BREAKING: St Louis Police just shot another one!!!

In the 50s the police were far more brutal than they are today. Both white and black were brutal.
Oh?..the police don't have binoculars or NVG or thermals and they have to deploy snipers (with no ammo) so they can use their scopes for surveillance?

c'mon, man...You think anyone is buying that?

Hell, one of the first rules of hunting safety is to never use your rifle scope to spot or identify anything. If you do not plan on shooting, use your binos, or a spotting scope. Don't aim a weapon at anything you don't plan to destroy. Simple safety. I seriously doubt the police are using (unloaded) sniper rifles to spot anything.
Hell, one of the first rules of hunting safety is to never use your rifle scope to spot or identify anything. If you do not plan on shooting, use your binos, or a spotting scope. Don't aim a weapon at anything you don't plan to destroy. Simple safety. I seriously doubt the police are using (unloaded) sniper rifles to spot anything.

My dad was a Chief Gunners Mate in the navy. He taught me those same rules when I was about 8 or 9 years old....but don't forget..cops think they're "special" and they can do whatever they want/can get away with.

I made a thread in the racism thread with exactly this in mind a few days ago. They'd have their own land, government, police, economy and laws.

Whites and blacks are two different cultures that shouldn't have to deal with each other.

These men agree with you.

Sorry but I had to burst out laughing when I saw about stoopid. This dumbass who was shot to death = preemptive removal of a pos who would have taken other lives. The community should be out celebrating.
Ferguson Police shot Michael Brown last week. St. Louis Police shot someone today. Not the same police.
The policeman should have been only allowed to use a knife of equal size.

And half a dozen autopsies to prove it...
just like conservatives...

Wtf does that even mean daws?

Look at the ratio of race baiting/politicizing to outright racism in this situation. It's not even remotely close.

The kid fucked up & now he's dead. Race played a minor role, if any role at all.

None of us know a damn thing about the cop who shot him except he has a spotless record of 6 years on the force. No known complaints from the community. Nothing.

Where the fuck does his heart, racism, motive or what the fuck ever you want to call it come into this?

This political race baiting bullshit so many on the left keep PUSHING is tiresome. So much so that the next time an ACTUAL RACIST executes a black no one is going to give a damn because no one is going to believe you.

/reality check
Witnesses claim the pre-teen was innocently filing his nails at church when the police shot him with a bazooka from a mile away.
ROFLMAO that about sums it all up right there. These Cop Hating, but big government loving Liberals are out of their fucking minds.

And the Media asking why the cop didn't just taser him is even fucking crazier. I don't fucking care what fucking Color you are. If you charge a cop with a knife they will shoot you Period. For that matter if you are a 300 Pound unarmed man and you fucking assault a cop and attempt to put you hand on his side arm. Your gonna fucking get shot.

This whole story just exposes the insanity of the left. Their Bipolar love for Government but hate for Cops. It's hard to believe at times.
This keeps up and its going to be Don't Shoot Michael, George, John, Martin, Frank....
just like conservatives...

If you think conservatives have a monopoly on racism I would remind you that is the so called liberals who think brown people are incapable of achieving anything without the guiding hand of white folks.

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