BREAKING: St Louis Police just shot another one!!!

just like conservatives...

Wtf does that even mean daws?

Look at the ratio of race baiting/politicizing to outright racism in this situation. It's not even remotely close.

The kid fucked up & now he's dead. Race played a minor role, if any role at all.

None of us know a damn thing about the cop who shot him except he has a spotless record of 6 years on the force. No known complaints from the community. Nothing.

Where the fuck does his heart, racism, motive or what the fuck ever you want to call it come into this?

This political race baiting bullshit so many on the left keep PUSHING is tiresome. So much so that the next time an ACTUAL RACIST executes a black no one is going to give a damn because no one is going to believe you.

/reality check
my answer was /is self explanatory ,really enjoy the rationalizing.
GREAT point above. You idiots raising hell over what now appears to be a justified self-defense shooting.....will dampen the appetite of anyone willing to listen to incidents of TRUE police brutality (which of course DOES happen sometimes). Crying wolf will make it harder to root out the actual bad apples.
Because creeps like you exist.

We all have guns because creeps exists - but you of the anti-liberty left are constantly demanding that others be denied their civil rights of self-defense. Don't you think it's just a LITTLE hypocritical that whilst you demand others be denied the right to own a gun, you yourself have one, Valeravi?
I think criminals and nut jobs shouldn't have guns. Cops should be trained to take the most effective and least deadly way out where appropriate, after all their job is to protect and serve and not serve as executioner. There is really no reason a stun gun wouldn't have been a legitimate choice in this instance.

Do you ever read what you write??

So if I tell you the table SHOULD be a chair would you be intelligent enough to understand the point I am trying to make??
No,I really did not think you were.....

So let me xplain to U .....
Should is a word used when reality does not fit into the scheme of life that you have .............
You understand the way things really are but either can not accept it or do not want to except reality so a mental protectionism of fantasizing occurs of how things would be in your little drug induced utopia ..............
:rolleyes: like i need you to tell me how useful they are...

the guy had already charged me with knife in hand, but thankfully i didn't need to shoot him...then again he wasn't a retard with a death wish, he was just a violent bully...

getting back to the topic > the police have every right to defend themselves but they also have an obligation to refrain from deadly force unless it is their last resort...

Section 563.046 Missouri statutes authorizes a law enforcement officer to use “deadly force” “when he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested . . . has committed or attempted to commit a felony.”

Good shoot.

the poster above tried to deflect to make this about me by asking how i would feel if someone pulled a knife on me and then speculated (fabricated) his version of what i would supposedly do

You're confused..or obfuscating..again.. You said the cop should have used a tazer or something else when attacked by a person with a knife. I asked you hypothetically if you were in the cop's place, would shoot or look around for an alternate weapon. You debate like a female..every time you get cornered you dodge, try to distract and change the subject instead of addressing the issue. No problem. I understand.

so i corrected him.

No. I was already correct. You're trying to dodge...again...

people who ask questions do not 'have all the answers' or they wouldn't be asking.

officers are trained through these types of "theoretical" scenarios...

...the suspect walked to the driver's-side door of the police cruiser and screamed, "You are going to have to kill me before you take me to jail."

Police asked the man if he had a weapon and the man produced an object...

From about 7 or 8 feet away from the officers, the man continued to scream and the officers yelled at him to freeze...When the man took a "half step" toward the police, they fired, each firing about five times...

with the real-life backdrop of ongoing chaos in the area, reasonable people wonder whether those particular officers could've demonstrated better restraint and still maintained control of that particular situation without necessarily resorting to blowing the guy away on the spot...that is the question which reasonable people are asking, but brutes know all the answers?? dumb ass deserved it, the end...?

wondering aloud in retrospect whether they couldn't have just subdued this particular person via taser is a reasonable question as 'theoretically' blowing people away in the street is supposed to be their last resort.
maybe the officers really assessed that as the only way to stop this guy from harming anyone, or maybe they just felt justified that he got what he asked for as they were within their right to defend themselves...

no doubt there's a fine line when your life is on the line and police officers are only human. it's a sad situation but it would be a shame not to ask questions when citizens wind up dead in the street....

Wonder how you'd feel if you were ever threatened with a knife? you'd wish for a gun...or maybe you'd take a minute and try to determine which weapon would be best to use.....or maybe just curl up in the fetal position..and hope he doesn't kill you....

^ :blahblah:
just like conservatives...

If you think conservatives have a monopoly on racism I would remind you that is the so called liberals who think brown people are incapable of achieving anything without the guiding hand of white folks.
false! that a conservative created myth..

I'm not a conservative and it ain't no myth, buddy. Liberals are some of the most bigoted mother fuckers out there.
I never said you were...doesn't change the fact that it's a myth..

  • Conservatism is status quo by definition.
I see Valerie cant answer how she'd react if threatened with a knife.

people who ask questions do not 'have all the answers' or they wouldn't be asking.

officers are trained through these types of "theoretical" scenarios...

...the suspect walked to the driver's-side door of the police cruiser and screamed, "You are going to have to kill me before you take me to jail."

Police asked the man if he had a weapon and the man produced an object...

From about 7 or 8 feet away from the officers, the man continued to scream and the officers yelled at him to freeze...When the man took a "half step" toward the police, they fired, each firing about five times...

with the real-life backdrop of ongoing chaos in the area, reasonable people wonder whether those particular officers could've demonstrated better restraint and still maintained control of that particular situation without necessarily resorting to blowing the guy away on the spot...that is the question which reasonable people are asking, but brutes know all the answers?? dumb ass deserved it, the end...?

wondering aloud in retrospect whether they couldn't have just subdued this particular person via taser is a reasonable question as 'theoretically' blowing people away in the street is supposed to be their last resort.
maybe the officers really assessed that as the only way to stop this guy from harming anyone, or maybe they just felt justified that he got what he asked for as they were within their right to defend themselves...

no doubt there's a fine line when your life is on the line and police officers are only human. it's a sad situation but it would be a shame not to ask questions when citizens wind up dead in the street....

Wonder how you'd feel if you were ever threatened with a knife? you'd wish for a gun...or maybe you'd take a minute and try to determine which weapon would be best to use.....or maybe just curl up in the fetal position..and hope he doesn't kill you....

^ :blahblah:
Brilliant rebuttal. It really demonstrates your incisive wit and highlights your thought processes.

Very impressive.

people who ask questions do not 'have all the answers' or they wouldn't be asking.

officers are trained through these types of "theoretical" scenarios...

...the suspect walked to the driver's-side door of the police cruiser and screamed, "You are going to have to kill me before you take me to jail."

Police asked the man if he had a weapon and the man produced an object...

From about 7 or 8 feet away from the officers, the man continued to scream and the officers yelled at him to freeze...When the man took a "half step" toward the police, they fired, each firing about five times...

with the real-life backdrop of ongoing chaos in the area, reasonable people wonder whether those particular officers could've demonstrated better restraint and still maintained control of that particular situation without necessarily resorting to blowing the guy away on the spot...that is the question which reasonable people are asking, but brutes know all the answers?? dumb ass deserved it, the end...?

wondering aloud in retrospect whether they couldn't have just subdued this particular person via taser is a reasonable question as 'theoretically' blowing people away in the street is supposed to be their last resort.
maybe the officers really assessed that as the only way to stop this guy from harming anyone, or maybe they just felt justified that he got what he asked for as they were within their right to defend themselves...

no doubt there's a fine line when your life is on the line and police officers are only human. it's a sad situation but it would be a shame not to ask questions when citizens wind up dead in the street....

Wonder how you'd feel if you were ever threatened with a knife? you'd wish for a gun...or maybe you'd take a minute and try to determine which weapon would be best to use.....or maybe just curl up in the fetal position..and hope he doesn't kill you....

^ :blahblah:
Brilliant rebuttal. It really demonstrates your incisive wit and highlights your thought processes.

Very impressive.
she could be dead and still be brighter and more witty then you.
The new format sucks. Too cluttered, script is SO LONG
when someone charges you with a knife you have seconds to act. You don't get to sit back in your chair and analyze the situation and decide to just taser the man. the only think unreasonable is arh chair quarterbacks suggesting they know better what the cop should have done.

why didn't he taser him to submission and put him in cuffs?

Listen to what you are saying. After the Fact with Hindsight. You were not in the Cops shoes. He made a life and death decision in his mind to use his weapon to defend himself. A Taser is not as Dependable as a bullet when it comes to stopping someone who is coming at you. It's really easy for you to sit back from your home and say he should have Tased him, but you really need to be the one with a guy charging you with a knife before you judge.
I think criminals and nut jobs shouldn't have guns.

But wait, didn't you just claim to have a gun?

Cops should be trained to take the most effective and least deadly way out where appropriate, after all their job is to protect and serve and not serve as executioner. There is really no reason a stun gun wouldn't have been a legitimate choice in this instance.

There is no way a stun gun would have been appropriate. To allow a person with a knife close enough to use a stun gun would be the height of stupidity.

A taser might have worked, but we don't know that the cop had one, and we don't know that he could get to it. Sorry, wielding a knife is deadly force. Look, I realize the left seeks to federalize law enforcement, thus your handlers program you to spew shit against local police - but the shit you are spewing is just flat out dumb.
The OP sounds excited!

So? Crime degrades society.
Armed criminals assaulting cops deserve to get dead.

Armed criminals robbing stores...or people... deserve to get dead.
Dead criminals are good for society.

I don't disagree. I just don't like his zeal.

The narrative is quickly changing while Obama's bitch Nixon calls for fast persecution of the cop, the moron in charge of the state police allows cops to point guns at journalists, protesters, bystanders while threatening death. Meanwhile, they never did anything to stop the looting.
I think criminals and nut jobs shouldn't have guns.


ROFLMAO you think? The problem is they are Criminals they could care less about the law or what you think they should have. If we make it illegal to have guns, guess what only the law breaking criminals will have them. It's already illegal to own guns if you have a felony and that stop nothing.

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