.

But, yeah, if she shot up the capitol, I'd be asking why she got a gun into the most secure place in the country, because THAT would be a legit question.

Making fun of her race and illness, that was kind of just low class. So was calling her child a "bastard".

It's kind of sad people are looking to find some kind of political advantage in this tragedy.

Translation, JoeB couldn't blame this on crazy people with guns because the only shots fired came from the cops, so he is going to pretend he never does anything like milk tragedy to score political points.

Well, talking about guns during a SHOOTING is a pretty obvious political point.

You know, because there were like, guns involved.

But, yeah, if she shot up the capitol, I'd be asking why she got a gun into the most secure place in the country, because THAT would be a legit question.

Making fun of her race and illness, that was kind of just low class. So was calling her child a "bastard".


You are just upset that the woman didn't have a gun so you could scream about gun control.

Then I called you on it.
OK, so I think this incident shows who understands the right to own weapons and who does not. Notice it is the gun lobby on here who thinks guns were used carelessly and inappropriately in this instance. But Obama's little ass kissers have to agree with his police force even though they used guns in a most unsafe and inappropriate way.

I suppose one would tend to think the gun lobby would be all FOR this excessive use of force, but they are seriously NOT. It shows who thinks and who doesn't, who is a sheep and who has a brain.

The looney left seems to believe that because the police carry guns legally, it is OK for them to open up on anyone.
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Sounds like it's an outside incident that spilled into that area. Doesn't look like an attack on the Capitol. Still early obviously, but it looks like an outside crime moving into that area.

This started at the White House...she tried to ram barriers there, then when she was being chased she did the same at the Capital. For it to involve the WH and the Capital seems there's more to it.

Go back to the second vid I posted. They were already after her before she hit the barricade. The media has edited that part out of theirs making it look like that is where they started, but they had already tried to stop her for a traffic violation. You can see in the vid they are after her when she turns into the barricade.. Here, let me post it again for you:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyszhTz8fQ4]Car chase ends with shooting in Washington D.C. - YouTube[/ame]

I'd gotten that information somewhere...most likely before these videos came out.
Translation, JoeB couldn't blame this on crazy people with guns because the only shots fired came from the cops, so he is going to pretend he never does anything like milk tragedy to score political points.

Well, talking about guns during a SHOOTING is a pretty obvious political point.

You know, because there were like, guns involved.

But, yeah, if she shot up the capitol, I'd be asking why she got a gun into the most secure place in the country, because THAT would be a legit question.

Making fun of her race and illness, that was kind of just low class. So was calling her child a "bastard".


You are just upset that the woman didn't have a gun so you could scream about gun control.

Then I called you on it.

Guy, the one thing I'm not worried about is a lack of crazy people shooting up innocent bystanders...

Because sadly, it happens way too often, and the NRA has a rapid response unit.

The women was obviously deranged, but to kill her sure looks like excessive force.

Where is the outrage for this outrageous over reaction by the police? I guess if the killer were a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, there would be outrage. CRAZY!!!

The police state rolls on...and many Americans are oblivious of the danger.

I'm not sure this was an overreaction.

You don't know if she had a bomb in her car, you don't know if she had a gun. All you know is that she seemed pretty intent on doing some damage, and not caring who she took out in the process.

Of course, there should be a review of this incident, but frankly, this looks like a righteous shoot to me.

My question is, why didn't this woman get the medical attention she needed a long time ago?

We also know there was a child in the car, and that the only people who ever fired were the cops. We also know that the only cops injured were injured by running into security barriers.

Imagine if an American soldier did something analogous to this in a war zone. Hell....he might be facing court martial and a death sentence. If I recall correctly, under Bushy they did court martial some under similar circumstances.

Apparently the rules of engagement in a war zone, are much tougher than in DC.

While the Obama slavish media ignores...CRAZY.

Yes. Yes you are.

Let's get real here. They didn't know who was in that car, if she had a trunk full of explosives, or what the deal was. All they saw was someone who was pretty determined to get into the White House or the Capital.

This is a tragedy, because this woman was ill and didn't get treatment.

But don't go putting this off on the Capitol Police for doing their jobs.

If it was NYPD she would have survived.
20 bystanders would have been killed.

Pretty determined to get into the whitehouse?

More of your lies joe?
Well, talking about guns during a SHOOTING is a pretty obvious political point.

You know, because there were like, guns involved.

But, yeah, if she shot up the capitol, I'd be asking why she got a gun into the most secure place in the country, because THAT would be a legit question.

Making fun of her race and illness, that was kind of just low class. So was calling her child a "bastard".


You are just upset that the woman didn't have a gun so you could scream about gun control.

Then I called you on it.

Guy, the one thing I'm not worried about is a lack of crazy people shooting up innocent bystanders...

Because sadly, it happens way too often, and the NRA has a rapid response unit.

Who made fun of her race?
Her child was a bastard.
Now she is an orphan.
Watch some liberal claim I owe this brat something.....
It's kind of sad people are looking to find some kind of political advantage in this tragedy.

Translation, JoeB couldn't blame this on crazy people with guns because the only shots fired came from the cops, so he is going to pretend he never does anything like milk tragedy to score political points.

Well, talking about guns during a SHOOTING is a pretty obvious political point.

You know, because there were like, guns involved.

But, yeah, if she shot up the capitol, I'd be asking why she got a gun into the most secure place in the country, because THAT would be a legit question.

Making fun of her race and illness, that was kind of just low class. So was calling her child a "bastard".


We should disarm cops.
Nobody needs a gun!!
Translation, JoeB couldn't blame this on crazy people with guns because the only shots fired came from the cops, so he is going to pretend he never does anything like milk tragedy to score political points.

Well, talking about guns during a SHOOTING is a pretty obvious political point.

You know, because there were like, guns involved.

But, yeah, if she shot up the capitol, I'd be asking why she got a gun into the most secure place in the country, because THAT would be a legit question.

Making fun of her race and illness, that was kind of just low class. So was calling her child a "bastard".


We should disarm cops.
Nobody needs a gun!!

Clearly that lady needed one to defend her life against the mob of shooters that were chasing after her to kill her.
Well, talking about guns during a SHOOTING is a pretty obvious political point.

You know, because there were like, guns involved.

But, yeah, if she shot up the capitol, I'd be asking why she got a gun into the most secure place in the country, because THAT would be a legit question.

Making fun of her race and illness, that was kind of just low class. So was calling her child a "bastard".


We should disarm cops.
Nobody needs a gun!!

Clearly that lady needed one to defend her life against the mob of shooters that were chasing after her to kill her.

They were not trying to kill her, until she tried to kill them.

Drive your car at cops, they shoot you.
Don't tell me, they could have shot out the tires!!

A car can still drive with flat tires though.

I blame the tea party.
We should disarm cops.
Nobody needs a gun!!

Clearly that lady needed one to defend her life against the mob of shooters that were chasing after her to kill her.

They were not trying to kill her, until she tried to kill them.

Drive your car at cops, they shoot you.
Don't tell me, they could have shot out the tires!!

A car can still drive with flat tires though.

I blame the tea party.
Do you have the video of her trying to kill a cop with her car? Does it show them coming after her with guns blazing before or after she tried to kill the cop?

Did the cop she tried to kill stand behind her in her blind spot or was he standing in front of her?
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She threw a secret service agent over the front of her car at the white house. there has been no video released of it. Once you turn your car into a weapon you are armed and dangerous. Then when you drive through an area like the Capitol Mall at 80 MPH you are endangering more people.

The Police took the appropriate actions.
She threw a secret service agent over the front of her car at the white house. there has been no video released of it. Once you turn your car into a weapon you are armed and dangerous. Then when you drive through an area like the Capitol Mall at 80 MPH you are endangering more people.

The Police took the appropriate actions.

I got the impression she sped away after they pulled their guns on her and her kid and started shooting at them. Are you sure the secret service agent was thrown over the car and did not jump on it? Would like to hear more about what happened before jumping to conclusions either way. I've seen girls freak out and drive away when a bunch of men come at their car... I would imagine the same would happen if they are pointing guns. Your reaction might be to put your hands up and pray they don't kill you. Other people might hit the gas and duck.
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She threw a secret service agent over the front of her car at the white house. there has been no video released of it. Once you turn your car into a weapon you are armed and dangerous. Then when you drive through an area like the Capitol Mall at 80 MPH you are endangering more people.

The Police took the appropriate actions.

I got the impression she sped away after they pulled their guns on her and her kid and started shooting at them. Are you sure the secret service agent was thrown over the car and did not jump on it? Would like to hear more about what happened before jumping to conclusions either way. I've seen girls freak out and drive away when a bunch of men come at their car... I would imagine the same would happen if they are pointing guns. Your reaction might be to put your hands up and pray they don't kill you. Other people might hit the gas and duck.

The latest information is that she was hearing voices, in a delusional state.

I suppose the investigation will take weeks, months but it has already been noted that any security officials involved had no way of knowing if the car contained explosives or what the intent of the driver ultimately was.

The reports I heard is that hit a barricade on the outer perimeters of the WH--not certain of the exact response--but presume that LE responded in some manner and she sped away.

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