Breaking: Spotify Bans Prager U


VIP Member
Jan 8, 2019

PragerU Content Silenced Once Again!

BREAKING: After only a few weeks of advertising PragerU content on Spotify, they have made the decision to "stop all existing ads and not approve any new ads coming through in the future."

We still have not received any explanation from Spotify as to which specific policy we didn't comply with. Given the ongoing pattern of censorship of conservative voices online, it's clear that we are being silenced because we have a conservative point of view.

Here is the email we received from Spotify:


We will not back down from this latest attempt to silence our ideas and we will continue to fight back!

We can't do this alone. Join us NOW and become a critical piece in this fight by donating today.

Every day, PragerU is changing culture with online content that teaches the values that make America the freest and most prosperous nation on earth. Millions of Americans are watching our videos, and minds are changing. We cannot let that stop.

The Left knows how effective we are. That's why they want to censor us.

PragerU continues to fight online suppression of conservative ideas. Over the past year, we have led the charge in bringing public awareness to the issue of online censorship. Our case has been mentioned in nearly every article on the issue, and has been covered by several media giants, including the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and Buzzfeed.

Over 500,000 Americans have signed our online petition urging Google and YouTube to end its censorship of conservative ideas. Our goal is to reach 1 million signatures by the time we meet Google in court.

We need your support now more than ever. Please consider making a donation today.

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Social media is all private ,ergo it can censor anything it likes.

1st Amd does not apply , sorry Lee

Social media is all private ,ergo it can censor anything it likes.

1st Amd does not apply , sorry Lee

Prager is a neocon, Old Testament neo-zionist. Who gives a shit?
Spotify is private company...

They just thought it was best it wasn't promoting a hate filled piece of trash that other Conservatives find embarrassing..
Its a private company, let them do what they want.
Political ideology is OK to discriminate against, remember?
Other things, not so much.
Discrimination is alive and well in our society.
"Protected classes" one of the most statist concepts i have ever heard of... smh
Spotify doesn’t want them as advertisers anymore. Big whoop.
Social media is all private ,ergo it can censor anything it likes.

1st Amd does not apply , sorry Lee

I don't think the OP was making a 1st Amendment argument. Maybe I missed it.

The point is that, while legal, this is a disturbing trend.

Dennis Prager is one of the VERY FEW Independents in media. He is proud to not be associated with any party.

So, why would he be banned?

Spotify is a private company, so I don't want to force then to bake a gay wedding cake or anything. I just find it disturbing how some people reject the free exchange of ideas and want to silence all opposing views.

PragerU Content Silenced Once Again!

BREAKING: After only a few weeks of advertising PragerU content on Spotify, they have made the decision to "stop all existing ads and not approve any new ads coming through in the future."

We still have not received any explanation from Spotify as to which specific policy we didn't comply with. Given the ongoing pattern of censorship of conservative voices online, it's clear that we are being silenced because we have a conservative point of view.

Here is the email we received from Spotify:


We will not back down from this latest attempt to silence our ideas and we will continue to fight back!

We can't do this alone. Join us NOW and become a critical piece in this fight by donating today.

Every day, PragerU is changing culture with online content that teaches the values that make America the freest and most prosperous nation on earth. Millions of Americans are watching our videos, and minds are changing. We cannot let that stop.

The Left knows how effective we are. That's why they want to censor us.

PragerU continues to fight online suppression of conservative ideas. Over the past year, we have led the charge in bringing public awareness to the issue of online censorship. Our case has been mentioned in nearly every article on the issue, and has been covered by several media giants, including the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and Buzzfeed.

Over 500,000 Americans have signed our online petition urging Google and YouTube to end its censorship of conservative ideas. Our goal is to reach 1 million signatures by the time we meet Google in court.

We need your support now more than ever. Please consider making a donation today.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

I might renew based solely on that.
Has anyone found a social media site that banned liberal speech?

It is rather unusual that this banning of speech seems to always be against conservatives.
If PU isn’t allowed to advertise on Spotify are any of us truly free?! :mad:
Spotify is private company...

They just thought it was best it wasn't promoting a hate filled piece of trash that other Conservatives find embarrassing..

There was no hate in his productions but you can find hate in the rap music that spotify promotes ie beating women, killing cops, stealing, shooting up drugs, etc. Thats all good though.

PragerU Content Silenced Once Again!

BREAKING: After only a few weeks of advertising PragerU content on Spotify, they have made the decision to "stop all existing ads and not approve any new ads coming through in the future."

We still have not received any explanation from Spotify as to which specific policy we didn't comply with. Given the ongoing pattern of censorship of conservative voices online, it's clear that we are being silenced because we have a conservative point of view.

Here is the email we received from Spotify:


We will not back down from this latest attempt to silence our ideas and we will continue to fight back!

We can't do this alone. Join us NOW and become a critical piece in this fight by donating today.

Every day, PragerU is changing culture with online content that teaches the values that make America the freest and most prosperous nation on earth. Millions of Americans are watching our videos, and minds are changing. We cannot let that stop.

The Left knows how effective we are. That's why they want to censor us.

PragerU continues to fight online suppression of conservative ideas. Over the past year, we have led the charge in bringing public awareness to the issue of online censorship. Our case has been mentioned in nearly every article on the issue, and has been covered by several media giants, including the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and Buzzfeed.

Over 500,000 Americans have signed our online petition urging Google and YouTube to end its censorship of conservative ideas. Our goal is to reach 1 million signatures by the time we meet Google in court.

We need your support now more than ever. Please consider making a donation today.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Deliberate disinformation should be banned.

Differing opinions are one thing, but out and out deceptions and lies have no place on any media platform.
Has anyone found a social media site that banned liberal speech?

It is rather unusual that this banning of speech seems to always be against conservatives.

It's because liberal speech cannot compete the conservative speech.

If compared directly, one always prevails.

That's why on college compasses conservatives are shouted down and not engaged intellectually.
Social media is all private ,ergo it can censor anything it likes.

1st Amd does not apply , sorry Lee

That may not be necassarily true. IF platforms like facebook, twitter, Spotify get lumped in the same category as communication services like a phone line, then they have no right to discriminate based on creed etc. That would be like Verizon saying, no you cannot use our service because you believe xyz. IF these private companies wish not to be lumped in as communication networks, then that makes them editorial companies, since they are editing who can say what, much like a newspaper, and are liabel for anything posted. Spotify may be a different situation since it’s kind of music, but who knows. I don’t know if it’s a contract based system, and they can just breach and be done with Prager U or what.

Either way, it’s extremely troubling...Prager U!?WTF is so offensive about mainstream conservatism? That’s half the country they just deemed had invalid thought that need to be banished. I’m glad I don’t have Spotify...or twitter, or Facebook, or use google.

PragerU Content Silenced Once Again!

BREAKING: After only a few weeks of advertising PragerU content on Spotify, they have made the decision to "stop all existing ads and not approve any new ads coming through in the future."

We still have not received any explanation from Spotify as to which specific policy we didn't comply with. Given the ongoing pattern of censorship of conservative voices online, it's clear that we are being silenced because we have a conservative point of view.

Here is the email we received from Spotify:


We will not back down from this latest attempt to silence our ideas and we will continue to fight back!

We can't do this alone. Join us NOW and become a critical piece in this fight by donating today.

Every day, PragerU is changing culture with online content that teaches the values that make America the freest and most prosperous nation on earth. Millions of Americans are watching our videos, and minds are changing. We cannot let that stop.

The Left knows how effective we are. That's why they want to censor us.

PragerU continues to fight online suppression of conservative ideas. Over the past year, we have led the charge in bringing public awareness to the issue of online censorship. Our case has been mentioned in nearly every article on the issue, and has been covered by several media giants, including the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and Buzzfeed.

Over 500,000 Americans have signed our online petition urging Google and YouTube to end its censorship of conservative ideas. Our goal is to reach 1 million signatures by the time we meet Google in court.

We need your support now more than ever. Please consider making a donation today.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Deliberate disinformation should be banned.

Differing opinions are one thing, but out and out deceptions and lies have no place on any media platform.

You want to ban all left wing media?!

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