BREAKING: St Louis Police just shot another one!!!

I am capable of it, and judging by your hateful words you may be also. Most, almost all, cops are good people. Lord knows responding to people's houses when the alarms go off and pulling over suspected whatevers is not the best way to earn 50-60 grand a year on a good day.

There are bad apples though. Lets be intelligent amd try to weed them out.

I don't think it's possible.
It's the arrogance of power.
Starting when he comes on the force as hardly more than a kid, a cop can tell people what to do.
He's "special."
He can make U-turns that others can't, park wherever he wants, speed, run stop signs, stop traffic, give tickets, arrest people. He carries a gun, often concealed when off duty.

People thirty years his senior have to do what he says.

He may have been an outsider as a kid but he's IN CHARGE now and you WILL comply....And in his adult life he has never known anything else.

The following was written by Eric Garces and is a very accurate assessment. Check it out.

The typical pattern of events as a police state collapses is that an oppressed people tend rise up and extract vengeance from the most visible sign of their oppressors.
In near history the Egyptian National Police were widely feared as a brutally corrupt organization. Within days of establishing a numerical superiority on the streets, protestors began beating police officers to death.

Those who were known, were dragged from their houses and murdered in front of their families. The fear of the average cop in Egypt was such that many discarded their uniforms and fled for their lives.

Later, that government was forced to acknowledge their police forces loss of authority by formally disbanding the National Police.
Do public sympathies lie with the oppressed people who suffered terribly under these petty tyrants or the policemen who were supposedly just doing their jobs?

Perhaps this explains the amazingly swift and violent crackdowns in American cities, lest the protestors begin to overwhelm the police.
After all, at their greatest concentration they're really only a tiny fraction of the populace.

However, this is the normal pattern in history as police states inevitably loose their grip.
In July and August of 1944 a retreating Wehrmacht left a power vacuum in its place. Well supplied with small arms by the Allies, the Maquis extracted a terrible price upon the local Gendarme who could not escape. Many were simply "following orders" but not very many resistance fighters believed that.

Remember my explanation for cops just doing their jobs? If you willingly enforce absurd laws, which the citizenry knows to be absurd, you will generate hostility.
Society holds this in check as long as people fear the State, but once the control slips a little...
For weeks until advancing British and US forces could put a stop to it, there were French cops swinging from lamp posts, found dead in ditches or worse.
Sometimes entire families were murdered in the rampage.

I shed no tears for those who got what they deserved. Indeed, Oath Keepers is in part a program designed to teach cops just what I explained.
Many of these petty tyrants aren't well educated enough or are too damn arrogant to understand the wider reaching consequences of what they do. Worse yet, many of them don't believe they will ever answer for their crimes.
In suburbia, or semi rural areas like where we live, they are still somewhat respected and the citizens have yet to realize what is about to be unleashed upon them.

However in the largest cities, particularly the ones with strict gun control laws - these police officers are despised. Because there the people are not only denied the tools to defend themselves, the liberal establishment has also made protecting your property and even self defense a crime in order to promote reliance upon the state for protection.
A prime example of this is the recent assault and hospitalization of a Philadelphia police officer. Beaten on a train platform as dozens of witnesses refused to hear his cries for help. The media attempted to ignore this story but it was widely available online with the associated commentary quite illustrative of just how the average person really feels.
All of this was planned. Our schools - dumbed down, our families and moral standards degraded. Crime allowed to flourish while simultaneously we have been conditioned to accept that the police will protect us. Self reliance has been steadily criminalized and the benefit of the doubt frequently on the perpetrator and less on the victims.

How is this remedied? Sadly, the only way it has ever turned around is collapse. History shows that once tyranny gains a foot hold, this is the only way its ever corrected, as the bullies in uniform will mostly be dead or in hiding within 48 hours of the collapse.

When the urban rage that has been seething for generations against the police boils over, what else can happen?
Study the history of law enforcement in a tyranny when the system crashes. Don't take my word for it. What happened to the New Orleans Police Department in the 48 hours after Hurricane Katrina? Most of them were gone, concerned about their families. But how many came back and those who did, what did they do by the end of the week? Begin confiscating law abiding citizens firearms. Why? Re-read the above.
And now perhaps, dear readers, you can see why our national government has been feeding local police departments $500 million in military hardware this year. Why the legal mechanisms of a police state have been put into place. Why our government is calling anyone who stores more than 7 days of food a "terrorist" and why if you cannot see this, then you will be a victim of it.

by Erik Garces
Remember when this happened and the media was crying the police are out gunned... now they cry about the militarization of the police.

I've been giving this incident a lot of thought recently with regard to the topic of police militarization. The more I think about it, the more I believe that this single incident is responsible for what we see today re said militarization.

I was living in L.A. when it happened, interviewing with the LAPD and the sheriff's department, it was stunning to see the police have to rush to local sporting goods stores just to better arm themselves, just to get on even ground with the bad guys. It was crazy.

I have mixed feelings about the so called "militarization" of our locals constabulary. Ultimately, I believe they should have whatever equipment necessary to ensure that, at the end of their shift, they get to go home to those who love them.
I've been giving this incident a lot of thought recently with regard to the topic of police militarization. The more I think about it, the more I believe that this single incident is responsible for what we see today re said militarization.

I was living in L.A. when it happened, interviewing with the LAPD and the sheriff's department, it was stunning to see the police have to rush to local sporting goods stores just to better arm themselves, just to get on even ground with the bad guys. It was crazy.

I have mixed feelings about the so called "militarization" of our locals constabulary. Ultimately, I believe they should have whatever equipment necessary to ensure that, at the end of their shift, they get to go home to those who love them.
I live in a town of 1,400, it's a sleepy town with a river next to it for canoeing and camping, yet the cops in the town are militarizing, which is unnecessary..
I've been giving this incident a lot of thought recently with regard to the topic of police militarization. The more I think about it, the more I believe that this single incident is responsible for what we see today re said militarization.

I was living in L.A. when it happened, interviewing with the LAPD and the sheriff's department, it was stunning to see the police have to rush to local sporting goods stores just to better arm themselves, just to get on even ground with the bad guys. It was crazy.

I have mixed feelings about the so called "militarization" of our locals constabulary. Ultimately, I believe they should have whatever equipment necessary to ensure that, at the end of their shift, they get to go home to those who love them.

It's fantastic to have a hammer when you need to drive a nail into some wood. Using that hammer to cut tomatoes for dinner isn't so great and using the hammer to part your hair is painful (I've tried). When you use the hammer for purposes where it's not necessary then you have problems.
brown was stopped for Jay walking...
but since he's black anything will do !
if karma works one day you'll be shot by a black cop for dropping gum on the sidewalk..
Jay-walking is crossing the street against the light or in a careless manner. Brown didn't jay-walk. He and his partner were obstructing traffic by walking in a traffic lane. There is
I've been giving this incident a lot of thought recently with regard to the topic of police militarization. The more I think about it, the more I believe that this single incident is responsible for what we see today re said militarization.

I was living in L.A. when it happened, interviewing with the LAPD and the sheriff's department, it was stunning to see the police have to rush to local sporting goods stores just to better arm themselves, just to get on even ground with the bad guys. It was crazy.

I have mixed feelings about the so called "militarization" of our locals constabulary. Ultimately, I believe they should have whatever equipment necessary to ensure that, at the end of their shift, they get to go home to those who love them.
The North Hollywood event was a rare exception and there was no practical way to prepare for it. The police were not equipped to deal with it and they should not have even tried, mainly because no one was in immediate danger. It was a bank robbery and they should have let those guys get away rather than engage in a major firefight. It was the bank's problem.

Once the cops realized what they were up against they should have laid-low, used their radios and nothing else. Because that was a job for SWAT or the National Guard. Not for ordinary patrolmen. The alternative approach is to put soldiers in our streets -- which is not acceptable.
I don't think it's possible.
It's the arrogance of power.
Starting when he comes on the force as hardly more than a kid, a cop can tell people what to do.
He's "special."
He can make U-turns that others can't, park wherever he wants, speed, run stop signs, stop traffic, give tickets, arrest people. He carries a gun, often concealed when off duty.

People thirty years his senior have to do what he says.

He may have been an outsider as a kid but he's IN CHARGE now and you WILL comply....And in his adult life he has never known anything else.

The following was written by Eric Garces and is a very accurate assessment. Check it out.

The typical pattern of events as a police state collapses is that an oppressed people tend rise up and extract vengeance from the most visible sign of their oppressors.
In near history the Egyptian National Police were widely feared as a brutally corrupt organization. Within days of establishing a numerical superiority on the streets, protestors began beating police officers to death.

Those who were known, were dragged from their houses and murdered in front of their families. The fear of the average cop in Egypt was such that many discarded their uniforms and fled for their lives.

Later, that government was forced to acknowledge their police forces loss of authority by formally disbanding the National Police.
Do public sympathies lie with the oppressed people who suffered terribly under these petty tyrants or the policemen who were supposedly just doing their jobs?

Perhaps this explains the amazingly swift and violent crackdowns in American cities, lest the protestors begin to overwhelm the police.
After all, at their greatest concentration they're really only a tiny fraction of the populace.

However, this is the normal pattern in history as police states inevitably loose their grip.
In July and August of 1944 a retreating Wehrmacht left a power vacuum in its place. Well supplied with small arms by the Allies, the Maquis extracted a terrible price upon the local Gendarme who could not escape. Many were simply "following orders" but not very many resistance fighters believed that.

Remember my explanation for cops just doing their jobs? If you willingly enforce absurd laws, which the citizenry knows to be absurd, you will generate hostility.
Society holds this in check as long as people fear the State, but once the control slips a little...
For weeks until advancing British and US forces could put a stop to it, there were French cops swinging from lamp posts, found dead in ditches or worse.
Sometimes entire families were murdered in the rampage.

I shed no tears for those who got what they deserved. Indeed, Oath Keepers is in part a program designed to teach cops just what I explained.
Many of these petty tyrants aren't well educated enough or are too damn arrogant to understand the wider reaching consequences of what they do. Worse yet, many of them don't believe they will ever answer for their crimes.
In suburbia, or semi rural areas like where we live, they are still somewhat respected and the citizens have yet to realize what is about to be unleashed upon them.

However in the largest cities, particularly the ones with strict gun control laws - these police officers are despised. Because there the people are not only denied the tools to defend themselves, the liberal establishment has also made protecting your property and even self defense a crime in order to promote reliance upon the state for protection.
A prime example of this is the recent assault and hospitalization of a Philadelphia police officer. Beaten on a train platform as dozens of witnesses refused to hear his cries for help. The media attempted to ignore this story but it was widely available online with the associated commentary quite illustrative of just how the average person really feels.
All of this was planned. Our schools - dumbed down, our families and moral standards degraded. Crime allowed to flourish while simultaneously we have been conditioned to accept that the police will protect us. Self reliance has been steadily criminalized and the benefit of the doubt frequently on the perpetrator and less on the victims.

How is this remedied? Sadly, the only way it has ever turned around is collapse. History shows that once tyranny gains a foot hold, this is the only way its ever corrected, as the bullies in uniform will mostly be dead or in hiding within 48 hours of the collapse.

When the urban rage that has been seething for generations against the police boils over, what else can happen?
Study the history of law enforcement in a tyranny when the system crashes. Don't take my word for it. What happened to the New Orleans Police Department in the 48 hours after Hurricane Katrina? Most of them were gone, concerned about their families. But how many came back and those who did, what did they do by the end of the week? Begin confiscating law abiding citizens firearms. Why? Re-read the above.
And now perhaps, dear readers, you can see why our national government has been feeding local police departments $500 million in military hardware this year. Why the legal mechanisms of a police state have been put into place. Why our government is calling anyone who stores more than 7 days of food a "terrorist" and why if you cannot see this, then you will be a victim of it.

by Erik Garces

I totally get what you are saying here, however, you are blaming the arrogance of MAN upon the police alone.

How many people have you spoken to who were pissed off they got a speeding ticket? The person complaining knows full well the law, and CHOSE to break it, yet they are STILL angry about being caught/fined for doing it. So NO it is NOT just the police who think they are 'special' and 'above the law' at all. It is a human condition of arrogance that plays out on a daily basis. ~ California Rolls, flooring it to make it through a yellow light, cutting people off, tailgating, these are all examples of where a person considers themselves more important than everyone else and completely disregard public safety: self entitled arrogance and abuse of their authority on the roads. And that is just the 'start' of the little things that clearly show the true arrogance of man.
I have the answer to all this.

If you're a white cop, stay away from blacks. That's it. Dispatchers should know to send only black cops for issues involving a black person, and if there are none available, just start a queue. If a white cop happens to see a black person committing a crime, do what you can to help the victim, but just call it in and go about your way.

Fuck it. This is no longer about crime, it's about racial politics. And it probably doesn't matter anyway - we're going to see white cops back off because they don't want to lose their jobs, they don't want to lose their lives, and they sure as hell don't want their families attacked. Who can blame them?

Fuck it.
white cops are not very good at shooting armed blacks guys, they really are attracted to unarmed black guys

This one seemed to do just fine.

Here is a hint - don't charge people pointing a gun at you. Cop or not, if someone is pointing a gun at you, don't charge them. Brown thought he could charge the cop and take his gun. He was fatally wrong. This fool thought he could charge the cop and stab him - HE was fatally wrong.
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The police are part of the social contract to eliminate Vigilante justice. You don't take this criminal out yourself. The police will arrest the person.

If we need to go back to immediate justice we need to do that. The clerk at that convenience store should have shot Brown and his friend. If someone is blocking traffic any motorist is within their rights to roll over them. No police necessary.
BREAKING, St Louis PD just shot someone!!

A theft occurred. Cop confronted guy. Suspect pulled a knife, and charged cop. Within 3 feet of being stabbed, cop shot the guy.


YOU fucking retards. That's all I can say.
Did the cop have a ...........pooooooooooool?
I have the answer to all this.

If you're a white cop, stay away from blacks. That's it. Dispatchers should know to send only black cops for issues involving a black person, and if there are none available, just start a queue. If a white cop happens to see a black person committing a crime, do what you can to help the victim, but just call it in and go about your way.

Fuck it. This is no longer about crime, it's about racial politics. And it probably doesn't matter anyway - we're going to see white cops back off because they don't want to lose their jobs, they don't want to lose their lives, and they sure as hell don't want their families attacked. Who can blame them?

Fuck it.
I think you have the right idea. But if your suggestion was carried out I can assure you there would be a protest and a demand to bring back the White cops -- because Black cops will be far more brutal.

That was tried in Brooklyn's Bedford/Stuyvestant (Black) neighborhood back in the early 1950s when there were complaints about White cops. It lasted about six months and they had to bring the White cops back.
I think you have the right idea. But if your suggestion was carried out I can assure you there would be a protest and a demand to bring back the White cops -- because Black cops will be far more brutal.

That was tried in Brooklyn's Bedford/Stuyvestant (Black) neighborhood back in the early 1950s when there were complaints about White cops. It lasted about six months and they had to bring the White cops back.

Yeah, it could be a no-win situation. So the sacrificial lambs here are the cops and their families.

But I have no doubt that white cops are going to back off in certain situations now, and I won't be able to blame them.


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