BREAKING: St Louis Police just shot another one!!!

The citizens want the police to have the tools necessary to do their jobs safely and efficiently. This though doesn't mean that the cops need to transform those tools into a metaphorical hammer and to use that hammer for every problem that they see as a metaphorical nail.

They're using SWAT teams to serve search warrants.

The problem isn't that cops have access to this gear, it's that they use it when it's not warranted.

Look at what the Ferguson cops rolled out - a sniper sitting on top of a bomb hardened vehicle ready to pick off people protesting. A sniper? Are you kidding me? For crowd control?

Cops and their toys. Cops PLAYING AT soldier. They're constables, peace officers, not badass soliders storming the hill.

This wasn't they North Hollywood shoot-out.

If you knew shit about SWAT'd know police "snipers" are used for mostly surveillance.

Those big powerful scopes can see a long way, without having to send cops down there and stoking tensions. 99% of the time, police snipers don't even have their guns loaded. Its the scope that is the tool.
If you knew shit about SWAT'd know police "snipers" are used for mostly surveillance.

Those big powerful scopes can see a long way, without having to send cops down there and stoking tensions. 99% of the time, police snipers don't even have their guns loaded. Its the scope that is the tool.

You don't need to have a sniper rifle attached to a scope when you can use binoculars to more effectively do the job.

Your attempt at defending the indefensible fails. I sense though that you're going to go down with the sinking ship, mindlessly defending cops rather than critically thinking about the issue.
If you knew shit about SWAT'd know police "snipers" are used for mostly surveillance.

Those big powerful scopes can see a long way, without having to send cops down there and stoking tensions. 99% of the time, police snipers don't even have their guns loaded. Its the scope that is the tool.

Oh?..the police don't have binoculars or NVG or thermals and they have to deploy snipers (with no ammo) so they can use their scopes for surveillance?

c'mon, man...You think anyone is buying that?
So the police officer shouldn't have the ability to stop you from walking in the middle of the road. Seriously, why not remove all cops from black area's and let the gangs take over.

Segregation is all that's left..after 50 years of trying we haven't made any progress with negroes.
Separate and stop the hate and violence.
BREAKING, St Louis PD just shot someone!!

A theft occurred. Cop confronted guy. Suspect pulled a knife, and charged cop. Within 3 feet of being stabbed, cop shot the guy.


YOU fucking retards. That's all I can say.

Where was the cops' net gun?
Fire net, net engulfs knife-wielding person, said person is all tangled up, unable to harm anyone.
No one harmed, no one dies.
All good.
Segregation is all that's left..after 50 years of trying we haven't made any progress with negroes.
Separate and stop the hate and violence.


I made a thread in the racism thread with exactly this in mind a few days ago. They'd have their own land, government, police, economy and laws.

Whites and blacks are two different cultures that shouldn't have to deal with each other.
Where was the cops' net gun?
Fire net, net engulfs knife-wielding person, said person is all tangled up, unable to harm anyone.
No one harmed, no one dies.
All good.

"Net gun"? Seriously?
They loaned it to batman and since spiderman couldn't get there in time to help, they shot the guy...
BREAKING, St Louis PD just shot someone!!

A theft occurred. Cop confronted guy. Suspect pulled a knife, and charged cop. Within 3 feet of being stabbed, cop shot the guy.


YOU fucking retards. That's all I can say.

you pasty face mutant christer crackers are having orgasms now clutch your guns and bibles!! :9:
So? Crime degrades society.
Armed criminals assaulting cops deserve to get dead.

Armed criminals robbing stores...or people... deserve to get dead.
Dead criminals are good for society.
Some criminals, that is. (I have no problem with pot vendors and bank robbers.)

While I am no friend to excessively authoritarian, aggressive, and contemptuous police officers, I do acknowledge that police are not professional fighters, nor are they expected to be. And I acknowledge that police are armed for the purpose of defending citizens and themselves against potentially harmful aggression.

The media has consistently reported that Ferguson Patrolman Wilson has shot "an unarmed teen-ager," rather than reporting the truth. Which is Wilson shot a 6'4" 300 pound strong-arm robber who had punched him in the face, fracturing an eye-socket, attempted to disarm him, and was rushing toward him in a menacing manner. Referring to Wilson's adversary as an "unarmed teen-ager" has the distinct effect of prejudicing public impression of what Michael Brown really was and diminishing the level of threat Patrolman Wilson faced.

The media needs to be educated to the fact that one need not be "armed" to represent an extremely harmful potential.
Some criminals, that is. (I have no problem with pot vendors and bank robbers.)

While I am no friend to excessively authoritarian, aggressive, and contemptuous police officers, I do acknowledge that police are not professional fighters, nor are they expected to be. And I acknowledge that police are armed for the purpose of defending citizens and themselves against potentially harmful aggression.

The media has consistently reported that Ferguson Patrolman Wilson has shot "an unarmed teen-ager," rather than reporting the truth. Which is Wilson shot a 6'4" 300 pound strong-arm robber who had punched him in the face, fracturing an eye-socket, attempted to disarm him, and was rushing toward him in a menacing manner. Referring to Wilson's adversary as an "unarmed teen-ager" has the distinct effect of prejudicing public impression of what Michael Brown really was and diminishing the level of threat Patrolman Wilson faced.

The media needs to be educated to the fact that one need not be "armed" to represent an extremely harmful potential.

Bro, I HATE cops..I know very well what they are capable of...The only place I like them is in the morgue...I feel the same way about violent criminals.
Segregation is all that's left..after 50 years of trying we haven't made any progress with negroes.
Separate and stop the hate and violence.

You have to allow an option for white liberals to live the dream in a multicultural society. If you don't have that option then they'll do as liberals always do, they'll try to reimplement the failed system once again but this time "they'll give it more time to work."

You need to lock out these people forever, like cutting out a cancer. You basically need multiple options. Whites who want to escape multiculturalism. Blacks who want to escape from multiculturalism. A multicultural nirvana for all who want it. Then stop, forever after, internal migration between these groups for if you don't you see replicated the phenomenon of Liberal Californians moving to Colorado because things are crazy in California due to liberal idiocy and these new Coloradans continue to vote Liberal and they turn conservative Colorado into Liberal Colorado and people now have to flee the idiocy of Colorado.
Bro, I HATE cops..I know very well what they are capable of...The only place I like them is in the morgue...I feel the same way about violent criminals.

I am capable of it, and judging by your hateful words you may be also. Most, almost all, cops are good people. Lord knows responding to people's houses when the alarms go off and pulling over suspected whatevers is not the best way to earn 50-60 grand a year on a good day.

There are bad apples though. Lets be intelligent amd try to weed them out.

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